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Stuff Michael has said

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Surviving 1984 - Power Rankings Apr 12, 2020
1. Justin ( girllover101) - 4th
2. Josh ( Joshbb17) - 1st
3. Nik W. ( nikw98) - 6th
4. Grace ( pinkiepie512) - 2nd
5. Lauren ( thumper91) - 9th
6. Julian ( thesexiestdude990) - 5th
7. Megan ( nutmeggiee) - 7th
8. Drew ( bbfan1074) - 10th
9. Sunshine (Non-tg) - 8th
10. Lee ( crimsonennui) - 12th
11. AJ ( jetsrock12) - 13th
12. Nick S. ( notnicky333) - 16th
13. Gwen (Non-tg) - 14th
14. Nopalito ( nopalitolegend01) - 15th
15. Madi ( maddog16) - 3rd
16. Billy V. ( bvance1212) - 17th
17. Jason ( tj2807) - 11th
18. Caleb ( caleb9211) - 18th
19. Billy S. ( rocketokid13) - 19th
20. Mark ( piesyumyyumypies) - 20th
Points: 74 8 comments
Finished Tiger King and all i have to say is... Apr 12, 2020
Carole Baskin

killed her husband

whacked em

cant convince me that it didnt happen

fed em to tigers, they snackin

carole baskin

what's happening
Points: 34 2 comments
Surviving 1984 - Winner Apr 12, 2020
imagePulling out the win tonight after a TIED vote was Josh! I was spot on with you in the cast assessment as I said that you were going to play low and sneak your way to the end. You attended all but 2 tribals this season, one you missed being a double tribal that you physically couldn't have gone to.

Coming into this game, you were one of the few non-alumni of 1984. You knew going in that this could cause issues, but you didn't let it get you down. You were able to avoid the first tribal council of the season, but after that, you were never so lucky again. At your first tribal, you helped take out one of the big names of the series in Billy S. This was instrumental in you building trust with Drew who you worked when you reconnected later in the game.

Going into the swap, you found yourself without any other members of the original Veritat tribe. This meant you had to create all new relationships with people who not only knew each other from the past seasons of 1984, but also their own tribes within this game. Your name went around the tribe as a possible vote multiple times, but you managed to build connections in order to not ever receive the majority of the votes.

During the swap, we saw Caleb, Billy and Nick S. each leave. During these tribals, 3 completely different groups of people voted together for these boots. This showed us that you were willing to vote anyone who wasnt yourself, using the Sandra Diaz Twine strategy of "anyone but me." We saw your name on the parchment for the first time at Nick's tribal, though there weren't enough to see you leave.

Going into the second swap, you found yourself in a good position, reconnecting with your OG tribe member Drew, and working with Justin. You were apart of the unanimous Nopalito vote, and then helped plot the 2v2 tie vote on Gwen. While I don't think this move ended up actually helping you all in the end, it did manage to spice up tribal council.

Going into the merge, you won the first individual immunity which guaranteed your safety at the vote. This gave you the opportunity to make new relationships and be safe for the first time since round one. However, the majority alliance at the time were able to convince you that Julian was getting the boot and you turned on one of the people that you were originally worked with in the premerge. However, he played an idol and negated your vote, though you were blindsided when AJ went home.

Going into the double tribal, you knew you were in trouble. Together with Grace and Drew, you all plotted the plan to turn on Lee, and got Megan to do your bidding as well. While this was more Drew's plan, you used your connection you built early in the game to stay safe through this round.

After Lee's blindside, you should have been in a good position, but you ended up finding yourself on the bottom once again when the Blindsiders alliance along with Julian and Madi turned on your ally Drew, taking him out of the game. While this should have hindered your chance, you took it all in strides and got back up on your feet. You were able to join up with Grace, Julian, Madi and Megan to take out Lauren and her idol, followed by Sunshine during the live night. This got rid of the final idol and two of the three Blindside alliance members.

Going in to final 7, you still had a tough road ahead, though you were apart of two unanimous votes for Megan and Nik. While you wanted Julian out for 7th, the numbers were not there and you adapted to the direction the game was going, and wrote Megan's name down that night. While you wrote Megan's name down, you must have been doing something right as she sang your praises as she entered ponderosa.

When it came to final 6, you won your second immunity and were able to pull off another power move. You knew where each shot needed to be taken. First, you managed to get Nik out. With all the pleading from Justin to vote Julian, you held your ground and helped take out one of the jury and comp threats in the game. Then, going in to final 5, you did the same thing once again, taking out Julian who was also viewed to be a big jury and competition threat.

At the final 4, you were not able to pull out immunity, but you were able to pin the target away from yourself by convincing Justin that you would tie the vote for him, and convincing Madi that taking Justin out was the best for her game. After Lee's tribal, you didn't receive a single vote, which is very impressive as you were playing what I saw as a very smart under the radar game.

Then, at Final Tribal Council, you were very well with your words, convincing some jurors who were originally not going to vote you to put their vote on you in the end. After the votes were read, there was a tie. In the end, Madi determined that you played the best game in her eyes, awarding you with the win for the season.

As my winner pick, I am very proud of the game you played. You met all my expectations of you, playing a great under the radar game. You had many highs and lows this season, but in the end, you are a very deserving winner of the inaugural season of this spin off series.

