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Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - Finale Apr 18, 2017
imageLast week on Pokémon's Next Top Model the girls had their choice in the photo shoot. Some of the girls made it look easy and others struggled. In the end it was fierce bird Pidgeot that was sent home.

3 girls remain! Tonight we will decide who will be Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Will it be Froslass, the ghostly beauty who stayed strong throughout the competition and gave us some of the strongest pictures but the judges are worried that her look may be a little too plain.

Will it be Cubone, the emotional goddess who has proved to have the strongest emotional connection in the competition but the judges are worried she is too limited in her abilities.

Or will it be Mawile, the steel type stunner who didn't start out the strongest but has proved she really knows how to model but the judges are worried that she can't be commercial.

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse
12th: Girafarig
11th: Aurorus
10th: Lapras
9th: Dragonair
8th: Vulpix
7th: Umbreon
6th: Leavanny
5th: Lycanroc
4th: Pidgeot

Brittany( LaFierceBrittany2) was there to meet them at the photo shoot.

Brittany: Hey girls! This photo shoot is the start of your career. Today we are shooting your Pokégirl shots. The winner will have this picture featured on the cover of Pokégirl magazine.

The girls did their best to represent the brand.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 11th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

This week you had Pokégirl cover shots. We needed you all yo be fun and commercial and fresh. The two girls that survive will have one more photo shoot and then we will decide who is Pokémon's Next Top Model.

So, let's start this off with Mawile!

Dylan: I think this is quite commercial which is something you haven't given us in quite a while, but doesn't lose the model. Your eyes are absolutely piercing, and your hair looks crazy and cool. The nose is a bit weird to me, but that'd be my only complaint.

Jake: Mawile I think this is stunning. You look inviting and you sold Pokégirl perfectly. Your eyes here are absolutely beautiful. And the open mouth looks great here. Your  hair/jaw looks different than any other photo you've had and it looks great.

Okay thanks Mawile, next is Froslass.

Dylan: This is really quite beautiful, I think you're exhibiting the perfect Pokegirl look. Your eyes are just stunning and feminine to me in this picture.

Jake: Froslass this is beautiful. It's inviting, it's friendly. It really gives the brand what they asked for. Your eyes look beautiful and it's a great beauty shot. However I don't think unfortunately though beauty shots are your thing because each time we've done them your shots aren't the strongest.

Okay thanks Froslass, last is Cubone, let's see your best shot.

Dylan: This is a pretty odd picture. While I do think you look soft and fit the image of Pokegirl, I do think that this looks disjointed and weird.

Jake: I have to disagree. I find this to be absolutely stunning. You look so commercial and you sell the image of Pokégirl. You look so happy and so modelly and I think this is one of your best shots to date.


Jake: There is 3 very beautiful models that stand in front of me, but I only have 2 pictures in my hands. These 2 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Mawile. Congratulations. You're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model. You're a finalist!!

Jake: Will Froslass and Cubone please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: We will start with Cubone. From the start of the competition you have given us such strong emotion and such a variety of pictures. You have proven to me you can model and be successful, but you stand here tonight because you are limited. Your body is small so you don't have very many moves and your face is covered so we can't see underneath.

Jake: And now we have Froslass, you have taken some of the most beautiful pictures in this competition. Such a diverse model who can really do anything, besides a beauty shot and that's why you stand here today. We are worried that your face can't appeal in a beauty shot.

Jake: So who goes home? The girl that has shown us week to week that her emotions are beautiful but we aren't sure about her because she's limited, or the girl that has taken such beautiful pictures but can't seem to nail a beauty shot.

Jake: The other finalist is.....
Froslass. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Thank you Cubone.

Jake: So my final 2! Congratulations you're here! Tomorrow you will have your last photoshoot and then we will decide who will become Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Brittany was there at the final photo shoot.

Brittany: Congratulations for making it here. Today we will shooting the cover of BattleMe magazine. This magazine represents such strong fierce and edgy energy and that's what you both need to represent today.

Froslass and Mawile both did the photo shoot greatly.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your final panel where one of you will be given the title of Pokémon's Next Top Model. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

Today you girls shot your cover for BattleMe magazine. Let's start with Mawile.

