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[2] Knowing Your Herstory

Topic » [2] Knowing Your Herstory

3663 days 5 hours ago
Hello my top 14! Congrats on surviving the chop... twice!

For your next challenge, we want you to teach the children! Your job is to make a short summary about a drag term, item, or icon and post it here.

For example, you could write about lip liners, wigs, RuPaul, etc.

Make sure it's funny!!! What's a herstory lesson without a couple of penises drawn in the corners?

For your runway, I want you to serve us Old World school glamour. Think American Colonial. Think Eurasian Royalty.

This challenge will be due on Saturday May 24th at 11:59:59 PM EST.

LaKisha Marie Kynxx and Acacia Acai have immunity, as long as they turn in their looks this week. They do not have to submit a lipsync avatar.

The lipsync this week will be:

Good luck and DON'T fuck it up.
3663 days 5 hours ago
WHats the runway theme idk what that means :'(
3663 days 5 hours ago
Think of Raja or Jinkx's Marie Antoinette runway. Something historic.
3663 days 4 hours ago
Rehab, it's like Old History fashion
Marie antoinette, Queen Elizabeth of england
3663 days 4 hours ago
I demand a table with our current progress btw
3663 days 4 hours ago
The runway is History.
Think like the old times where you had to churn butter.
Like Lancaster Realness
3663 days 3 hours ago
*Brings out trifold posterboard*

RACISM. IN DRAG: #twsharonneedles

And my look to accompany it is completely unironic, clearly. Serving Native American Girl that don't properly know her roots at Coachella REALNESS!
3663 days 2 hours ago
L'Oreal Starbursts:

Hello, ladies and Benry. My name is L'***** ********** and I will be filling in for Junge Dame who is a little late today. I guess he decided to take the safe route on his commute to work today. Alright, let me just look around to see where he left his lesson plan. *sifts through the Bonnie McKee wigs and fisting magazines*
Okay, I think I found it. Mmm.. let's see here... "Today's Lesson: 'Being Careful or Playing It Safe'" *turns my face to the camera and pauses for a few seconds*
Change in plans, y'know what I'll just educate you guys a little on the art of drag and where it gained it's mainstream popularity.
It all started with a song and a video by a talented woman named RuPaul.
I could go more into depth, but I think I have something visual for y'all, hold on. Just gotta check my wallet.
As you can see, back then, they could only afford season one quality cameras.
She really does get her height from her mother, who was still beautiful even while she was going through the final stages of life.
And here's another picture of her at the last supper with Jesus himself.
Aren't they ...sickning???
*the door flies open and a wave of safe enters the room*
Drats! It looks like that's all the time I have y'all.
Here's one more for the road.


Since this round is basically a mixture of fashion's past, I decided to go with more of a glamorous dark ages look.
A cult priestess basically.
3663 days 1 hour ago
3663 days 1 hour ago
COME ON STUDENTS! Open your books if you want to be READ. Hunties I'm about to serve you a lesson in HERstory. Today's lecture will be about one of my FAVORITE words....and it's not daddy....or cock...or even the f or n words. Today's lesson lady boys and gentlemen is in REALNESS.
A little bulletin of what the term means. As you can see it's keeping it 100% real and loyal to the term.

Some of y'all hennys need to come acquainted with the term. Where my STUDENTS at? Y'all serving me studious realness.

In case you didn't think the term being thrown around enough you can direct all complaints to my fellow competitor Miss L*****!

Old World?
How about Old World Chang Dynasty Chinese princess

She is serving it to you STRAIGHT out of China.
3662 days 17 hours ago
Alright class, let’s turn our Herstory books to page 163, where you will find the chapter on the word “henny.” The term, first popularized by Stacy Layne Matthews/Stacy Lane Bryant Matthews/Stacy Layne Matthews Lattisaw Q, quickly became a catchphrase for the ages. But behind this seemingly benign word lies a dark, complicated, and bloody history.

Henny in its natural form. It’s a liquid at room temperature:

Henny first took shape millions of years ago, when the extraordinary precognitive ability of henny bees allowed them to predict the rise of henny and Stacy Layne Matthews millions of years into the future. For millions of years, henny bees perfected the art of creating the sweet syrupy substance known as henny, until finally the day of the premiere of RuPaul’s Drag Race season 3 arrived, and people and henny bees everywhere gasped as this goddess trotted onto our TV screens.

The Patron Saint of Henny:

Stacy Layne had arrived, intending to spread peace, happiness, and henny to the world using the art of drag. But sadly, this is where the trouble began. For you see, there were those who were opposed to Stacy’s mission from the start. Those who were secretly fighting against a future utopian world with neverending henny-ness. They were known as the Heathers, and they formed a powerful axis of evil with the intention of vanquishing Stacy Layne and henny FOREVER.

The Hennemies at their most DASTARDLY:

Thus began the struggle between good versus evil, Stacy Layne versus the Heathers, Hennemies versus friends of henny. It was an epic battle for the ages, and along the way, the forces of henny suffered heavy losses. For a while, it seemed as if no one took henny seriously. Finally, henny hit rock bottom when Stacy was forced to lip sync for her life against the forces of India Ferrah and her shadowy crotch spider, but in the end, henny prevailed. Although they was safe for the time being, this gave henny and Stacy the wake up call the needed to step it up. And step it up they did.

