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S6 All Stars II [Confessionals]

Topic » S6 All Stars II..

1982 days 6 hours ago
Natasha (Blondelle) Confessional EP:4

So today, we finally get the news that we are doing a swap just as predicted. 4 tribes will now become 3 and someone is getting Exiled. I'm obviously hoping it's me like everyone, but i'm more nervous of simply getting swap screwed.

I really have found a great group of people here at Tumadock and we all genuinely have gotten along. Our camp harmony is great and I think our performance in challenges reflects that. It's just all so ironic because when I saw this tribe on Day 1, I thought I was screwed! I didn't know ANY of them and now i'm heartbroken to have to leave them!

Regardless of what my tribe is, my strategy pre-merge stays the same. Win Challenges. Lay Low. And Strengthen My Relationships.
If I can start on a tribe where no one knows me, maybe I have a shot at making it to the merge if I have at least one former connection. However, at the same time - I am well aware that I will go at ANY second. Being the best winner - I know my time here is so limited, and that's why I just have to keep up my "Used Sales Carswoman" persona. I know it's all bullshit and most will see through it, but I want them to know that I am genuinely here to help them get THEIR CROWN.
I already have mine! No one can take that away from me so let me help you get yours! No one is going to want to give me another title.

Until the swap actually happens, i'm just going to keep my fingers crossed and hold my breath. I am a social beast in this game and now is the time to prove it if my worst case scenario is to happen. I just hope the Survivor Gods hear my prayers and don't forsake me. Luck is so crucial in this game.....I just hope i'm on the right side of the coin today.
1982 days 2 hours ago
Ethan (Brittney) Confessional EP:4

So the last tribal, we voted out Joel unanimously. I felt bad about it because I think he would have been a trustworthy ally but he wasn't making an effort in the game. I decided it was best for me to just go along with Eoin, James, and Jesse in the vote and not make a stir over it. I think it built the trust necessary with them knowing we were inevitably going to a swap soon.

So then the swap starts! I'm feeling a lot of things about it just because there's so many possibilities. I've been talking to a handful of people outside my tribe and think I have good relationships with my original tribe so I think there's a good chance I won't be fucked in the swap.. but who knows. I think worst case is I end up with people like Keizo/Brady/Erik/Joey.

I'm obviously friends with Brandon still and Qaz and I have worked out our rivalry so I'd be happy ending up with the two of them.

Clair is someone I adore and I know she's a loyal player. She reached out to me and we've been talking so I'd love to work with her.

Brian and I had been in a game together a few weeks ago where we just weren't on the same side. I didn't have an issue with him, but apparently he said something about having beef with me to Brandon. I told Brandon I really don't feel there's an issue between us and I hope he said something to Brian about it. I ended up messaging Brian a couple days after Brandon told me this and just talked a bit and told him like I was excited to see him in the game bc even though we were on different pages in our last game I liked him as a person and talking to him after we were both out. Hopefully it's squashed in his eyes bc I really didn't feel like we had an issue to start!

Dan and Natasha are like the biggest wildcards imo, I don't know how I'm going to vibe with them. Dan is someone I find pretty annoying, just like around the group game community. I don't know him but it's like I see him asking dumb questions all the time and I get so annoyed.

But yeah that turned into a mini cast assessment lmao I don't feel complete dread about the swap so fingers crossed! Worst case, I DO have my idol as back up in case things really don't go well.
1982 days 2 hours ago
Newly Swapped Tribes

Badjao *Blue Buffs*

Dan (dwipeouts)
Keizo (Foxy_Piplup)
Natasha (Blondelle)
Qaz (Qazwdxedc)
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse)

Palawan *Red Buffs*

Brady (CoachWade)
Eoin (Eoin)
Erik (YoundAndReckless)
Ethan (Brittney)
Jesse (JesseM)

Tumadock *Yellow Buffs*

Brian (cfff)
Clair (haycsclair)
James (J2999)
Kolby (ThePug)
Tyler (UnicornChicken)

Exile Island

Brandon (brandonrichie)
1982 days 1 hour ago
Game Update

NuBadjao looks like it will hold its original numbers 3-2.  My guess is Qaz is the odd one out as Watermelondrea doesn't like him and he also worked with Keizo in Nicaragua closely.  I expect Keizo and Qaz to work together against the three.  The Nicaragua three won't work all together.

