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Kolby's Survivor: The Congo - Kolby vs. Bennett

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: The Congo -..

2327 days 3 hours ago
omg @ Demi making this far what a legend
2326 days 19 hours ago
I am rooting for dono, luke, or demi to win. As much as Will has improved from being a flop, I just can't see him winning
2326 days 16 hours ago
Josh | Confessional, Day 18, Azande

Well im in a rough situation. Chaos josh is in trouble. Brady and Phillip do not like me, demi is apparently after me, and no word from anyone else

It’s going to be a fun night at tribe, lol .

But brady did give me a lifeline he told me that demi is gunnin for me,perhaps I use that against him
2326 days 16 hours ago
Episode #14 - "Episode 14"
Immunity: Dono (donosaurus_rex)
Eliminated: Josh (JoshBB17) [6-1]
Tribal Council #14 [Azande]:
- Philip (Philip13) --> Josh
- Brady (CoachWade) --> Josh
- Dono (donosaurus_rex) --> Josh
- Demi (demikol) --> Josh
- Luke (IceBear) --> Josh
- Josh (JoshBB17) --> Philip
- Will (hellomynameis347) --> Josh

Josh: 6
Philip: 1
2326 days 16 hours ago
Josh | Exiting Confessional, Day 18, Azande

My time finally came, 2 and 3/4 worth of seasons of never being voted out, but the writing was on the wall for me. Both sides were sick of my shit, and didn't want me in the game. I think i couldve been a valuable free agent number. I'm a little shocked, because everyone in this game needs someone to take to the end, and I wouldve been a for sure win against anyone.

But, 2nd 1st 7th, not too shabby. I'm happy with the game I played, I put fate in my own hands, and sometimes it doesn't work out. Thanks again for a great season. I hope I did all in more in your expectations.
2326 days 16 hours ago
Luke | Confessional, Day 18, Azande

I won the challenge! I can't believe I won! I was a big boy and did it all by myself this time! It got heated near the controversial two minutes, but a win is a win. That's why it is better to be safe then sorry.

I worked my ass off for that win. In one round, I sent a name to Bennett and found a better option a minute later. I somehow switched my answers with enough time to spare. If I hadn't done that, Dono would have won the game. After feeling so proud of myself for knowing how to do fractions quickly, I saw the heated frustration with Dono. He made that victory well worth the effort. However, I had a Brenda moment from survivor Cameroon. When we were at that last question, I realized that there was no way I wanted to go against you like that again. I was going to push towards Brady this round, but my senses kicked in that isn't the smart move to make.

I made a F2 deal with Will that I plan to keep. Of course he said he's down with it, but I don't know if he's going to keep his word. He did backstab his buddy Dan at F9, so why wouldn't he do it again to Dono? I see the pattern, but I have to risk it. (Did you know Phil tried to bullshit me into saying he was the 4th vote in that tribal? I was pretty confused since it didn't seem likely and Will proved it why.) I basically told Will that everyone else is a much bigger target then us and if he wanted a chance at winning, it would have to be me against him in the end. Honestly, I'm not lying. Dono is a challenge beast, Demi is a mastermind, and Brady is a social butterfly. Phil is the only person who either of us could compete with and have a 50/50 chance at winning.

Here's my final stretch of the game plan friendship. Now that I broke the 7th place curse (thank you!) in the KvB series, I'm sliding home with my cleats sticking out. Dono is the target for this round since he can kick ass in challenges. The others are off and on in challenges like me so it would be a fair fight. I need to fill in Demi on the vote as soon as we are both on so she still trusts me enough to not pull a fast one. Even if Will and Demi vote with Dono instead of against him, the votes would just be tied. I have immunity so I can take a deep breathe and chill for a bit. If Dono goes, the F5 finale will start. The immunity challenge is more of a luxury then a necessity this vote. It only matters if Brady wins. His victory could make things more stressful If he does, then Phil becomes the vote. Any other result goes back to Brady as the target. He's good at what he does and it's taken a lot from me to keep him this long. F4 is where things get tricky. If the plan is still on track, that would leave me, will, demi, and the remaining moru member (hopefully Phil). I'd suck up to Phil and get him to vote out Demi and vice versa to Demi. If Demi wins, the old moru member leaves. If anyone else wins, Demi goes. In the ideal world, the F3 would consist of me, will, and phil. A last minute victory would mean so much as this point because I don't know if either of them would keep me around if they won. I can try and persuade them all I want, but I'll be relying on hope to spare me. I'd either be the last jury member or in the finales. I'm telling you I'm not a floater. I am a procrastinator, which is totally different.

