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Kolby's Survivor: Haiti

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Haiti

2431 days ago
Ah! I missed the première! Fuuuck! This seems to be an interesting season though, definitely some interesting characters who should cause some drama! Looking forward to seeing it develop further :)
2430 days 18 hours ago
Ny | Confessional, Day 4, Cibao

Back to tribal for the third day in a row, but this is the first time I think I'll be able to really have an influence in the vote!

Caleb told me that Tico was targetting Dillon and myself, so of course, Tico or Kiara has to go. Everyone knows they're a duo which makes things quite a bit easier, and I seriously think that we'll have the numbers to get one of them out tonight.

I've been talking to Nova a lot and I think he trusts me, but I can't ignore the fact that he's a really strong game player. Having him on my side is going to be pretty much essential to survive if we go to tribal again.

I also started talking to Dillon, he seemed pretty responsive when I told him we were both on the bottom so I think he'd be down to work with me. I did find out that Dillon and Nova are pretty close though from Nova telling me that he tells Dillon who to vote for, so being on good standings with both of them is important.

Out of everyone I probably talk to Caleb the most but it still feels like he's downplaying his game to me. He keeps telling me that he hasn't talked to anyone besides me, but he found out somehow that Tico who targetting so he's obviously talked to more people. I think he's a very loyal guy though so I'm going to try and keep him close.

We're splitting up the showmance - so there's no point talking about Tico or Kiara ;^)
(Watch me leave tonight cause karma tho)
2430 days 15 hours ago
Dan | Confessional, Day 4, Xaragua

victory dance . my idol list worked. woo hoo. I found to Bec after the third clue my list went down to two options. it was between James and Jackson. I guess James Bec the made it farther and was most likely the answer and I was right. so now I have the idol. I'm not gonna say a word about this to anyone, not even my closest ally Fred Bec although Fred is my closest ally I'm not sure if I'm his closest all. anyways I made a final 3 with ashkay and Fred. btw I've also talked with Chandler a little. and across tribes I've talked with max Caleb and ny. so right now I'm in a good mood. although tbh i wished my tribe went to one tribal council before I found this idol so I could see where I stand on the tribe but oh well. I haven't gone to tribal at all and I have an idol. and I have the premiere episode title . life is good
2430 days 15 hours ago
"and I have the premiere episode title"

2430 days 15 hours ago
Caleb | Confessional, Day 4, Cibao

This vote I am the swing, tico and Kiara and ny and Dillion with me and max in the middle and I think max and I are getting close, I promised my loyalty too max and Ny has been lying to me about not being close with dillon. I vote kiara this vote though
2430 days 11 hours ago
Tico | Confessional, Day 4, Cibao

This losing has got to stop. I'm already nervous about this vote but if we do make it through this one we really cant affprd to come back to tribal. I think Caleb will stay loyal thos this time but if theres just 5 of us it will be their last shot to seperate me and kili and i think theyll take it

