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1471 days 8 hours ago
Crypt/Cryptspartan (Coven)

After this challenge, I don't know what to do. I think I'll hold off a little and let people approach me for a few hours so I don't seem like the one that's scrambling. What I've learned over the past few games is that to survive I need to go with the flow for a few rounds. I can't just try controlling everything or else it just puts a target on my back. My plan for this merge is to let the votes come to me and then while people are scrambling orchestrate the mass elimination of everyone I don't have a connection to. That way many people will want to take me to the end. And I wanna do this with as little lying as possible. Irl I don't like to lie to people I just wanna be a genuinely nice guy. I plan on using those traits in this game even tho there is a preconceived notion that people are always lying in Survivor. I wanna win the game to prove that heroes can win and play just as well as villains.
1471 days 8 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Coven)

I鈥檓 very happy that we have merged! There鈥檚 a few moves we can do, and it will be interesting to see how the dynamics play out. As for the challenge, I am trying my hardest as I do not want to be the first merge blindside. I think my countless time spamming is putting me in a decent position, hopefully
1471 days 8 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Coven)

Mac used to me my bestfriend, but he said I hit a dead end so I am mad at him
1471 days 8 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Coven)

I like to think o put my self in a very good spot at this point in the game. I worked very hard to win immunity, and that gave me an idol clue. I needed this win because no one has any idea what will happen the first merge vote. I decided to share the hint with Gustavo, to further trust in our ride and die relationship. This way we can divide and conquer the tunnels, and share the idol. I think I am pretty set in my alliences, as I have an allience of 6, as well as many people willing to do as I say. In previous games I have been a villain, but I am trying something new and staying loyal to the people I trust
1471 days 8 hours ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Coven)

I would like to start this confessional with a moment of silence for my forever lost Fake Immunity Idol. May she rest in peace.

R.I.P. Peyton's Fake Immunity Idol (Lived Days 9-15)

I was going to go back for her but my brain doesn't function very well in quarantine or general, so I forgot to search for her (or anything) today. I really don't know what I was going to use the fake for, but I really think I would've gotten a real laugh out of possessing it and gaining people's trust with it. Maybe I'll save that idea for all stars now WINK... although now the entire VL knows about this masterplan.
Anyways, the sole good(?) news is that we've merged!! Yay?? I was desperately craving a merge, but going in with only 3 people from your original tribe is no fun!! However, Vincent and Gustavo have both told me I'm in a great spot being from the tribe with the least amount of players in which????? I'll believe it when I see it.
Anyways, I'm trying to rev up my social game since I feel like it'll be harder to get people to flip from their OG tribes when those people are all they know. I've already had Gustavo and Vincent reach out to me, and I've reached out to Lukas. Here are some highlights!!
Vincent has told me that I may be first to go because I've been doing well in the challenges!!! I take back what I said about having an Italian minor being a blessing, because now I may be targeted for it???
He also called Rubes a Tengaged celebrity?? Which I obviously told Rubes about because it made me laugh.
I also have proclaimed to Gustavo that Calvin Coolidge is my favorite US President, and Lukas and I have only been talking about Pokemon. So as you can see, the current strategy is through the roof.
I'm hoping it's because people are waiting to talk and make plans until after the immunity challenge is over, which I really hope is the case. Because if it's not, these people are silent and are already conspiring against me and my Wicca's which I will not stand for!! However, I also physically could not do this challenge LOL I mean I COULD but it was not fitting in my movie vibe for the night, so sadly, I will not be protected first merge tribal. How sad!! At least I have the idol in case anything goes awry!!
Plus, the fact that only three people that are not from my OG tribe have contacted me is worrisome, but once again, I am trying not to worry at the moment. Yes, I could reach out to people and start working on securing them now, but I'm so bad with small talk. This is especially because my sole interests in life include drinking coffee, sleeping, listening to 60s music, Eurovision and watching movies. Not the most accessible person sadly.
Anywhomst, I watched The Last Picture Show last night and gave it 3.5/5 stars. Great performances, but there was too much country music in it that it hurt my ears. Not sure what I'll watch tonight. Really NOT in the mood for a movie, but considering I'll be up until 4am, I really don't have much else to do.
1471 days 8 hours ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Coven)