Josh set the record for the longest amount of says spent in Bennett's survivor after a solid 6-1 boot. I wondered it a 4th appearance could happen, but I realized he will BE BACK NEVER! (It's a stretch, but I think it works. You know, because 2017 is in the past and BB doesn't just mean Big Brother. The explanation kills the vibe, but it had to be done.)
2326 days 16 hours ago
Demi | Confessional, Day 19, Azande

I made it to the finale, SUPER DUPER (yes I used duper for this occasion) SHOCKED!

So many variables. I could take up pages discussing what may or could happen but y'all know me, I'm to the point!

Dono and Luke are my concern rn. I will not flip to help Brady or Phil get closer to the throne. Will has been great since Dan left and has voted with us but dono and Luke come first.

I feel a more safe and complicated vote is in order but will know more when I hear from the guys.

For right now I'm thrilled to be where I am and thankful this game has made me step up mine :)

Ty again to Kolby and Bennett <33
2326 days 16 hours ago
Brady | Confessional, Day 19, Azande

So last vote was definitely the easiest vote in this game so far. Josh knew he was getting the boot and it was a super easy vote. I don't get why people wanted him out so bad because if I was in the majority I'd keep him until the end because he's a easy jury beat but it saved me and Phillip for another day so I was happy with it. I honestly wanted to work with Josh this whole game but when he was a idiot and flipped on us twice which was at f12 and at f8 I was honestly just annoyed with him and if he would of went with us he would of probably still have been in but since he kept flipping nobody trusted him which was why it will probably be our last unanimous vote.

Now we're at the f6 and we are super close to the end. Unfortunately I couldn't make the challenge last night but Luke ended up with the win over Dono which I was very happy about. If there was someone on Nkuma I wanted to win I was glad it was Luke because he's like the only one I actually have a solid relationship with on that side and from what Luke has told me I knew he was thinking about making a move at f6 which was absolutely great for me because I'm still on the bottom and it seems like he would be down for voting Dono because he lost immunity and people would honestly be stupid not to vote him out. However I don't just want to make the f5 and then by voted out right after. I figured that if me and Phillip survived this vote then we'd be targets for f5 because they obviously wouldn't want us 2 to be in the f4 because then we have the power to at least force a tie so I was basically telling Luke that Phillip was the one that wanted to make a move against Dono. In actuality it was both of us but I wanted to make the target on Phil so at least that way Phil would go at f5 and not me and I figured if I could get past f5 I could make f3 because they'd be idiots not to get Demi out at f4.

However I just want to get to that finale and tonight's vote should be really interesting because me and Phillip feel like we have Luke on our side so it'll at least be a tie and he's not scared of a tie because he has immunity so I feel like me and Phillip could at least have 3 votes for Dono and worst casenario will go to rocks but we're hoping Luke can flip a vote. I told Luke though that if he knows it's a definite that we'd be going to rocks that we should then flip our votes to Will so that way Dono and Demi are eligible for elimination at the rock draw and we'll have odds in our favor 2-1 and me or Phillip will be in that rock draw depending on who they vote but we'll have odds in our favor.
2326 days 16 hours ago
Brady | Confessional, Day 19, Azande

And of course we have that big announcement that it is a f2 instead of a f3 this season which really frustrates me. I already have a hard enough road as it is to just get to a f3 but now I have to get to a f2. I hate f2s because it makes it so hard to get there. In Kolbys Survivor Mexico I got 3rd and I believe if there was a f3 I would of won so I'm hoping that this time my luck can turn around and that I can get to a final tribal council.

