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Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 5 Apr 9, 2017
imageLast time on Pokémon's Next Top Model the girls had to work with other models in their photo shoot, some girls played well with others while others tanked the challenge. In the end it was edgy girl Girafarig who was sent home. 11 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse
12th: Girafarig

Jake was there to meet them at their photo shoot!

Jake: Hey ladies! Today we have set up a realistic photo shoot for you today!

Some of the girls were very real and some of the girls were a little cartoony.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 4th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

Jake: This week we wanted realistic pictures, we are going to start with Froslass!

Jake: I like this shot a lot. Your body is always spot on and your face is so chilling. I'm very impressed with the way you are doing in this competition.

Dylan: This is pretty interesting and intense. I like it, you look like you've manifested into a frozen demon bat.

Jake: Mawile you're Next!

Jake: This is stunning. I look at this picture and there is so much model here. The connection in the eyes and the body movement. It's amazing to look at.

Dylan: I really love the movement in this shot. Your eyes are fierce and your movement is incredible. I think you have an advantage of having one of the most humanistic shapes in the competition.

Dylan: Lets see Dragonair now!

Jake: This is probably the best photo we have seen of you. The eyes are piercing. The body looks good. I see so much fire in this picture.

Dylan: This is an upgrade from what you've had in your portfolio so far. Your eyes are actually connecting. It's very simple, but not bad.

Jake: Pidgeot let's see your best shot.

Dylan: This is very regal and cool, and I like that you stemmed away from having the luscious mane that you have given us in every other picture. Your eyes look great, too.

Jake: This photo is a disappointment for me. Your profile is strong but I just don't feel it in the eyes. This photo is ok, but it's definitely not one of your best.

Dylan: Vulpix you're up Next!

Dylan: While I think the artistry of this picture is absolutely incredible, I think this is more cute than it is model. Not bad, but not fantastic.

Jake: I love how you showed two sides of yourself. It's a very simple pose but the way you mirrored yourself is impressive.

Jake: Cubone you're up now.

Dylan: This is just registering as old and confused to me, but I do like the cracked shell on your head.

Jake: You continue to impress me. I think this is beautiful. Although I do think it's your weakest shot to date.

Jake: Lets go with Aurorus Next!

Dylan: While I do think you look regal and the details and colors of your body are really cool, I think that you more than anyone have the most static poses. You need to amp it up more.

Jake: It's okay to me. You look elegant and pretty but I'm just not seeing the potential I saw week 1. I need that girl to come back.

Jake: Umbreon I wanna see your best shot!

Jake: Umbreon I'm still not seeing your full potential. I want you to shine through and I'm just not seeing it because you are so beautiful.

Dylan: You are showing a completely different side to you here. This is so beautiful, your pose is incredible, your face looks great, I love the wind in your fur, everything.

Dylan: Lycanroc let's see your realism shot.

Jake: This is amazing. You look stunning. The pose is so fierce and so model. The face is spot on and I absolutely love this picture.

Dylan: Well when the theme was realism, you literally went for it. I Think that this is a great shot, your eyes look piercing, but I think you did lose a sense of you a little bit. I'm not getting Lycanroc, I'm getting just a wolf.

Jake: Lapras you're next!

Dylan: This is definitely pretty and realistic, but my eyes go to the girl more so than they do you. You also lost your neck with the hunch.

Jake: I think this shot is okay. You definitely lost some of your model hunched over like that. But you look beautiful and the way the water rolls off of you is brilliant

Dylan: Last but not least is Leavanny!

Jake: Usually I'm for the creepy and unusual shots, but this one...has me kinds doubting you. I'm not seeing much in the face again but I like the body. It's kinds the same note over and over again.

Dylan: I think this photo is both creepy and awesome. From the waist up I am seeing total model, you're giving emotion, your arms are cool, etc. Your waist down is pretty stiff.


Jake: There is 11 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 10 pictures in my hands. These 10 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Mawile. This picture is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so proud of you. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is....Froslass. Congratulations.

Jake: The next name is....
Dragonair. Congratulations. You did great this week keep up the good work.

Jake: Levanny...
Pidgeot. You fell far from last week. We need you to bring it every week.

