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Not the First Noel

Posts 697 posts

Help cure cancers and win a Dysonia Beta Key! Feb 4, 2012
Thanks so much, Tengaged, for supporting me in my fundraisers!  Just in case anyone missed it, here's how you can win some awesome prizes by donating only $5 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.



Donations must received by 10 p.m. EST TUESDAY (so you still have plenty of time):

1.  I will be keeping a list of the names of everyone who's donated at least $5 so far. Hash (who has followed in the footsteps of randomize, who's always supported my cause) has given me 5 Beta Keys for his new reality game site, Dysonia. This blog explains what you'll get, as a beta user:

2. The names of three users who have donated with be selected, via, to win a Beta Key for Dysonia. If you already have one or don't want one and are picked, you can give it to someone else of your choosing.

3. In addition to the three randomly selected winners, the two HIGHEST DONORS will also win Beta Keys. If you donated for the Super Bowl and wish to contribute more to possibly earn this prize, it will be added to your total.  If there are any ties, users in the tie will be able to bid (by increasing their donation) to win the Beta Key. 

4. The Beta Key opportunity will stay open until 11 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 7. Winners will be selected on Wednesday, February 8.     

Donate at:

To be eligible for prizes, make sure you either include your Tengaged username as a comment when you make the donation, or message me and let me know that you donated (including the amount and your email address). 

I'm not affiliated with Dysonia, so if you are given a Beta Key, I'm not responsible for what happens from there. Meaning, if you win one, then go post porn and get your ass banned from there or simply don't like it, no refunds! 

Finally, if you would like to contribute a prize like Hash's let me know - I'm open to creative ideas!

Let me know if you have any questions.  You can mail me here, or email (you'll probably get a quicker response there).

Again, thanks for everything, Tengaged!

Points: 174 5 comments
The Official "Who's Joining Stars 169?" Blog! Feb 3, 2012
Hey everyone!  Stars blog time!  Btw, check out THIS blog too - (Win a prize by donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!)


* Please be super nice and PUT YOUR COLOR LEVEL IN PARENTHESES after your name or just MENTION YOURSELF so I can see what color you are and put you in the right order.  Yay! 

**** Enrollment starts at gold and goes down, so if you're lower than silver level, you probably won't get in.*****
* Remember, if you've been in the past THREE Stars (current and two before that), you can't join this one! (Those starting Stars 166 - January 14 - and after.)

* As always, anonymous or not-so-anonymous tips are welcome (but people who continue to send me BS will be ignored, AS WILL PEOPLE WHO ASK TO BE LISTED EVERY WEEK AND DON'T JOIN! Please be nice and don't waste my time!).

* Also, I'm not going to bother to add anyone with red noses since they can't join.


THE LIST SO FAR (as determined by various sources and blogs) :


OUT  (This means that 16 people of higher level than you have signed up above, and therefore, the game will be full before you get a chance to enroll, for those who don't understand this!):


UNCONFIRMED/MAYBE (let me know if you should be moved to the official list)

Points: 925 44 comments
More prizes for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Donations! (courtesy of Hash) Feb 3, 2012
First of all, thanks to all of you who have purchased squares in my Super Bowl pool (or just sent donations).  It's really appreciated! 

During the past year, Randomize has been kind enough to let me do fundraisers for this organization on Tengaged, and it's been greatly appreciated. I didn't want to take advantage of his kindness again so soon, because I know the T$ sales take away from money he needs for paying server costs each money, so this time around, I decided to stick with a Super Bowl Pool, and not ask anyone for anything special.

But then, last night, the wonderful Hash came to me and wanted to help as well. He's offered to donate five Beta Keys for his new website Dysonia.

I know a lot of people want these - i just got mine tonight and the site is off to a great start - so this is a great opportunity to get exclusive access to test his new site while helping me collect funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  More on that below...


Here's how it will work:

1. As I posted yesterday, I'm running a Super Bowl Pool. There are still squares available at $5 each. 
*Prizes for the pool include three $50 and one $100 gift cards to  Full details are here:
*This offer is available until my grid fills up, or until 10 p.m. EST tomorrow (Saturday), at which time the numbers will be added to my grid and made available so you can have fun watching the Super Bowl to see if you win!


2. In addition, I will be keeping a list of the names of everyone who's donated so far. Here's where Hash's awesome contribution comes in:

* The names of three users who have donated with be selected, via, to win a Beta Key for Dysonia. If you already have one or don't want one and are picked, you can give it to someone else of your choosing.
* In addition to the three randomly selected winners, the two HIGHEST DONORS will also win Beta Keys. If you donated for the Super Bowl and wish to contribute more to possibly earn this prize, it will be added to your total.
* Even though the Super Bowl pool closes tomorrow night, the Beta Key opportunity will stay open until 11 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 7. Winners will be selected on Wednesday, February 8.     

Donate at:

To be eligible for prizes, make sure you either include your Tengaged username as a comment when you make the donation, or message me and let me know that you donated (including the amount and your email address). 

I'm not affiliated with Dysonia, so if you are given a Beta Key, I'm not responsible for what happens from there. Meaning, if you win one, then go post porn and get your ass banned from there, no refunds! 

Also, to be clear - I have real life friends participating in the Super Bowl Pool, but the Dysonia keys are for Tengaged users only.

Finally, if you would like to contribute a prize like Hash's let me know - I'm open to creative ideas!

Let me know if you have any questions.  You can mail me here, or email (you'll probably get a quicker response there).

Again, thanks for everything, Tengaged!

Points: 893 10 comments
By the way! Feb 2, 2012
I don't know if I mentioned this, but back when I did my fundraiser in the late summer/fall, I actually won an award from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for being the top fundraiser in the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter for the Nike Women's Marathon. 

It was absolutely amazing - I got honored at a dinner while I was in San Francisco for the race and so much of it was due to you guys.  I can't thank all of you enough (particularly randomize, for allowing me to do the T$ fundraiser)!  And for those of you who sent me names of friends/family effected by blood cancers, I had their names on my race jersey.  I can't remember who all of you were, but if you send me a message, I'll send you a link to the photo of the jersey with the names.

This season, I'm not doing a major fundraiser - it's just too hard to get donations right now and I hate to keep asking people.  But I've made it a goal to raise $500 this spring.  In any case, thanks again for all of your support and if you want to help out and play this fun game, you can!
Points: 1034 13 comments
Squares still open in my Super Bowl pool - Win an gift card of $50 or $100! Feb 2, 2012
Edit: More prizes for donations -


Support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and have a chance to win an gift card. $5 gets you one box - buy as many as you'd like to increase your chances. Half goes to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and half to the winners in the form of an gift card ($100 for the final score, and $50 for the first, second and third quarter winners) if I fill up the board.

FOR THE NON-SPORTS FANS OR OTHERWISE CLUELESS: Don't have any idea how to play this? Don't worry - it's ALL LUCK. I will be randomly assigning digits 0-9 on each axis, so there's no strategy.

To join, just go to the link below, click a box, enter your info, and enter the group password, which is simply: goteam

You can pay via a donation at:

Just email me at and let me know your donation is for the pool AND what your Tengaged username is.  If I don't have your donation within 12 hours of your selection of a square, your square will be removed.

Thanks so much!
Points: 1127 12 comments
Frats, eh? Feb 2, 2012
A fraternity (Latin frater : "brother") is a brotherhood, though the term sometimes connotes a distinct or formal organization and a secret society.

Only a little bit sexist, randomize!


Change is fun though, right?
Points: 148 5 comments