NuPalawan looks less likely to hold it's three as I can definitely see Eoin potentially making the jump to work with Erik and Brady.   My guess is Brady is on the hot seat, but he does have the idol and maybe can shift it to Erik.  I think if anyone goes from OG Badjao it's probably Jesse.

NuTumadock James seems to be the swing.  My guess is he'll align himself with Brian and Clair as they're more rational players and Clair did vote James to win in Mongolia.  I think Tyler is on the outs here because of Kolby's idol.

Brandon is a loser and will stay on Exile.  But, will get a clue to an extra vote on his stay at Exile.
1982 days 1 hour ago
Qaz (Qazwdxedc) Confessional EP:4

Summarizing my plans for this new swap because I won’t have a confessional in till tomorrow

-gonna try and align with Natasha and dan
-throw the challenge
-get rid of keizo/Joey (Joey hates me but he’s good at challenges, keizo would vote me out but doesn’t have personal problems w me)
-get brandon with me and throw the one after that to get rid of the surviving one
-part of this is to keep Erik and Brady safe as I think they’re outnumbered on Palawan, as you saw on my last tribe I made the JB decision and I would’ve made the decision between those two going
1982 days ago
Dan (dwipeouts) Confessional EP:4

Brandon's is an annoying ass bitch. Like seriously dude wtf. Me clair and and Eclipse ( I'm no typing his Water name or whatever) and all agree Brandon needs to be assassinated from the game immediately. However what we did something really stupid. We made our public feelings about Brandon in the tribe chat(this is before the swap btw) And i noticed as soon as we started talking about Brandon, Natasha got very quiet. In my mind i'm quickly like oh shit. This could leak to brandon. I was basically act like i did in madidi where i was so sure zach was gonna go home and ross ended up getting blindsided and so i quickly message both eclipse and clair separatly like hey shut the fuck up now and don't make so much noise about brandon because natasha got quiet when we talked with brandon. So then i hear natasha did some incredible idol play in gen 1 and so i looked back at that just for fun but i see brandon and brady were also on that season i'm like hmm? Brandon and natasha are probably even closer than I think. So if he had lost the last challenge the vote would have been between Brien and Natasha with the possibilty of Natasha going home because you know, kill all witnesses. Anyways I love this new tribe. I don't feel much in danger at all. So the target is qaz right now bec qaz and Brandon are really really close together. Honestly i wanted to throw this challenge but Eclipse is afraid qaz has an idol and so i don't really like being told what to do but i'll listen to eclipse and not through the challenge. (even tho im not particapating so there's nothing i can do anyways). But right now Brandon wants me to through the challenge bec he claims he wants to be on my tribe. It's like no you want to be on this tribe so you can be with qaz and natasha. So right now i'm trying to figure out how to get rid of qaz without it leaking to him in case he has an idol and natasha would be the most likely person to spill the beans and so even tho i already got the help of eclipse i need kiezo and kiezo is like random. He's basically a person whose in understudy of a small part of the movie but the original person that played that small part of movie got hurt and now here shows up Kiezo whose boring and vanilla.
1982 days ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:4

Tribe swap!

First off, I'm gagged @ Chatzy RIGGING me away from my original tribe.

Literally? The 3 of them together, me travelling onwards.

Anyway, here's my thoughts on this tribe:

Brian (cfff) - Wow yes king! We briefly played M&N's together around June/July, then voted together a bit in the 100 game. I think we'll be decent allies, hopefully!

Clair (haycsclair) - Ok so one of my closest allies from Mongolia! Someone I know I'll be loyal to, and I think we can vote together if needed :x

Kolby (ThePug) - We've had a running pig joke for a while, so only fitting I name him my partner in swine. Tyler told me Kolby hasn't been overly active, but I like him soooo :P

Tyler (UnicornChicken) - Honestly I think he's a pretty strong player. I like him and we spoke once, he seems a great guy, and I would work with him come merge.

