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Survivor Tocantins Season 2 Discussion

Topic » Survivor Tocantins Season 2..

3445 days 18 hours ago
From Emotion
I'm so nervous
Jan 9, 2015 20:09:10
to ItsOfficial
Alright, so today I was voted out based on first impressions. Which sucks but I got to keep calm and try to change these peoples opinion of me, and fast. I really tried to do my best in the challenge to prove them all wring but it was just me and Katherine and we were outnumbered so badly. We stood absolutely no chance. So right now I'm getting to scramble so hard to keep my name of the block. I have a fairly solid alliance with Katherine and Harry. And I've messaged practically everyone trying to get them to warm up to me so votes don't come my way tonight. But I'm just so nervous that none of that will matter and I'll be voted out anyways. Cross your fingers for me because I will need some luck
3445 days 18 hours ago
From teamjacz
Jan 9, 2015 20:12:50
to ItsOfficial
#JALALUJAH, Ceddybear is off to a good start. Not only does Jalapao rock, we won immunity off the bat and solidified what I feel is a great tribe.
I voted for Zach during first impressions, I stand by that. Based off his profile, Zander seems like one of those "I'm the most villainous person ever RAWR" type of guys. He definitely isn't gonna be much trouble for me in all honesty. Zach is just kind of there.
Made an alliance with Joe and I've gotten to talk to Dan and Kelly (who I see is friendly with Zander...more on that later), so I feel somewhat secure. PLUS *holds up scroll* this IDOL CLUE I got makes it seem like our idol is at our camp or beach. But I'm an idiot college kid with no common sense so I'm not sure. Just going to go with gut feeling.
3445 days 18 hours ago
From sahmosean
Jan 9, 2015 20:18:17
to ItsOfficial
Kathrine and Ash have both approached me for alliances, and I've accepted. I'm going to approach someone else soon, and try to expand my grasp on the tribe. I really wish I was at the challenge, but I think I'm recovering pretty well, and I feel pretty good right now. I'm approaching Nate and Nick for alliances, hopefully that all goes well. Also, turns out Kathrine and Ash had an alliance together, and it's also with Harry.
Basically, it seems like I have the numbers. I'm excited to flip on this alliance, but right now I'm just happy they included me so that I'm not on the outs

I vote for Carlos, but it might be subject to change depending on what these guys say. I want to sheep the group this round so that people find me necessary to their own games, since I might have been deemed worthless for my absence at the challenge.

