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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

PYN and I'll tell you what I think of you

18thAug 29, 2014 by BigMamaT
NOTE: Opinions are just that, opinions. Could be long, could be short. So take it what it's worth!

MagicDuck : I remember when you were a cute little noob. I think you are a force to be reckoned with on this site...I don't really know you personally, but I would like to :)

Thumper91 : You are so caring. I don't know how many times I've vented to you and you've just listened to me when we really don't have a history together. Please remember that I am here for you too!

coltsfan876: I've seen you around on my other account (I think) and I like the fact that you loooove ANTM. I wish I could say more, but I don't know that much about you :(

MelihV : You are a DOLL. I LOVE YOU

RightToCensor : You are a very complicated person, and I think that's put of your persona/schtick and it works for you. I don't think we've ever bumped heads (or egos) but I've seen you with other people and hilarity often ensues. :P

cfff We used to be pretty tight at one time, and I miss that.


Sent by MagicDuck,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by Thumper91,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by coltsfan876,Aug 29, 2014
me :)
Sent by MelihV,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by RightToCensor,Aug 29, 2014
Me :)
Sent by cfff,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by Tanarexix,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by KyleDile,Aug 29, 2014
Me please! :D
Sent by mradamman12,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by SurvivorFan37,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by CharlotteArnold,Aug 29, 2014
me me ! :D
Sent by lonelypuppie,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by cherryplop11,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by yoshicoolman,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by BigDude,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by Carlisle,Aug 29, 2014
Me :)
Sent by acyuta,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by Aesop,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by Delete2544,Aug 29, 2014
Sent by Dhucking_Quacks,Aug 29, 2014

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