Dylan: This is a great representation of what I think could be on BattleMe. There's action and movement, there are colors, you're connecting, your body looks long and beautiful, I really like this.

Jake: This shot is beautiful I have to admit. The action and movement are amazing here. And you keep your body composed but not too composed if you know what I mean. My only issue is that it's not just you. As a cover I'd like it to be all about you and not with someone else.

And now we have Froslass

Dylan: I do enjoy this picture but I feel like it's less movement than it is stoic. You look great, and I could see this in a BattleMe spread, but not on the cover.

Jake: I think this is amazing Froslass. The anger in your eyes is beautiful and the way your body is positioned is stunning. I love this photo of you.


Jake: Its been a long 12 weeks hasn't it ladies? In just a few moments we will reveal who is Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: You two girls have the strongest pictures in this competition, repeatedly you have proven yourself as models. The judges deliberated and we have come to a decision.

Jake: Pokémon'

Congratulations Mawile you are Pokémon's Next Top Model!!!!

Thank you Froslass.


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Cycle 2 will be blogged by Dylan.

Link to chart:
Points: 30 0 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 10 Apr 18, 2017
imageLast time on Pokémon's Next Top Model the girls had to portray opposites. Some of the girls showed they can be different while some failed to show that. In the end front runners Froslass and Lycanroc were in the bottom, but it was fierce Lycanroc who was sent home. 4 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse
12th: Girafarig
11th: Aurorus
10th: Lapras
9th: Dragonair
8th: Vulpix
7th: Umbreon
6th: Leavanny
5th: Lycanroc

Brittany ( LaFierceBrittany2) was there to meet them at their photo shoot.

Brittany: Hey ladies! Top 4, crazy right? This week we will be completely up to you. We are having you ladies have your own fun. No theme, basically just freestyle!

The girls all did great. They all showed their potential and how far they've come.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 10th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

This week we had you all shoot freestyle and go with what you wanted! So let's start with Froslass.

Jake: Froslass this is the most beautiful shot you've done to date. The props didn't wear you, you wore them. This is completely high fashion and beautiful. The face, the body the whole look. It's absolutely breathtaking.

Dylan: Honestly the best shot you've ever had, if not the best photo in the competition. This is so haunting and dreamy. I could see this on the cover of Vogue.

Okay let's see Pidgeot next.

Dylan: The colors of this shot are just incredible. Your eyes are incredible, and you've got the strength in your body to match. However, out of the girls left I feel like you might be the least diverse - can you prove to us another side of you?

Jake: This is a major step back for you. I think it's very uncontrolled. The face isn't model, the body is too all over the place. I will say, the eyes in this are absolutely the strongest you've had all season. I just wish the rest of this was more together.

Thanks Pidgeot, next is Mawile.

Dylan: I think this is a strong shot with a lot of beautiful components. Your eyes are capturing the story, your hair looks good, and for once you're bringing length. Also, my eyes go straight to you in this picture. However, I think compared to what you've given us, it's not an improvement - but it is still very good.

Jake: From week to week you have given us some of the strongest shots in this competition and this is no different. Your face is beautiful, the body is strong, this is so edgy and I can really see this on the cover of magazines.

And last is Cubone!

Dylan: This is a pretty good picture of you, I really like the details of this. I don't know if its super strong this late in the competition, but it does work and express a lot of emotion.

Jake: Cubone this is completely fierce. The eyes and the body are perfect to me. You look so edgy and it's one of your best shots to date.


Jake: There is 4 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 3 pictures in my hands. These 4 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Froslass. You redeemed yourself from last week. This picture is absolutely breathetaking. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is...
Mawile. This shot is beautifbreathtaking.

Jake: Will Pidgeot and Cubone please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Cubone you have some of the most expressive pictures in this competition. The way you can emote in a photograph is something I admire so much. The trouble that we have is your very limited in what you can do.

Jake: Pidgeot this week your photo was the weakest, but throughout this competition you have delivered some really strong pictures. Where we have trouble with you is you could be one note, all of your best pictures are very fierce but we aren't sure you can translate to all aspects of the modelling world.

