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BB6 Lounge Room

Topic » BB6 Lounge Room

3262 days 10 hours ago
And at least I had the decency and class to tell you I was nominating you before I did it. You are pathetic and worthless going around backdooring people for your stupid crappy reasons like you are so great and can't be nominated. All you are doing is validating my nomination speech and making it more and more obvious that I was correct in nominating you. And I'd do it again; only I would have put you in the ground now that I know that this is how terrible a Big Brother player you actually are.
3262 days 10 hours ago
Lol ok now that is funny. Truly I applaud you for your fight and your dramatic phrases of how you're going to destroy me in this game. Question though, who should I have gone after this week if it wasn't you? It's admirable that you feel you can be a leader, but I don't need to be a leader to anyone but myself. I believe everyone in this house can use their own smarts to play this game and don't have to rely on me or you. Do you not think others in this house wouldn't have attempt to do the same thing I did this week? Honestly do you not think anyone else is going to backdoors someone? You act as though I just pulled this trick out of a hat lol it's a very useful way to eliminate threats and you are a threat just like I am. I have no problem acknowledging that I am a target. It's not news to me. I'm well aware of where I stand in this game, but can you say the same? Let's say you stay and come after me. Do you honestly think no one else will be going after you? If there's anyone here who feels they are untouchable it is you. I fully accept where I am in this game but clearly you have trouble with accepting your own placement. In the words of the wise Elsa, "Let It Go."
3262 days 10 hours ago
No, you are funny, you are a fucking joke. I AM going to destroy you in this game whether I am in the house or not it will be me that leads to your eviction. I don't care who you could have gone after, but going after me makes no sense when I obviously wasn't your enemy; but now my sole mission in this game is to make sure you die in it; I don't want to win I want to see you lose. And you are terrible at that; you are an awful leader to everyone; ESPECIALLY yourself you can't even tell what's best for your game and what isn't. Look I thought you said you were done with this conversation? Not so high and mighty now are you? No they don't have to rely on me or you; which is why you need to go down for trying to dictate the game. No, nobody else would have tried to backdoor me; and even if they did they wouldn't have been as big a bitch about it as you. But, no honestly, nobody else in this game seems like they would be trying to backdoor someone every week like you; like you get your kicks of off making sure people have absolutely no chance to stay. I am not anything like you; you are a monster; you are a disease in this house leeching off of the other houseguests to feed your need for power. You have no problem acknowledging you're a target? Fine. But, you do have a problem acknowledging you are a paranoid power hungry dictator who can't stand when people do anything that even remotely doesn't go your way. I can say the same; if people want me out that's fine; but they should leave me in so I can get rid of the cancer affecting this game because I'm sure a lot of these people would love to see you go but you are "too much of an asset" for them to betray to your face. If people are coming after me that's fine; they can evict me as soon as I make sure you don't ruin anyone else's chances at a fair game. No, I don't feel untouchable. That's why I'm the one you tried to backdoor. You feel untouchable because you think the house will just bend and do whatever you tell it to. YOU NEED TO LET IT FUCKING GO. TAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING ADVICE. I NOMINATED YOU BITCH GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
3262 days 10 hours ago
Lol you nominated me to prove a point that I was untouchable. I HAD ONLY WON ONE COMPETITION! Quit pretending like your intentions didn't involve me going home or at least earning a bigger target. You did that nomination for the sole purpose of building your credibility as a "big moves" kind of player. If that wasn't the case you wouldn't have said I was untouchable and all the other load of BS when you nominated me. Not to mention trying to make AJ think she was my initial target. Newsflash, dear, AJ knew my intention was to remove her from the block prior to the veto comp. Thus, it further proves you are just trying to sling mud my way to make yourself look like a hero. The reason you are on the block is because you betrayed me by putting me up when you did not have to. Don't try and sell the BS that I would have been safe regardless. You STILL haven't said why you didn't put someone else up over me. Thus, proving my point that you intended to keep me on the block and make me a target one way or another. Quit acting like you're some sort of savior because it doesn't suit you. Be honest with your game play because I have been since the start.
3262 days 9 hours ago
You also ran the eviction. Then you proved I was right by pulling all this crap that you are pulling now. Now you really do think you are untouchable. Those were never my intentions you fool. My you should stop being so damn paranoid. But, even though they weren't my intentions then they certainly are now and you are helping me every step of the way. No, I nominated you for all the fucking reasons I told you; I don't need to prove this to you because it doesn't matter any more. You want me to put a bullet straight through your brain and I'm going to do just that. I said all of that other stuff because those were legitimate reasons that other people could have nominated you for; that doesn't mean I wanted you out or wanted to put a bigger target on your back or any of the other bs that you are making up just to excuse your shitty backdoor thing this week. AJ was your initial target obviously. FUCK YOU; all these bs lies you keep telling are even more reasons these people should vote to keep me to put you in the ground where you belong. I am trying to sling mud your way now because you are a fucking bitch who I am going to personally make sure dies in a hole. I didn't betray you; you betrayed me by trying to fucking backdoor me; if I really wanted to betray then I would have fucking backdoored you first you dumb bitch. YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN SAFE REGARDLESS; I SAID THAT AS SOON AS I FUCKING NOMINATED YOU. Because you were the best pawn easily; I already fucking told you that; you just don't know how to fucking read obviously. I let you win the veto competition last week. I could have easily beaten you if I had wanted to. I am a savior. You have not been honest one fucking bit. You have been a dumb bitch who got caught in her lies and is now trying to save her sinking ship. WELL NEWSFLASH MOTHERFUCKER; you are on the Titanic.
3262 days 9 hours ago
Lol how many more ways can you describe ending my life in this game? You clearly need a broader vocabulary if all you can do is call me names and talk about killing me. You still dance around the question of why you nominated me and not someone else. Simply because you have no good reason for it. How does putting me up as a pawn seem like a good idea? Pawns are suppose to throw the comps. Why would you put me up and expect me to win the veto just so you could pull me off and put someone else up? THAT MAKES ZERO SENSE! Lol! You just end up with more blood on your hands! So please stop with the BS and just deal with the eviction however it ends up. I don't need to call you names or be vial in my depictions of getting you out of the game.
3262 days 8 hours ago
I already told you the reason. I also told you that I no longer need to explain myself to you. YOU NEED TO STOP WITH THE BS YOU DUMB BITCH. You are the one who thinks she can play all this people for fucking saps. You are done; you have no argument left. You never had any argument. How the fuck does backdooring me make sense bitch? Explain that to me? Because all it did was get me pissed the fuck off at you and ready to slit your throat. Thus giving the house more reason to keep me and more reason to make sure you go down and flames.
3262 days 8 hours ago
Nina, you are a walking migraine and I have explained to you countless times over the course of the last few paragraphs. If you can't understand why I'm backdooring you then that's on you. Again I don't need to use vial phrasing to emphasize that I want you out of this game for the mere fact that you have proven to be a threat. If the others want to keep you here for the sake of seeing this cat and mouse game continue then that's their business. But if they want to see this end with you out of the house then I hope they vote to send you and your vial vocabulary out of the house. I'll gladly wear the blood of your eviction on my hands and if that sends me out of the house next week then so be it. I'm not ashamed or regret my decisions in the slightest because I know the truth behind my actions. The truth I have told both publicly here and in private to others. If people chose to believe you over me then that is their business. I'm not going to target them for that as it's just a part of the game. People win power, people use the power, and people get evicted. Simple as that.
3262 days 8 hours ago
No you are the migraine as well as the cancer and everything else that I have proved time and time again that you are. I understand perfectly well why you are backdooring me; because your a dumbass; simple as that. I'm not using vial phrasing to emphasis that I want you out of this game and out of my life; I am using vial phrasing to emphasis just how terrible a human being you truly are. This isn't a cat and mouse game; this is an executioner and her prey. These people should want to see the dictator get her head chopped off in front of the entire populace. That is why they are voting to keep me because I can be extremely influential in making that happen. Of course it will happen whether they vote to evict me or not; so either way I come out the winner. I may not have intended to end your game before, but now I have done just that. The only chance you have at winning this game is if people believe the lies you have been feeding them. You have won 2/3 HoHs and 2/3 PoVs; only a fool would pick your side on this. I don't care if you take me out this week because the truth is you have made damn sure neither one of us have a shot at winning. What I care about is making sure these people do everything in their power to evict you from this game as soon as possible. And exposing your power hungry dictatorship that has likely been recruiting members since this game started is just the beginning. I hope to flip every single ally you think you have in this game and ensure they are the ones who take you out of it. That, MY DEAR, will be the ultimate revenge. After the stunt you pulled this week anyone who even thinks they may be an ally of yours should be reconsidering that position.
3262 days 7 hours ago
You're right, Nina. I am a mean vicious monster who has dictated the entire house into doing exactly as I say. Because I'm a huge bully and evil and a bitch. I don't deserve to have any allies because clearly I'm just a sinking ship and you are the Queen of this house. You deserve my entire devotion and begs for forgiveness. I'm truly sorry I won the first HOH. I'm sorry I targeted Andy. I'm sorry I fought for the veto when you put me up merely as a pawn. I'm sorry I have attempted to backdoor you because clearly you didn't deserve to be a target at all. Clearly you were merely looking out for me and used me as a pawn to execute your plan. I should have followed along.

