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Skyros Confessionals

Topic » Skyros Confessionals

1263 days 12 hours ago


What a day yesterday was.... the swap was very interesting. We had Dino and Chris from my OT, CHRSITIAN, my number from Mavros, and his alliance Cubs/Marwane, then we had Fred and Isaac from Fotia. Immediately I wanted Mavros and Agora to come together to get rid of Fred/Isaac, but Chris had other plans... He immediately made a chat with Agora and Fotia and we had the numbers, yes, but it was against someone I wanted to play with.

We eventually lost the challenge, and my initial thought was to go after Mickle, but Chris was really budging for Marwane or Cubs. I knew that if Marwane or Cubs went, Christian would not work with Chris/Dino and I would have to choose a side sooner rather than later.

All day today was a mess... the vote flopped from Marwane, to Fred, to Cubs, to Mickle, literally almost everyone. While we did settle on Mickle, which I was thankful for, I'm hoping this decision was the right one. I know I'll have 3 number son this tribe no matter what, but we need to keep winning or maybe try to get rid of Fred/Marwane next, bc I really don't have any connection to them.

It should be noted that I'm starting to see Christian's game unfold. He has his hand in a lot of cookie jars, but I need to stay on his good side. If the people on the OT make a swap or merge with me, I will be fine, but I need to get rid of the ones who I can't really trust. I'm losing a little power on this tribe, but I don't need to be in control all the time. Time to sit back and just ride this wave.
1263 days 12 hours ago
Jacob S.


Ok this is the first round I’ve had to do slightly more than the bare minimum so sorry for not sending more of these!

But our winning streak on Fotia was unbroken until we SWAPPED on Monday. Now I was like getting home right when the swap was posted and stuff so I didn’t see it go down, but I did get to see the final results posted pretty much right as I walked in the door. IDK if this is normal or not haha but when there’s a swap I don’t look to see if I could get numbers for majority, I just look to make sure there’s a decent number of people who won’t vote ME out. Majority is fine and all but my first instinct is just to protect myself. And luckily on this tribe I did see some people who i didn’t think would vote for ME even if we ended up on different sides of some imaginary line in the sand.

So immediately the first name I saw under mine on the list was Kellen. And dear lord that guy either actually enjoys my company or he is a very good actor because I feel like I bother him sooo much but he’s always so nice! I just really really really really like him. I want him to be my #1 in this game, I just like wish I knew how he felt haha. He did send me his picture of the board that he spent a sheep on so that’s a sign of trust!

Then I saw Christian H, dad. Then I saw Christos, my closest ally from my original tribe. I like both of them a lot too, but I just know they have loyalties above me. Christian H has Christian B, Christos has Marwane. That’s why I am eyeing Kellen as a #1 bc idk who else he has. Also reminder he’s just so so so nice. And very easy on the eyes ok SOMEONE had to say it but I am not gonna make decisions based on that, really I just think he’d be easy to work with and I am here for a GAME.

We also have Eddie on this tribe who has expressed interest in working with me, then David/Andrew/Layla all from my original tribe.

That really did just leave Jacob M. on the outs as far as I was concerned from the start. So him volunteering changed nothing as far as what I wanted, I was already wanting to vote for him lol. Of course I’m like the most paranoid person on the planet though and am gonna be worried I’m getting BLINDSIDED until the votes are read.

Also I really did not know there were extra guesses for the board hidden on blogs, like imagine reading the rules. Christian B came and CONFRONTED ME about having them and I was like ???? I’m truly not sure whether he believes me or not, but like even if I did know the rules I wouldn’t have bothered looking LOL I don’t ever find idols or advantages or whatever for myself in games nty. But yeah Christian B wanted to combine resources to buy Pandora’s Box but those pesky rules got in the way again so ig he combined with someone on his tribe (Nathan if I had to guess tbh but idk!) and supposedly got...the gift on TG. If that’s true I feel bad, but at least I still have my resources.

So that is where I’m at right now, just waiting for tribal to see if things really are just that easy!
1263 days 12 hours ago


So I basically was like I’m voting Mickle and I’ll show up five minutes before deadline to change if needed at 5:45 but slept at like6/6:15 so whoops but yay we won and wow Mickle went home unanimous I wanna be egotistical and say I did that in my sleep but tbh I have no idea what happened
1263 days 11 hours ago
Christian H.


