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The FlamingJojo's blog

Posts 669 posts

Yes, I clearly love to write Jan 2, 2016
And not half-write a sentence...although let me help you again, since english is failing you rn. If you didn't understand the first time Ashleybabyx3 please check the screenshot or talk one-sided about me. XD
Points: 19 5 comments
Now the finale blog for the Dumb Fuck Jan 2, 2016
After educating you tonight and giving you some wisdom, after you wanna come and state bullshit about me being a pedo, when I use to be that 13-14 year old, who'd cam with pedo's because I never felt good enough as a child. Having 160$ put onto paypal--when Eric offered 30 and I said let alone the fact, I dont own a paypal and tell him to stop wasting his money for shops. And above all, act like I am you, who would degrade themselves for pixels while in reality; I have told Eric every week he has had a shop, he doesn't need to gift me once, for anything i'd do for him and probably one of the sole people, who he made a deal with and I never once bitched about not getting gifted--except once and that was mild compared to anything your ass would ever do hun.

You are literally a fucking burnt bulb. You are so fucking diluted with how you act to others and how you treat people, when you don't get your way, that you would assume the worst of me. Now what your scum ass needs to do, is back the fuck up and re-evaluate yourself!

I may live in my mom's place, in a "comfy bedroom for myself", When yes I can't afford a cellphone nor pay the 1000+ course, to get my driver's license because that's pricey as fuck and to state for you because I know English isn't your strong suit, that i'd never do anything to someone under 17-18, that i had done to me.

So stop speaking out of your ass, go threaten to kill people's families and to hack all their accounts with anything they have because you lose a frooks or a hunger, you didn't care for. Continue to beg Eric later, when you try to contact him again because no one wants to give you a blonde pixel from shops or consider gifting a worthless fuck like you. ABOVE ALL YOU IGNORANT, EGOTISTICAL, IMMATURE FUCK, continue to treat others like how the guy, that never wants to meet you irl treats you because CLEARLY, it is working so well for you Derek...keep it up, you must be happy to be a doormat and be treated like a useless fool.

Now if you want to say any other fucking thing about me and don't feel like being some coward, making shit up about me or having a tantrum with your needy ass losing those free pixels and be a big boy hun. Go to skype, click on my name, then call me and stop being some basic bitch, having these little bitch fits on the blogs page. Unlike you, I don't thrive on blogging on the fucking blogs page and Call me, if you actually finish being a little basic bitch hun. You have me added, so come for me when you are ready.

Also, this gif is perfect for how I am feeling with your useless ass. ^,^

"if you can't understand, part of what she said was *Lies that you didn't have to tell*, just to make sure that's clear."
Points: 45 7 comments
While making my finale blog, for the dumb fuck...Eric asked me to broadcast something while he is red-nosed

Ashleybabyx3 = SallyyIsFabulous also = DZenan00

Just in case anyone was curious about Derek's multi's, that he got to hack. < 333
Points: 43 3 comments
Wisdom for you Ashley, to take or throw away... Jan 2, 2016
Now I know you are a few years younger than me...LOL when you stat i'm 26. XD I will be generous and give you some wisdom, to help you not be so disliked and perhaps, be seen as the scum of the earth.

1- Don't trash someone because you are cut-off from the pixels, you just can't live without: It's fucking stupid, to make an enemy out of someone that honestly couldn't of given 2 fucks about you before--to be quite honest and even was giving you the benefit of the doubt, that you might actually not be using Eric, even though I knew you were and was someone, that was telling Eric to watch out with you.

2-Learn to change your ways or be better at your occupation: So this part is for you to reflect with how you act like the fakest fuck of them all. You generally were good at it, minus the last week, when Eric clearly could see that you only made real conversation with him, when he didn't have a shop. So to assist you in the future, either stick to being a fake fuck 24/7 or just learn to to not be such a lose case. Like seriously, if the way you feel better about yourself, is to torment or trash others...especially for an online game and get so personal, clearly you got some issues that need to be addressed a.s.a.p.

Now as a bonus because I know your love life is kinda doormat-ish and you letting yourself be treated as I like guys use to treat me or if a more "egocentric" way  to phrase it, how you love to attack a noob over frooks or threaten to hack people, over hunger games you don't care for...You might want to stop running back to the guy that doesn't care for you. Until you comprehend that he only wants to use you to feed his ego, then when he feels amazing and doesn't need you, decides to kick you to the curb; as a bonus, being your pen pal that's 10 minutes away and you don't have the courage to meet in person nor him having the desire to meet you, should be an indicator that you should gtfo that and try for someone new.

Hopefully my wisdom helps you out on here and irl, to maybe make you less of a scummy, little jackass and to learn to treat others, as you would like to be treated. If you just are the same old scumbag, then good for you...just never mention me again fucker!
Points: 0 1 comments
Ashley, now let me educate you Jan 2, 2016
imageSince Eric has deprived your hungry ass for pixels, you decided personally attacking me with false information, is the best way to go at it. I also just want to tell you, that google translate is available if you can't understand proper English, as I know you tend to struggle with it on calls because I don't want you to mis-understand anything I say. < 3

Now first of all, clearly your school and parents haven't taught you well enough because that's never a smart way to attack someone, that is educated, intellectual and is a sweetheart--until you call me a pedo and wanna degrade who I am, as an individual.

So this blog is to inform your nosy ass, since you wanna speak about this too and not have any facts about it.

I never made blank promises to Eric, that I would gift him 7 from my shop hun...sorry your head is stuck with all the b.s you say, but I already clarified with him I could do 5. He said okaii to that, but later on told me  3 would be fine and he would, but his dress got stolen.

So idk why you even had to bring that up to him--multiple times, to try and make some case to me being fake, but w.e makes you feel more like the victim to someone gifting you 15+ times and always wanted to see the good in you, telling me and everyone else, who said you were just using him that they were wrong...

Well, good job for losing your main route, for the pixel fever you have--like basically every day, begging in the blogs page, before he was gifting you and showing probably one of the last people, who actually considered you a true friend and saw a glimpse of good in you...what a fucking wise choice, you had made this evening.
Points: 0 0 comments
FIRST OF ALL ASHLEYBABYX3 please don't mention me in your nasty ass mouth, you dirty fucking Cuban! I don't usually get down to this level, but you wanna try to trash me because you are flopping at your occupation, at being the fakest fuck of them all and Eric is smelling the B.S, from a mile away?

Any person who even remotely thinks #AshleyBabyx3 isn't speaking out of his ass, please look at their last 2 min convo, around the time they were talking. XD *the screenshots below*

Don't come for me with your disgusting persona because I told Eric to take a week break and he bid below me, so I could make sure I would get my shop and told him worse case, he would finally see who is really his friend.
I'm sorry he was the only person, to feed your pathetic pixel addiction because I know how much you beg him for them, whenever he says no to you...but hun, I don't beg, act like a pedo, trash my integrity or degrade myself for pixels. I have much more class than that and I tell Eric he doesn't have to gift me, so Fuck-Off and don't mention me again!
Points: 709 32 comments