Jake: So who goes home? The girl who can emote like no one else can but is very limited with her body movements and face or the girl who is so edgy and fierce but we aren't sure if she's going to be able to translate to every aspect a top model needs to.

The last name I'm going to call is....
Cubone. I believe that you have what it takes to be Pokémon's Next Top Model. Congratulations.

Thanks Pidgeot.

Pidgeot's Portfolio

Pokégirl of the week: Pidgeot
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 15 1 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 9 Apr 15, 2017
imageLast time on Pokémon's Next Top Model the girls had to portray the 7 deadly sins, some of them excelled and the others fell short. In the end it was the bug beauty Levanny and edgy Umbreon who were sent home. 5 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight!

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse
12th: Girafarig
11th: Aurorus
10th: Lapras
9th: Dragonair
8th: Vulpix
7th: Umbreon
6th: Leavanny

Brittany was there to meet them at their photo shoot!

Brittany( LaFierceBrittany2): Hey ladies! I'm sure you're wondering who I am, well I was just hired to be your photo director. So for this photo shoot you're actually going to take 2 pictures and display them as opposites.

Some of the girls took the challenge and made it work and some of the girls lost it.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 8th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

This week you all met Brittany and she had you all take opposites photographs. This week we will start with Lycanroc.

Lycanroc: I wanted to do more high fashion in the top shot and then a little more laid back in the bottom one.

Dylan: These are two very good shots. I especially like the top shot because your body looks more full and modelesque, and your eyes look fierce. The bottom shot really does sell the laid back vibe. The only thing I'd say is that I wish you posed differently - they're pretty much the same pose and head position, with a little more intensity in one than in the other.

Jake: Lycanroc I like the top shot a lot more than the bottom one, however both are good shots. The bottom one is something we haven't seen much from you which is more simple and pretty. The top the body and the face are stunning. Overall I think you did good.

Okay thanks Lycanroc, Mawile you're up.

Mawile: I wanted to be creepy and fierce in the left and inviting and commercial in the right.

Dylan: I am obsessed with the two different sides you are showing here. It's really proof that you can exhibit all different types of emotions. I think that while the second picture is more, simple, it does still ready model. The one on the left is creepy and cool, but more artistic.

Jake: Mawile both these shots are beautiful. The shot on the right looks like something you've never given us before cause it's so commercial but not overly commercial. And the shot on the left is breathtaking. The shots are complete opposites and both are both spot on.

Froslass you're up!

Froslass: I actually did basically the same as Mawile. More commercial on the left, creepy on the right.

Jake: Froslass these are both good shots. I like the commercial one more though. And unfortunately you having the same idea as Mawile, she did much better than you did here. Both shots are something you've not delivered yet and I'm happy with both of them.

Dylan: Froslass I love that you are giving two different poses, one showing your back and one showing your front. I think these shots prove that you can be a commercial model and a couture model. Both simple but good shots.

Okay next is Pidgeot.

Pidgeot: I wanted to be a warrior in one of my pictures and then a protector in the other.

Jake: The protector shot is kinda lackluster. It's very inviting and calm. But it's very basic. But your warrior shot is absolutely amazing. The body and the face are stunning.

Dylan: I am in love with these two different sides. It's almost like a story book, for one minute someone was coming for your babies, so you jumped at them. The parallel of the green and the left side of the picture is great. I love that the first shot is calm, and not in flight, which is something you hadn't given us. The second shot is action-packed but still maintains its fierceness.

And last we have Cubone!

Cubone: I went with a more solemn look on one photo and a bit more care-free in the other.

Dylan: I think you more than anyone really showed two completely different opposites - I don't need to be told what the opposites are to see what you're trying to sell. I love the sad picture, but the care-free picture is good because it's something you haven't given us. I'm just afraid you don't look like a model so much in the care-free picture.

Jake: I really love both of these shots. You always deliver such amazing emotion in your photos, probably the best out of anyone in this competition. The posing on your care-free shot is amazing. The face is lacking a little, but you still emote almost perfectly. The sad shot as simple as it is, is stunning. Great job.