So I feel a little better on this tribe now that I was added to that Homies group or whatever. However, I am still a little wary because I feel like they could just discard me whenever. I definitely feel at the bottom. I also don't like that Kellen is not in that group! Cuz I like Kellen. I was talking to Jacob (bobrocks) and he also said he liked Kellen, so I'm hoping that maybe us 3 could do something. I just feel like this tribe swap wasn't that great for me. I don't feel like I'm in a position to make any moves or cause any shifts that I would like to. For example, Christos is very connected which is why I approached him because I figured he would keep me safe if he thought I was just a pawn and Eddie is connected as well. It just sucks because I feel very limited/constricted and I'm not used to it. I feel like when it comes down to the merge (if i make it) or if there's another swap I could potentially do better.

But also, I know that Chris is wary of Christian_ and Nathan, which worries me because I like all 3 of them and I dont want to have to choose between them this early in the game if I end up on the same tribe as those 3 in a future swap or something

Also, I lowkey feel like I could just get blindsided tonight lmao. Idk just paranoia
1262 days 15 hours ago
~ 17th: Jacob M. ~
1262 days 15 hours ago


Yesterday vote was so easy... That blackmamba boy wanted to be voted out and we did that. Also, christoss made a chat with NicoleF, Layla, Christian and Jacob whixch I feel comfortable but I like Kennel more than Christian or Jacob... So lets see what happens

I also like Andrew and a friend told him to work with me.. so I like this two more than the people that are on the bottom apparently... So I Hope we continue winning
1262 days 12 hours ago


So I came in pretty open between Marwane and Fred today but as Christian was fighting like hell for Marwane to stay it clicked for me that's not a possibility. If we flip on Fred, Isaac goes straight to the purples and we're in the minority. We need Marwane to go and also Chris T. loses his ally. Win/win.
1262 days 9 hours ago
~ 16th: Marwane ~
1262 days 8 hours ago


What is it with the swaps hating me omg

My 5 closest allies are all on the other tribe @ Nathan/Chris T/Chris D/Christian H/Jacob

I’m just gonna try to look at this positively. If I survive, I’ll have a lot of connections going into merge...but Dino is the last OG Agora I’d want with me and although my relationships with David, Layla, and Andrew are developing, I don’t know if they’re truly 100% with me or not cause trust never got test last swap since the only time we lost someone volunteered to leave...
1262 days 8 hours ago


Ahhh what a day.... at this point, things are really going well for me.

We swapped tribes after getting Marwane out. This needed to happen bc he was way too close to one side of the game and I know Chris wouldn't choose me over him so he had to go.

My new tribe is perfect. We have Christian, Kellen, and Chris who are all super loyal to me. I need to keep an eye on Jacob bc he's close to the same people but he's a strong competitor, I don't mind working with him for now.

Kellen really wants Raiden out of the game but I'd prefer him to stay, Raiden flipped his vote last second bc I called him 5 minutes before so I think him and I are cool.

Still waiting to play with Layla, David, and Andrew, I think they will be loyal to me to an extent. I had to throw Immunity today bc Christian said he was in danger and I need him in the game. Moving forward I'd like to vote Chris T tomorrow and I guess Fred after he comes back from Exile, but I won't get ahead of myself.
1261 days 14 hours ago
Christian H.


So I feel like this tribe swap was good because I don't think I'm gonna get voted out, even if we go to another tribal!! BUT, I'm on a tribe with too many people I'm working with and I think they have conflicting ideas... and I'm scared to make moves and reveal my hand too early! Like this vote, people want Chris T which I'm fine with even though I'm in that one chat with him... I don't feel loyalty to him. He's weaker cuz Marwane is gone, but I feel like we need to finish him off instead of just letting him slide through.

BUT if we lose again, I feel like I'll be fucked.

cuz Chris D wants to go after Nathan I think... but I'm working with Nathan... but also I know that Nathan has a crystal and he'd probably choose Christian_ and kellen over me.

But then if I don't wanna do Nathan, Chris D will wanna go after Jacob LOL which I also dont want. Or Kellen, which I don't want.

