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Blogs #iicreazyGX



I still don't really get why

5 Tester, Mar 15, 2022

ButterCream aka #iiCreazyGX aka #Pekka wants to request a permaban and create a new account so often LOL
Welcome back tho, Mason :)


premades and spamming are both lame

2 Typhlosion37, Dec 3, 2021

but Pekka has been spamming in every stars poll since he was on #iicreazygx or whatever the name was so this isnt news


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Season Finale &..

7 NanoNerd, Jun 29, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Cray ( Crayadian)
Jenah ( Jameslu)
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
Jay A. ( abstractjay)
After 2 and a half months of competitions, evictions, twists, blindsides, alliances and betrayals... it’s finally time to crown the winner of this game.
16 houseguests entered with the goal of being the last person standing... and in a few moments, one of them will finally achieve that goal.
The Jury has voted, and Val asked me to say this before I reveal the votes.
“My vote for who to win is based not only on this persons game play but also they were always truthful. They never lied to me. They kept it real on top of playing one of the best games I have seen!”
Jay H also asked me to say this.
“You said it was just a game and that we could be friends afterwards, if that’s the case then let’s be friends. Otherwise I’m voting for the person that stabbed me in the front instead of the back *forces key into slot number 8*”
Cray... Jenah...
I’m about to reveal the Jury’s votes. The winner will receive $500,000. And the runner-up... $50,000. (I legally have to inform you that none of the prize money is actually real.)
One at a time, I will reveal who each juror voted for to be the winner of Nano’s Big Brother 8.
If you receive 5 votes... you are the winner.
Listen to this to get in the mood.
Let’s see who’s hard work has paid off.
-The Votes-
Jay A has cast his vote...
for Jenah.
Jay H has cast HIS vote...
for Cray.
Mason has cast HIS vote...
for Cray.
That’s 2 votes Cray, 1 vote Jenah.
Nick has voted for...
Tico has voted...
for Jenah.
3 votes for Cray, 2 votes for Jenah.
Cindy has cast her vote for...
That’s 4 votes for Cray, and 2 votes for Jenah.
Val has cast HER vote for...


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Final 2 Speeches

19 NanoNerd, Jun 28, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Cray ( Crayadian)
Jenah ( Jameslu)
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
Jay A. ( abstractjay)
We are mere moments away from opening the vote.
Before we do... the finalists have been given one last chance to sway the Jury’s votes.
Cray and Jenah have both prepared speeches for you as to why you should vote for them to win.
Cray... you’re up first.
(Cray stands)
Cray: I think that I deserve to win the game because I worked extremely hard to get here , I won 5 hohs, povs and a concession power. Had great social connections , I positioned my self well enough to never be a nominee and made moves that furthered myself in this game without having to be fake about. I was honest and friendly with everyone even if you were my target. I played my heart out this game and I really hope y’all can see that and reward my efforts with this win. Thank you
(Cray sits down)
Thank you, Cray.
Jenah, you’re next.
(Jenah stands)
Jenah: Why hello there Jury!
So firstly, let's get the comps out of the way. I've won 4 HOH's and 4 POV's as well as the Ticket Competition Winner! I won the most competitions out of anyone this season. I have to say this first because I see Cray mentioned he won more HOH's than me....yeah that's only because he won that Final HOH. Cray won 5 HOH's and 1 POV. So we were both tied with 4 HOH's coming into the Finale. And let's not forget I got out 4 people whilst he only got out 3 since he got Mason out twice (this was before he won the final HOH and got out Jay A). Yes, I did do really well in competitions to get me where I am and that's part of the game, I had to activate my comp beat mode towards the end to take full control of the game which I did (and if you watched my videos you understand how I did).
Now let's have a walk down memory lane. At the beginning of the game, I worked with Jay A and Cray to win that first HOH, which I did. And winning that 1st HOH, it brought about sooo many early alliances as people wanted to stay safe and offered deals with me which I took. It was a great chance for me to expand my social game and ensure my safety for the next couple of weeks. Although, week 2 came and Tico got me up there after I nominated him in week 1 but I won that POV and saved myself and then for the next following weeks, I just laid low as I had 2 early wins and that brings a huge target. However, I was actually surprisingly close to winning that BB Electoral College HOH which further supports that a lot of people trusted me as they wanted me to win HOH even though I didn't want that HOH,..


