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Blogs #StarsDance




40 NotAfraid, Aug 4, 2014

and I'll tell you my  honest opinion about you < 3
cotbey: Drew I haven't really ever talked to you of all the years I've been on this site, but you're someone who I've always respected.  You just seem really mature and you're probably one of those people who laughs at how serious most people take this site.  Which is a good thing, but yeah mail me up some time < 3
DaniD: I'm not completely sure but I think your username is named after the Big Brother contestant Danielle Donato.  I don't watch BB that much which is strange since this is a BB site but out of the episodes I've seen, I did enjoy watching her on the show.  It seems to be that you're making a name of yourself (and a good one at that) on this website  and I'm sure if you ever won the raffle ticket you'd do great in stars I just know it. Also our blog jokes are hilarious < 3
pens87: Noah < 3 I remember when we almost joined the same stars game because I was going to join it and you won the raffle/seat ( I forget which).  You're really swet even though we don't talk that much but you always have a positive attiude which is nice. Anyways you are awesome mostly because you're a Pittsburgh Penguin fan so any Penguin fan is a friend of mine < 3
ghrocky100: I don't think we have ever talked but I have seen and heard of you around the site and you seem like quite the character .  You seem like someone that would be a good person to get to know.  So mail me haha < 3
gloss13: First of all I love your username.. 13 4 lyfe < 3 even though most people don't like that number because of it always involving being unlucky.  I don't think we have ever talked and you seem to be quite new to this site.  I must say you're getting up there faster than I did back in the day and I'm sure like most people you'll past me in karma before I know it. < 3
yoshicoolman: Well you must be really cool if you're a yoshi fan since yoshi is deffo my favourite character in the mario party franchise (MP3 FTW btw) anyways I've heard of you alot and I've seen you on the blog page quite often but I've never actually talked to you in person.  Probably because whenever I do see you I'm in my (I'm too lazy to talk to anyone) mood, but yeah you're pretty cool and your username suits you < 3
pikachu142: Your username reminds me of my childhood because I was obsessed with pokemon when I was younger (not that much anymore but I can still appreciate that it was/is still a good tv show).  You are also someone who i've seen more of on the blog page.  The blog page is my home if you haven't been able to tell. 95% of the time when I'm on tengaged I'm on there so yeah.  Hit me up one of these days < 3
amf7410: Andy < 3 I love you so much we've been friends for such a long time and I'm so thankful of it.  We are both die hard Ke$ha fans and NHL fans and I love talking to you about hockey during the hockey season (especially at the playoffs) We seem to..

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