I'm HOPING we can win immunity, but if needed I think I'd personally go for Tyler, just because I think the other 3 are more likely to work with me long term? But I'm not sure fully at the moment. I guess we'll see.
1981 days 23 hours ago
Keizo (Foxy_Piplup) Confessional EP:4

Oh boy here we go...the swap just happened and i'm literally alone...No one from my tribe is with me... but oh well i quickly connected again with Joey (Watermelondrea) and i have my little bond with Dan and i talked a little with Qaz too... i still need to talk with Natasha but i feel pretty good for now...lowkey hoping that we lose so Brandon would end up with me on the same tribe... if we win then it's still good... i just hope that i'm not the next one gone...god help me haha...
1981 days 21 hours ago
Jesse (JesseM) Confessional EP:4

So I went to tribal and Joel left in a 4-1 vote. I am glad he is gone but I did hate lying to him and being fake because i'm not a fake person and hate lying :( But it's a game I guess. We had a tribe swap and I wanted fate to decide which tribe I ended up on but others didn't pick their # :| If I am really an all star shouldn't matter which #1-16 I pick... I really wanted to go to Exile... because I KNOW there is some advantage there even though Brandon says there isn't... think he is lying! But yeah overall happy with my tribe! I am with Eoin and Ethan, two of my original tribe members, Brady who was on my original season and who has been talking to me through tengaged mail and then Erik... lol We were supposed to be friends but he ignored me so i'm over him in this game, lol.. but yeah first challenge just HAD to be a puzzle, FML! But at least we won hahaha Got a clue to the idol but not really sure I want to waste my time looking for it... I asked Brady and he told me that he will talk to me at 10 so looking forward to what he says... Really hoping Pug gets voted out as I like all the others. Until next time Benny boy! :P
1981 days 19 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:4

Ok so common belief is I've got the power

*Alexa play "Little Mix - Power" in the background*
jkjk not into that ahhaha

Though it IS common belief I decide who leaves, to an extent.

Side 1: Brian and Clair.
Side 2: Kolby and Tyler.

Honestly scrap when I mentioned voting Tyler lmfao, we need him for comps and we've spoken more and he's awesome.

I'm leaning towards voting WITH Side 2, most likely Brian. But I cannot guarantee that yet.

I have to consider Brandon joining, making it 3-1-1 though I think IF we lost again, they'd perhaps boot Clair, and then if we lost AGAIN, maybe not even me? Apparently Tyler and Brandon had some form of beef, though Kolby has the idol, I'm pretty sure, so yeah they're a mess.

Still gutted I had to leave my 3 Badjao's :(

Anyway, I THINK Brian might leave. No guarantee yet. It feels nice having this sense of power, but equally I don't like having the burden of knowing I have to vote someone I like, despite this just being a game.
1981 days 9 hours ago
Brian (cfff) Confessional EP:4

Hi ben! so not the happiest with this tribe swap simply because I barely know anyone. But I am really glad I am with Clair becuase it looks like we can trust each other. Now that we lost it seems that Tyler and Kolby wanna go after each other. Apparently Tyler was the next target on their original tribe so Tyler wants to split up Kolby and Brandon before Brandon joins our tribe. SPEAKING OF BRANDON, he is getting on my nerves. Joey warned me about him and he was correct. Brandon is telling me to vote out Tyler. First of all you do not know me and you do NOT tell me what to do. He think he is gonna control me and that is the last thing that is happening. I am not sending you my vote just yet but I think if I go ahead with Tyler and vote out Kolby, that will split him and Brandon up and if we go to tribal again, that will cause Tyler and Brandon to go against each other which will keep me and Clair one step closer to merge.
1981 days 9 hours ago
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse) Confessional EP:4

So the swap finally happened, just like everyone suspected and truthfully the Survivor Gods were on my side today. I ended up staying with Dan and Watermelondrea from the old Tumadock, giving us the majority of three with Keizo and Qaz joining as well. I couldn't have been happier because as the tribes were being formed and my turn was coming up I wanted Badjao and no other tribe at that point - and I got my way :) I also got some information too.