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Jury Questioning

6 NanoNerd, Jun 28, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Cray ( Crayadian)
Jenah ( Jameslu)
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
Jay A. ( abstractjay)
Before the day is over, the jury will begin casting their votes for the winner of this game.
Before they do, however... some of them have questions for our finalists!
Welcome to the Jury Questioning segment of the finale!
I asked the jury to come up with some questions for the finalists, and then I asked the finalists to answer them!
Here are all of the questions and answers!
-Jury Questions-
Our first question is from Nick. He asked BOTH finalists...
“At what point in the game did you realize you needed me gone?”
Cray answered...
“Probably week 1 or 2 if I’m being honest, the main reason I initially got into contact with you was because I saw you as a comp threat/ being connected to a lot of people, instead of getting you out right away i started getting rid of your allies. When we formed our alliance I did have loyalty to you up until that point where you Flipped but I always knew taking you to far in the game was going to be detrimental to my game.”
Jenah answered...
“Hey Nick!
Soooo it all started when you created that five person alliance with Cindy, Jay H, Val, you & I.
I felt like I was the fifth wheel (spare wheel) and no one wants to be the spare wheel.
So then Jay H approached me about his concerns of the 5 person alliance and I agreed with him and then we both went to further let Cray know what's going on and then I guess it was full force targeting you/your alliance.
Then when I won that HOH at F8, I nominated Tico/Val with the intended target to be eliminated being Val BUT then I was like I knew you had that power to save yourself for a week so I was going to attempt to backdoor you that week BUT Cindy didn't budge with regards to using the POV to save Val and then I didn't get to nominate you at F8! WHICH, in hindsight, was lowkey a blessing since the next week someone got to return and it would've very likely been you that returned!
So yeah, long story short once that 5 person alliance was created, that's what I was like I need to get you out because you had a lot of social connections and people who trusted you. I had to just get you out to further my game as well as that Ticket Competition, I wanted to ensure that 1 of Cray/Jay H/Me won it, I just had a feeling that power was gonna be huge which it was and I truly do believe if you had a chance to get it and did get it that you would've made Final 3.”
Our next questions are from Jay H. He asked Cray...
“Cray if it was me and Tico in the final 2, who would you vote for and..


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Final Eviction

5 NanoNerd, Jun 27, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay ( abstractjay) | Nominee
Cray ( Crayadian) | Head of Household
Jenah ( Jameslu) | Nominee
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
It’s time for the final eviction of the season.
Cray, hours ago, you won the final Head of Household competition.
You are now guaranteed AT LEAST second place... and the fake $50,000 prize that goes with it.
However, you now have an extremely important decision to make.
You must decide whether you want to sit next to Jay or Jenah in the final 2.
You and the person you take with you will be judged by the jury, while the person you evict will become the 9th and final member OF the jury.
This could be a half-million dollar decision.
Jay, Jenah...
When Cray casts his vote to evict, the evicted houseguest will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather his or her belongings, and walk out the front door.
Cray, please stand in front of the nominees and tell us who you’re evicting.
Cray: It’s been a pleasure to play with the both you! Unfortunately I do have to make a hard decision here. I feel like this person has a way better chance at beating me if I were to take them to the end, they were able to make it this far in the game without making enemies along the way unlike myself. Me and Jenah both won lots of comps but I am hoping that the social and strategic aspects of my game push me ahead. So sadly I do have to evict you...
It’s official. Jay, you are the final person evicted from the Big Brother house.
3-Jay A ( abstractjay) Evicted by Cray
4-Jay H ( teamclay) 1-0 against Cray
5-Mason (#iiCreazyGX) 1-1 against Jay A
6-Nick ( hayden9102) 2-1 against Jay A
7-Tico ( candy_land) 4-0 against Mason
8-Cindy ( Yandereboy12) 3-2 against Tico
9-Val ( valgarfield) 3-2 against Tico
10-Thomas ( tcold312) 4-2 against Val
11-Ali ( CutieAmy) 4-4 against Cindy
(Jury Starts)
12-Kourtney ( KourtneyKardash) 6-3 against Tico
13-Luke ( lukesurvives) 5-5 against Cindy
14-Sasha ( SashaBaby2010) 6-5 against Ali
15-Béla ( WaffleKing) 6-3-2 against Cray and Thomas
16-Jake ( charrison790564) 6-5-1-0 against Kourtney, Béla and Jay A
Cray... Jenah...
You are the official final 2!
Congratulations, you both have made is as far as you possibly can in this game.
However... only one of you can win.
In the next 24 hours, the jury will cast their votes for the winner of Nano’s Big..