I've been to the end before in every time I've played both of these series and it's not good enough for me. I'm tired of just getting to the finale and losing like I want to get that win so bad this time.

This season has honestly been a rollercoaster for me. Just like Survivor Madidi I was at the bottom of the merge vote and my time here has been very similar to Survivor Madidi. However I've been fighting so hard to stay in just vote by vote up until this point. I've worked on not being seen as the biggest threat on my side and being social with people to make it here. Most of the time my fate was in other people's hands but I was being social and telling people anything I had to just to stay another day. I felt like I did do some moves when I had to though. You know I was the person who mentioned going after Robby in the group chat and I would say that was a big move that I did but when you're a underdog big moves aren't necessarily smart for your game because that'll just get you by one more vote and then you'll be gone. I think I've done enough though to win if I do make it to the f2 and I feel like I have a very good argument. I have friends on the jury which always helps and it's not like I've been doing nothing in this game. I have made smart decisions at the right times and I did great socially to be the last Moru to get votes and so far I've only gotten 1 vote up until this point and that is due to my social game. I've had to work twice as hard to get here and I feel like if I get to that f2 with the right person then I'd have a damn good shot at winning because I feel like I have a great argument.

This series has honestly been so amazing and I just pray that I can get a win this time. This season was a big clusterfuck in all honesty but I wasn't here to play a character or just be here for the fame. I am only here for the glory. The best casenario is if I ever got to the f2 with Will but I really want to win to represent Bennetts series and if not then I damn well have my best effort and to make it this far in both series of Bennetts is pretty damn good.
2326 days 13 hours ago
Luke | Confessional, Day 19, Azande

Why is this vote so hard??? This should be an easy opportunity to take a strike at Dono without any worry. But wait, Demi is deciding to be loyal to him. When did she decide to have a conscience? Fuck it, we still have will to rely on. Oh, he wants to throw a random vote at Phil......I DON'T GET THIS LOGIC! I told him to go with Dono and he seems fine with it, but I'm about 60% sure he'll follow through on it.

Real quick advice will, "So what do we want to do?" isn't the most authoritative action you could have done. You're a nice guy and I think you should step up for yourself in the next group game you do. Letting me take the wheel is only a right Jesus has. (HA! Carrie Underwood reference!) For real though, you'll probably make finals and go farther then me, but you aren't going to win. You'll say you did things and have a decent resume, but you need to take action at least some point in the game with conversations.

I feel weird talking to Dono right now. We are both from Mass so we are bonding over the Pats-Jags game right now. I moved back into my college dorm and am without a TV to enjoy the show. Dono is nice enough to give me a play by play while I follow ESPN's own play by play. basically, we are at a classic old-fashion dinner with someone about to get murdered.
2325 days 14 hours ago
Episode #15 - "Fire and Blood"
Tribal Council #15 [Azande]:
Immunity: Luke (IceBear)
Eliminated: Dono (donosaurus_rex) [4-2]
- Philip (Philip13) --> Dono
- Brady (CoachWade) --> Dono
- Dono (donosaurus_rex) --> Brady
- Demi (demikol) --> Brady
- Luke (IceBear) --> Dono
- Will (hellomynameis347) --> Dono

Dono: 4
Brady: 2
2325 days 14 hours ago
Luke | Voting Confessional, Day 19, Azande

I vote for Brady

FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! I REALLLLLLLLYYYYY hate this vote. I'd rather keep brady because he is cool and my best ally in this game. Yeah, he could probably beat me, but he is honest with me and vice versa. Putting his name down is making me sick.

For now, this is what I'm doing. Can this vote please be postponed to the normal time? I don't want Will to get screwed and myself affected indirectly.
2325 days 14 hours ago
Luke | Confessional, Day 19, Azande

Twas the night before finale

Well this party just went sour. Now that tribal has been delayed, I have some time for myself. My initial reaction was to follow the finale viewers and rage, but I am with Demi on this one. He seemed really motivated to come today and just disappeared. I wish him the best of luck and hopefully he can be ok. Having him on would save my game as well, but that's not the point.

