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S1 Hawaii Discussion

Topic » S1 Hawaii Discussion

3401 days 4 hours ago
#Lanai [Red Buffs]

-Amanda B. / domarco13
-Andrew W. / AndrewWeltner
-Connor J. / cjuddy
-Cam H. / preznewton
-Chris D. / IRandomal123
-Daniel R. / DanielzSnooz
-Jacob K. / kekgeek
-Noah K. / noah_kondon

#Kahaluu [Yellow Buffs]

-Andrew H. / Manipulation
-Austyn N. / Oysterman11
-Cole C. / Cole91       
-Eric A. /awwsum11
-Mikayla L. / manalord
-Scott W. / byp123
-William J. / WANJ
-Zarak K. / Zkboizz
3401 days 3 hours ago



Hopefully some new people impress me. I'm gonna have fun working on the wiki.
3400 days 20 hours ago
Good cast

Connor, Daniel, Mikayla, Scott, and Zarak have all been in my survivor series (fairly recently too) and each of them stood out as great players to watch
I've recently played with Chris, Noah, and Cole and they're amazing players

Everyone else I've at least heard of or seen around and have stood out in other groups
3400 days 19 hours ago
Connor wins...kay bye
3400 days 2 hours ago
Solid cast! I like the mix of experience among them.

I'd like some of the smaller names to come out of the woodwork and shine. But also the established players to show why they have such strong reputations.
3400 days 2 hours ago
Supporting Scott as my main player though. And also CJ :)
3400 days 1 hour ago

#Kahaluu [Yellow Buffs]

-Andrew H. / Manipulation- Andrew is gonna be one of the biggest wildcards if not the biggest one.  I've seen Andrew play very well at times but I've also seen him flop hard.  For Andrew it really depends how into the game he is and his early decision making.  I really hope Andrew plays well because I do believe he can go far but not win.

-Austyn N. / Oysterman11- I don't know much about Austyn in fact maybe nothing at all.  But I do know Austyn will for sure bring diversity to this cast being a relatively new face in the Group Game community.  I'm really excited to see him play as he usually is a Stars player from what I heard.  There is no way I can judge Austyn fairly but I love the unpredictability but being new could get him out early.

-Cole C. / Cole91- #TengagedsVillain.  I am very happy and excited for to Cole play in my first season because he is for sure if not the most established player in this cast.  Cole is going far and I see him making Finale night without a doubt and possibly winning the game.  The only thing working against Cole is his name being so well known and the fact and may be to eager at times to turn the tables on people  If Cole can get over those obstacles he could very likely be our winner.

-Eric A. /awwsum11- Eric is a good player but I just don't know if he can keep up with the bigger names out here.  Eric is someone who doesn't give up easily though and I do expect good things from if things go his way alliance wise.  If Eric doesn't find a majority though there's a good chance he will go pre-merge but I really hope that doesn't happen b/c I do like Eric.

-Mikayla L. / manalord- Mikayla aka Nick/manalord is another established player like Cole.  Mikayla is going to be a villainous character right off the bat and will go deep into this game.  What Mikayla needs to do is pretty much the same as Cole to make Finale make good decisions and not let his name get in the way.  I do think Mikayla is in a better spot than Cole since Mikayla is a group game host (Cole is too) but Mikayla probably knows everyone in this cast so he probably knows everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Watch out.

-Scott W. / byp123- My dark horse to win this game.  Scott is one of the best players on the rise and I can't wait to see him play.  Scott is a legit player and I can for sure see him winning as long as he plays his cards right but he needs to get some of these bigger players out in order to win and that won't be an easy task.  He's not the most well known player nor the least known.  Advantage Scott.

-William J. / WANJ-  William is going to be passionate in his confessionals and be very committed however I just don't see him going far with this tribe.  William will likely be cut sometime during the premerge whether it's early or late.  Other than that William is gonna struggle this season as he may be overwhelmed.

-Zarak K. / Zkboizz- A very new face to group games.  Zarak isn't one of the brightest tools in the shed strategically however he is decent at challenges and could potentially sneak up on people if he shows he is active.  I don't think Zarak will win but he for sure can be dragged along by other people to go deep in the game or he is just gonna go premerge early merge.  I'm hoping Zarak can overcome being a lesser name and at least surprise people that he isn't just a weak newbie.
3400 days ago

#Lanai [Red Buffs]

-Amanda B. / domarco13-  I'm very happy to have casted Amanda judging she has been banned for nearly 3 months and was banned when she was making strides in the group game community.  Amanda is going to be a very good social player who will sneak her way into merge.  She won't win but I have high hopes she can make mid merge.  The only other thing I see is she could be very rusty which may lead to a possible early exit

-Andrew W. / AndrewWeltner- The only white level in this cast.  I am currently watching him in Wangy's Madagascar and I have to say I am surprised by his intellect.  Andrew was originally cut from the season before but reapplied and was accepted and has taken his opportunity by storm.  Andrew is for sure a very active player but I think being a white level is going to give him the early boot.  I do hope he takes advantage of his opportunities in this game.