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Final HOH Part 3

17 NanoNerd, Jun 27, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay ( abstractjay) | Nominee
Cray ( Crayadian) | Part 1 Winner
Jenah ( Jameslu) | Part 2 Winner
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
This is the final part of the final HOH competition.
The winner of this competition will become the final Head of Household of the season, and will get to choose who to take with them to the final 2.
Good luck.
-Part 3-
Jay, since you didn’t win either of the first 2 parts, you are not eligible to compete.
This competition is called “Scales of Just Us”.
I have collected statements from each jury member about something they experienced this season.
However... each of their statements could’ve ended in one of 2 ways.
You must guess how each juror ended their statement by choosing one of the two available options! If you’re correct, you’ll earn a point.
The player who has more points after you both have answered will become the final Head of Household of the season!
*=This juror didn’t give me a statement and I had to make one for them based off of their past emails.
Cray and Jenah have both answered, so I’ll reveal the questions and answers as we reveal the winner.
Question 1:
*Ali said...
The biggest thing that annoyed me about this season was...
A. Me not having enough time to compete in the Comeback comp.
B. Me being evicted after a tied vote.
Cray answered A.
Jenah answered A.
The correct answer is...
You both got it right, you both get a point.
Cray |  1 🔛 1  | Jenah
Question 2:
*Thomas said...
I started to lose my motivation in the game during...
A. The Hide-and-Go Veto competition.
B. The Hang Man HOH competition.
Cray answered with A.
Jenah answered with B.
The correct answer is...
Jenah got it right, so she gets another point.
Cray |  1 🔛 2  | Jenah
Question 3:
Val said...
A bittersweet moment for me in the house was when...
A. I got a chance to come back after being eliminated.
B. The person that beat me in the Comeback comp asked to be permanently banned.
Cray answered with A.
Jenah answered with A.
The correct answer is...
Once again, you both got it right, so you both get a point.
Cray |  2 🔛 3  | Jenah
Question 4:
Cindy said...
My favorite memory from this season was...
A. Winning the golden power of veto not once but twice.
B. Playing with Nick.
Cray answered B.
Jenah answered B.
The correct answer is...
You both got it right again, so you both get a point.
Cray |  3 🔛..


