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1474 days 5 hours ago

I finally didn’t hit a dead end in the tunnels, but I found a little problem. My best guess is that I found a hidden immunity tribal, but only mistica can find it. My plan now is to find out who’s on the bottom, and give them the idol, hoping they can save themselves and then allign with my heros
1474 days 4 hours ago
Gustavo/Cojones12 (Luccia)

nothing much happened such the challenge hasn't been won yet, but Matt told me about the purple tribe idol he found in the tunnels! I want him to tell Vincent about it but he shut me down because he thinks Vincent is in control of the purple tribe.... I mean he's probably right that about that but like once again anything I suggest gets shot down. It's just the principle at this point. Idk man... I really want a swap/merge :P (maybe every vote wouldn't be unanimous if we did that ;) ) Logic dictates that unless purple tribe wins they SHOULD go to tribal council to even up the tribes 4-4-4, so I'm feeling alright for now
1473 days 10 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Luccia)

I decided to give my (idol) information to Lukas. This is because I like and trust the guy, so that left Vincent and Lukas, but Lukas seemed to have less power in this game. I just hope he doesn’t use it to screw me over
1473 days 10 hours ago
Vincent/Vinsincent (Mistica)

i talked with gustavo from the villains tribe and he spilled some tea to me that he is in the bottom of his tribe, he says that zach and tj are really tight and matt cant save him so hes gonna go next, he asked me to do favour for him and send heroes to tribal and thats what i did. i really hope that we will have merge next cause someone like gustavo is gonna be a key to the majority at merge, i should have as much option as possible and i think im in good position. i had this feeling that tj is going to survive in his tribe no matter what and i was right, hes really good at survival at any cost. i saw him in 2 games and he always finds his ,,ride or die'' partner and he reaches far, anyways im not worried and i cant wait to come to merge!
1473 days 10 hours ago
TJ/TJ2807 (Luccia)

Right now I think the best thing is to have mystics win immunity and heroes go to tribal.
Why would I want the powerhouses to win?
Because that makes them a bigger threat.
Come merge, if the heroes and villains have less numbers, it will be so much easier for us to group together and go after the mystics as a common enemy, and I think having that as a way to create easy bonds would be super helpful. More than if we all went to merge equal... which would cause a much bigger fight with all sides
1473 days 10 hours ago
Lukas/SirNiceGuy (Mistica)

Aha, I love me some combined mixed news. On the one hand, I have the idol! On the other, Matt basically told me how to find it and now I'm pretty much obliged to tell him I have it. I could try to spin a lie and say I have some... weird semi-advantage, but... shit, I think I fell into a trap XD
1472 days 12 hours ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Wicca)

Okay well I love being on a tribe with 3 of the people who got the bottom 4 scores in the challenge today while I got 3rd!!!! The fact that Lorenzo was literally MUTE and didn't submit a score is... not appreciated in my book. Like I'm happy Jake tried and I know Rubes was having technical difficulties and I was helping him get everything sorted literally last minute but still... I don't like being on a losing tribe and that's what's happening now. Like I know I'm in a decent position on this tribe and I'm not too worried that I'll be going home but STILL it's tiring having to go to tribal, ESPECIALLY since I just got on the FINAL SEASON of Veep and want to watch a long movie tonight.
Luckily, I think we're all locked in for Lorenzo though. It sucks because I would've loved to go to merge with him since I don't think he's going to vote me out and he's a good ally and I've been talking to him a lot. However, I really can't justify not voting for someone who literally didn't compete and didn't talk to the tribe at all for the competition. Plus, all we really talk about is Eurovision which I absolutely love, but also the conversations go on for AT LEAST an hour and it's so much for me. Especially since I can't focus on my show and be fully immersed in a conversation at the same time. I know this is an extremely first world problem, but it's just too much for my brain to deal with and I just want to relax.
Anyways, I've been contemplating making a crackhead move which is quite common for me. Considering I rehid a fake immunity idol, I know exactly where this fake one is located. I'm assuming there's only one idol per camp, so I don't really have much to be on the lookout for. So I was contemplating finding my own fake idol, and then maybe down the road it will come in handy and I can gift it to somebody to gain their trust. The real gag is that it would be a fake idol, but they don't have to know that!! I'm only hesitant because say the person tries playing the fake idol and then it's revealed that it's fake and then I make it to the end of the game, are they going to be bitter because I gave them a fake idol to play?? Possibly. But I feel like this game is moving very slow and predictable at the moment and shaking up the game is always a blast. But we'll see. I'll have to sleep on it. I would love to find a tarot card too which I could try doing, but we'll see.
Anyways, I'm also hoping for a merge or swap tomorrow. I'm sick of being confined to a losing tribe and not being well connected. Considering there are only really three people I can converse with, it's quite lonely on my side of the phone. Either way, I am officially in an alliance chat :') with Rubes and Jake!! Which obviously won't hold up well if there's no swap and we're sent to tribal again, but we'll have to wait to see what happens!!
Finally, I watched the French film Belle de Jour last night. It was quite iconic because I love Catherine Deneuve and anything revolving France and the 60s. 4/5 stars. Not sure if I'm going to watch American Honey or The Last Picture Show tonight... or maybe I'll do Contempt. I signed up for a two week free trial for the Criterion Collection so the possibilities are endless!!
1472 days 12 hours ago
Peyton/MyMilkShakes (Wicca)