Jake: Lapras. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Will Aurorus and Cubone please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Cubone, from week to week you have impressed us. The judges fear you only have one look that will sell a picture. And then this week you tried something different and it didn't work.

Jake: Aurorus you are this stunning regal girl and I think you have okay pictures. But to be Pokémon's Next Top Model you need more. The judges are scared that you've already hit your climax and are starting to fall.

Jake: So who goes home? The girl that has taken good pictures but were afraid only has one look or the girl that has regal looks but we are afraid she's already past her climax?

Jake: I believe you can deliver much more Cubone. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Thanks Aurorus.

Aurorus Portfolio:

Pokégirl of the week: Vulpix
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 25 1 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 4 Apr 8, 2017
imageLast time on Pokémon's Next Top Model, the girls had to do put their emotions on the line in their photo shoot. Some of the girls rose to the challenge and others faltered. In the end it was plus sized beauty Aromatisse and commercial flower Vileplume who were sent home. 12 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse

At their 4th photo shoot Dylan was there to greet them!

Dylan: In the modelling world it is very important that you are able to work well with others, so this week we have planned for you all to take pictures where you're posing with other models.

Some of the girls had no troubles posing with others but others were outshined.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 4th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

Jake: This week we asked you to pose with other models. Let's start this week off with Vulpix!

Jake: It's cute, and you definitely connected with the other model. I feel the moment in this picture but I don't think you outshined your partner.

Dylan: Not sure if this for me is your best work. I feel like you're relying on pretty. What could've made this a bit better would have been if you didn't stick out your tongue - you kind of lost your model a little bit.

Dylan: Next is Umbreon. Let's see your best shot.

Jake: I like it. Your profile is strong and you're giving me a yin yang type of feel. It looks a little stiff, but overall, good job.

Dylan: While I love the symmetry of this picture and do think there is a lot of edge and mystery, you're not doing a whole lot. You still look pretty though.

Jake: Cubone you're up!

Jake: Cubone this is definitely a different look from you. It's strong and fierce and the smize is real. I feel the intensity of this moment and it really draws me to this picture.

Dylan: Like the previous two contestants, your body looks alright. But I do have to give you props on changing up your expression. You went from sad to a cold-blooded killer, and I appreciate that.

Dylan: Froslass let's see your best shot.

Jake: Oh I like this. You definitely are proving to be versatile. It's very different from what we've seen of you, it's simple but you can tell the story. Good job.

Dylan: It's not on the same level as what you've given us the past two weeks being first call out, but it's still a good pic that is telling a story. You kind of look like a badass.

Jake: Lets go with Aurorus next please.

Jake: It's meh to me. There's connection with your partner but it's not very model to me. You look pretty. That's all I'm getting though.

Dylan: Its really cute, but its not anything special. Your neck looks good but your face is very commercial.

Dylan: Leavanny you're up!

Jake: The face is very meh in this picture. But the body posing is some of the best we have seen. If your face was as strong as the body this would be perfect.

Dylan: The pose is killer. You bring something new every week which really calls for a diverse portfolio. The face could be stronger, you have to use your mouth in different ways than what you know.

Jake: Girafarig let's see your best shot.

Jake: This photo is not like what you've shown us. It's very boring and basic modelling and you're upstaged by the other models.

Dylan: This, like Umbreon, is just you standing there and relying on what was given to you. But unlike Umbreon, there is no story and no connection.

Dylan: Lapras you're up!

Jake: I like this picture a lot. The connection is there, the pose is pretty and you look like a model. Your eye in this is stunning.

Dylan: This is really good Lapras. I feel like you've used the critiques I've given you from this competition and put them to work. You own the shot, and look stunning.

Jake: Up next is Pidgeot.

Dylan: Wow I really enjoy this picture. You look like a fierce, model warrior protecting your injured child. All the elements are coming together in this picture.

Jake: This is so edgy for you. I like this picture a lot! The posing is right the face is right and you're serving it to me. Great job

Jake: Lets see Lycanroc now.

Jake: It's decent. It's not the best not the worst, just decent. There needs to be something more in this photo from you.

Dylan: This is pretty good. You're showing two different sides of you, yet both look like models - props.

