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Blogs #evebb



does anyone actually

15 BlueDust, Jul 15, 2013

remotely believe that vh1clown is older than 10 lmfao?
note: just a summary of my comments: I was 11 when I joined on my #EveBB account in 2009. I'm 15 now and that account was permed because of my usage of multis. ;)


PYN for a honest opinion.

22 BlueDust, Mar 30, 2013

RightToCensor - I've never talked to you, but heard a lot about you. Most of the things are how you are are like 12 or something and are bad at singing. :X
MarieEve - I talked to you in a castings when I was on my other account #evebb and you seem really nice, but you evicted me, so idk. :l
aksp53 - I've seen you around tengaged a lot and you seem relatively normal compared to most people on this site. c:
jacksonjoseph99 - You look cute, but I've never talked to you before. (from my knowledge) :P
Icing - You were a total bitch to me back in the day and now we just seem to ignore each other. :L
Regularise - I think I was in a game with you and I voted you out or something. But you seem like a nice person, I guess.
SexGoddx - If it isn't the spawn of satan himself, you're so full of shit, the toilet's jealous.
iAwkwardxo - Um how come I don't know like the whole of tengaged? :XX Whoops, well you seem like a good person, so yay for you.
KyleDile - You seem like the male counterpart of gagaluv loool.
Valdamien - You are really amazing, but nowadays you don't even talk to me. Like srsly bitch.
hMzz - Ew. Well, you're really mean to me and bully me a lot. #victim #cut4bluedust
MoooHades - You are very nice and just the right amount of cunt.
Biiiiiiiiiiiiitch - Not even worth my time. :L
evilgenious448 - You're a bit fake and a tad attention seeking. But you are great to talk to, so idk.
MintCokeify - I've seen you a lot on tengaged and I've always loved your avi, but I've never gotten the chance to talk to you. You're friends with Foxox, which is a plus for me ahaha.
TheThomas - You're someone I always see on blogs page, never talked to you though.
- How come I've never talked to like anyone that's commented on this page? Like wtf. -
jdog - You're cute, I'm cute, we should be friends?
Danielle43 - Never heard of you :X Sorry.


My Top 5 Most Memorable Games on Tengaged for..

3 Dane_Williams, Nov 23, 2012

These are my most memorable games for me personally, maybe not for the other players but for me and the lesson I learnt from it.
5th -
This game was infamous for me as it caused my first fight on tengaged. This game was going along well, I was in a good position before I posted a comment saying that PrincessTeePee wouldn’t survive, as she was nommed against Tim10 (a newb) and she was an experienced player, she was offended by this. Then words were given back and forth causing me and her to be on bad ground for a while. She has since forgiven me. The subsequent lesson that i would learn, is that no matter what level a player is, i should not judge them by that.
4th -
This game I remember fondly cause it was the first game that I remember that jacco and me dominated a game together. It taught me that if I can put my mind and effort to it, i can control a game and do well.
3rd -
It’s on the list because it was the first time I ever merged and the first time I betrayed someone close to me. Now blue and me we always and still are a final 2 I promised never to vote her off ever. But when we were down to 3 and jenani won immunity, I broke my promise not to vote for her and indeed I betrayed her. Sorry for that game Eve. It taught me that i can be selfish in certain situations and merging is a hard thing to do, unless your on a great tribe
2nd -
My first game ever on tengaged, I remember being really nervous playing not knowing what the hell to do, I also remember it was the first game I ever played with #EveBB ( Bluedust). The lesson that came from it was to get to know people.
1st -
My only stars experience, it was hard for me being quiet and nervous person, I was eaten alive by the other players. I survived the first day, which was a relief. But then was nommed for not being apart of the 12 person chat and was subsequently evicted. Even though very short, it was one of the most exhilarating, stress making and crazy experiences that I’ve ever had on tengaged. One lesson that came from that was to never get on the bad side of ShayyBayy in stars and to try and relax more in games.
An honourable mention goes to Lucinda and SexGoddx for destroying me in frookies and starting my dislike for the plastics

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