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S1 Hawaii Discussion

Topic » S1 Hawaii Discussion

3388 days 12 hours ago
I think the only thing I didn't expect to happen was Mikayla (Nick) L./manalord to go out very early in the premerge.  I expected more from him.
3388 days 11 hours ago
Connor J./cjuddy Confessional

We don't 'sorta' need to win this challenge. We NEED to win this challenge! This is literally of the utmost importance because this defines whether we go into the merge tied 5-5 or down 4-6. It could potentially define whether or not our tribe gets Pagonged and I want to go in to the merge GUNS BLAZING! I will be shooting bitches left and right because its all about getting me to that next plateau and ultimately to the final 2 where I hopefully pull out the win!
Actually.. I am too nice to be "shooting bitches" but I will be saying 'Excuse me, could I please just scooch past you? Thank you! Enjoy 10TH PLACE'

I'm in a good spot with my foursome alliance a.k.a the "core alliance" consisting of myself, Chris, Noah and Daniel. Daniel and I ultimately decide who goes if we go to tribal again. My huge concern with going into the merge is what happens if we do go into the merge 5-5?Like it only takes 1 person to flip and that person could be Andrew! He is undoubtablly on the bottom of the tribe and if he doesn't realize that.. then shame. I need to talk to him one on one and just figure out where his head is at! I havent a clue what will happen at merge and so much is out of my control, but the things I can control I will.

*cracks knuckles* Back to work
3387 days 15 hours ago
Austyn N./Oysterman11 Confessional

I feel nervous going into this tribal council I don't know if I have made as strong of bonds as I think I have. I am looking forward to this because this may possible be out first blindside. I have yet to speak with Zarak and I feel as though he is playing a decent social game. I have solidified a bond with Scott and Eric and I still have my relationship with Cole which is going alright (however he is kind of a weak link) I feel as though this vote will solidify my place in the tribe and let me know whether or not I am on top of my tribe or not.

I vote out Zarak.
3387 days 5 hours ago
You added me right before Zarak is getting blindsided  :'(
3387 days 1 hour ago

Not much of a blindside since he hasn't all been that active
3386 days 14 hours ago
Eric A./awwsum11 Confessional

IC #4: So, in this challenge, I ended up being terrible. The only reason I even got two points was because I was guessing at the end. By then, I figured out how it sort of worked and I made accurate guesses because of that, :)
IC #5: I love these challenges where people are slowly eliminated, because I get better as it progresses. At first, I had a notepad with the four sayings and I was just going back and forth, copy and pasting them. Once I saw that Connor and Daniel were a lot faster, I thought our tribe was dead for sure, but that simple mistake they both did was enough for me to slide by to the win. However, I think I may have burned a few bridges by being a little too enthusiastic, which is something I really need to change about myself.
IC #6: So, I don't actually know how well I would've done in this challenge, had I done it. I'm usually good at non-live ones, but this one was tricky and tested your reflexes which is a skill I have yet to master. So, I doubt my score would've been enough to win, but I guess we'll never know now, :/
Alliances: So, at this point, a lot have been broken and there are three left. The first is a F3 between Austyn, Scott, and I, the second is a F3 between Andrew, Cole, and I, and the third is a F5 between everyone besides Scott on my tribe. I think that I have found the ones I really want to go with, however, so I will have to backstab someone, :(
3386 days 14 hours ago
Scott W./byp123 Confessional

Sorry again for my random vote w/o a confesh. I was running out of time and didn't want to SV. So what went down was Austyn and Eric made this little challenge strength alliance with me and said they wanted us to vote together. Trying to keep Zarak off the hook I suggested Cole, but the two of them wanted Zarak. I didn't want to break my f2 deal with Zarak, but I also didn't want to anger Austyn/Eric. But knowing this is a back to basics season I'm anticipating a merge at 10 unless you're gon' pull some CBS thailand fake merge shit on us. So I figured if I did fuck up and antagonize myself to the tribe the merge would be here for me to flip and stay out of danger. With that being said, Zarak and I never finalized a vote and he never ended up voting anyways, so I threw my vote at Cole hoping he'd self vote and there'd be some sort of miracle, but in the end my closest ally was screwed. The tribe probably knows I'm the one person who prevented the unanny vote but if there is a merge I'm sure i can find some way out of the spotlight
3386 days 9 hours ago
Just finished reading the pre-merge :). It was kind of just "trimming the fat" of the game, I suppose; some of these players I had really high hopes for though, so it sucks they are out so early :/.