Henny bees everywhere rejoice at Stacy’s challenge win:

The very next challenge, the world was forever changed when Stacy brought her A-game to her Monique impression and won the challenge, causing outrage among Hennemies everywhere and joy to the henny bees. Things were looking bright for henny, but sadly, all good things must come to an end.

Where Have All the C?o?w?b?o?y?s? Henny Bees Gone?:

Tragically, Stacy Layne’s time on the show came to an end, and ultimately the Heathers triumphed. Stacy was asked to make a red velvet cake design, and sadly she did not meet expectations. Put into the bottom two, she was out lip synced and sent packing. Thus the reign of Stacy Layne Matthews, and therefore the reign of henny, sadly came to an end. And that, my students, is the long, dramatic, ultimately tragic story of henny.

On a final note, did anyone else notice that the decline of the henny bee population occurred right around the time Stacy got eliminated from RPDR? Coincidence? I think not.   

And as for my runway look, I am serving to you none other than ancient Hawaiian in a well-worn coconut bra realness! Coconuts aren’t just for coconut milk, you know.
3662 days 17 hours ago
The C?o?w?b?o?y?s? is supposed to be a strikethrough of the word Cowboys by the way but it didn't show up like that
3662 days 17 hours ago
Hello, and Good Evening. *Shuffles papers*

They say you're born naked and the rest is drag. No matter how true this term maybe, the next time you decide to bare it all and kiki with your squirrel friends, you'd might wanna check under the hood. You know, just to see if you need a tune up. Making sure your *grill* is in order.

*Sighs deeply*

1 out of 1 Jiggly Calientes suffers from a fucked up grill. Yes, tragic, I know. All those dumb dumbs caught up to ha.

She was even seen trying to win dental help on a local gameshow at Papa Jenkin's Steak Shack down the block. Clearly, she lost.


I've said all that to say this. Dental hygiene is important. Drag queens and fucked up teeth clearly do not mix. Blush, floss, and rinse daily to avoid such complications. Or rip out your old teeth and buy new veneers. (See: Tyra Sanchez, Latrice Royale). Remember, when we look at our Herstory we can increase our knowledge going into the future, and decrease cavity counts. Thank you.

I wanted to serve you up some 17th century North African Ambassador realness. Soak in this opulence. Let it soothe you.
3662 days 7 hours ago
Presentation Look:
My item is... Cocaine, but under your eye, in many different colors, A.K.A Adore and Bianca's Money Maker... Eyeliner!
How important is eyeliner? Absolutely.
Eyeliner was first used in ancient egypt, they used it to protect from the sun, not for beauty! How dumb, right? Their eyes were sooo busted.
Eyeliner has so many functions
1st is - Define your eye, but don't do that sneezing cause Adore did it and it went downhill, so she just filled it with baby powder, now it's used worldwide, by me and her.
2st is - Over dramaticism. Over dramaticism is when you want to look dramatic so you put on some eyeliner NOT WATERPROOF and you stab yourself in the eye with eyeliner so you cry and the tear go black and everybody feel pity, except for Laganja, that doesn't work if you're addicted to Marijuana, yes gawd. Or addicted to talking about it ockurrr

3rd is - What was I talking about? Can't remember... so... Let's talk about colors!

Black is when you're feeling a fishy gig (or maybe not)
Harsh black is when you're out of space to cut in your body and decide to show your pain in your eye
Racoon eye is when you're feeling "Kiss" but that doesn't work, right Rebecca Glasscock?
Dark blue is for when you run out of black but you bought Black'n'Blue collection from M.A.C Cosmetics
Pink is when you wanna draw attention but that shit looks busted
White is when you want attention, run out of black and sneezed in cocaine, so it all went to your eye, and, to trick people, you spread some white eyeliner in the eye so it doesn't look like you're a drug addict, because,  in fact, you're just a clown.
Trade... away! Hope you all liked my class and learned something: Don't use pink eyeliner, see ya!

Seving up some cleopatra realness, this is a fishy gig cause I've got my black eyeliner on!
3662 days 7 hours ago
Confessional: This episode is gonna single-handedly get the season cancelled
3662 days 4 hours ago
Drop your books girls, Cause the REAL Teacher has arrived.

Now Now, DRAGGED queens. Most of here look a hot MESS.
So it's time for you Queens to get a full of lesson on
How to NOT look like a BROKE DOWN Drag Queen..

Herstory: Now looking broke down isn't new Queens, it's been
started out since you guys came out the womb! Yes, MOST of you
never new what looking sexy, polished, and purrrtty means. Now
looking broke down isn't something to flock around freely, and it
HAS TO STOP now. Looking broke down, nasty, and filthy is a away
of saying that drags like me get upset with looking at competition
so Ugly looking..... So......

Ive brought you guys a treat.

*Brings out huge poster board*

Many of you guys are visual learners, and need to learn what broke down
looks like. Now, I would say look in the mirror, but thats not nice is it?

Now Im going to do an interactive Activity. I will show you some polished queens,
and some broke down queens. It's your job to spot them out. Now I didn't
have pictures of this whole cast to exemplify my activity, because we all know
yall look a HAWT mess, so I'm just going to show 4 examples.

Example one:


Example two:

Ew What the FUCK?

Example three:

Hell NO, Next!

Example four:

Yassss mama Yasss!

*Throws cards down*

That'll be all, I hope you dragged out old BROKE DOWN queens have learned from
this Herstory Lesson. Bye!

*Blows kiss*

Runway Look: Im serving up 60s couture Realness

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