Like I'd prefer to go after Isaac or Fred cuz I've never spoken to them, but then I know that I cant be too passive

But then if I flip on this "homies" chat or whatever, then flip on kellen/jacob/christian/nathan then I basically have betrayed everyone

so idk

i just hope we win tonight

But then on the other hand, its just Survivor, Its not a big deal. So idk.
1261 days 9 hours ago
Jacob S.


Well another swap! Again I’m content with my tribe in terms of self preservation, but I am not content with it in terms of voting someone off!!!

Like right before this swap the game finally got juicy with Marwane being voted out. Apparently that swap tribe had an original green + original orange alliance?! Which is kinda BORING, like oooh randomly assigned original tribes dictating the vote. But at least it was someone active who went home to shake things up, gotta bring those ratings.

So on my new tribe I still have Christian H, Kellen, and Christos who I think are all valuable allies of mine. Christos is the only person I’ve been with since the start, which I know I just said doesn’t matter but like we’ve had a decent relationship beyond that, it’s not just blindly ORIGINAL ORANGE. Christian H is just very fun to talk to, I enjoy his company a lot and he’s like a real normal person. Kellen just makes me feel so...seen. I really appreciate talking to him I just never feel...judged or like he’s invalidating my feelings or anything. I’m getting like emotional just typing this LOL because he just makes me feel good.

I said earlier that maybe Kellen could be my #1, but his actual number 1 Nathan is on this tribe so rip to that dream. REALLY Christos should be my #1 now that Marwane is out, but...I think he’s going home tonight.

Christian and Kellen both want Christos out, and they have Nathan and Chris D. on board to do it. Voting Christos out really does not benefit me, he’s been the only one with me on all 3 tribes. He just lost his best ally. Like on paper he should stay for my game. BUT he’s not doing himself any favors IMO which makes it hard to stick my neck out for him. Like he added me to a chat with a bunch of people to target Chris D. Which IS what I want to do so I wasn’t upset, but like idk he didn’t run that chat or that plan by me in advance so I can imagine he didn’t with others either to even see if there were numbers in support. Then his reasoning is that Chris targeted bro that does not really matter to anyone but you. I had a decent interaction with Marwane the one time we talked, but like the reasoning should be about the people still in the game and wanting to work with them, not to avenge your obvious final 2.

So like barring any craziness I will probably be waving goodbye to Chris T in a bit but I’m just gonna...slightly hope there’s craziness as long as I’m not the victim of it. IDK I think I’m in a good position even if he goes, like Christian and Kellen are the people I’m the closest to not just on this tribe but in the whole game, so I just don’t wanna ruin that. IDK. I just feel like my vote tonight doesn’t even matter which hurts. Oh well.
1261 days 9 hours ago
~ 15th: Chris T. ~
1261 days 4 hours ago


Confessional about the mikey vote way back:

Basically I didn't want to do Mickle, and Christian_ and I decided it would be a waste to vote out the guy that wanted to leave. Neither of us trusted Mikey so we made a chat with marwane (rip) and cub to make it happen. No regrets, although him calling me a liar when i never said i'd vote with him... kinda weird.


Alrighty... so at this point in the game I am so happy we swapped because apparently Andrew and I were the ones left out of a six person chat... weird. Anyways, I swapped with my #1 Nathan and my #2b Jacob. Having them on the same tribe are two people that will never say my name. Which means.... i just have to make sure 1 other person doesnt say my name and im godo and that person is.... Christian. I feel good and secure on this tribe unless im idol'd out.

Christian is my #2a. I think me being with Nathan, Christian and Jacob (3 strong players in this game) is a good strategy for me. They all have sway with different people and can keep my name out of being in danger. However, these three are not necessarily working together so that could get interesting. I am going to feel bad when i inevitably have to vote Jacob or Christian out, but gotta do what you gotta do.

For this current vote i am hearing Isaac, which is fine with me. Haven't said a word to taht guy :)
1261 days 4 hours ago
Christian B.


Well... honestly ive had such a wild day but hugs me making the merge so hard unless y'all for some reason wanted the legacy used premerge...? Also idk if i ever updated y'all, but i spent all day trying to get marwane to stay when he wouldnt even campaign, so that was a mood. This tribe swap was absolutely horrid, but i am happy to have escaped it. Hugs myself so hard

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