-Connor J. / cjuddy- Connor is going to get in a majority early due to his likability however during the merge he is going to become a threat due to the fact he will likely have good relationships with people.  I'm really hoping we can see a new style of gameplay from Connor which isn't all UTR and laid back.  If Connor can be more cutthroat there is for sure a chance he can make Finale night but I don't see him making FTC unfortunately.

-Cam H. / preznewton- Cam will do okay this season.  Cam usually plays group games with his partner thewinner (who is not in the cast).  I can see Cam making the merge but not jury. In my opinion Cam needs thewinner in order to do well in group games. Still curious about his game in general.

-Chris D. / IRandomal123- Chris is also another diverse player to have on the cast.  I think Chris is gonna be one of the biggest surprises this season.  People don't know Chris all that well but he has group game experience and that's gonna throw people off track.  Really looking forward to watch to him play as I don't know his overall strategy coming in.

-Daniel R. / DanielzSnooz- Daniel in my opinion is a hit or miss.  I think he can either excel or he is gonna flop.  A very similar review I gave about Andrew/ Manipulation.  Daniel's main focus for this game is to make sure he doesn't overplay and can fly UTR.  Daniel coming in as a question mark and will see early on if he can get himself into a good spot.

-Jacob K. / kekgeek- Another new gen player on the rise.  After watching Jacob first hand in Wangy's Japan I knew I wanted him to be on this cast because he is such a fun player to watch.  Jacob is a very strategic player and will make the merge but the question that comes up to me is can he actually win?  A Back to Basics Season is perfect to display Jacob's strategic strengths.

-Noah K. / noah_kondon- Noah is gonna be the drama and a whirlwind of bad news to people's games.  If Noah's tribe was smart they would get him out early because he is a very chaotic player but his activity level is always on point which out matches the chaos.  My prediction for Noah is somewhere early merge around 9th place.
3399 days 19 hours ago
Only assessing the ones I know/heard of because I only think it's fair :-)

#Lanai [Red Buffs]

-Andrew W. / AndrewWeltner > Andrew is somebody who surprises me. He's easy to get on with, prepared to go with you on moves, and is active! I see Andrew becoming someones very important number in the game and going far, but he needs to be able to take the bull and make moves himself.

-Connor J. / cjuddy > Connor is really charming and he's got strategy sorted, it's second nature to him. He'll be in a majority for just being so kind and trustworthy. I'd love to see CJ be a little bad, because I think his game is standard and heroic, so lets get Connor fired up and we'll see some great gameplay.

-Cam H. / preznewton > I've played with Cam once and I remember him being pretty good. I remember him coming off as a little bit shady at times, but a little fine tuning of his game and he's a real threat. He's a question mark for me right now.

-Chris D. / IRandomal123 > Chris is a highly emotional player, and needs to cut this out, or use it as a strength. Another very loyal guy though, and for some reason I feel really really good about his chances in this season. I'm predicting a finales performance for Chris though, it's his time to shine.

-Daniel R. / DanielzSnooz > All I know of Daniel is he's in about a hundred group games at once and still does relatively well. I'm with Benm he's hit or miss, and I'd rather see him hit and hard. He needs to chill in the first half and then evolve into a big player.

-Jacob K. / kekgeek > He's so much fun to laugh, I too saw him in Wangy's Japan. I see big things for Jacob in this group game. He's my winner pick without a doubt, and I think he'll play with flair this time around.

-Noah K. / noah_kondon > Noah is insane, and his mind is working a hundred miles a minute, which makes him really dangerous, but he needs to not let people know this, which is difficult for him. He's willing to make big moves though and he's SO good to have on any season.

#Kahaluu [Yellow Buffs]

-Andrew H. / Manipulation > Andrew can either be EXCELLENT, and dominate a season... or not. I'm looking forward to seeing what Andrew can bring to this season, but I'm worried he'll be a big threat early on. If he can surround himself with some newer less experienced players, he can run this.

-Cole C. / Cole91 > Cole never really goes early, and always makes a deep run because he's got a method and his method works really well. My problem with Cole is he plays the exact same game... EVERY GAME. Which means, when he doesn't have the numbers, he just can't pull himself out of a minority or find anyone to trust him. I'd love to see him shake things up this game.

