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Challenge 1

Topic » Challenge 1

3454 days 10 hours ago
I walk into my room. The room I had lived in many years ago. As I walk past my bed I can see the bulletholes, stains, and cracks along the wall. And as I look forward, I see what I wanted to see. My window. The window I had looked out of many years ago. I limp along my floor, my leg now almost blue from the blood loss. I eventually sit down on the window seal and lay. I then flashback the memories that got me here. They found us. They found us in the place we had been living in for two years. I can remember the first time we got there. I was so excited. My parents hadn't told me that their was about to be an all out war. I remember the look on their faces when they found us. Damn nazis. My parents told me to run, flee, dissapear. I didn't listen. They found me again three months after they died. Yesterday. I ran as fast as I could. Eventually, one of their guns made Their mark. I limped away to freedom. But in that moment, I only wanted to go to one place. Home. I remembered an alley near me that would lead me to my home. I walked up the alley for hours, my blood dripping as I limp along the alley. Drip, drop, drip, drop. As I get to the end of the alley, I can see my house. It was across the road but I eventually made it. I walk into my house, immediately, I got to my room.
That's how I got here. That's how my story ends. I lay on the window seal; afraid of nothing. And when they eventually found me. I was ready to die. They shot, I heard the loud noises rupturing my eardrums. And then suddenly I couldn't hear anything. And eventually, I could see either. As I drift away into soft bliss, I hope that the pain and suffering around me stops. And that the world around me will get better. I suddenly drift away. I'm happy that I will be going to a better place, with my parents. And as I draw my last breath, I think about something. Is this world I'm leaving, worth staying for?
3454 days 10 hours ago
Sorry this was late. I promise it won't happen again. When is the next challenge?
3454 days 10 hours ago
we have to judge them first, judging will hopfully be tonight with the next challenge tonight or tomorrow :)
3454 days 10 hours ago
"Once apon a time" I write, and smile to myself.
"No" I say tearing the page out of my book and scrunching it into a ball "im not writing a fucking fairy-tale!"
What a simple task, that I just cannot do.
Write a short story about your life, that is the description. How hard could it possibly be? Very hard it would seem.
"who cares anyway?" I yell to no one "School is shit anyway, the teacher probably wont even read them".
But I knew that was not true, Ms Burtram was so strict.
Well I need a break anyway. I stand up and walk over to my bedroom window.
Oh man are you kidding? The first sunny day in weeks and im stuck inside. Life hates me.
I turn to walk back to my desk but something catches my eye. The street outside my house is completely desertedexcept for one person, who was looking right at my window, right at me!
I have never seen this person before. The person is wearing a long black coat and a black bowler hat and really just wearing a lot of black.
I don’t know what to do, should I keep looking back? should I run? should I call the cops?
The figure then starts to walk across the road towards the house. Ok this is weird. The person is now close enough that I can tell he is a man, he has a limp in his right leg and is carrying a small item in his left hand.
This is too freaky, I am home alone right now and my parents aren’t gonna be home for another few hours, I decide that I must act. I run down out the door and down the stairs breathing heavily. I reach the front door and lock it. Then I rush and lock the backdoor as well, then I sit and wait.
10 minutes I just sit waiting for something, anything to happen.
Maybe he left, or maybe he wasn’t even walking towards the house, maybe I just freaked out over nothing.
I laugh nervously to myself. That gave me one hell of a fright.
I walk back up to my bedroom and sit back at my desk, picked up my pen and got ready to right.
Half an our later my paper is blank and throw my pen across the room in frustration.
I run my hand through my hair as a cool breeze licks my face. Well might as well go down and eat something.
But then I stop, I closed my window before, how could there be a breeze? I run over to my window and sure enough, it was wide open.
I stand there, paralysed with fear. Had the man come inside the house? And if so where was he? He could be anywhere.
I pick up my phone with trembling hands and dial 000. nothing, the call just cuts out. I try again and again and again, then try my mum, my dad my sister and all I get is the same result.  Fear sweeps through me like a tidal wave, washing away all other thoughts.
I had to move though, I had to hide. I drop to the floor and roll under my bed.
Good enough, well it has to be.
I lie here under my bed for what seems like hours. Listening to every little sound, and nothing I heard nothing but still I did not leave my hiding spot.
And then after hours upon hours of silence, I  here the car door slam outside and a wave of relief swells through me. My parents are home I am safe.
My mother then lets out a piercing scream that makes my blood run cold. I run over to the window and look out to see my parents staring at something just under my window sill.
I look down to see the man in black lying there, a gun clutched in his hand.
It seems the man intended to murder me, but suffered a heart attack after opening my bedroom window. Wow talk about karma.
3454 days 10 hours ago
Working on my story!
itll be up in about an hiur ir two (sorry its my moms bday so we are openibh stuff)
3454 days 9 hours ago
8 stories posted
4 to go
3454 days 9 hours ago
I'm still in, right?
3454 days 9 hours ago
Yeah! Of course :)
3454 days 8 hours ago
CUT IT CLOSE! 503 words xo

