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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jan 31, 2010 by Kob3Sm1th
ive never told ne1 my facebook password but i sent a message to like 10 ppl and its really pissing me off i dont know who did it...what should i do...should i delete my fb account or wait a couple days and c what happens


its not hacked...its from an application, just delete the apps you're a part of and change your pass just in case ;)
Sent by MattyBB9,Jan 31, 2010
Aww sorry dude :/
Sent by ShakeandBake,Jan 31, 2010
matty they werent just like "hi" it was like "i have prepared u a nice little congradulation thing"
Sent by Kob3Sm1th,Jan 31, 2010
thats what it said to 1 of my friends
Sent by Kob3Sm1th,Jan 31, 2010
i almost positive its not hacked, but in the end its your call about what to do, plus my blogg :)
Sent by MattyBB9,Jan 31, 2010
so should i delete all my apps?
Sent by Kob3Sm1th,Jan 31, 2010

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