Well I don't know how it happened, but I think I found myself as the swing vote in this tribal alongside Rubes. Now, right after it was announced that Matt had won immunity, yours truly decided to go play tennis. An hour and a half later I was thrown into an alliance and had been told various plans from various people. Honestly, the fact that I was able to get into an alliance and hear where people's heads were at without even being online to talk with them is iconique!!
But yes, Rubes and I have found ourselves in somewhat of a middling position. For one, Jake is literally being targeted by everyone for not competing in the immunity challenge. I would love for him to remain in the game as I see him aligning himself with me throughout the game, but honestly, if voting him out is what I need to do to situate myself better in the game, I have no qualms with getting him out. Especially since I'd rather him have gone over Lorenzo last vote, but Lorenzo just screwed himself over. I haven't even devoted a single brain cell on thinking about playing an idol on Jake either. That idol will only be played on Peyton and Peyton alone. Although, I have contemplated telling Rubes about it, but while I love him and trust him the most out of everyone in the game, I still worry that he may tell someone. Plus, there is no feasible advantage to telling him, so the secret will remain mine.
Now, onto the alliance!! I have found myself in an alliance with Rubes, Gustavo, Matt, Lukas and Vincent. We honestly love a 2-2-2 split!! Now, the one cause for concern I have right now is recognizing how close these people are. For example, Gustavo was the one who told me he wanted to create this alliance, but Matt is the one who actually created it. That means the two of them had discussed the alliance priorly and were the two who selected who would be joining the alliance. And I really don't need another dynamic duo in the game, when Rubes and I are obviously the superior choice?! So, I will be keeping my eye on them in the future and definitely want to separate them soon, but alas, I need their vote for now.
So, that alliance is supposedly voting Jake. However, in our Wicca group chat, Jake has been telling us that he may have convinced Mistica to vote with us. I threw out voting either TJ or Zach since neither of them have spoken to me. Rubes then narrowed it down to Zach. So the option to vote Zach is also out there, which I'd much rather do for the aforementioned reasons of me knowing Jake would stay with me and I have said nothing to Zach.
So I think my plan for tomorrow is to try and see if people in my alliance would be willing to vote for Zach. Because if I'm able to play the middle ground well, that could help carry me for a while. Because if I have protection from this alliance, OG Mistica and OG Wicca, then I think I'm in a good position?? Rubes and I just need to play our cards well enough to ensure that everyone is dependent on the two of us and that they know that they need us for the rest of the game. Hopefully I'll be able to use my social game to make that all work out :) Fingers crossed!!
Also, I rewatched Clueless last night. Truly an iconic classic. I'm pretty sure Alicia Silverstone invented cinema portraying Cher Horowitz. 4.5/5 stars. Then, earlier today, I rewatched Lady Bird for the 6th time LOL what a film 5/5 stars. Saoirse Ronan I love you.
1471 days 8 hours ago
Gustavo/Cojones 12 (Coven)

alrighty let me try to sum up what I've done in the past 24 hours... Like I said previously, I used the time when we merged to socialize instead of doing the challenge and I think it really bared fruit. I established a six person alliance with matt, rubes, peyton, Lukas, and Vincent. A sexy 2-2-2 split from the original tribes and overall a group of six people that I have enjoyed talking to and feel heard from unlike in my original tribe from Zach 馃ぎ and TJ. I'm been putting in work to get rid of Jake for a couple reasons. One, he's one of two players that I haven't had a conversations with. Two, him and Pietro are a premade that have been successful runs together in other group games. Three, he's been mostly inactive so I don't want him to slide to the final 3/2 as a goat cause that's disgusting. I feel confident in this vote. The only thing I'm worried is what name the opposition is going to write down. Everybody knows that Jake is the plan, so an idol could screw somebody and that person could be me 鈽癸笍 Ugh, god I would actually be upset if I get idol'd out lol. Speaking about idols, Matt told me the clue of the idool which is great. I have a better shot at getting the idol and Matt seems to really trust me which is comforting 馃槉. Anyways Luwistica is here to slay for rn...well before I backstab them 馃槈 Xoxo gossip girl. 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
1470 days 9 hours ago
Lukas/SirNiceGuy (Coven)

So yeah, I'm feeling... some way. Ozzy wins immunity, that's fine by me, but now I'm just... not feeling up to strategizing right now. If someone comes to me to be like "hey let's strategize" I'll probably be like "sure, why not," but otherwise... shit, last Tribal Council just felt so messy, I'm already feeling like I made a mistake, I think I might just need to lay low this round and let others make asses of themselves.
1470 days 9 hours ago

peytons a bad liar. That is all.
1470 days 9 hours ago

So I really got my way last vote. Even though I dont think I was in the top of my old tribe, I like the fact that they are all doing what I want them to. Im making sure no one from my tribe targets Jake and hes making sure his tribe wont target me. I also made an alliance with TJ saying we could secretly work together cause no one would see it comming. So I do feel like I have people from every single side who have my back, the only way I think I could be out of the game only if my own tribe turns on me.
1470 days 9 hours ago