Some of the viewers were getting pissed that Will didn't get a self vote. Yeah, I get it. I'd be mad too. However, after talking to Will, it seems weird for him to just stop showing up. He was so pumped an hour before the start time. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

I like to make bad jokes. I do it after every eviction and somethings just for the hell of it. I wanted to pull a prank on Brady and say that Purple and I were doing the twins twist the whole game. He responds back that he is Phil. I laugh to myself but then realize it really is phil. Let me show you exactly what I said:

"Brady, there is something that I’ve been keeping back for a long time that I need to tell you"

I was trying to build suspense but fucked up SOOOOO bad. I think Phil is highly suspicious of me and ticked off. I now has to do the same thing to brady because I told Phil I would. That just got his hopes up. That right there is the dumbest move in the game by yours truly.

While I was waiting, I've been put in a tough position. I've gone a long way to keep Brady in this game and he's been truthful with me as well. Since I worked my butt off to keep him around, he showed me a screenshot of Phil suggesting they target me. As long as Will comes back online, I don't have to worry. If the doesn't though, I'm a dead man. Anyways, Brady showed why I should keep him. The problem is I don't think I'd beat him in the finale if I'm next to him. Phil would have no problem voting me off in the F3. I just don't know what to do. If will gets on, I'll suggest going after Phil instead of Brady. If not, then I have to go after Brady.

I was talking to the hosts about scheduling and game stuff to pass some time. These guys are really funny. Kolby and I thought of a new challenge for the F4. Each contestant much write a full fan fiction murder mystery about Will. Some gold ideas we came up with were Tim the Legend Killer and Idol AWOL. As for Bennett, he gave me the best pun if I win the game. He gets full credit for the creativity since it is SOOOO good. I have a backup if I loose, but fingers crossed!

Donosaurus lost his 30+ day streak on survivor after barely missing out on the finale. I guess he DONO what was coming to him! (I know he already used that, but it works. Bennett actually used this by accident when I was asking him a few questions.) His good manners couldn't hide the fact he was a donoSAUR sport! (Yes! Still got it. He did handle himself well though.)
2325 days 14 hours ago
Demi | Confessional, Day 19, Azande

Unexpected Confessional....
Thought the game would be done but since it's postponed I figured I'll write one more.

I was devastated to loose Dono. He was my number 1 (besides Robby at the beginning of game) and Luke was my other main man lol. I was prepared, as we all were, for Luke and Will to send Dono home. I said I would not grow attached and cloud my judgement in the game but, I do, that's Demi, she has a heart.

Speaking of Will was excited about the game and my other ally. He had talked to Luke and I and at 5:30 tonight Luke said he just vanished, he didn't purposely ditch the game (no matter what the rude, self centered folks say).

I WON IMMUNITY! SO THRILLED, SO PROUD and I needed it. I bet the guys are shocked. Brady had no 'witty' comments then ;) and Phillip has been a nice surprise, I like him.

Of course I want to continue to win Immunity and that's the plan because no one will take me to the end. You know what I say to that, " fuck yeah, cause your ass is afraid to sit beside me in the end". Need say NO MORE ;)

Goodnight Guys
2325 days 14 hours ago
Dono | Exiting Confessional, Day 20, Azande


I'm Dono. :)

The Patriots won today! We're in the Super Bowl! And that was something to take away from this day.

In the Congo... Idk. It just sucks in general I guess to have a lot of work culminate into missing your mark... into falling short. But that's Dono for you, always aiming too high and hitting himself too hard when he fails. It's something I hope everyone reading can learn from the Congo. In the end, it is just a fucking game. And failure is a good thing to experience in life. It has always been a dangerous thing for me, because I don't take kindly to it. Emotions hit me hard, expecially competing.