Josh / Joshbb17, thank you so much for playing, and congratulations on your big win! :)
Points: 120 7 comments
Surviving 1984 - 2nd Place Apr 12, 2020

Grace, you came in this game for redemption and you definitely did just that! At the beginning of the game, you didn't have to go to very many tribals premerge. During the second round of the game, you offered yourself up to do the hero challenge, and even though you rocked that comp, you unfortunately weren't able to pull it out and found yourself at tribal council. In this vote, you went with the group and voted out Billy S. who was definitely going through a tough time. This vote kept you safe, and you didn't have to visit tribal again until the merge. Throughout the premerge, you built relationships with your tribe mates, and while they did say that you had trouble getting back to people in a timely manner, you didn't need to necessarily communicate too much due to the lack of losses from your tribe.

Going into the merge, you were blindsided by the first vote as the tribe believed that you wouldn't be very happy with the AJ plan. This caused you to blow up after tribal, though after this blow up, you were able to pull it back in and fix relationships.

Going into the double tribal, you knew you and Josh were on the bottom. An alliance chat was made between you, josh and drew. This alliance is who led the Lee blindside, all while getting Megan to believe it was her idea in the first place. I think that this was a great move for you and Josh, while it was a game ending move for Drew and Megan. This propelled you to be able to be in a power position after being left out of the AJ vote.

The next round, you went back to square one, being left out of the Drew vote. The unicorns left you out that round, once again thinking that you would try to change their plans. However, going in to the next round, you were able to get back up on your feet.

At the final 9, the Pau Blindside Alliance was formed between you, Josh, Megan, Julian and Madi. This was a big turning point in the game as it not only was able to flush the last idol out of he game, but the power was taken from the Blindsiders alliance, taking out two of the three members in one night.

At final 7 and then 6, you were apart of the unanimous votes that took out two more big threats in Megan and Nik. After the Nik vote out, I told Blake that I didn't see any way that you didn't make finals. You were very well positioned in the game at that point, having group chats with both Josh/Justin and Madi/Julian. You then went and won two immunities in a row, which gave you the opportunity to get rid of the two people you believed to be in your way of winning the game.

During this entire game, you did not receive a single vote on your name. I don't believe that this was because anyone was dragging you to the end, but rather because you socially inserted yourself into a great position where no one ever wanted to see you leave.

At the FTC, you explained your thought process to the jury very well, flipping votes of people who came in saying they would never vote you. You came the absolute closest you could have come without winning. Seeing a tie at FTC is very rare, but you caused this and you should be proud.

Grace / pinkiepie512 you came, you slayed, thank you so much for playing, and congratulations!
Points: 113 3 comments
Surviving 1984 - 3rd Place Apr 12, 2020
imageFinishing in third place tonight was Madi. Madi, you came into this game with a target due to your relationship to Julian. On your original tribe, it looked like you could have been an easy first vote, however then you found the idol which shocked production. At that point, we knew you would end up making it deep into this game. You never went to tribal with your original tribe which I definitely believe was very good for you. Going into the swap, you once again had a big target on yourself, but with the help of Julian, you both managed to survive. Then on the final swap tribe, you were able to avoid going to tribal which I really believe was another great part of your game because you would have been an easy target and your idol may have had to be used, though with so many idols on that tribe, the dynamic of a vote could have been crazy.

Going into the merge, with Julian still in the game, you both had a large target and were likely going out back to back, but you found yet another idol, once again shocking production. You then gave Julian the idol which he was able to play to keep himself safe at the merge vote, though the cast knew of your first idol and feared that you may do just as you did, sending AJ out of the game. Moving into the double tribal, you gave your other idol over to Julian and he played it on your, securing both of you a spot in the final 10, however the idol was once again wasted.

Going into the final 10, you and Julian were the clear targets, though you were once again able to stay out of the firing zone and get Drew out of the game. This set the tone for the weeks to come. The blind side of Lauren was a stepping stone to then get Sunshine out of the game, securing your duo 2 spots in the final 7. At final 7, you had a good shot to get to the end as there were so many big targets left in the game.

With Megan gone at 7 and Nik gone at 6, it left your duo sitting pretty in final 5. This was a big point in the game for you as you had to contemplate turning on Julian. At this point, you had wanted him out for a little while, but didn't want to be apart of actually pulling the trigger. Which you expected Julian to stay, thinking you were the swing vote, your duo finally left the game, leaving you alone.

At the final 4, the other duo you had connected yourself to was seemingly the bigger target, and you voted him out of the game. This was very emotional for you, though it seemed to be the best move at the time.

In the finale, the jury didn't necessarily respect the game you played, but either way, you rocked this game. You broke the expectations that production had for you as you were one of the two wildcards in the draft. We got to see you play unlike in Season 2 of 1984. You were so much fun to have this time around Madi. Even though you didn't receive any votes in the end, you got to have a say in who took it home, and many finalists don't get to have that honor.

Madi / Maddog16, Thank you so much for playing and congratulations!
Points: 117 1 comments
T-Masked Singer - Episode 2 Apr 10, 2020

Can you figure out who is behind the mask? Watch here to see the first REVEAL and Group B's performances and see what the judges have to say! After the premiere is over, a google forms link will be posted in this blog where you can go and vote for which of the bottom two you want to stay in the competition!

Tonight performing we have: The Cougar, The Fox, The Pig, The Crow, The Chameleon and the Ice Cream Cone!

Thank you to my wonderful panel of judges:

Thank you to my guest judge, nutmeggiee!

Also thank you to the mystery singers :)

Also please remember that these people put themselves out there so please be kind in the comments <3


Vote Here:
Points: 623 16 comments