Well, I just simultaneously had a great moment and a flop moment in the game!! Which I think accurately sums up my entire vibe, so I'm really not shocked at this point.
Anyways, good news first!! Zach successfully got voted out!! Jake had promised that he had convinced Mistica to vote for Zach, but I was not really sure how successful he had been. Especially since right before the vote, I had approached Vincent and he didn't seem to know too much about this Zach plan. So, I did some maneuvering and was able to at least secure Vincent's vote. He also seems to be reliant on me right now which is always great to have. Like right before the vote, he asked me what I had done and said he was going to do the same thing as me. Which is honestly a great person to be aligned with in the game. Like while I love Rubes, I really don't know how far I can go with him. I just worry that we are playing too similar of games, and I would really really like to win this season!! However, that will obviously be a problem for another day, as we are THE power duo right now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
NOW, onto my FLOP MOVE!!! Um... no one told me that Pietro and Jake are supposedly BEST FRIENDS??? So, when Matt told me that he wanted Pietro out, I obviously told Jake and Rubes in our group chat, not thinking anything of it. THEN, Rubes messages me that Pietro and Jake know each other outside the game and are a final two together.... UMMMM...... this would have been nice knowledge to know BEFOREHAND??? So, I see that Jake hasn't seen the message and delete it as quickly as possible. HOWEVER, he messages us like 10 minutes later that he thinks he saw the message but didn't see it anywhere?????
I start SWEATING. I try backpedaling since Rubes is NOWHERE to be seen through this entire ordeal. I say something like "I didn't see anything, but I'm trying to get information out of them now," to try and steer the conversation away from what I previously said. I mean, I think it somewhat worked, but also, if he is sure that he saw my message then that could colossally screw me over. Because if Jake just wants to flip to vote me out with the Mistica's, that's a majority right there. However, I still think I'm in a good standing with Vincent, Matt and Gustavo where they would inform me if anything was being conspired against me. Good thing I still have this nifty idol in my possession too, where if I ever feel in danger I can save myself.
Now, do I think I'm going to be targeted this vote?? Ehhhhhh. As I said, I feel close with a lot of people, and don't see them bringing up my name right now. Especially after I was a hot mess in the immunity challenge today. However, I feel like this is a cast that makes their minds up last minute and does last minute decisions which... is not good for my anxiety!!!!
But I'm just hoping we can settle on Pietro for this vote and start widdling down the Mistica tribe. Them comprising of 5/11 people still in is an astronomical advantage, and one that I personally do not like to see in the game. So, lets hope some people in this season have some common sense and make the beneficial move for them, and don't try making some power play this early on.
Also, no movie last night :/ I made a playlist comprising of 3 songs every year from 1960-2020. It's FIRE but it also took me 3.5 hours to make so... stream California Dreamin' by the Mamas and the Papas.
1470 days 9 hours ago

At this point Vincent and I are turning into a duo. For now, we鈥檒l stick with Mistica because that鈥檚 where we currently have the numbers. I know that sometime in the future someone will have to flip, so Vincent and I are gonna try and do so before anyone else. We鈥檙e gonna side with the heroes for now to take some villains out but then Vincent and I are gonna try flipping on Mistica and rally the people on the outs. We just gotta figure out the right timing for everything so we don鈥檛 get ourselves voted out. Whatever happens, this tribal will reveal everyone鈥檚 cards.
1470 days 9 hours ago

So right now it鈥檚 working fine Mistica is strong and the only person targeting us is Matthew. At this point I鈥檓 trying to gain the trust of rubes and TJ to eventually pull them out of the rubble and flip on Mistica. My only concern is that I can鈥檛 trust TJ fully bc he flipped on me in another game. For now I鈥檒l keep him in the loop and tell myself I can trust him until something happens that lets me know otherwise.
1470 days 9 hours ago

I鈥檓 trying to talk to people, ya know, as ya do, and trying to just kinda go on and see where people鈥檚 heads are at and of all people... PIETRO makes the proposition of a secret alliance. He鈥檚 saying that we can protect each other from opposite sides and try to make sure we both stay safe. I don鈥檛 know if this is genuine or not... but if it is, it definitely gives me something to think about. Should I try and shift the vote to Jake to weaken Pietro鈥檚 power and make him need me more.... he鈥檚 more useful to me than Jake at this point. But he could be just playing me and it would be best to get myself as far away from him as possible and to take him out
1470 days 9 hours ago

I鈥檓 mostly responsible for spreading the Jake and Pietro duo being a big threat and have gotten a huge target on their back, and using Pietro feeling vulnerable right now to my advantage is certainly an interesting proposition... but is it something that I can trust, or is it just his efforts to stay alive one more vote?

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