Jake: There is 5 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 4 pictures in my hands. These 4 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Mawile. These pictures are beautiful. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is....

Cubone. Taking the risk proved good for you! Congratulations...

Pidgeot. Congratulations Pidgeot you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Will Froslass and Lycanroc please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Froslass and Lycanroc you both stand before me as two of the strongest girls in this competition. Beautiful picture after beautiful picture that you both have taken. We see Lycanroc as unexpected amazing model but we aren't sure if she's just more of an action girl. Then we have Froslass who is this mysterious beauty but the judges aren't sure if her look is versatile enough.

Jake: The judges said that you two were going to be our top 2. Yet here you stand. We feel one of you has just a little bit more potential...

and that's you Froslass. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Thanks Lycanroc.

Lycanroc's Portfolio

Pokégirl of the week: Froslass
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 54 2 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 8 Apr 12, 2017
imageLast time on Pokémon's Next Top Model the girls were thrown into action with a movement Photoshoot, some of the girls fought and won and some of the other girls got knocked out. In the end it was commercial beauty Vulpix who was sent home. 7 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse
12th: Girafarig
11th: Aurorus
10th: Lapras
9th: Dragonair
8th: Vulpix

Jake was there to greet the girls at their photo shoot.

Jake: Ladies! Today's challenge is that we want you to portray the 7 deadly sins. So each one of you will be assigned a sin!


Some of the girls took their sin to a fashion level and some of them took it to the grave. (Haha antm reference)


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 8th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

This week we had you all take amazing pictures with the 7 deadly sins and Mawile you're up first.

Jake: What was your sin this week?

Mawile: I had to portray wrath.

Jake: Lets see your best shot!

Dylan: If we're talking wrath, then this is it. You look like you are at rage, but you're still keeping the model side of you in tact.

Jake: I happen to really love this shot. You're posing is down and your face looks beautiful. This is meeting the challenge met. You did a great job.

Umbreon you're up next. What was your sin?

Umbreon: I had to show some greed.

Jake: Okay, let's see your picture.

Jake: Umbreon you sold greed to me in this shot. The pose is very simple but I like it. The eyes are fierce. You look like the other model is yours and only yours and that's what sold it for me.

Dylan: I would say that you look greedy here. You're definitely selling the shot with your eyes. Your back foot looks a little weird but your body and face overall look good.

Okay Cubone you're up, what was your sin?

Cubone: Envy!

Dylan: Alright let's see if the other girls will have envy over this picture.

Jake: This reads the challenge better than anyone so far. Envy is such a hard thing to portray by yourself but you sell it easily and you look stunning doing it. The eyes are beautiful and your pose being so simple sells this shot.

Dylan: This is spectacular! You look extremely envious of someone else's position. Again the body thing might be something you could work on or amp up, but your face is always great.

Leavanny what was your sin?

Leavanny: I had to be lust during the shoot.

Dylan: Okay! Let's see your best shot.

Dylan: I think having one of the harder sins to portray that you did a fair job. Your eyes and arms are calling in a potential lover. However, I think the colors of your body are doing a lot of the work for you.

Jake: Very model 101 for me. This is lust, but I think you kinda lost it here. The face kinda works. The body kinda works. It's an okay shot, but it's definitely not one of your best.

Lycanroc what was your sin?

Lycanroc: I was sloth during my shoot.

Dylan: This is absolutely incredible. This is definitely selling sloth to me, you look exhausted. Your eyes are so creepy here unlike how I've seen them before. I love this.

Jake: For portraying sloth, I think this is absolutely perfect. The eyes sell this shot 100%, they're sleepy without looking dead which is almost impossible to do. The body looks really strong here as well.

Thanks Lycanroc. Froslass you're up. What was your sin?

Froslass: I had the pleasure of portraying gluttony!

Jake: Okay what's see what you did with it.

Jake: Froslass what really sells this shot is that you found an angle to make yourself look bigger, but still look like a model. The face here is very strong as always. I think you sold gluttony. Great job

Dylan: Wow, for having the single hardest sin to portray I think that you did a stellar job. Not only do you look full (or full-figured), but your mouth does look like it has some food in it. Not only that, but your eyes are a bit lazy - but still beautiful - as if you've just over-indulged.