Jake: Mawile let's see your best shot.

Jake: My only issue with this picture is the mouth being open. If it wasn't open this shot would have been sold to me completely. Your body looks amazing and the look in your eyes is there.

Dylan: I do think you stepped it up from last week. Most of this shot looks great, and you're outshining your partner, there just needs to be a bit more strength in your face. If you're going to have a concerned look commit just a bit more.

Jake: Last but not least is Dragonair.

Dylan: I still am only seeing pretty girl with you, to me Dratini is doing more of the modeling and you're just a placeholder for her shot.

Jake: I think you look beautiful. The scene is beautiful and you're out shining your model while having amazing chemistry.


Jake: There is 12 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 10 pictures in my hands. These 10 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Jake: Pidgeot. This shot is stunning. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is... Lapras. This is a great shot.

Jake: Next name is....
Leavanny. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Cubone....

Jake: I only have 3 names left....the next name I'm going to call is Dragonair. You need to work on impressing both judges. Just impressing one isn't going to cut it.

Jake: Will Aurorus and Girafarig please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Girafarig from week to week I have looked at you and I don't see growth. And then this week you have faltered. I like every picture you produce but I don't see you progressing, I see you sinking.

Jake: And then we have Aurorus who week one I saw and thought she is going to make it so far. But week by week you have only been getting worse. The judges are worried that maybe your photo week one was just a fluke.

Jake: So who goes home? The girl that has produced decent pictures but we aren't sure if she can progress anymore or the girl who took a beautiful picture week one but the judges aren't sure if it was just a fluke.

Jake: I don't think it was just a fluke Aurorus. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Thanks Girafarig.

Girafarig's Portfolio

Pokégirl of the week: Lycanroc
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 40 3 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 3 Apr 5, 2017
imageLast time on Top Model, the girls had to exemplify their typings and show us they were proud to be who they are! Some of the girls soared to the challenge and others fell flat. In the end it was tall beauty Gothitelle and grass girl Tsareena who were sent home. 14 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena

At the third photoshoot Jake was there to greet them!

Jake: Hello ladies, we are having a little issue with displaying our emotions on camera, so today, I want you all to take an emotional photoshoot. Any emotion you want, you have to sell it to us.

Some of the girls took the direction and delivered a beautiful performance, and some of them the emotions got the best of.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your second panel where another two of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

Jake: So this week I had you all give us an emotional photoshoot so we can see how well you can sell it in a picture and first up is going to be Froslass.

Dylan: This is so beautiful. You look like you're really losing hope. This really reads to me as a story, and doesn't lose the model side of you either.

Jake: This is stunning. Your body movement is so effortless. You are so beautiful in this and the emotion is so real.

Dylan: Thank you, let's see Leavanny next.

Jake: You look so strong. It shows the story of a warrior losing at battle. This is fantastic. Amazing job.

Dylan: This is so fantastic and out of the box for you. Although your face doesn't have a lot of elements, everything still comes together here to show such strong emotion.

Jake: Let's see Mawile now!

Jake: It's average. I see the emotion but the body position is off and your mouth covering most of the picture isn't flattering.

Dylan: I like this but I don't love this compared to the frst few pictures. I do think your face is emoting and you obviously have the advantage of having an extra mouth which helps. I wish your body was a little less hidden for what it is, though.

Dylan: Okay thank you, Dragonair you're up.

Dylan: There is just something about you that I am not fully clicking with. I think that this is better than the last two pictures and you definitely clicked with the theme, and you're such a stunning girl, but something is just missing in every shot for me to connect with.

Jake: I have to disagree, I feel the pain you're feeling in this picture. I think this is very good. I like the way it's positioned. I connect with you completely

Jake: Vileplume you're next.

Jake: I do feel the emotion. I feel the solumness in this picture. But I don't see the model and it's really unfortunate cause I do see such potential in you.

Dylan: This is cute but that's all it really is to me, unfortunately.

Dylan: Vulpix you're up.

Dylan: I like this a lot. I love the contrast of your hot fire red hair and the gray thunderstorm background. You look really lost in your emotions, but you didn't lose the model. Good work.