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Final HOH Part 2

17 NanoNerd, Jun 25, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay ( abstractjay)
Cray ( Crayadian) | Part 1 Winner
Jenah ( Jameslu)
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
Cray has won the first part of the final HOH competition, and will now automatically advance to Part 3.
However, Jay and Jenah are still here fighting.
They both will now face off in Part 2. The winner will compete against Cray in the third and final part of the competition, while the loser will automatically become a nominee for eviction.
Let’s get it started, shall we?
-Part 2-
Cray, since you won the first part of the final HOH competition, you do not have to compete.
This competition is called “The Aftermath”.
In the last competition, you had to answer fast in order to avoid LOSING points.
For this competition, you need to answer fast to EARN points.
Here’s how to do that.
Every round, I’ll comment a math equation down below.
For example...
1 - 1 + 1
There will also be a letter next to it. The letter can be one of the following.
V=Veto Holder
R=Replacement Nominee
The sum of each math equation will correspond to a WEEK in this game.
So for example... the example math equation totaled to be 1.
Whatever letter is next to the equation represents the houseguest you need to comment down below to earn a point. For example... let’s say the letter H was next to the math equation. You’d need to comment the name Jenah. Or maybe it was the letter R... then you’d need to comment the name Thomas.
The first person to comment the correct houseguest each round earns a point. The first houseguest to reach 10 points will win this competition and will face off against Cray in Part 3.
Comment below if you understand. The competition begins at 2:00 Central.
Jay 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥
Jenah 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Winner!
Jenah is the winner of this competition!
She and Cray will be facing off in Part 3, and the winner will be tasked with choosing who to take with them into the final 2.
Which of them will win the honor of making that decision? We’ll find out tomorrow!
Until then, have a nice day :D


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Final HOH Part 1

14 NanoNerd, Jun 25, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay ( abstractjay)
Cray ( Crayadian)
Jenah ( Jameslu)
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
It’s time to begin the first part of the final HOH competition.
The final HOH competition consists of 3 parts. All three finalists will compete in part 1, and the winner will automatically advance to part 3.
-Part 1-
Seeing as this is the final HOH competition, everyone is eligible to compete.
This competition is called “The Ride of Your Life”.
I’d like for you all to think of this competition as an endurance competition of some sort.
Imagine that you all are on a platform, and the main objective is to stay on as long as possible. Everyone will be given 8 “endurance points”. If you run out of endurance points, you’ll fall off of your platform and will be eliminated.
There are also obstacles up ahead for you to avoid.
All of these obstacles have something to do with the 6 areas of the BB amusement park that we visited. If you need a refresher on those areas, here they are.
Water Area: Weeks 1 and 2
Snow Area: Weeks 3 and 4
Desert Area: Weeks 5 and 6
Underground Area: Weeks 7 and 8
Futuristic Area: Weeks 9 and 10
Horror Area: Weeks 11 and 12
As I said, each obstacle will have something to do with one of these areas. So, in order to avoid it, you’ll have to perform a specific action.
In fact, here are all the actions you need to perform for each kind of obstacle.
Water: *Holds Onto Rope Tightly*
Snow: *Regains Balance*
Desert: *Fights The Pain*
Underground: *Jumps*
Futuristic: *Ducks*
Horror: *Stays Still*
How will you know what kind of obstacle is coming up? Well... I’ll tell you an event that happened this season. Each event happened while we were in one of the 6 areas.
Using the time stamps for each area, you must determine which kind of obstacle is coming up based off of the event given.
Then, you must comment the appropriate action down below.
If you are the last to comment the correct action, or you comment the WRONG action, you will lose an endurance point.
As I said, once you lose all 8 of your endurance points, you’re out of the competition.
The last player standing will win the first part of the final HOH competition, and will automatically advance to part 3!
The competition will begin at 1:00 PM Central.
Jay 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 Eliminated!
Cray 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥 Winner!
Jenah 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 Eliminated!
Obstacle 1: Thomas was evicted here.
Obstacle 2: Zingbot showed up here.
Obstacle 3: BB Spelling Bee was played here.
Obstacle 4: The first tied vote took place here.
Obstacle 5: A competition with Rubies was..