Kolby's Survivor has up to this point been kind to me in terms of hurting and making me want to just up and quit this nonsense (well, I told you I was going to leave after Thailand, but that obviously didn't turn out to be true). Damn, finally getting voted out seemed to have done the trick. And to come so close, to have it hanging there right in front of me. Man, that's almost worse than going out 20th. But, looking back, I had no business playing with any of these people. I was on the outside looking in. Nobody really expected me (at least they shouldn't have, we'll see soon in the viewer's lounge) to do well. With a little time to breathe on it, I'm good. It hurts having everything go down the way it did, and there will always, as there always are, be the what-ifs. I'll keep those to myself, because this was an incredible incredible incredible bit of fun. Hiighs & Lows, no game is as complex and strategic and social. No game is as enveloping. I'm blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part not once, but twice. Thank you for that.

I guess 6th place won't be a terrible imprint. I just hope I did right by you. I'm also mostly sour about the fact that Demi did better than I did. I carried her! Ugh, okay I didn't exactly carry her. She has played great, but very very inactive early on. She will say she was just under the radar, but I was under the radar, and not inactive. I was strategizing, interacting. I bet I could measure up to her social interaction tenfold for the first half of the game. LOL I'm sounding like such a bastard but inevitable 3X win Demi is going to irk me.

Realistically, we'll see a Luke win. Luke would be wise to risk taking Demi to final three, because if he needs a final four scenario that doesn't include both Brady & Phil. The only way one of those two wins is if Will Nkumasuicides and votes out Demi & Luke in the next two tribals. That'd be the biggest Kolby Flop in history, and it would stain this entire season, so let's all pray that doesn't happen. I'm more inclined to believe Saxophone Will is going to be an honorable flop and go alongside either Luke or Demi. That's what I'm hoping for. In either situation, I could definitely see myself voting for Will if he could explain himself well enough. This season was all about self-preservation. Who had the best counter-measures? Was Will's flop-status too correct for him to overcome? We will see...

I'm so relieved to be done. Nineteen days of fucking pure suspense. Seriously, being sick was 99% of it but I need to recover from the month of Janfluary. It has been brutal.

For Bennett's Survivor, thanks for the times! You reminded me a bit of themissinglink, with your laid back approach and constant humor. You piss me off to no end but with all my freaking tengaged heart i love you man. You are a shining star and I hope you continue to shine everywhere you go. I appreciated you the whole season, and towards the end, I think my competitive nature got the best of me and sometimes that was taken out on you... You still fuckin' piss me off, but yeah, that's your thing and you should own it proudly. You also have some great representatives this season; but, pending a Phil/Brady upset, I think their downfall was an inability to overcome their egos. With Tim's immediate downfall, it signified everybody wanted to be the big dog and nobody was afraid to step on toes to do it. The bigger picture was obvious. It is a VERSUS season. And a big one at that. Look at Nkuma. We have Robby, Demi, Sammy, Max, Dono... All big names. The first vote was a unanimous 10-0 vote. We all understood that one of us would be able to get the FINAL upper hand when it counted, right at the end of the game. We were willing to put that fight off until the later stages of the game (at least that was my understanding). Had the Moru tribe been able to do that, butterfly effect.

For Kolby's Survivor, nothing but love. Man, it's been a blast. I played 38 consecutive days before being voted out. I did good. Kolby, you are a phenomenal host. Every bit of my ability to withstand all of this with any bit of grace comes from my respect and admiration for what you do with your series. It's great, truly one of the best. A lot of hosts have a lot to learn from you. I hope Dono did his duties as a Hero in Kolby's Survivor. Whether I strolled too close to the dark side to be considered a hero remains to be seen. I had intentions, but they never came to fruition. What's the philosophical answer to that question? If you ask me, my journey was a necessary lesson to any hubris traveler... Travel lightly.

With that, I sign off. Thank you Congo, for housing me for so long. I spent an equal time here as I did in Thailand, and I'm very very proud of that. A milestone I didn't know I was at until I was out, haha. Man, I'm kind of stupid sometimes. :P


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