-Mikayla L. / manalord > Nick is great, he's so much fun, so energetic, and a damn good strategist. He fizzles a bit when things aren't going his way, a bit like Cole. I think he needs to take Cole/Andrew out as soon as possible. It'll be a match of wits between these three guys early on, and I do not see all of them making the merge.
3397 days 6 hours ago
Daniel R./DanielzSnooz Confessional

Oh yah this is awesome to play in fricking hawaii i've never been here so its pretty awesome. Anyways no time for vacation let's get to work. First time i'm free for a game with some big names in here and i'm ready to slay this game like no other. Off the bat as me and prez are hosts and i've won his survivor we know each other well so that's a perfect guy i can bring far. But 2 aint gone make some majority. So i put out a little message to about... EVERYONE in the tribe which could get me the win or bite me in the ass. Anyways there 3 people coming form my survivor so there a little 4 person alliance there consisting me andrew, noah and amanda but noah is the most fishy person here that i think i'll need to carve him up before he carves me. Other than that i was thinking me prez and random would be one beast team to take to the end but i hope no one will see random as a high color level and vote for him like other games but i dont even know if i should be thinking about F3 right now. Cj is also a sneaky one that i need to watch out. I like him and he's cool and all but he is one ferocious beast in strategy that i can't handle if he goes further on so i'll probs make people sad by saying this but i think he's ganna be a pre-merger if i'm here. Kekgeek... yeah. Other than that it's wonderful and hope i can stroll to the end and take that million dollar prize
3397 days 6 hours ago
Cam H./preznewton44 Confessional

I could not have gotten a better draw in terms of my tribe.  It seems like all enemies of mine/players I recognize are on the other side, namely Cole.  Scott and William have played in my series before and WANJ was super inactive, if I remember correctly.  This means that winning tribal immunity challenges are critical, that way many of the members I know on Kahaluu have a good shot at getting eliminated.

I have already got a three-man alliance, it seems.  Daniel has played in my series and he was fantastic. We decided to reach out and get Chris for our alliance and I have had talks with them.
3396 days 6 hours ago
Scott W./byp123 Confessional

We really sweated out a close one there. It's a good thing Cole showed up at the last second or else his ass would have been served to us on a platter to vote out tonight. Anyways, the game is well underway. I've already set up a f2 deal that I plan on sticking to with Zarak. He and I worked together indirectly (through his partner) in Jimbo's BvW, so I'm hoping we can go far. Other than that, I'm not really sure how I stand. I don't know too many people on my tribe, so I'm hoping to form some alliances. Nick(aka Mikayla) is a huge player, but I may need him for an alliance to get with the majority early on as he's the one I know the most besides Zarak. If we can keep winning challenges, i can try to talk to more people from my tribe and hopefully find myself a solid spot in the majority
3396 days 6 hours ago
Connor J./cjuddy Confessional

hm okay, so we are going to be 'that' tribe.
Its so frustrating because we had the perfect comeback and then randomal went and fucked it up. But it is what it is, and at least this gives us a chance to get rid of some deadweight for the tribe..
Ill do my cast assesment now ~

Amanda: Who? I cant say I know her.. but she has history with group games. There is a high chance of her name being up there for "first boot" seeing as she isnt in the core 4; myself, daniel, Chris and Cam. Plus she didnt show up to the challenge.

Andrew: This guy could be the definition of 'dark horse'. While only being a yellow level i can see him becoming a group game regular. He probaly lacks the key aspects to "win" but if he proves his strength to the tribe like he kinda... did today then he will stick around a while. I have talked to him a bit but i may get to know him a bit more.. keeping people like him close is crucial as he could be a vote on lockdown for me if he trusts me enough

Cam: He is in the core 4 and I want to get to know him a little bit better, i want to see what type of game he plays.

Chris: Aint no doubt that he lost that challenge for us, and as much as I wanted to address that I am keeping my calm because I need the core 4 to work, for now at least. He states how we were 'allies' in a frookies, but i went back and checked the game out! He had an alliance with literally everyone in the game. Those games can be related to these in a sense, so I will be keeping an eye on him. A very CLOSE eye ;0

Daniel: My #1 allie this game, i trust him alot from a previous game so he will be my bro this season

Jacob: Other person who will potentially leave tonight but i may shoot him a message and see where his head is at with the vote

Noah: Not sure where we stand because I have backstabbed him in some sort of game before so if he remember that I feel like I may be his target? who knows.. That may be a bridge I need to mend.

Andrew: Physical dude and he definatly knows how to play this game! He is most likely going to be the guy I knock heads with the most later on in the game (assuming we meet)

Austyn: He is that guy that will get to the end with very little blood on his hands so he needs to go sooner than later

Cole: Cole is a huge name for the group game community so no doubt he will bring alot to the season, he is someone I hope in working with later on as we know eachother and are friendly with eachother atm XD we have played before, but ultimatly if I have my way he wont make the final 2 :P

Eric: Erm..

Mikayla: Basically same as Cole except we arent that close

Scott: we were good allies in Jimbos survivor so ultimately we will hopefully work together later on! But the dude plays the perfect amount of social/strategy and physical so people better not underestimate him

William: Not much to say

zarak: idk

Sorry for the rushed cast assesment but I am still getting over the TRAGIC loss at the challenge today. Im going to go cry in the bathtub now
3396 days 3 hours ago
William J./WANJ Confessional

I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. I have only been to a few states and Hawaii aint one of them. I live on the other side of America. So Hawaii will be fun. I can practice my hoola dancing.
3396 days 3 hours ago
I love Connor confessionals <3 <3 <3 <3
3396 days 2 hours ago
Connor is very entertaining and he's in the majority but at the same time a lot of people know what he's capable of same goes for Cole and Mana

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