Jake: I love the emotion in this shot. You bring so much to this shot. The body is right the emotion is right. It's another great picture.

Jake: Pidgeot did you sell the shot?

Jake: This is really dark. But I like it a lot. The emotion is real. And you still have the model part down. The eyes in this shot amaze me.

Dylan: I think compared to everything else you've shown us so far, this is right there with it. I never get bored with your shots, you look dark and creepy and great.

Dylan: Thank you Pidgeot. I'd like to see Aurorus next.

Dylan: You look so serene here. You look so helpeless. You don't even have to open your eyes for anyone to look at this shot and feel intense pain. I love it.

Jake: You look so helpless but you look beautiful. I feel the pain in this shot. I am captured in it. You look great.

Jake: Lycanroc let's see your best shot.

Jake: This is fierce. I love the body movement and the face is strong and scary but it doesn't completely lose model. I like this shot a lot.

Dylan: Oh my gosh this is so great. You took a more angry route than anyone else. You improved your body immensely from last week. Your eyes are full of rage. Things are coming together here.

Dylan: Next is Girafarig.

Jake: This is sinister to me. It's evil but so under complicated. You look a little stiff and the tail is throwing me off. But your face is always so strong in your pictures.

Dylan: I'm not sure about this shot for how it matches the theme. My eyes go straight to the face on your tail, which is more comedic than it is modelesque. But when I stray away from your tail, your face does look good, and you have good proportions.

Jake: Next is Aromatisse.

Jake: You as a big girl have to work harder and you're not. I understand the emotion but it doesn't translate to model unfortunately.

Dylan: While I think this is a good picture and your eyes are great, like Dragonair I think this is missing something for me. I'm not able to connect fully. You look very seductive though and for the proportions you do have, your body is good.

Dylan: Next up is Umbreon.

Dylan: This is really strong, your eyes are probably some of the best this week. I don't know if you're trying to emote fear or anger, but that's what draws me in. Body also looks good, ears look great.

Jake: I'm okay with this. The emotion is great, the body is okay. I'm not completely getting model from this photo. But you did go outside your comfort zone and it looks good.

Jake: Next up is Lapras.

Dylan: I'm not digging this honestly. You lost your femininity completely which is one of your biggest strengths normally, and your angles look pretty weird. Your eye looks good and your colors work, but that's about all I can give to this photo.

Jake: I'm happy you took a risk because I like this a lot. You're face and eyes make this come alive for me. I love this shot.

Dylan: And finally we have Cubone, let's see your best shot.

Jake: This is perfection to me. You look so strong and broken in this picture and I can't take my eyes of you. This is my favorite picture of the competition so far.

Dylan: This is really artistic and beautiful. You always emote through your skull and I think you're building quite the resume for yourself. I know its harder for you to emote anything other than sadness, but just give us a change here and there. Good job, overall though.


Jake: There is 14 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 12 pictures in my hands. These 12 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Froslass. Two weeks in a row! Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is...
Leavanny. You looked great this week. Keep it up.

Jake: Cubone....Lycanron....Vulpix you sold this shot for me. Congratulations.

Umbreon. Congratulations you are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: 4 names left....Girafarig...

Jake: Will Vileplume, Mawile and Aromatisse please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girls I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Let's start with Aromatisse. You are this stunning girl with all the curves in the right places. Unfortunately it has yet to translate onto a photo. The judges are worried that you are just aren't photogenic.

Jake: Then we have you Mawile who has been doing great in this competition, but we see your picture today and it scared us. Our worry is if you're off, you are really really off. In this industry you have to constantly on, even when you're off.

Jake: And lastly Vileplume, a girl with so much potential in this competition. I look at the other girls and can only see one or two of them that are as beautiful as you, but the reason you're here is they can pull it in a picture and you cant.

Jake: So who goes home? The girl who has done well but fell hard this week, the girl who has the body but we aren't sure is photogenic or the girl with all the potential but hasn't shown it in a picture?

Mawile. We see something in your pictures the other two havent shown us yet. Passion. Congratulations you are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Thanks Vileplume & Aromatisse.

