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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I wanna know

Jun 17, 2015 by Matedog1209
imageHow many of  you have lost a parent or are adopted?

Then tell me this:
Is it ok for people to insult you about your dead mother, father, gaurdian, or even say you weren't wanted or noone loves you?


Deeganmcdaniel parents don't love him
Does that count?
Sent by Kelly0412,Jun 17, 2015
wtf you mean?
Sent by Matedog1209,Jun 17, 2015
Im adopted and dont know my real parents and no its not right but you cant let words get to you
Sent by wildboy12,Jun 17, 2015
Lost my father at 4 years old. Still miss him to this day

Sent by imprincearthur,Jun 17, 2015
I lost my dad at 3 years old. ik how it feels. Wish my dad was hear more thann I wish to be alive..
Sent by Matedog1209,Jun 17, 2015
I do too i miss him way too much i still he is with me but its never enough to never hear his voice again
Sent by imprincearthur,Jun 17, 2015

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