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Challenge 1

Topic » Challenge 1

3451 days 7 hours ago
3 outta 12 entries in :)
3450 days 23 hours ago
Craig rolled over and his stare shook my bones.

“Do I have to fucking get up too?” Craig annoyed as always.

"Not if you don't want to." He was always so disgruntled. It would be surprising if Craig had something nice to say. We were lying on my bed hung over again.

"I'm going to go smoke." Craig got off my bed. I took advantage of looking at him shirtless. Apparently when Craig has control over when he passes out he likes his shirt off. I couldn't complain. Craig opened my window, dug in his pocket to grab a cigarette. "Fuck forgot my lighter."

This isn't the first time. "I have one in my top drawer." Craig always leaves his shit around at my house, mostly lighters. I have a small collection now even though I don’t smoke.

Craig returned to the window and lit the cigarette. I'm glad that Craig was courteous enough to not let the smoke smell linger in my room. The smell of smoke makes my stomach twist. I’m surprised I can even hang around Craig for long, he smokes like a chimney.

I lay back down as Craig huffed and puffed. I was impressed that he didn't mind standing shirtless with the window open. Even though it was the end of summer it was still pretty cold in Colorado.

He closed the window and returned back to the bed smelling like ash and body odor "Thanks." His words like smoke made me sick, but somehow kept me warm.

"No problem." I used to have a problem with Craig when we were younger. He was always flipping people off and causing trouble in school. Our gangs clashed yet somehow merged over time. Seems crazy, but I think I don't hate Craig like I did before. He's oddly calming when it’s just the two of us.

“I’ll text Tim once Ken gets the booze, even though he’s still weird about his problem.” Craig slipped. He snarled probably realizing that he let a secret out.

“What?” I blinked too many times to seem natural.

“You don’t remember?” Craig looked up. “Tim’s family got busted for meth a few years ago. He disappeared for a bit to go to rehab.”

I could only get out an “Oh.” I didn't really notice Tim’s absence.

“That’s why he’s weird when we drink, well even more fucking weird.” Craig rattled this off like it didn't matter. “He doesn't want us to get caught or get addicted again.”

“He told you this?” I asked while swallowing some saliva.

“Yeah. I was the only one who fucking cared.” Craig’s eyes narrowed.

I frowned. That’s fucked up, I don’t particularly like Tim, but that seems cold of me. I didn't even realize that I ignored Tim in a time of need. I guess I can kind of relate to Tim, yet he was further down the rabbit hole than I am.

“He’s not still using, right?”

“He’s clean.” Craig rolled over obviously not wanting to talk about this anymore.

“You don’t normally talk this much.” I stated trying to fill the awkward silence.

“I only really talk to the people I’m comfortable with. You've seen my dick man, get a clue.” He flipped me off from under the covers.

I chuckled now feeling impatient for Ken to come back. Talking with Craig made me want to numb myself again. I feel awful.
3450 days 15 hours ago
I could feel the cold metal barrel pressed firmly against my skull, ready to feel the burning sensation of a bullet pierce through. It was supposed to be a simple robbery, no one was supposed to get hurt. He must of heard that parents were out of town for the weekend, that the house would be empty and his desired prize ready for the taking. What he didn’t count on was me, a lonely teenage girl studying for her final exams. It was pretty obvious to me that I would have to die, I had seen his face and to leave me be was too risky. They say that your life flashes before your eyes in your final moments but to be honest, I was too focused on the foul taste of my captor’s sweaty palm, which held firm against my mouth. I could hear the click of the firearm, this was it. Then, it was if the universe decided to throw me a bone. Someone was tapping against the door of my house. The man spoke his first words since he broke into my home. ‘Go answer the door and tell whoever it is to go away’. His voice was a low growl, like he was a viscous predator and I was his prey. He lifted his handoff of my face and pushed the gun into my back, forcing me to the front door. As I obeyed my instructions and opened the door he remained behind a wall, keeping his weapon aimed at my skull. ‘Tessa, for the last time, you are coming with me’. It was my friend Kelly, no doubt planning on taking me to another one of the wild parties she attended. I could my captors gaze on me as I responded ‘Kelly, I really can’t. I’m not feeling great’. Kelly just stared at me, her expression changing from one of frustration to one of worry. ‘Tess, is everything okay? Something doesn’t seem right with you’. I had to put on a front, this could either end with my death or the death of me and my best friend… I couldn’t let that happen. ‘Trust me, a good night’s sleep and I’ll be back to my old self, promise’. I knew my best friend, I knew Kelly. I knew that as much as she loved to party, her main love was those around her and she wouldn’t stand by and let one of her friends suffer through sickness. She always told me that her mother said that would be her downfall, I never knew Kelly’s mother would be right. I yelled out ‘NO!’ as Kelly practically barged through the door, proclaiming that she would have me right as rain by the end of the night. She didn’t see the man standing beside me... And she didn’t see the bullet that struck her down. My whole world just stopped around me, I screamed and cried, horrified by seeing the eyes that usually had a spark inside them now dead and expressionless. I turned back around and faced my attacker, trying desperately to free from the grip he now had on my arm. That’s when I felt his fist collide with the front of my face. I fell to the ground with a thud as everything round me began to fade into darkness.

