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Survivor Tocantins Season 2 Discussion

Topic » Survivor Tocantins Season 2..

3450 days ago
From Nt888
Example Confessional
Jan 5, 2015 12:25:23
to ItsOfficial
Hello Viewers!

Most people when do a confessional always babble about how much better they are and how everyone they play with are idiots and they are superior thats all fine and dandy but the way I play games is I think of everyone as better than me that way I am always on my toes and anticipate "expert" moves that they may make this way I can over estimate them instead of underestimating them because as we all now as soon as you underestimate some one you are in serious trouble
3449 days 20 hours ago
From teamjacz
Pre-Show Confess
Jan 5, 2015 15:51:45
to ItsOfficial
Decided I have got to get back into the fold and compete to prove I'm a worthy competitor. I love the aspect of survivor. All the backstabs, sneakiness and paranoia. Mixed in with a lot of really good moments I will never forget. I have always played this game the same way each time: Do whatever it takes to survive.

My biggest strength in the game is my social ability. Throw me into the middle of chaos and I can charm the socks off of you, and get you to trust me. Most of the time, my trust is solid, but if there is a better opportunity or you get shady on me, I won't hesitate to vote you out.

At my root I'm just a desperate guy who doesn't want my name getting written down enough to be voted from the game. Some have said I am a very perceptive person, and I agree. I can figure out what groups of people are aligned and that helps me greatly dealing with my position in the game.

Really, I'm that sleeper threat who is willing to do whatever he needs to do to be the sole survivor.
3448 days 21 hours ago
From Libanz00
Jan 6, 2015 15:51:01
to ItsOfficial
Well this game is going from bad  to worse :(. My allies have all left me behind and My closest friend got voted out yesterday. It would of been me if i didnt win immunity so I have to win it this time to ensure my safety and get one of them other btches out
3448 days 21 hours ago
From dandoe
Jan 6, 2015 15:30:23
to ItsOfficial
So, last night did not go as planned. I thought that Kim, Leanna and I were solid. Kim decided to flip on both me and Leanna giving the majority to the outcasts. I went from leading my tribe to losing not one but, both my allies. Leanna was a loyal vote and I have no idea why Kim decided to flip giving Mark and Selena the numbers. I'm hoping the merge comes soon because my days are looking numbered at this point - My last hope is to attempt to find the Immunity Idol placed at our tribe's beach.
3447 days 23 hours ago
From jayhawk123
Jan 7, 2015 13:00:14
to ItsOfficial
Today was a good day, we won the challenge and I couldn't be happier. I think that the alliance I have will remain strong, but still this is survivor, and I don't know how much you can put in trust of people who are going for what you want. I'll take baby steps, and remain behind the scenes, but I will make a big impact. Just watch.
3447 days 20 hours ago
Cast is set! Survivor Tocantins S2 - Exile Island will be in play! And Both tribes will be offered Mutiny after after 2 T.C's!!

-Jalapao Tribe- [Red Buffs]
teamjacz/Cedric D.
dandoe/Dan H.
TheEclipse/Joey T.
mman23/Josh K.
Kelly0412/Kelly W.
_Adidas_/Luis L.
jayhawk123/Zach H.
ClockworkRebel/Zander N.

-Timbira- [Black Buffs]
Emotion/Ash C.
wym395/Carlos A.
geovanycaldeorn/Emmy Jay
harrywasnak/Harry W.
Sahmosean/Jimbo B.
KathrineOliver/Kathrine O.
nt888/Nate T.
3446 days 14 hours ago
From Kelly0412
No title
Jan 8, 2015 22:14:29
to ItsOfficial

Hello people in the viewers lounge my name is Kelly Wright. You will see a lot of confessionals by me because.... We'll basically I have no life. Soo here's my strategy.
I'm not here to play some Jesus game where I honor all my deals, that being said I'm not here to play a bully cold calculated bitch game like Russell hantz. I'm simply here to do one thing and one thing only. Do what it takes to make it as far as possible. I will make some loyal ally's that I will honor and I will stab people in the back.  But anyhow I am delighted to be a part of this season. And I hope you at the viewers lounge like me. And that's about it...
3446 days 14 hours ago
From Emotion
Survivor: Tocantins [Meet Ash]
Jan 8, 2015 22:22:56
to ItsOfficial
(Idk why I just was really excited and felt like it)
Hey everyone I'm Ash I'm 15 years old and I'm a sophomore in high school.
So coming into this I'm really excited! But I know its not going to be easy. I mean I'm younger than most of the cast will probably be and I'm Emo so those two things may make me less able to connect with the other people. So I'm going to have to try to step up and be an asset in the premerge challenges.
My strategy will be fairly simple, I cirtianly will be active in the premerge challenges but at the same time I know not yo be overly challenge centered because come merge and I could be in a lot of trouble. So hopefully whatever tribe I'm on will win lots of challenges. I would like to get to the merge with my tribe having the numbers, but I cirtinly know that doing that alone is not nearly enough to make it to the end and win. I will try to have a solid alliance within my tribe and try to establish bonds with everyone so we don't have flippers. Also I will most definatly be on the look out for the idol. It would really be a nice thing to have just in case, you know. But anyways you can't count on anything in this game and I know that. But It really is nice to have some sort of game plan going into this crazy thing.
Well wish me luck! :P
3445 days 21 hours ago
Yass Kelly Im rooting for her
3445 days 21 hours ago
and Clock
3445 days 18 hours ago
I dont care for any of the cast atm. we shall see what they bring to the table
3445 days 17 hours ago
Clock is halarious :') im really wondering what he'll do in the game!!
3445 days 17 hours ago
From Kelly0412
No title
Jan 9, 2015 19:40:34
to ItsOfficial
Hello Viewer Lounge People
Soo im on the Jalapao Tribe. Theres this guy whose name is luis on my team. He tries so hard to be a leader. he just comes off as an asshole.  anyway im going to be sent to exile so i can get that idol clue. Ive made little social deals with all the people in my tribe, so i probably dont need the idol but yet who doesnt want a idol. I deliberately made sure katherine went to exile with me so i can get to know her just in case she picks the right urn i can maybe get a clue out of her. well thats it for me. i hope i can get the idol.
3445 days 16 hours ago
From TheEclipse
Re: Confessionals
Jan 9, 2015 20:01:07
to ItsOfficial

Well, that challenge went very well!

I'm really happy with the tribe on I'm on, and I think I have a chance to do very well given the tribe.

I think my closest ally on my tribe is probably going to be Cedric, based on the fact that he and I are in two games together right now, but I don't really know for sure yet.

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