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Challenge 1

Topic » Challenge 1

3459 days 2 hours ago
I have one actually. Are we gonna be ranked after each round? like will someone get first place, second place, etc.?
3459 days 2 hours ago
No, but if someone got all 4 tens and no one else did then that person would be first. But no, we won't be posting them in order of 1st to last. Hoped that helped :)
3459 days 1 hour ago
“To defend what you've written is a sign that you are alive.”
—William Zinsser, WD
3459 days 1 hour ago
im gonna be tough on u all every round :) i wanna feel what ur writing ..i wanna be so engaged in ur words that i cant stop reading :) i need to feel emotions in what ur telling me i guess most of all i want u to make ur stories come alive with brilliant words :)
3459 days ago
Ok:) I actually really love this challenge because I can give it my own twist:)
3458 days 21 hours ago
This is going to be very interesting. Good luck everybody
3458 days 20 hours ago
I kept it on the shorter side for this round:) I took a dramatic take on it but stayed true to my true self:) Its 503 words.

           I walked over to my window, thinking about what my life has become. I looked outside to see all of people stumbling around with their lifeless bodies. A tear rolled down my cheek when I looked over to see my father, feasting on a poor boy. It all happened only 2 days ago. We decided to go on a supply run so we could keep my sister and mother alive. We were so close to our house. SO CLOSE. I couldn't even see him coming. One of ‘them’ came out from behind a house and jumped on top of him. He bit into my father’s neck and I stood there crying for help. He was screaming in agonizing pain as his flesh was ripped away from his body. His life slowly slipped away until he was only a body. I ran to my house and told my mother. Now I’m sitting in my room, terrified of what this world has become. I’m looking out the window at all of these ‘things’ that I once called people. I haven’t been outside since the accident occurred and I don’t think I will go out there anytime soon. This world is for the strong and I don’t know if that’s what I am. All I can do is sit in my window, and watch all of the people pass by and get killed. ‘They’ just stumble around the streets all day, looking for someone else to feast on. The flesh falls off of their bodies in chunks and they will forever be changed. I don’t want to live in this world anymore. All it is a never ending cycle of watching those close to you getting torn apart by their previous friends. I haven’t spoken to my mother or sister since my father was killed. They have just stayed downstairs. These creatures are so dumb they don’t even know we are in here. I need to eat and so do my mom and sister so I guess it’s time to feed them. I took one last glance out the window before walking to my basement. “Hello?” I called. I heard weeping in the corner. I walked over to see a young girl. “I’m sorry, but it’s your turn” A tear rolled down my face. I pulled a knife from behind my back and plunged it into her chest. She cried before the life left her eyes. “I’m sorry, but my mother and sister need to eat.”  I picked up her body and carried it upstairs to my family. My mother began to growl so I threw the girls lifeless body to her and my sister and walked away. They were some of the first to turn into one of ‘them’. I began to cry and walked back up to my room. I looked at the now bloody knife in my hands and began to think about ending my life right there. I decided against it and walked over to the window to start the cycle again.
3458 days 18 hours ago
1 story posted
11 to go.
3458 days 16 hours ago
Prodigy303 hasn't been online for four days and looks inactive so wangifold is joining The Top 12, that is all. Good luck everyone!
3458 days 6 hours ago
Two days remaining for writers to post their stories. The sooner the better, thank you :)
3458 days 6 hours ago
Myself and a few friends of mine went out for a night on the boardwalk. It was super crowded, and we all thought that it would be fun to get a few drinks. We walked around the boardwalk, and got some pizza before visiting the shops and riding the rides. It was a great night! We all wanted to then go see a movie at the cinema that was a few blocks down the road. My friends and I exited the boardwalk and all piled into the car, I had the least to drink that night, so they wanted me to drive. Although still a bit tipsy, I decided I would. I pulled out of the parking lot, and sped down the road. My friends were in the back seat, and kept questioning if I was okay to drive. I insisted I was. Big mistake. As I made the turn onto 45th street, I slammed into a sixteen-wheeler. Do you know how people always say that it feels like your life flashes before your eyes? Well I experienced it first hand. I saw everything in slow motion, from the shattering glass, to the jerking bodies of my friends, to the headlights of the sixteen-wheeler. The car door opened, and I fell onto the broken shards of glass. The blood-stained road before my eyes made everything real. So real. I laid there, lifeless, until I saw a parade of sirens come barreling