And last but not least Pidgeot, I believe that leaves you with Pride.

Pidgeot: Yes it does!!

Dylan: Lets see your best shot.

Dylan: I'm glad that with pride you didn't go the easy route and spread your wings, you instead boasted your chest. I think that really played to your strengths here, because you look very strong and very prideful.

Jake: This is selling pride to me because I see it in your eyes. The body looks great here. It's very strong and powerful but also pulled back which is something you haven't shown us yet. I think you did a good job.


Jake: There is 9 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 8 pictures in my hands. These 8 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Lycanroc. You had one of the hardest challenges, being you are the exact opposite of sloth and you made it look fierce. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is....


Jake: The next name is...
Cubone. You sold this shot to me but you were this close from being in the bottom. You have to step it up.

Jake: Will Umbreon and Levanny please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Lets start with Levanny. You had some of the strongest pictures toward the beginning of this competition. But from week to week the judges always see something missing from your photos. We are worried that the girl who took those shots is gone.

Jake: And then we have Umbreon who is this absolutely stunning girl who the judges love to look at. Such beautiful facial features and a strong body to go with. But with you it's hard to ever get a good picture out of you.

Jake: So who goes home? The girl with the model potential but can't sell it in a photo or the girl who USED to take strong pictures but the judges are worried that that girl is already gone.

Jake: *Reveals blank picture* Unfortunately the judges think you both should pack your bags. Thanks girls.

Umbreon's Portfolio

Leavanny's Portfolio

Pokégirl of the week: Mawile
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 40 3 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 7 Apr 11, 2017
imageLast time on Pokémon's Next Top Model the girls went back in time and had to take black and white photos. Some of the girls did amazing and some of the others fell short. In the end it was pretty girl Lapras and elegant girl Dragonair who were sent home in a surprise double elimination. 8 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse
12th: Girafarig
11th: Aurorus
10th: Lapras
9th: Dragonair

Jake was there to greet the girls!

Jake: Hey my lovely final 8!! This week we have planned for you girls to do an action movement type photo shoot. The winner of this competition gets a spread in BattleMe Magazine so we want to test who might fit there best.

Some of the girls worked their angles and pulled it off while others found it hard to keep it together.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 6th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

This week we will start with Cubone!

Jake: I think this is absolutely amazing Cubone. The body movement and your fave being so strong. This is so impressive to me. I really love this shot of you.

Dylan: I absolutely love the movement in this. The face is there, and the body looks great as well. I know for you being a shorter girl, its hard for you to get length, but doing a few tricks might help that, like extending your neck or showing your legs. Otherwise, incredible.

Next is Mawile let's see your best shot!

Jake: You look stunning. The body in this is incredible and the focus on the face is spot on. This is one of the best pictures you've produced.

Dylan: You really are showing an edgy side here with an extreme pose. I love the body shape, I love the fierceness in your eyes, I love the movement. I am blown away.

Next up is Umbreon!

Dylan: This is good, and while I think that your body does look very incredible, your eyes aren't doing much for me. It's a good pic but it's not a stellar pic.

Jake: This is lackluster for me Umbreon. The body is good. The face is good. But it's not great. I don't see you pushing yourself the way the rest of these girls go.

Vulpix it's your turn!

Jake: You look great. These past two weeks you have really stepped your game up. This is completely beautiful. Your eyes and body position all work so well.

Dylan: I don't love this, I think that the background is wearing you instead of you owning the background. Luckily you are taking control of the shot with my eyes going straight to you, but your face isn't modelesque.

Thanks Umbreon, Froslass you're up!

Jake: Froslass you look gorgeous. I'm glad you brought yourself back from last week. The connection to the camera you make in this shot while having the body movement and grace is incredible. Great job.

Dylan: This is beautiful! You're creating a tornado and are letting your body flow with the movement that has been provided for you.

Pidgeot let's see you next

Dylan: While I think this is a cool shot of you soaring I don't think its anything out of the box for you. Its a good shot, not a great shot.