Excited for the merge though! With the tribes even 5-5, I can see anything happening. Daniel and Scott will probably be in the middle, but it would be smart for both of them to stick with their tribes for the time being, it seems.
3385 days 9 hours ago
3385 days 9 hours ago
Austyn N./Oysterman11 Confessional

The merge is crazy and I am excited to have made it this far and win individual immunity. The best part is I didn't even need to flip or go out of my way looking for someone to flip Daniel came to me and told me her felt excluded so not only am I taking on the weakest player of the other tribe into our alliance we have a huge chance to take over this game completely. I feel like up to this point there is no way I will be unable to win this game. I have a final 3 alliance with Scott and Eric, I have a strong bond with Cole and Daniel (individually) and I feel like me and Chris are on good terms. I am 100% in control of this game. I did feel like I needed individually immunity though because you can never be too sure about what can happen in this game so thankfully I pulled through and won that. Tonight I have a good idea of what should happen and we will be able to oust one of the other tribes strongest players and benefit the rest of our individual games.

I vote out Connor.
3384 days 22 hours ago
Connor J./cjuddy Confessional

I have talked to basically everyone within the tribe and I definitely am getting strange vibes from certain people.. the usual discussion for the vote was mere silence today and that  makes for a nerve wrecking scenario, especially it being the first vote at merge and all..
I realize I am one of the targets this vote which sucks XD but I have been chatting within the tribe and trying to make sure that I am on good terms with my entire tribe because 1 flipper could send me home kek
A wild Cole appeared and instantly we reconnected as we sort of knew eachother from out side this game :) He is keen on working with me and 'apparently' wants to sheep me to the final 2. How much of that is true, I havent a clue! But I need every vote I can get so whatever sort of game Cole is playing at the moment I am going to go along with. I am sure this is all apart of some elaborate strategy, but in a back to basics season there is little reason to lie about a vote so I trust him at the moment.
There was word of my "#1 allie" Daniel voting me out so I sent him messages in hope that he reads them in the morning and we can just discuss everything. I always take second hand info into consideration but I never think to much into it until I hear it straight out of the horses mouth!

So I am sure this is going to be an intense tribal council, but nevertheless a great start to the merge XD Pray for me.

My vote tonight is for Andrew, but please keep off reading the votes till I wake up incase anything important happens and I need to change it XD
Yours truly,
3384 days 22 hours ago
Eric A./awwsum11 Confessional


Honestly, I don't like that it merged when it did. I would've rather come into it with the majority, but since that can't happen, we need to create a majority by flipping them. Hopefully it works and we can get control of this game, :)

To be honest, I didn't even try at the immunity challenge. I knew that trying made you seem more of a threat and threats get voted off sooner. This is a fact and I'm surprised more people didn't do it.

So, at the moment, there are two tribal alliances, which is why I wanted to call our tribe "Divided Land". I hope that Austyn isn't lying when he says that he feels he got Daniel on our side, but I can only trust his word at this point. Other than that, I feel that someone will flip from our side to theirs. I have no doubt that this will happen, especially with our 4-2 vote last time. They are left out and will not want to be 5th in a F5 alliance, but will instead want to be 6th in a F6 alliance... -_-
TC Vote:

*walks up to vote*
*takes pen and writes down name*
*looks up at camera*

You tried to win a challenge and failed. I'm sorry, but in my book, that means you'll try harder next time...

*folds paper*
*puts paper in bin*
*walks back to group*
(tinypic is being dumb and won't upload and it's already had too many problems before, so I'm just using this from now on, :/ )
3384 days 22 hours ago
Daniel R./DanielzSnooz Confessional

Currently i'm trying to play the inact card so first, i wont be voted for and second they'll feel like i'll do whatever they want. I've got austin under my finger with this and he's probably shitting his pants that i'm going to flip. Oops yeah um nope. Cole is also playing that card but idk if it's real or fake and i just hope we could have him on our side to create that 6 and F6. Scott and me our friendship is messed since we both like each other for becoming close allies but were on other side and it's awkward talking to him. on the bright, whoevers tribe gets the advantage here, we always have another from the other to help us not become a target. I guess in a way it helps. Heres the list

3384 days 22 hours ago
Season 2 Applications are now open :)
3384 days 22 hours ago
Why in the world would Daniel flip?? Hasn't he heard from Scott about the final 4 alliance excluding the two of them?

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