Vote is for dillon
2430 days 10 hours ago
Max | Confessional, Day 4, Cibao

Well I haven't been able to send one of these in due to me being in Kansas for the weekend but now that I'm home I'm ready for this game to get messy. Right now I'm at a crossroad for my game. I can stick with my four person alliance and vote out Dillon (Or whoever they decide to vote without me) or I can flip with Caleb against Tico and Kiara and shake this entire tribe up. Right now the second option is seeming much more viable. I believe that everyone on my tribe is relatively smart and independent with their games except two people, Kiara and Dillon. Kiara is attached to Tico while Dillon is attached to Ny and I. While in a final 5 scenario of Kiara, Tico, Ny, Caleb, and I will probably work out in my favor for surviving, it doesn't benefit me as much long term. Considering Dillon, I can morph him into a sheep of mine which could be extremely useful later on in the game. Also I know with Kiara going I am entirely set. Caleb has already shown me chats of just them three with me excluded. I will say one thing, don't take me for a dumbass or some type of idiot. The one thing I play well in survivor is the information game. Don't say something unless you want me to hear it at some point. It's in my best interest to not allow a new majority to form without me. Hopefully this plan works and Tico isn't too pissed. X_X
2430 days 9 hours ago
Episode #3 - "At A Crossroads"
Immunity: Xaragua
Eliminated: Kiara (Kiara_xoxo)
Idols: Dan (Dwipeouts) [Xaragua]
- Ny (NoBow) --> Kiara
- Tico (ticofernandez) --> Dillon
- Caleb (CalebJustLeft) --> Kiara
- Max (Novamax243) --> Kiara
- Dillon (Dibby1010) --> Kiara
- Kiara (Kiara_xoxo) --> Dillon
2430 days 4 hours ago
Oooh that elimination will shake up the game, Tico is going to be scrambling for some new purchase to keep him in the game, definitely looking forward to seeing it unravel
2429 days 17 hours ago
Yeah things are definitely going be shaken up with the Cibao tribe! I'm hoping Tico can find away to save himself with merge not being too far away, or better yet they finally win Tribal Immunity so we can see an Xaragua tribal council.

Things are heating up and it looks like activity is also increasing!
2429 days 17 hours ago
Ny | Confessional, Day 4, Cibao

Kiara went home in a 4-2 vote meaning everything worked out pretty damn perfectly! And Tico spilled some tea about CALEB, who I had a feeling was downplaying his game and this validates it. This puts me in a pretty good spot because even if we lose this competition (which we might because I'm highkey getting triggered from this stupid ass bird) it should either be Tico or Caleb being targetted.

Even though this challenge makes me want to jump out a damn building, I've been able to bond quite a bit with Max! He told me that he's amazing at puzzles, to the point where people think he's actually cheating, but I really have no idea why he would tell me this! Boy best believe that if we make it to merge I'll be using this against him!
2429 days 17 hours ago
Tico | Confessional, Day 5, Cibao

*sits on a rock and sobs*
They took out my girl kiara. I knew I couldnt trust that caleb fucker but he was talking to me so much i thought hed at least wait 1 more vote before fucking us over.
*wipes away tears*
I will miss my girl very much but I need to be strong and get my revenge for her. It may actually help me her being out not being in a duo and not having to look out for her and myself but I am stil pissed. I definitely need to post a good score for this immunity challenge because if we lose again I am in a very bad spot but i have already mailed max and dillon about Caleb and will fight with every breath I have to make sure he leaves before me hoping  to win this challene and then get a swap.
2429 days 16 hours ago
Tico seems like a fun underdog, rooting for him to find the idol
2429 days 14 hours ago
Dan | Confessional, Day 5, Xaragua

anyways i was playing Crappy Bird and it kept lagging (my internets fault not kolbys fault just gonna point that out so kolby doesnt think im blaming him) and my record right now is 26. so now im basically thinking how am i gonna survive this coming tribal.  it scares me bec akshay knows that someone on our tribe has the idol ( luckily i havent told a sole that i have it) and he directly asked if i had it. i lied saying i havent even guessed yet and why he asked. he told me that someone on our tribe has it and he thought it would be better that i had it then someone else on our tribe. so i asked him who he guessed. he said james from kuwait. so then i messaged kolby my guess again and he said i found the wrapper. (which i asked kolby to do) so i screenshotted it and showed it to akshay and was like yeah you're right. im just hoping he doesnt think im lying and pulling off something sneaky. which i am doing but i dont want him thinking that so im gonna really try for this challenge now
2429 days 14 hours ago
That was actually pretty good/sneaky of Dan, he found the idol in the 'round' before that so by the rules of the game he could still guess, so he went ahead and guessed James so he'd get the exact wrapper message everyone else (Only Akshay so far.) would get since it's already been found.


Also I really am torturing everyone with this challenge aren't I? The original challenge planned here was to be a different non-live but I realized it wouldn't work correct with the tribes being 8 & 5 so had to replace it with a back-up challenge. I like how whichever tribe REALLY wants it will win it for sure though, it's more about will to not rage at flappy bird than fully skill based.

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