Jake: This is very strong. Your face looks beautiful and the body is great. It's a little stiff, but you look so edgy and beautiful.

Leavanny you're up next!

Dylan: I absolutely love the movement of this shot, your body looks really incredible - more so than we've really seen. I also like that you're usually a girl to give us both eyes and in this shot we only see one eye, but you look like you're on a destination. Good work!

Jake: Again I feel like your body is spot on but the face isn't completely there. You're always missing something and I just want you to connect the dots but you just aren't.

And last but not least we have Lycanroc!

Jake: This looks effortless. It's such a weird body shape but the way it looks is beautiful. The eyes draw me into this picture as well. My only complaint is that your tail is dead. It has no life like the rest of this picture.

Dylan: Your eye looks a piercing blue which I love. Your body looks broken down, but not in a way that is appealing to the eye for me. If your right hind leg was positioned differently, I'd be rating this much higher.


Jake: There is 10 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 9 pictures in my hands. These 9 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Mawile. Look at this shot. Do you see how beautiful it is? Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is....Froslass.

Levanny. We need to see you connect in both body and face. Congratulations.

Jake: 3 names left...the next girl is...
Lycanroc. You fell hard this week. We have to remember to impress both judges. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Will Umbreon and Vulpix please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Both of you have very similar reasons for being in the bottom. You both have been coasting along in this competition just waiting for someone to be worse than you. Unfortunately this week that wasn't the case. You're both stunning girls and we see so much potential in you.

Vulpix you've improved a lot these last two weeks but the judges are scared that even when you're good, it's not good enough.

And Umbreon you've delivered some of the weaker shots this cycle but when you get it right, it's so right but the judges are scared those shots are spread out too thin.

So who stays? The girl who might be improving but we aren't sure is good enough or the girl who's good pictures are spread out way too thin.

Umbreon. We see such a light in you that you need to flick on. No more chances.

Thanks Vulpix.

Vulpix's Portfolio

Pokégirl of the week: Leavanny
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 25 5 comments
Pokemon's Next Top Model Cycle 1 - 6 Apr 10, 2017
imageLast time on Pokémon's Next Top Model the girls had a realism photo shoot, some of the girls proved to handle the challenge and others didn't have it in them. In the end it was regal beauty Aurorus who was sent home. 10 girls remain! Who will be eliminated tonight?

Team Jake:

Team Dylan( SurvivorFreak13)

18th: Emolga
17th: Riolu
16th: Gothitelle
15th: Tsareena
14th: Vileplume
13th: Aromatisse
12th: Girafarig
11th: Aurorus

Dylan was there to meet them at their photo shoot.

Dylan: Hey girls! It's time to turn back time in this black and white photo shoot. We want to see if you can work it without relying on the colors around you.

Some of the girls bested this challenge and others struggled to find their place.


Jake: Welcome ladies to your 6th panel where only one of you will be eliminated. Let me start by introducing our lovely judge Dylan who is a world renowned fashion photographer.

Dylan: Hey ladies!

Jake: Let's talk about the prizes! First you will have a 6 page spread in BattleMe Magazine, the winner will also get a cover for that magazine as well. And a 100,000 Pokédollar contract with Pokégirl Cosmetics.

Jake: This week we will start with Umbreon

Dylan: This is one of my favorite shots of you. I think you're facially a very strong model. I love the comparison of the black and white with the eeriness of the background.

Jake: Umbreon this is my favorite picture of you so far. The face is so strong and the whole photo just seems so mysterious. I really like this.

Next is going to be Froslass.

Jake: Froslass this is really beautiful. The connection in your eye makes me feel like you're lost but it's so effortlessly done. The body looks ok, but not like you've delivered so far.

Dylan: Since you've given us beauty most shots, I'm kind of glad you changed it up and went the ugly duckling route, but I don't necessarily love the shot. It looks a bit messy aside from your face and arms.

Vulpix let's see your best shot!

Jake: Vulpix this is amazing. For the first time I am seeing such a model in you. The body is right, the eyes are beautiful and this whole photo is so stunning.