Vileplume Portfolio:

Aromatisse Portfolio:

Pokégirl of the week: Pidgeot
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 43 0 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 2 Apr 4, 2017
imageLast time on Top Model, the girls were told that two of them would be eliminated for the first 3 rounds, some girls rose to the occasion and some let the nerves get the best of them. In the end, it was fresh faced Riolu and commercial girl Emolga who were sent packing. 16 girls remain, Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu

At the second photoshoots Dylan was there to greet them.

Dylan: Hey ladies! This week we wanted you all to exemplify your typing. You were all chosen because you have thato in you so we want you to bring it out today!

The girls took the photoshoots and ran with it. Some girls didn't understand how to portray their typing, and some really rose to the top.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your second panel where another two of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

Dylan: So this week you all had to exemplify your typing.  We wanted you ladies to basically just show us how proud you are to be whatever typing you are.

Jake: Thanks Dylan, let's start this week with Aromatisse!

Jake: There's things I like and don't like about this. You look really bored in your face. But your body is giving me what the challenge asked for.

Dylan: This is really a beautiful picture for you and it is super out of the box. When you think fairy you think of mystical creatures, and the third eye brings magic to this shot.

Dylan: Okay, next up is Vulpix.

Dylan: This is a really beautiful picture of you, your angles look great, you match the theme perfectly. Your proportions look a little off, but overall good work.

Jake: At first glance I thought this shot was boring, the more I look at it, the more life this photo evokes. I love it. You look amazing.

Dylan: Let's see Umbreon now.

Dylan: I know for you that you could do better than this because you're a strong competitor, if not the strongest here photogenically. But against the other girls I still think this is a beautiful picture, for it really exemplifies your type.

Jake: You definitely sold the challenge but I think you lost your model here. Just by your looks it's easy to say you're beautiful, but your beauty works against you, you have to prove you aren't just a pretty face.

Dylan: Okay, next is going to be Lycanroc!

Jake: Your eyes are stellar. The look and body look amazing. But I don't think this is necessarily giving me the challenge. You look absolutely beautiful though.

Dylan: Neck up this is a very strong picture. Your face is really selling the shot. However, you need to work on your body more. Your body looks strange to me and not proportionate.

Jake: Thanks Lycanroc, next up is Tsareena, let's see your best shot.

Jake: Your body is very model 101, the eyes are somewhat dead again, the slight smirk when we go to the close up makes this stronger, but you shouldn't rely on that.

Dylan: This is a very simple pose but you're giving a lot with it, and I think everything is coming together here. I think more than anyone we've seen so far aside from Vulpix this matches the type as well.

Jake: Alright thank you, next up is a Vileplume.

Vileplume: I had to portray poison today.

Dylan: In terms of showing off your poison type, this is great. But I'm just not sure about this picture, it's very bland and the face is very commercial.

Jake: Your face is almost covered and what we can see isn't strong. You have much more potential than this shot.

Vileplume: Thanks you.

Dylan: Next we will have Aurorus.

Aurorus: I was portraying ice today.

Jake: Alright let's see your best shot.

Jake: There is something very masculine about this photo oddly enough. I think you look okay. It's not the best. Multiple little things are throwing this off for me.

Dylan: For being the plus size girl I think you're serving face. The ice crystals clearly show off what your type is, but your body could be doing a bit more.

Jake: Okay next is Dragonair, let's see what you did with the Dragon type.

Dragonair: I went with a mythical beast approach to this photo.

Jake: This is a huge improvement from last week. I see the desire in your eyes and your body movement is so smooth. I really like this picture.

Dylan: This is very reminiscent of your first shot, same exact stance and angle in the face. I see what you're going for with dragon, but this just really isn't cutting it for me once again, you've got to be more than pretty.

Jake: Okay! Thank you Dragonair next we will see Mawile.

Jake: Honestly, I kinda love this. It's mysterious and edgy, but its also model. This is what Umbreon was going for and didn't fully achieve. Great job.

Dylan: I think you took a very creative aspect with this one. You're smizing with one eye, but still connecting. Your body is a bit boring in some aspects, but where it lacks your face, neck and arms make up.

Jake: Girafarig you're up next! Let's see how you did with the normal type.

Jake: I like this shot of you. It sells the normal typing, while looking model and not being boring.

