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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

(+/-) Wes Nale ~ S29: San Juan Del Sur

19thNov 27, 2016 by BlueBarracuda
imageWes is a castaway from Survivor: San Juan Del Sur and appeared alongside his dad, Keith. He was originally on the Coyopa tribe.

Right away in the game, Wes found himself aligned with the other men on Coyopa. He figured out right away John Rocker’s true identity and confronted him about it. He joined the men’s alliance in voting out both Nadiya and Val. Despite hitting it off with him initially, Wes agreed with Josh that John had to go because of his behavior. On Day 10, Wes found himself on the new Hunahpu tribe, still on opposing tribes from his father, only to find himself with little rice left on Hunahpu, although they won immunity until the merge. On Day 16, Wes reunited with his dad on the merged tribe. His dad joined his alliance with Josh.

Upon the merge though, the men seemed to be targeted, with Josh being blindsided and then Jeremy was voted out.  At the Day 26 immunity challenge, Wes opted to eat chicken wings and drink beer. Reed wanted to split the vote and blindside Jon, but when his dad said “stick to the plan”, which led Jon to play his Idol. His dad then played his Idol in response. As the only person with votes against them with both Idols played, Wes was voted out on day 26, becoming the 3rd member of the jury. As he left the game, he fist bumped his dad on the way out. Wes voted for Natalie to win the game. Unlike Dale and Val appearing as loved ones for Kelley and Jeremy, Wes did not appear as a loved one for his dad during Cambodia.  On Day 17 of the game, Wes turned 24. With only 2 out of 9 votes, Wes was voted out by the lowest ratio of votes in Survivor history.

If you like the castaway, plus (+), if you don't, neg (-). Use your own criteria. Make sure you vote in all the polls on the blogs to the left. Let me know if you want to be tagged (or untagged).

Darbe coolnarwhal88 MMAjunkieX CrazyCourtney0 Timster  BigBrotherfan132 MJFJune  jakehou97 Rozlyn CrimsonEnnui Kelly0412 teamjacz  Olympia lassidoggy survivornerd bryantandf konohavillage1 Philip13 MickyBoomy9  vh1luvr15 Badboyy2699 AmandaBynes RobbX2 tboss s73100 alwaysvictorious yswimmer96 DumbGinger KatarinaDuCouteau Brandt69

#SurvivorSanJuanDelSur #BloodVSWater2


Zed55 Judi AshlynArehart jakehou97 C_Shizz96 Birew34 Rocketokid13 Nebula RightToCensor _Ravenclaw_
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Nov 27, 2016
TheBenj14 ziggyzaggy16 ClumsyConnor TayBear17 hsb123 _Matt
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Nov 27, 2016
He kinda got robbed, so sad.
Sent by PinesDipper,Nov 27, 2016
Sent by C_Shizz96,Nov 27, 2016
Sent by Kelly0412,Nov 27, 2016
King of Burping
Sent by lassidoggy,Nov 27, 2016
king of eating contests
Sent by alwaysvictorious,Nov 28, 2016
King of randomly getting voted out with like no votes
Sent by muffinman,Nov 28, 2016
I always had a weird crush on him
Sent by YasGaga,Nov 28, 2016

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