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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Season Rankings #10

May 29, 2020 by BrainJak
Let's jump right in, Kay? Season 10 brought us the wonderful paradise of Palau, a great location for an honestly memorable cast. I was so happy after the DISASTER that was Vanuata that my mom got to see an actually DECENT season without past players.

Let's talk pre-merge. Right off the bat shit started when all 20 players had to share ONE FUCKING BEACH. I was not sure what was happening, only that a few people were VERY stand-outish including Jolanda, James, Bobby John, Colby, Tom, and Ian. It seemed like the heavy editing of past seasons was NOT needed with this cast because so much shit went down in the first fucking episode.

When Colby IMMEDIATELY put a target on Johnathan's back, it was a smart move, but it was also just very underhanded and sneaky. Me and my mom both wanted it to work and yet at the same time didn't. When it was announced they'd be picking teams and they chose the old and decrepit Willard over the young and powerful Johnathan, sending him out with Wanda right out of the gate, we were shocked beyond shocked.

If you watch the first challenge (I believe it was reward) and see Tom shoot out of the gate ahead and beyond anybody else … Yeah the winner was revealed early. I mean seriously me and my mom just sat there shouting and screaming 'WHAT THE HECK!?!?' watching him literally SHOOT through every obstacle despite being one of the oldest people there.

I don't know what else to say about the pre-merge besides … Ulong was horrible. Like I do feel bad. A lot of their members ie Jolanda, James, Stephanie, Bobby John, and Ibrehem worked their asses off and got zilch for it. Jolanda being kicked out first MAY have destroyed their tribe, as my mom pointed out without her telling them what to do (albeit annoyingly) the tribe just... existed. Like some hard workers kept them afloat, but besides that the tribe suffered terribly from a lack of a leader.

Ulong losing challenge after challenge does not have to be gone into. The fact of the matter is (to those who don't know) they never won an immunity challenge. It literally got down to one person from their tribe, who was absorbed into the other tribe. There was no merge. Stephanie became the final person in the tribe by default of a fire-making challenge. It kinda sucked.

I will say they had some highlights. When the guys kept losing the challenges (even the physical ones) while the women dominated (like when James lost a fighting challenge against Colby and was like 'I got beat by a homosexual' we lost it we fucking lost it we were laughing so hard). Then when they TORE APART THEIR BATHROOM TO MAKE A BONFIRE AND STILL FAILED TO SECURE THE REWARD!!!!!! It was painful but enjoyable to watch.

Still, watching Koror make it so fucking far into the game without turning on one another, it was a shock beyond shocks (not really) that Colby was voted out first. Not only had he been vocal against the OBVIOUS main alliance in the Tribe of Tom, Gregg, Jenn, Katie, and Ian, but he had been underhanded and downright rude to several castmates, which put him on the outs of their first tribal and sent him out before even Stephanie.

Janu quitting was ………………… a fucking godsend. I cannot believe they were going to vote out Stephanie over someone who literally wanted to leave from pre-merge …

When the main alliance of Tom, Ian, Jenn, and Katie turned on Gregg (one of their allies) it was a shock to me. I mean seriously he was good in challenges yes. And it was around this time Caryn actually became a serious ally of Tom's and I thought she'd go so much further.

This is where Ian comes in... Poor confused sweet betraying little shit Ian. Not only was he promising final 2s left and right with Caryn, Katie, and Tom, but he was systematically wiping those alliances out and telling everybody else the people with him were lying instead of admitting to his gameplay. Not to mention the whole issue between him and Katie regarding the reward challenges (a long fucking story smh).

Anyway, because of this the path for Tom's victory to the end was just fucking out there. Caryn was taken out by Ian's lies, Ian was put in the hot seat by his remaining allies but won a fire-making challenge, and then he gave up in the Final Immunity Challenge and voluntarily was going to leave the game if Tom didn't vote him out … I … I … I … I …


Tom won EASILY against Katie thanks to her treating pretty much everybody like shit all game long and doing NOTHING around camp, and the only vote that went to him was the bitchy gay hairdresser from Texas named Colby. … Yeah. A fantastic season, but a very very very very very very VERY obvious winner.


=== Best ===
Pearl Islands (S7)
Australian Outback (S2)
Palau (S10)
Borneo (S1)
The Amazon (S6)
Marquesas (S4)
Thailand (S5)
Africa (S3)
Vanuata (S9)
=== Worst ===


=== Best ===
Tina Wesson (S2)
Sandra Diaz-Twine (S7)
Jenna Morasca (S6)
Tom Westman (S10)
Brian Heidik (S5)
Richard Hatch (S1)
Vecepia Towery (S4)
Ethan Zohn (S3)
Chris Daugherty (S9)
=== Worst ===



Do you agree with my rankings so far? If not, comment below and let me know what a dumbfuck I am :D


LMAO yes I love palau and tom
Sent by purplebb4,May 29, 2020

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