Red and blue lights were dancing in my eyes as I slowly came to my senses. I licked my parched lips, tasting the saltiness of my sweat mixed with the metallic taste of the blood that had gushed from my nose. As my eyes opened, I noticed I was looking out my bedroom window on the second floor of my house and the red and blue lights were coming from the sirens of police cars, of which there were easily a dozen of. I was sitting at my desk chair with my hands tied behind me with a rough rope, causing painful burns to the skin of my wrists. I looked around the room, I was alone … for the first time since all this mess went down. I found that the more I was with my thoughts, the more I realised what situation I was in and that my best friends blood would not be stained into the carpet of my hallway.  If I had any tears left to cry, they would be cascading down my cheeks but as it is, I have no tears left to cry. The ambulance situated outside was a cruel reminder of what had transpired…. And what was to come. The sound of loud footsteps coming towards my room filled with terror, I just had to remind myself that there was still a chance for
3450 days 13 hours ago
5 stories posted
7 to go
3450 days 10 hours ago
I've read everyone's stories and they are really good :) Congrats to everyone who have posted already :) I can't wait to see who is going to win this, and for season two so I can reapply ;) Judges, you have you work cut out for you!
3450 days 9 hours ago
Thanks vickstertheninja. Yes, we do have our work cut out as I am shocked by some of the brilliant writing :)
3450 days 1 hour ago
Ten minutes ago, I was sitting on my bed, then came "The Storm" and now all that I have left is my bedroom window, the same window from which I watched the forest in front of my room change. I decided to see through it, hoping that I could see things the same way as before. I grabbed the window by its edges, and through it I saw that my house wasn't the only thing that was blown away, my neighbor found himself in the same dilemma, except he was dead, took a knife in his heart. The window had changed, from before when I saw happiness and hope, I now saw misery and sadness. I wanted too look away from the window, but I couldn't, so I started to walk while seeing through my window. I found myself walking to my aunts house, or at least hoped to find my aunt's house, unless it was blown away as well. As I walked, the window seemed to be guiding me through the empty streets like a compass guides an explorer, giving me directions, the window seemed to be giving me the same view as it used to give me when I was very little. The window suddenly started to get fogged up, making it harder for me to see through it, I tried to lower it, but my hands seemed glued to its edges, i decided it didn't matter, so I continued walking. The window was getting heavier each step I took, I finally found an easy way to wipe the fog from the glass, and as soon as I did, I noticed that we had somehow entered a very sunny yet spooky forest. I heard the birds chirp and the wind blowing the leaves. It was getting chilly and I was lost, I didn't know where I was, the window still glued to the palms of my hands, all I wanted was to get to my aunt's house. I suddenly heard a low rumble, I looked around in hopes of finding who had made that sound, only to find out it was me, I was hungry. I knew I had a granola bar in my pants, but because of the window, I couldn't reach down to get it. I looked around, and through the window, I spotted a cave, that was nine miles away, and to get to it I would have to cross a roaring river, which would have been easy to cross if it weren't for the stupid window which I couldn't let go of and from which was the only possible way to see the world as it truly was for me. I decided to try and retrace my footsteps, as i had now noticed that I had left some in the mud, which was odd as it wasn't there some moments ago. I took the first step, but something, I don't know what, grabbed my foot and shattered the glass from my window. I tried to defend myself, but it was pretty much useless with only my legs, I suddenly found myself falling to the ground. As soon as I fell and touched the ground, I felt pain, lots and lots of pain. I looked to my side and saw blood, i looked up and saw the light, and whispered to myself "Sinful Angel". Those were my last words, and I died peacefully in that spooky forest, holding my bedroom forest. I never found out what killed me, but I knew that I had committed a sin of innocence.
3449 days 21 hours ago
6 stories posted
6 to go
3449 days 20 hours ago
mine will be posted later tofay before the deadline
3449 days 12 hours ago
Can I post mine, I am sorry for not6 being active. I really have been busy. I went up to stay with some family over new years. Please give me another chance. I promise that I will do good. I will not let you down. Please.
3449 days 11 hours ago
Ladies and gentlemen. We have a Top 13:

Prodigy303, please post ur story
3449 days 11 hours ago
Still putting the final touches on my story, will be up soon enough
3449 days 11 hours ago
Yep mine will be up shortly :)
3449 days 11 hours ago
3449 days 11 hours ago
Can't wait :)

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