Now that all that BS you are just begging to hear is there, you may read it over and over until you start to believe the sarcasm.

Honestly, I have more important things to do with my life then fight with someone like yourself who clearly just wants to be the villain.
3262 days 6 hours ago
See that huge paragraph you just typed up is my fucking point exactly. You're an idiot. It didn't matter if you won the veto or not; I would have preferred you didn't, but you were staying regardless. I was always going to put AJ up as the backup, but you would have ensured Bates left in like a 9-3 vote as opposed to the 7-5 vote AJ got. I don't understand why you are so paranoid and delusional that you honestly thought I would put you up if I thought there was even the slightest chance you were going to be evicted.

But, now you fucked everything up and I have to come for you. You've given me no choice. You are going to continue to pretend like you are right in this situation; while I pray the house sees through all of your fake crap and realizes that you will backstab anyone to win this game. Everything you have said about me is true about you. Which is just sad. Whether you succeed in costing me this game or not doesn't matter; the both of us are wanted by the house; which is likely why I will probably be evicted tonight, but you fucked yourself over even more by pulling this stunt. So you won't be soon after me; but that would be true even if I stayed. Good job taking people down in your sinking ship with you.
3261 days 23 hours ago
3261 days 23 hours ago
DANE, NINA, when I reveal the votes, the evicted houseguest will just have a few moments to say their goodbyes, grab his or her belongings and head out the front door.

By a vote, of 10-1

3261 days 17 hours ago
3261 days 15 hours ago
Am I the only one wondering who the 1 was

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