down the street. I was slipping in and out of consciousness, every time waking up, being surprised to be alive. I woke up in a hospital bed, scars all over my body. I could tell that I was still losing blood quickly. It was terrifying. I couldn't catch my breath, and once again went unconscious. I was dying, and I could feel it coming quickly. I woke up again, and couldn't open my eyes. I heard voices that were at my bedside that resembled those of my parents. They were uncontrollably crying, and the nurse told them that I wasn't doing well. My parents had a lengthy conversation with the nurse. I was able to comprehend bits and pieces of it. The most recurring detail was that I was the only survivor of the crash. When i heard those words, I wanted to scream. I wanted to just run out of the hospital bedroom and never be seen again. I was paralyzed with fear and guilt. I wasn't sure if it was the sorrow I was feeling, or the injuries I received that weren't letting me breathe. I felt completely helpless. I did this to them, and I would never be able to forgive myself for it. I once again went unconscious, and felt the hands on my body, making dire attempts to save my life, none of which were working. I heard crying, concern, and little hope in the voices surrounding me. I decided that this time, when I opened my eyes, it would likely be my last, too embarrassed to look at my parents, I looked outside of my hospital room window, and reflected on the beauty that life has to offer, that I would never experience. I closed my eyes for the last time.
3458 days 6 hours ago
2 stories posted
10 to go
3458 days 5 hours ago
Excited to be a part of this!
3458 days 3 hours ago
My story :D
3458 days 3 hours ago
Everything was motionless for miles. The trees stood still against the pale blue sky, and the birds were nowhere to be found among the flat landscape. The grass was dying, a sickeningly brownish yellow, curling limply towards the earth as if accepting its fate, burying itself alive underneath the dirt. The wind ceased to blow, and it was as if the world had taken a giant, collective breath and had forgotten to let it out.
      The only flicker of life came from a cabin in the middle of the field of dying grass, where a boy sat next to his mother’s bedside. He didn’t say a word, just ran his thumb in slow circles around her hand, the both of them minutely comforted by the familiar motion in the midst of overwhelming hopelessness. Circle by circle, the repetitive movement lent a brief sense of normality to their world, impeding a flood of emotions from drowning their souls in irreconcilable sorrow. After some time, she looked at him and smiled weakly. The light slowly began to fade from her eyes, and the boy gently took her hand and pressed it to his face, kissing it softly with his lips before letting her hand fall limply to the side of the bed.
        The boy cradled his mother in his arms, humming a soft lullaby as he pulled a blanket over her lifeless eyes and wrapped her into a white cocoon. He cast a brief glance at the knife by the window, but the very thought made him sick, so he shook his head and continued his preparations. He went outside and dug a hole about fifty yards away from the cabin, chilled by autumn’s frigid air but inspired by the importance of the task that lay before him. When he had finished, he went back into the cabin and delicately picked up his mother’s body, carrying it to the hole and gingerly placing her down. He filled up the hole with dirt and placed some dead grass around the site for ornamentation, bowing once and then ambling back to the cabin.
        As soon as he sat down on his dead mother’s bed, his body was racked with sobs. He was deafeningly alone in the world, in a world he didn’t understand and could never hope to. He turned over and closed his eyes, praying for the cold comfort of the nightmare of sleep to take him away from the nightmare that was his reality. At long last, as the moon began to filter in through the window, the boy fell into a fitful sleep.
        He woke up with a start. Instantly he surveyed the room on high alert, looking for signs of intruders, but was calmed upon seeing that nothing had been disturbed. Then his eyes locked on the window. Nothing unusual, except for the fact that the moonlight was broken up by a figure standing outside. The hair rose on the back of the boy’s neck, and he rolled onto the ground, crawling to the windowsill, grabbing his knife and inching towards the door.
        He opened the door with a yell, hoping to startle whoever was outside and give him the element of surprise. But as the figure turned towards him and cocked its head, the boy’s voice caught in his throat. His lips moved in a silent no, repeated over and over, and he back up against the outer wall of the cabin until he collapsed to the ground. The figure creeped towards him, looking at him with the same lifeless eyes that had loved him just hours before, and the boy wept. He held the knife up resignedly and closed his eyes.
        The boy whispered, “I’m sorry mom,” and a few moments later, the world was silent once more.

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