Dylan: You're contorting your body in a way that is really interesting but really fashion forward. Your tail looks great. Your eyes are so wide in this shot, but still remain haunting and as if you are connecting.

Pidgeot you're up!

Dylan: The length of this picture is just amazing, and your hair looks good. I don't feel like this is as special as some of the stuff you've given us, but it's still a good shot.

Jake: The body is right with this picture. But I think the face completely falls flat. I need you to sell me the whole picture not just body.

Leavanny let's see you in black and white!

Dylan: I am actually really intrigued by this shot. Its simple but you look like a bad ass. Your eyes are connecting and smizing more than you have been able to in the past.

Jake: I like you have a different face in this. It's eerie. Your eyes arr gorgeous here. But I think this time you lack the body. Like Pidgeot I need you to be able to pull off both.

Lycanroc let's see you next

Dylan: This is stunning! Your body looks right, your confidence is there, you're selling a good profile pose. I enjoy this a lot.

Jake: You have a beautiful face here. It's really strong and it makes me feel like you have such pride. The body is right also. You continue to impress me from week to week.

Mawile you're up!

Dylan: I think you are really good at the profile pose but we want to make sure that it doesn't become overdone. As for this picture, your pose looks good H2T. Even to the tippity toppity point of the toe. Your arm cuts off your face a little bit, but it still looks good.

Jake: Mawile this is good. But it's not great. The face falls a little flat but I love the way you've pointed your toes. The body is completely right here and you look like a model.

Lapras let's see your best shot

Dylan: I think this is a very interesting shot unlike anything you've really managed to give us before - the pose is upside down. However, the proportions do look a little bit off. I still think its a good pic, though.

Jake: Lapras this is different from you and I appreciate that. Unfortunately I don't think it's strong. The proportions just looks weird. And I don't see model here really.

Cubone I want to see your next shot!

Jake: Cubone I do like this. The look in your eyes are strong but the pose is very stiff. The only life I'm getting besides from your eyes is in the scarf. I need more from you. But, I do like this shot.

Dylan: This is really stoic for you. I love the intensity in your eye, and the outfit you're wearing works with the picture. You lose your length a lot in this picture, though. Everything looks minimized.

Dragonair you're next!

Dylan: I think you're suffering from the same thing that Aurorus had - it's all very one note. While you're a beautiful girl, it doesn't translate to pictures too often for me. Background is stunning and that works with the pose, though.

Jake: I like it. I think the feeling in your eyes is stunning. But I do agree with Dylan that everything is starting to become one note. I see so much potential in you though. And you are improving.


Jake: There is 10 very beautiful girls that stand in front of me, but I only have 9 pictures in my hands. These 9 pictures represent the girls who are still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model.

Jake: The first name I am going to call was best photo of the week and will be represented in the house all week.

Lycanroc congratulations. This shot was stunning. You're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Runner-up for best photo is.... Umbreon.

Jake: The next name is....
Leavanny.  Congratulations.

Jake: 4 names left....the next girl is...
Pidgeot. Congratulations you're still in the running toward becoming Pokémon's Next Top Model.

Jake: Will Dragonair and Lapras please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and that photo represents the girl that is still in the running toward becoming Pokemon's Next Top Model. The girl I do not call must immediately go back to the house pack their belongings and go home.

Jake: Both of you stand here for similar reasons. Beautiful girls that when you look at them you say 'wow that's a model'. One of you has been improving from week to week, but only to one of the judges. The other one is worried you will only have one look. And then the other girl has been floating in the middle this whole competition, the judges aren't sure if she has enough in her to win.

Jake: So who stays? The girl that one judge thinks shines bright but can never seem to impress both or the girl who's been floating in the middle who we aren't sure has what it takes to win?

Jake: The last name is....
*reveals a blank photo*. Unfortunately tonight neither of you are staying. We don't think either of you have what it takes to win.

Thanks Dragonair & Lapras.

Lapras' Portfolio:

Dragonair's Portfolio:

Pokégirl of the week: Lycanroc
Please vote for Pokégirl of the week!


Also if anyone would like to help judge an episode let me know!

Link to chart:
Points: 53 2 comments