I really don’t want to vote you off, but you not submitting a score in the challenge screwed you over. I need active numbers that I know I can count on later on, and sadly, I think you’re the the least likely to be active. Sorry!!
*votes for LORENZO*
1472 days 12 hours ago
1472 days 12 hours ago
Matthew/Mattyboy0005 (Coven)

very excited to finally have merged. It will be interesting to see the new dynamic in this game. I believe both Hero’s and randoms will be willing to work with us, and we can be the ones who decide who goes home
1472 days 12 hours ago
Gustavo/Cojones12 (Coven)

FUCK YEAH THE MERGE BABYYY... the little tribes were getting on my nerve, now I can spread my wings and fly and talk to most of the people. OKAY, so I don't necessarily have a strong idea of what I want to do rn. I just want an alliance where I'm the top dog. I HATE group games when people just vote on original tribal lines. It's wicked boring. You can play as many group games as you want, why not spice it up and doing new things instead of just sticking to a pagonging. Its fucking boring dude. You don't win anything for getting first place, so just fuck shit up. BUT, the 3 heroes do seem wicked close and that's a problem. I wouldn't mind getting rid of one of them, probably Jake because I haven't spoken a word to him. Since merge hit, instead of doing that challenge that is hell I've been talking to a bunch of people. I've talked to Peyton, Vincent, Lukas, Ozzy, Rubes, and Crypt. I'm, trying to build bonds with them. Peyton's favorite president is Calvin Coolidge, so I made some shit up about living in a dorm called Coolidge after him. Ya know, I just want to be on people's good sides for rn. I want friends, I want allies, and I want people to start mixing up. I'm anxiously waiting the results of the challenge so that everybody starts pointing fingers at one another as our first tribal as a merged tribe starts to loom..... will get back to ya soon.
1471 days 6 hours ago
Lukas/SirNiceGuy (Coven)

I swear to God, if I'm not at least near the lead in this challenge... looooool. There's a little part of me that's worried I might be a target if Crypt wins immunity, and I really don't *want* that, so I've been hauling ass and grabbing books like I have nothing to live for. Smoke grass, grab fast, I think that's the old saying.
1471 days 6 hours ago
Lukas/SirNiceGuy (Coven)

Also, I calculated how many posts I would need to win judging by Mac's "50 books an hour" rule, and that came out to... 1200 books. Of course I'm gonna aim higher that that, I'm a third of the way there after only two hours, sue me.
1471 days 6 hours ago
Lukas/SirNiceGuy (Coven)

So I'm vulnerable, hooray! I mean God, I just hope I'm not a target, because that would be... a major bummer. The last thing I want to do is use my idol on the first tribal council that I actually have it, because then it just feels like it was all for nothing.
1471 days 6 hours ago
Zach/Jayhawk123 (Coven)

I've been thinking, It doesn't make much sense to win first immunity when I feel like I'm in the middle. At this point it's either pair up with the heroes or the randoms. I don't wanna seem like a threat, and getting 100 seems like I tried. I will probably do more as I go on, but for now I'm gonna take a break and think

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