Dylan: This is a very pretty action shot of you. I think your joints look great, your eye is full of emotion. Just wish you elongated your back legs a bit more for some length.

Jake: Thank you, next we will see Pidgeot and the flying type.

Jake: This is beyond beautiful. You look so amazing here. You look like you have been modelling for years and this came from a spread. Amazing work.

Dylan: YES. Even though I feel like you might've had one of the easier typings to exemplify, this is pure perfection, H2T modeling.

Dylan: Cubone you ready? You're up next.

Jake: It's very soft and feminine which is something I don't expect from you. I like this shot. It's pretty. But it's not anything special.

Dylan: I am so proud of you, I feel like you might've been underestimated but are proving to be a contender. While this takes a simple approach like some others did I think you're still emoting.

Jake: Thanks Cubone! Next is Lapras.

Jake: This is so serene and beautiful but you did this exact pose last week. Although, this photo is much more beautiful. We do need to see another look.

Dylan: While I do think this is a good shot, I think that you're already starting to become a bit one-note. Last week your eyes were closed, this week your eyes are nearly completely closed, enough to where we can't see you emote.

Jake: Thanks Lapras, okay, next is Leavanny.

Dylan: This picture is really good! You look (clearly) like a true bug, and it's very haunting and creepy yet encapturing.

Jake: This is so opposite of what I expected from you. This is stunning to me. You absolutely sold this shot for me. Great job.

Dylan: Next is Froslass portraying Ghost type!

Dylan: Wow, this is so stunning. You're literally taking both of your types and combining them together. I love how you look like a shell of once was, this is really great and I think more than any picture, it tells a story.

Jake: This is breathtakingly beautiful. You look so edgy. This looks like it came from a magazine and you are completely selling ghost AND ice. Absolutely beautiful great job.

Jake: And lastly we have Gothitelle.

Jake: You're very stiff in this, it just looks kinda awkward. Your eyes are also covered and the only emotion I'm getting is mad. I'm still questioning if you want to be here.

Dylan: Well this is definitely psychic type, there are no doubts about that, but the pose is pretty basic. I think your eyes look pretty decent here though.


Jake: There is 18 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 16 pictures in my hands. These 16 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Froslass. Congratulations this was amazing. Look at you in this picture. You're still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is.... Pidgeot. You look amazing. Congratulations you are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Leavanny.....
Mawile. You look great here! The next name is....

Jake: Girafarig
Umbreon. We know you're beautiful. Put it down on photo thay you're more than that. Congratulations you are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: 5 names left.
Dragonair. You need to impress all the judges, not just one. Congratulations.

Jake: Aurorus.
Lapras. You were so close to the bottom. We need to see more than this. Congratulations you are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Will Vileplume, Gothitelle and Tsareena please step forward? I only have 1 photo in my hands. And this photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. I will only call one name and the girls I do not call must immediately go back to the house, pack your belongings and go home.

Jake: Let's start with Gothitelle, this stunningly tall beauty. You have the look to make it so far in this industry, but the judges don't see that spark in photos. So we wonder if she's just a pretty face.

Jake: Vileplume. You're shorter than most of the girls but you also have one of the strongest presence out of them. We look at your picture this week and wonder if she has what it takes to be a model.

Jake: And then we have Tsareena, this beautiful girl with the beautiful hair who the judges can't decide if she wants to be here. You have the personality and you have the look. But we can't tell if you have the desire.

Jake: So who stays? The girl who has the presence but we aren't sure if she has what it takes, the girl who has the full package but we don't know about her desire, or the tall beautiful girl that hasn't proven her potential in a photo yet.

I feel like you do have what it takes Vileplume. Step it up. Cause I know you have it in you.

Jake: Thanks Tsareena and Gothitelle.

Gothitelle Portfolio:

Tsareena Portfolio:

Please vote for Pokégirl of the week! It will be announced before Panel every episode!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Also we have a chart now...
Points: 16 1 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 1 Apr 3, 2017
We sought out for 18 beautiful potential top models from across the regions to compete to become Pokemon's Next Top Model, one girl was cast for every typing! Now it's up to them and my judging partner to see who has what it takes to win!