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Season Recap

2 NanoNerd, Jun 24, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay A. ( abstractjay)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Cray ( Crayadian)
Tico ( candy_land)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
Val ( valgarfield)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Sasha ( SashaBaby2010)
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Kourtney ( KourtneyKardash)
Jake ( charrison790564)
Béla ( WaffleKing)
Luke ( lukesurvives)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Jenah ( Jameslu)
2 months ago, 16 tengaged users decided to apply for this game. Eventually, once the cast was finalized, they were revealed to each other and the game began very quickly.
During the season premiere, it was revealed that one of them would be evicted before the season began. They were all tasked with choosing one of 7 roller coasters, being told one of them would give them a ride to the chopping block. Jay A and Béla were unlucky enough to choose this coaster, while Jake and Kourtney were also nominated for not choosing. Everyone else was tasked with evicting one of these 4 nominees, and in the end, Jake was given an early exit from the Big Brother house.
After that, the first twist of the game was revealed. For the first 4 weeks of the game, the houseguests would be given the choice to play in something called the “Concession Competition” instead of the Veto competition, where the winner would get to claim a snack from the “Concession Stand”. Each snack could either benefit or hurt their game.
The game then finally began, and Jenah became the first Head of Household of the season. She nominated Tico and Béla, but Tico won the Veto and took himself off. Jenah then replaced him with Thomas. And then... it was revealed that Cray was the only person who wanted to play in the concession competition that week, and therefore he automatically got to pick a snack from the concession stand. However, the snack he picked ended up putting him on the block as a third nominee for that week. At the end of the week, the house decided to evict Béla.
In Week 2, Tico became the new Head of Household and nominated Jenah and Ali. However, Jenah won the Veto and took herself off of the block, and she was replaced with Sasha. Tico also ended up winning the concession competition, but was given the punishment of having to sit out of all competitions for the next 2 weeks. During the eviction, it was revealed that Sasha had been voted out of the Big Brother house.
The next HOH was Cray. He nominated Cindy and Luke for eviction, and kept his nominations the same after winning the Veto. The eviction resulted in a tie, and Cray had to choose which of his nominees to send home. He ultimately decided to send home Luke.
Nick also won the concession competition that week, and was given an incredibly tough choice to make. If he wanted to, he could bring an evicted houseguest back into the game...


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Week 12 Veto Ceremony..

1 NanoNerd, Jun 23, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay A. ( abstractjay) | Nominee
Cray ( Crayadian)
Jay H. ( teamclay) | Nominee
Jenah ( Jameslu) | Head of Household | Veto Winner
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
Well... we’ve reached that time.
It’s finally time to see who’s making it to the finale.
Jenah has already guaranteed herself a spot in the final 3... but now that she holds the Veto, she gets to decide who gets the second spot.
Jenah, you must now choose whether you would like to Veto one of your nominations or if you would like to leave them the same. Keep in mind... if you DO use it, Cray will automatically go up as the replacement nominee, and the person who was Vetoed will cast the sole vote to evict.
If you don’t use it, Cray will be casting the sole vote to evict.
Jenah, please stand in front of your fellow houseguests and tell us what you’d decided to do with the Power of Veto.
(Jenah Stands)
Jenah: I have decided...
that I WILL be using the POV on JAY A! So this might be a surprise BUT I just have to do what's best for my game. Please don't hate me </3 I love u all.
(Jenah sits down)
Okay, Jenah has decided to take Jay A off of the block, with Cray automatically going up in his place.
That means that Jay A is now officially in the final 3!
Jay A, while this is definitely something to be proud of, you must now make an incredibly tough decision.
You must now cast the sole vote to evict either Cray or Jay H from the Big Brother house.
Whoever you choose to save will be headed with you into the finale, and the other will be leaving in a few short moments.
Cray, Jay H...
You both have been playing this game for 2 months. However, for one of you... your game ends right now.
When Jay A casts his eviction vote, the evicted houseguest will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather his belongings, and walk out the front door.
Jay A, please stand and cast the sole vote to evict.
(Jay A stands)
Jay A: First of all, I'd like to thank Miss Jenah for using the veto on me like you did a few evictions back. Second, between the two nominees, there has been one person who I think has been trying to take me out at the two evictions that I was nominated in and their HoH reign. With this person, I had a "chance" alliance, and I have had one of those before. For your information, I stayed loyal to that person (who lived like an hour away from where I live) and was blindsided in 4th after knowing they had other endeavors, but I won't be fooled this time. I..