The girl  was the most beautiful princess in the kingdom, she often just sat in her bedroom and looked out her window at the gloomy courtyard of her palace. Her palace was HUGE and magnificent, but always seemed to have a constant dark atmosphere around it. She hated the servants there, always so rude to her, but she would get them back.
The girl often got annoyed, for all she did was sit and stare out of the window, but she enjoyed being alone. The solitude was calming and very relaxing for her, she hated the ruckus of the palace outside of her room.
Sometimes the princess felt the palace was more of a prison than a palace, for she was not always free to do what she wanted. Sometimes the king would force her to stay in her room.
Their was a king, of course. The king was the most powerful, he was able to control everybody in the palace. The king even let peasants live in the palace, the princess DESPISED the peasants. The peasants were annoying and needy, constantly pestering the princess when she left her room, some even taunted her.
The princess was sometimes scared of the peasants, the worst was when they would touch her and beg her for her company. Even thought there was an immense amount of people in the palace, everybody seemed to be lonely.
The king was not very nice, he would often pleasure himself with the princess. The princess would try to be anywhere else besides in her body when the king would take her up to his room at night, but the princess dealt with it because she wanted the power he would give her if she cooperated. The princess would only have to deal with his perverted mind a little bit longer.
The princess was power hungry, sometimes she just wanted to be in charge.
One night, the king came down to fetch the princess for their nightly routine, the princess clutched a writing utensil in her lap she had smuggled from the king's room. The king approached her from behind  and the princess spun around and jabbed the writing utensil into the king's neck. The king let out a terrible blood curdling screech but the princess had now gained the upper hand in the fight and grabbed her face and smashed his head into the side of her bedroom wall, the king slumped the ground, silent, blood oozing from every fracture in his head. 
Servants bounded into the room and gasped in disbelief, suddenly the curtain of delusion was ripped away and reality set in.  The princess...... the girl looked smugly at the dead body of the king..... the man, she struggled as the meaty hands of the Greenwood Mental Institution guards grabbed at her. The girl thrashed and fought as she was dragged out of her room, she caught a glimpse of her gloomy kingdom from the window one more time as she was hauled out of the door.
3454 days 8 hours ago
533 :s       
        My body lays flat like a prairie on my deathbed. As my delicate eyelids separate and blurry vision beckons focus, I sense a weightlessness about me. I cannot feel where my skin ends and the thin garment I adorn begins. An emptiness so sincere has taken precedent inside me. I cannot move.
        Staring up at the ceiling my eyes are drawn to a flickering, flavescent light radiating from a lamp. Bleak and fading like the sun begging for slumber. I want to weep of boredom as I follow the ceiling fan rotating around, and around, and around endlessly.
        The arid, stale ozone of the room was stifling. I wished I could muster the energy to sit up and open the window situated across from me, tantalizing me with the fresh air of outside freedom. I could just see the baby blue sky stretching out behind the tops of trees, sprinkled with cotton ball clouds yearning for acquaintance. I am helpless and my time is nearing. I wish I could just go already.
        The humming of the ceiling fan stopped mid thought. The sound of my heart beat became lost in the trembling silence encompassing me. My mind went silent; my body grew numb. The weightlessness overruled my earthly presence. I felt my body was composed of air, and I was a cloud bloated with moisture.
        Suddenly, miraculously, I began to lift off of the bed. Like angels themselves were using their holy touch to import me to heaven, my body was suspended in the stagnant air of my bedroom. The blankets on top of me began to drape and eventually slip onto the floor, which was growing more distant. The light of the lamp burned brighter as my face moved closer and closer. The sadness inside me boiled like stew in a pressure cooker. I smelled rain in the air even though it was dry as a bone. I felt like I would downpour onto the carpet any second.
        The glorious energy that moved me through the air changed directions. My feet were now hovering inches above the floor, and I was directly in front of the window. Sunlight shone through the clear glass and it was the first time I felt authentic warmness in a long time.
        The scene outside was serene. Long branches of oak extended toward the window. Birds fluttered in the breeze. Grass danced according to the wind's direction, and the horizon was eternity.
        My hands grasped the window without command. The window opened and a rush of the sweetest perfume I've ever encountered flooded my pores and breathed life into the room. It was intoxicating, and the silence that once was dispersed and the sounds of nature floated in.
        Life outside the room bewildered me. I stuck my head out the window and closed my eyes. The sounds of birds making love and flowers growing put a smile on my face. The air tasted like freedom.
        All of a sudden, I felt weightless again. Fresh air filled my lungs, and the sun's light entered my soul and I no longer felt like weeping. The emptiness I once felt was no longer there. I was one with the clouds.
3454 days 8 hours ago
10 stories posted
3 to go
3454 days 7 hours ago
almost full active cast lets hope the rest make it ;)
3454 days 7 hours ago
i hr left hope the remaining ones make the deadline
fingers crossed
3454 days 7 hours ago
1 not i opps lol
3454 days 6 hours ago
what if they dont make the deadline?

open group


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