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

At the first photo shoot the girls had to take just a simple beauty shot. It was revealed there that 2 of them would be going home for the first 3 weeks.

Some of the girls struggled and some prevailed, the added stress of the eliminations rattled some of the girls.

Jake: Welcome to your first judging. Unfortunately for two of you this will be your last time here. Let me introduce our other judge SurvivorFreak13 is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

Jake: This week you all had to do a beauty shot. It's a hard photo to take because you can't rely on everything else. Just yourself.

Jake: So first up is Mawile.

Jake: This is absolutely beautiful. You look so damn good in this shot. I really didn't expect this from you. Great job.

Dylan: You've definitely managed to find the light in this picture as it creates a beautiful shadow down your neck and back. The stance is creative and your profile looks good

Jake: Okay, next is Vileplume.

Dylan: I feel like someone like you could really go the beautiful and easy conventional route, but you went a more mysterious path. I like this picture because the elements confuse me and I can't take my eyes off of the picture.

Jake: This is one of my favorite shots of the week. This photo has such mystery and you are such a beautiful girl, you did something no one expected. I am so happy with this shot.

Dylan: I want to see from Tsareena next!

Jake: This photo could have worked if your eyes were a little more alive. You look like you don't care to be here. You look beautiful but you have to sell it in those eyes.

Dylan: Your eyes look great but a little bit dead simply because of the top eyelids starting to cover your scarlet colored irises. If you take that fact away your eyes are actually really stunning, and your hair looks good.

Jake: Thanks Tsareena, next is going to be Dragonair.

Dylan: This is a very standard picture for you, you aren't doing anything too out of the ordinary, but you still look good.

Jake:I look at you in front of me and see model, but it does not come out in this shot. It's bland and emotionless. You have such a strong face but I'm unsure you know how to work it.

Dylan: Next is Cubone! Let's see your best shot.

Jake: I love this shot. I feel the emotion within you and it's coming out in this photo. You need to work on finding the light because the top of your head gets lost.

Dylan: You're known as one of the queens who is going to have to work harder to succeed in this competition because you can't necessarily rest on your looks. But you're telling a story, a story we all know. You're emoting, and your color schemes look great.

Jake: Thanks Cubone, next is Pidgeot.

Jake: You look great. The hair is right, the eyes are right, the only thing I can critique is that your head almost looks misshapen.

Dylan: I really enjoy this picture of you simply because of the motion in your weave, girl! You're also smizing like crazy.

Dylan: Okay, next is Girafarig.

Jake: This is a high fashion shot, even in black and white you blew everyone away. The way your neck is extended and the power of your face. This is amazing.

Dylan:  I really am not a fan of this picture at all. You really tried going for the realistic approach too soon out of the gate, and I'm not getting any sense of you, just a picture of a giraffe.

Jake: Alright, thank you, next is Riolu. Let's see how beautiful you look!

Jake: This photo almost has it. It needs to be pushed more. I feel like you have it in you but it didn't come together fully this week.

Dylan: Your colors look really great, but your face looks very confused. I still don't think this is a bad picture by any means, especially since you have a less "beautiful" face and a more young face.

Jake: Aromatisse you're up!

Jake: This photo makes me think you're relying on pretty. Being pretty is one thing but you need much more to be a top model, you just didn't sell it this week.

Dylan: You look pretty good here, definitely regal and beautiful, but it is a very standard picture. Your eyes look good.

Dylan: Next is Gothitelle.

Dylan: I love the color schemes here and your eyes look great, I do think you could deliver a little bit more than what you are giving though.

Jake: It's okay to me, not the worst not the best. Just okay. You almost look like you don't care in this shot, but you are beautiful and I think you have potential.

Jake: Thanks, next we would like to see Lycanroc!

Jake: I don't think anyone suspected you could do this type of shot. You look beautiful. There's something so "come get me" but model at the same time.

Dylan: In this picture you really are proving to quickly be a contender. I didn't think you'd be able to pull off something so beautiful since you're one of the girls with more masculine features, but you proved me wrong.

Jake: Next up is Leavanny!