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Week 12 Veto..

80 NanoNerd, Jun 23, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay A. ( abstractjay) | Nominee
Cray ( Crayadian)
Jay H. ( teamclay) | Nominee
Jenah ( Jameslu) | Head of Household
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
-The Veto-
This competition is called “Day After Day”.
I used this same competition last season!
In this competition, you’ll need to be familiar with each day you spent inside of the house.
Each round, I’ll ask you what day a specific event from that game took place on.
Assuming that Day 1 was when the first part of the Season Premiere was posted, you’ll have to comment the correct day as soon as possible.
The last person to comment the correct day will be given a strike. If you get 2 strikes, you will be ELIMINATED.
Jenah, since you won the ticket advantage, you’ll need 3 strikes to be eliminated.
The last player standing will win the final Power of Veto of the season!
The competition will begin at 3:00 PM Central. Hope to see you then!
-Round 1-
On what day was the Prize Booth twist introduced?
Answer: Day 37
-Round 2-
On what day did Zingbot come to the house?
Answer: Day 48
-Round 3-
On what day was the last pre-juror evicted?
Answer: Day 24
-Round 4-
On what day was Thomas nominated for eviction for the second time?
Answer: Day 34
-Round 5-
On what day did Tico’s concession punishment come to an end?
Answer: Day 24
-Round 6-
On what day was the first unanimous eviction?
Answer: Day 52
-Round 7-
On what day did Cindy win her first competition?
Answer: Day 43
Jay A ❌❌ Eliminated!
Cray ❌❌ Eliminated!
Jay H ❌❌ Eliminated!
Jenah ❌⭕️⭕️ Winner!
Jenah has won the final Power of Veto of the season!
Will she use it? We’ll find out very soon!
Until then, have a nice day :D


TG popularity contest update

1 Elian, Jun 22, 2021

17-32. Zeptis (2-10 against DBonee)
17-32. #iiCreazyGX (2-6 against lexeyjane)
17-32. systrix (18-19 against Yawnha)


Nano’s Big Brother 8: Week 12 Nomination..

0 NanoNerd, Jun 22, 2021

-The Houseguests-
Jay A. ( abstractjay)
Cray ( Crayadian)
Jay H. ( teamclay)
Jenah ( Jameslu) | Head of Household
-The Jury-
Ali ( CutieAmy)
Thomas ( tcold312)
Val ( valgarfield)
Cindy ( Yandereboy12)
Tico ( candy_land)
Nick ( hayden9102)
Mason (#iiCreazyGX)
-Nomination Ceremony-
Everyone gathers in the living room. Jenah carries in the nomination box.
Jenah: This is the nomination ceremony. As the Head of Household, it is my responsibility to nominate 2 houseguests for eviction. In the nomination box are the keys of the houseguests I am nominating for eviction. I will turn 2 keys to lock in my nominations, and their faces will appear on the memory wall.
(She places her hand on the first key) The first houseguest I am nominating is...
(She turns the key)
(Jay A’s face appears on the memory wall)
Jenah: (She places her hand on the second key) The second houseguest I am nominating is...
(She turns the key)
(Jay H’s face appears on the memory wall)
Jenah: I have nominated you, Jay A, and you, Jay H. Honestly, we all know at F4, it comes down to POV. I just thought it’d be iconic nominating the two Jay’s LOL! Good luck in POV, everyone! This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
The Jays have been nominated for eviction.
However... we have a Veto competition coming up.
It will be the last Veto competition of the entire game, and the most important at that.
Whoever wins can not only guarantee themselves a spot in the final three, but they will also be deciding who casts the sole vote to evict for this next eviction!
As for when this competition will take place... I’m not entirely sure yet. That’s why I’ll need to know when you all can be active.
Until then... keep a look out for my email.


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