3445 days 18 hours ago
From geovanycaldeorn
Jan 9, 2015 20:22:55
to ItsOfficial
So I think Katherine is trying to run the show but imma take that bitch down one way or another
3445 days 17 hours ago
From KathrineOliver
Survivor Tocantins Confessional: The Beginning of the Game
Jan 9, 2015 20:29:25
to ItsOfficial
Wow, so much has happened since the beginning of the game. I'll try to keep it brief and probably split it in parts :D Cause I got a lotta thoughts, honey. ;) First of all I'm so happy to have made it to the game! It's sooo cool. I was really excited about the game. It's been a while since my last Survivor Group game experience so I gotta see if I still got it in me. I was a little late to the premiere but fortunately not too late for the challenge. What worried me a little bit was that I got 1 vote from somebody at that first voting (one was my self-vote, screwed up here :) ) But otherwise it's cool I'm very excited about the challenge hopefully everybody will show up. Team Timbira!
3445 days 17 hours ago
From Emotion
Jan 9, 2015 20:31:34
to ItsOfficial
Itsofficial: Alright Ash its your turn to vote.
*stands up and goes to urn* I'm so sorry that it has got to be you tonight. *writes down Carlos*  But I'm really scared that if it's not you than its me. I really hope it's you. Happy trails. *folds vote and puts it in the urn and returns to my seat*
3445 days 17 hours ago
From KathrineOliver
Survivor Tocantins Confessional: The Challenge
Jan 9, 2015 20:34:43
to ItsOfficial
The challenge was strictly numbers. Wham wham... :\ Only me and Ash show up :\ Tought. I hope my team won't be losing too much cause I don't do well in losing teams. I need some time off to tighten relationships and slide under the radar, whereas in a losing team you have to constantly play and be careful, which creates situations of bigger risks. Besides then Tribe swaps or the Merge can be lethal. But at least my ass is covered for tonight. I did my part, Ash did too. I feel like Ash could be a potential ally, I have a great opportunity to talk with him right now.
3445 days 17 hours ago
Lol, hmmm i think im rooting for ash to stay this round. I think he deserves to.
3445 days 17 hours ago
From KathrineOliver
Survivor Tocantins Confessional: Tribal Council
Jan 9, 2015 21:03:05
to ItsOfficial
Okay, so right off the bat I hit it off with Ash. She's my gurl, or he's my boy or my whatever. Number 1 ally. I also suggested to him that we make a 4-way alliance with Jimbo and Nick. Just because judging from their designs, I assume they're strong competitors and I need those right now. We have to win the next challenge. So Jimbo and Nick aren't replying for a while. And I got chosen for the Exile Island, which isn't so good, cause, yeah, uhuh I'm safe but I'd rather be able to vote. Cause if I have enough votes, I'll have safety. But on the other side, again, you never know. All these people might already have a big alliance, and I wouldn't even know. So at least I'll stay long enough to see how the votes unravel, so... Yeah, it's actually a good I got chosen for the Exile. Thank you, Kelly :) By the way, I made a deal with Kelly on the Exile. :) Cause the one thing that everybody craves on Survivor is an inter-tribal alliance. So we decided to share the clue to the HII, so I'm cool with Kelly. She seems nice and active, and level-headed. So back to my tribe. Harry appears on the forum, and apologizes to me for being late. So I was like "Sweet!" :D And I basically made a Final 3 alliance with him and Ash. And then Emmy Jay appeared and apologized for not competing, so I was like "Score!" :D and now I have Ash, Harry and Emmy Jay voting for Carlos (he never adressed me, he doesn't seem so engaged in the game, seems weak, what can I tell you, somebody needs to go. AND AS LONG AS IT AIN'T ME) And then, guess what, Jimbo finally replies o my message and he's totally in. And we made an alliance, a Final 4 alliance of me, Jimbo, Ash and Harry. With Emmy Jay on board with voting for Carlos and Nick, who I'm still wating for, but I think he'll agree to it, I feel pretty good about my stay in the game. And if I'm wrong, then I got Immunity, so screw you, haha :D Either way I'm good. Cause either I have a solid alliance and numbers on my side. Or I'll get screwed, but at least I'll know about it, and I'll have 3 more days to do something about it. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed here on the Exile :) hoping that Carlos goes home and more importantly, that we win the next challenge. And I'm not big on challenges, I'm not. I don't give a damn about challenges, but right, they happen to be an important part of my staying here. So, we'll see :)
3445 days 17 hours ago
From jayhawk123
Fwd: Sorry for being absent
Jan 9, 2015 20:57:26
to _Adidas_ TheEclipse teamjacz ItsOfficial
I was thinking maybe us 4 should group up together. I would have been there, but I had a very busy night at work. Pm me or Skype me- zhamel123
3445 days 17 hours ago
From jayhawk123
Re: No title
Jan 9, 2015 21:11:39
to dandoe ItsOfficial
So, I am trying to get a read off of Adidas, eclipse, and team. I think those 3 are together. I think if me, you, and clock team up we can outwit them
>How're you buddie? :)
>>>#TEAMJALA Hey! :D
3445 days 17 hours ago
From Kelly0412
No title
Jan 9, 2015 21:13:47
to ItsOfficial
So me and kathrine hit it off immediately. She got the idol clue and gave it to me. Neither one of us got it. But if I go again I could probably get it. But tbh I like her tribe much better . I know this is probably too soon but come a merge I would gladly flip on my original tribe. So unless something comes to change my mind I will probably mutiny when it's offered. But I want to go to the end with kathrine. I want a girl to win.
3445 days 17 hours ago
Kelly talking about using the Mutiny Twist <3
3445 days 17 hours ago
From jayhawk123
Jan 9, 2015 21:15:30
to ItsOfficial
I'm trying to get a read off of everyone at this point. I want to work with Dan, but I just don't know if he's working with Adidas, eclipse, and team. I think I need to talk to clock and possibly kelly
3445 days 16 hours ago
From Kelly0412
No title
Jan 9, 2015 21:31:29
to ItsOfficial
So I'm not going to lie I hate my tribe they are just mean spirited and rude . Now I like the Timbira tribe so I made a deal with them. If Every time my team lost immunity they would take me to exile and I would be safe, that I would flip on my tribe at the merge ( which I totally would) so yeah I consider that pretty bold .

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