With Brandon being exiled, I knew he was going to get some sort of advantage and so when he told me he had an Idol Nullifier I wasn't shocked at all. However, most of the time Brandon speaks to me I just act surprised and like I don't know anything. That goes for just about everyone else as well.
Regardless, he instantaneously said that he wanted to be on my tribe once Qaz was on it - like, instantly. So I know that they've probably got something going on together because for BRANDON to WANT to be one a tribe WITH WATERMLONDREA he must seriously be with Qaz. Like big time - and Qaz is ALWAYS so bland to me and muddy - it's just like consistent half assed conversations all the time. I understand why Watermelondrea has him and Brandon blocked.

Anyways, Brandon approaches me with this master plan about how we can get Watermelondrea out once he told me about his nullifier. He wanted me to participate in the challenge so that I could throw it, vote out Keizo, let Brandon join, make a lie to make him play his idol, Brandon USE the nullifier, and then send Watermelondrea home basically just like Dan went out from Survivor DvG.

I understand where he's coming from with such a huge vendetta but he clearly does not realize how foolish it just seems at this point in time. I can't even consider putting my neck out that far for him when I'm already on the majority here lmao. I know that's such a boring move and that this IS indeed Survivor, but when we're THIS close to the merge I just don't see the point.

I DELIBERATELY sat out of this challenge so that the strong challenge beasts, Melondrea & Keizo, could win for us and so that Brandon couldn't blame me for not throwing the challenge like he wanted. He needs to realize that i'm more of an ally to him rather than a sheep and I'm not going to go against my own agenda just to fulfill his needs even if that means making a big move. Fuck your big move! I'm not gonna be a cog or some gear in a master plan that paints you out as the mastermind because that will make you get votes in the end.

I also want him to keep that Nullifier, and the pressure that comes with it a little bit longer. Knowing Brandon he simply will HAVE to use it in the merge. He's so theatrical. He's literally Angelina - and so when he does use it, he'll become a huge target then and will probably be voted out due to the fallout. Ya know it's funny that I say all this too though because at the same time, I do actually like Brandon - he's very compelling and very ruthless, a little whiny, but still an amazing player of this game. His only downfall is how so many people recognize that.
I feel like people don't recognize that with me as much, and I really hope that they don't, even though....they should. My whole thing is this, when it comes to playing this game,
I always want to be the most underrated and underestimated player on this island. By my fellow castaways, the Viewers Lounge, the host, anyone. When I play this game, I'm not trying to be the "Player of the Season," or "Hero of the Season," okay? I'm trying to be the "Winner of Survivor All-Stars II."

and i'm truly going to do whatever it takes, or whatver I believe will help me get one step closer to earning that.

I also believe that Watermelondrea will become a huge target due to simply being the strongest person out here. He easily could win his way to the finale, especially because he most likely has the idol - which isn't a bad thing cuz he and I are solid.
1981 days 9 hours ago
James (J2999) Voting Confessional EP:4

Ok so I'm sticking with Kolby and Tyler.

If we lose when Brandon comes on the tribe, I believe Clair would be the boot.

If we lost again, even then I don't know if it would be me. I BELIEVE there'll be 3 challenges on this tribe, so for that to be the case we'd have to lose them ALL.

With this being said, it sucks all round as I like the WHOLE tribe, but I will be casting my vote for Brian this tribal :(
1981 days 9 hours ago
Tyler (UnicornChicken) Voting Confessional EP:4

I am voting for Brian. I'm not quite sure if this is the right decision, or if my decision even matters at all tonight. But if this goes to plan you're all screwed! This could be your last chance to get me before I get you. Good luck and make the right choices.
1981 days 8 hours ago
Tribal Council #4 (Badjao)

Eoin -  Joel
Ethan - Joel
James - Joel
Jesse - Joel
Joel - Eoin

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