Jake: You look like a model here. I like this picture a lot because it's so simple, but I think we both know you have much more in you. I think you need to find the light a little more also because you made yourself so dark.

Dylan: I really feel a story coming from this picture, its kind of dark but also a story of victory. Your face is a little dead which is something you might want to work on coming up, but overall good job.

Dylan: Alright, next is going to be Umbreon.

Dylan: You don't have to work as hard as some of the other girls because you have such a natural beauty about you - and while I'd put this picture in the top half, I still think for you, you could have done better.

Jake: This is one of the strongest of the week. This looks like it came straight from a magazine honestly. You look beautiful and strong. I love it.

Jake: Thanks Umbreon, next is Vulpix.

Jake: I like certain elements of this photo. Your eyes are piercing my soul, but we lose your neck. You have amazing potential, you just are unsure of what to do with it currently.

Dylan: Hair right, smizing, beautiful colors, and shapes. One of my favorites of the week. Only wish there was a little more neck.

Jake: Okay, let's see Emolga now.

Jake: I think we casted you because you're very commercial and we see potential in you. Where I'm worried is that you're going to be just that commercial girl.

Dylan: This is a very alright picture of you. If we are taking into consideration commercial modeling I think you nailed it, but to me it does seem a little bit basic.

Dylan: Let's take a look at Lapras.

Jake: This picture is very safe. It's not bad but it's not great. You look so serene but there is something missing from this shot.

Dylan: This is so simple yet so beautiful. You don't even have to have your eyes open, because the position of your head shows great emotion as is.

Jake: Thanks, next is Aurorus.

Jake: This photo almost has it. The neck tilted up a bit would make this perfect. You look gorgeous in this picture though regardless, great work.

Dylan: This is what I came here for, this is fantastic. Your eyes are piercing, your neck is long, jewels look great, great backdrop, and your ears look like a giant fan behind you. I love this.

Dylan: And last but not least, Froslass.

Jake: You're another girl with such potential but again it's not fully realized. You have an ok profile here, but there's so much missing from this.

Dylan: When I first looked at this picture, I really kind of thought it was ugly. But the more I look at it, it captures me and its really a picture of unconventional beauty - love the sparkle in your eye as well.


Jake: There is 18 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 16 pictures in my hands. These 16 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Aurorus. Congratulations you are still in the running towards becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is....


Jake: Lycanroc. You look stunning and I am so proud of you.


Jake: The next name is....Cubone. The judges were so worried about you, but you really delivered. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Vulpix....Girafarig.....Lapras...Leavanny....

Jake: 5 names left...Tsareena, we think you want to be here and you have the potential. Congratulations...


Jake: The next girl is.... Gothitelle. We see so much in you, you just need to bring it out. Congratulations you are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Will Dragonair, Riolu and Emolga please step forward? I only have one photo in my hand and this photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. I will only call one name and the girls I don't call must immediately go back to the house, pack your belongings and go home.

Jake: Riolu, we look at you and see such a fresh face. I chose you because I saw something special. But in your picture, the judges were scared you aren't going to realize your potential in time.

Jake: Dragonair, the judges look at you and immediately see model. Such a beautiful girl, but such a boring picture. We aren't sure if you're just a pretty face or not.

Jake: And then there's Emolga, this stricking beauty who would easily be able to model in a commercial setting, but we able really looking for Pokemon's Next Top Model, and that girl needs to be model anything.

Jake: So who stays? The girl with the fresh face who might not realize her potential, the girl who is easily a commercial modeling but we aren't sure if she can do anything else or the girl that looks like a model but in her pictures she might just be anything other pretty girl.

Jake: ......Dragonair congratulations, you are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Thanks Riolu & Emolga.
Points: 0 3 comments
Top 10 Most Relevant People Apr 21, 2016
I would say since I've been on this site.... (Since 2010 basically....)
Emmaleigh, Jenzie, Trishytrash, Pegasus1234, Yoshitomi, Jubbzy, Gemma17, Aquamarine, Bengalboy, Gagaluv

And #Biodork I don't know who to take off this list tho

Honorable Mentions: (people most likely in top 11-50)
Hash (Sandizzle)
#Tits_mcgee (Minsikid)
Points: 15 38 comments