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Confessionals + Voting History

Topic » Confessionals + Voting History

2884 days 12 hours ago
Well There is six of us left and as fars as Im concerned every single one of them trusts me and doesnt have a problem with me. I found the other half Of the super idol and I guess Ill just give it to Garrett. My plan is to take the biggest jury threat(Will Z) out. but im nervous because Everyone voted me for most likely to be dragged to the end, meaning they think im not a gamer But Ive had a hand in everyone thats went home. The final plan is to Give the super idol to Garrett. Tell Jt and Garret to vote Will Z. Tell both Wills to vote Garrett along with me so that I dont lose Will Z's vote. Have dumbass Liam vote JT so that if Will Z plays his idol, Jt goes home and Garrett is the next target. No harm, No foul for me lmao.
2884 days 12 hours ago
Im at the bottom of my tribe. Now I know every single person in this tribe is after me. I dont have immunity and im a threat, so I have one last hope, and that is the super idol. Ikahmay or may not have it so I have to do my damn best to scramble and get the other half of the superidol. Ive come too far now to give up andjust come short. Everyone wants me gone except for me. If I can pull this off, it will be the best move in survivor history, if I cant, ill still be the best player this season (and the underdog, and who doesnt love the underdog) idol guess 67. Hoping I can get that other half of the super idol and save my game.
2884 days 12 hours ago
IT WORKED! I got the other half of the super idol and am guaranteed a spot in the final 5! I'm so excited! This is amazing, I used the power of persuasion to manipulate the game and now to flip it on its head. This is going to be awesome, I know ive played this game with tremendous ability and now going into the home stretch I have to prove my ability
2884 days 12 hours ago
Losing my vote tonight is a blessing in disguise. Ive been talking with JT and so I'm confident it will be a 3-1-1, or 3-2 vote, and since I convinced Ikah to vote Will Z, now all I have to do is convince JT, and I can turn the tables. If he doesn't, I have a backup plan, so this proves who I can really trust in this game.
2884 days 12 hours ago
I didn't know what to do but Garrett said it was ok to vote him out
2884 days 12 hours ago
So at tribal everything went as planned. I got Liam and Ikah to eliminate Jt so I have a jury vote, the Will(s) are in the minority, and this underdog went from the bottom to controlling the game! Even with no vote! Bwahaha
2884 days 12 hours ago
I'm in the top 5! Home stretch! I have a few worries, such as Will Z's idol, and the immunity challenges, but if I play my cards right, ill be sitting at final tribal pleading my case.
2884 days 12 hours ago
Will Z:
I was super excited when it was just me and Ikah left in the challenge. We literally just had to play it out for the fun of it, because my idol was going to be played on myself or him, giving us both immunity. Personally I want to vote out Garret, but idk if Ikah is up for that...we shall see what haooens
2884 days 12 hours ago
So the plan was going to be We get Will Z to play the idol on me. but I won immunity so Wanj gotta go. I dont want Will Z or Garrett in the finals with me but I know either one will give me their vote. any three of these guys would
2884 days 12 hours ago
If I am to go home, I wouldnt be shocked, because im a threat, I just hope that they didnt notice that when voting
2884 days 12 hours ago
Now knowing The self votes matter, Im certain Ikah and Wil Z are trying to blindside me, and with Them they have Wanjs and Liams votes, so just when I thought I was back in the game, its 4 against 1, and there is nothing I can do right now except try to save myself with Ikah and Will Z. Its my only hope. I don't deserve to go, ive fought harder than anyone else in this game
2884 days 12 hours ago
So I'm campaigning my heart out to Will Z and Ikah on why I should stay, and then they LIE TO MY FACE! They said that we were all voting Will, which you would've released the votes by now, so I know that Will Z. and his dainty little idol and Ikah are against me. Will Z and Will are a pair and Liam and Ikah are a pair. I have nobody, I haven't had anyone this entire game, so I have to keep on fighting, and fend for myself.
2884 days 12 hours ago
I know Will Z wants me gone, and so I'm voting him. Its my only hope in staying in this game. Ive scrambled this vote so many times. I cant go home now.
2884 days 12 hours ago
Will Z:
Votes should be good now, WANJ can't go home, and I played my idol on him, so his self vote won't count. Meaning everyone has voted
2884 days 12 hours ago
Will is the biggest pawn EVER so he's automatically going to the end, and Ikah and Liam are a pair in this game, so where does that leave me, on the bottom. Again! My only hope is to break the duo apart, and unfortunately telling lies about eachother has to do that. Im hoping I can drive a wedge between them because other than immunity that is my only way into the final 3. Its all or nothing right now.

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