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BB6 Lounge Room

Topic » BB6 Lounge Room

3262 days 21 hours ago
EVICTION #3 - Dane v Nina

Dane - You find yourself on the block for the second time. Are you starting to be this season's pawn?

Nina - There is no hiding the fact you are the HOH's target this week, but do you think you are the house's target?

Carly - So far you have won 4 out of 6 competitions andI guess we can include the first stage as Week 0 as well. Most players dont win 5 competitions in a season let alone in the first 3 weeks. Are you concerned about this?

Brandon - How was your brief stay on the block?

Everybody else - As the numbers start to reduce, is it too lat to form new alliances or gameplans?

3262 days 21 hours ago
It was terrifying....
3262 days 21 hours ago
Its never too late.... As long as you play socially you should be good for now
3262 days 15 hours ago
Of course it's something to be concerned about from my point of view. However, some of these wins were necessary on my end in order to either stay alive in the game or finish out a plan. With each comp I go into it giving it my all. That's just who I am. Does that make me a target? Of course, but I also think it makes me a good ally. Like you said it's still very early in the season and there are still lots of comps left I'm positive I won't win. Just right now, in these past few weeks, I had this fire lit that drove me to push harder in the comps. Trust me, I'd like to have a week to just vote and not to fight so hard in the comps lol
3262 days 14 hours ago
"There is no hiding the fact you are the HOH's target this week, but do you think you are the house's target?"

I don't actually. No matter how much the HoH tries to beg people to help her backdoor people will not vote me out just because she wants them to. It's obvious the house has been forced to split between two sides; my side and her side. And sure if they want to side with a power hungry dictator they can go right ahead and target this week; but if they want to side with someone who is going to stand up to that dictator and make sure she doesn't just run the house and treat people anyway she wants they will side with me. It's clear who I'm going after if the house keeps me this week and I believe that aids me when the house votes; nobody knows where Dane stands, but the house knows that me being in the house guarantees them at least one more week of safety.
3262 days 14 hours ago
As for you Carly; your going down and your going down in flames. I will make sure of that whether I am in the house next week or not.

Also at least I put you up and gave you a chance to play for veto. You are so afraid of me you have to backdoor me. You think I am the only person in this house coming after you? You are even more delusional than I thought. Even if you are successful tonight; two more people who are willing to take a stand against you will take my place; you can't win. Especially, now that you have one less person who would consider working with you in anyway; continue to alienate yourself from the house. Nobody likes power hungry monsters.
3262 days 13 hours ago
Sweetie, as I said before, I don't intimidate easily. Do you honestly believe I'm "delusional" enough not to know people are after me? Do you honestly believe you are the only one I have to watch out for? This is a game where there is only one winner. Will I be that person? 98% sure I won't be. But at the end of the day I'm not going to just sit back and let other people play my game for me. You're right I am scared of you being in this house. You have proven to be hot headed and not a clear thinker. The only reason you're blowing up right now is because you are trying to say anything to get the votes to stay. If you do manage to do so more power to you. I am not going to cry a river of defeat. I will continue to play the game and once I am evicted - at whatever point that may be - I will exit gracefully. Winning may be everything to you, but for me I enjoy competing and doing my best. If that earns me a win, respect, friends then great. But if it doesn't, then it's not the end of my world. Like I stated before, I wish you and Dane the best of luck in the eviction. I don't need to keep defending myself nor my game play to you, whether you stay or not.
3262 days 13 hours ago
On a side note, I don't force anyone to vote any type of way. If they want to vote to keep you and evict Dane then that's there prerogative. I'm not petty enough to target anyone who feels they want to keep you over Dane. My nominations, both times, have been based on people either not talking to me or targeting me.

Dane = Has not spoken to me this entire game. Not a single mail or anything. Thus, I still don't know where he stands.

AJ = Did not speak to me until after the nominations. It was then I decided to pursue a backdoor plan to target Andy.

Andy = Clearly targeted me in our original season, was a threat, and it was the perfect opportunity to get him out. Plus, he never spoke to me the entire game. Thus, he never approached me about safety.

Brandon = Did not speak to me until moments before the nomination ceremony. Thus, I didn't fully know where he stood.

Nina = Put me up on the block after I gave her safety the week prior. I was open to working with her, yet she chose to throw me up on the block to build up her own reputation as a player.

All of my nominations have had a purpose. I never once told anyone "you must absolutely vote this way in order to be safe." I did ask where Brandon's vote lied if I removed him from the block, but I still intended on removing him regardless of if he voted to keep you or not. That goes for anyone. If people truly see me as a dictator that's truly sad because that is not my intent. I stand by my actions, my decisions, and my gameplay as I know for myself it's not out of being "power hungry" or vicious.
3262 days 12 hours ago
Moron; you are the only one sitting here acting like anyone is trying to intimidate you. I am giving you facts; whether you face them or not is up to you. You appear delusional enough as you are attempting to backdoor me even though I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you evicted last week. No, I'm definitely not the only one you have to watch out for and after you made it clear you are going to be backdooring everyone and anyone you just made yourself even more enemies. LOL I have proven to be hot headed and not a clear thinker? You have proven to be a paranoid idiot who takes one nomination so personally. I can promise you that when I survive this eviction I will be coming for your head on a silver platter. How is that for clear thinking? No, the only reason I'm blowing up right now is because you are a dictator who is trying to run this house and make it operate to suite your needs. You don't think these people are smart enough to take you out; and you try and backdoor people who have stated that they were not targeting you. Well now they are targeting you. And when I stay and build up the resistance who is not going to bullied or intimidated BY YOU; we won't need to backdoor you because we can defeat you fair and square which is what will happen next week.
3262 days 12 hours ago
And stop saying I was trying to build my own reputation as a player; you are just making yourself look even more like a complete idiot (which is extremely hard to do.). I nominated you to make sure Bates walked last week; if had been you against Bates as opposed to AJ the vote wouldn't have been nearly that close, but the result would have been the same.

If you enjoy competing and doing you are best then you are absolutely failing miserably at it. Keep trying to make yourself look better in this situation because it is not going to happen. Yes, I nominated you last week; but did I come after you with everything I Once I stay this week that will change and I will have your head on a pike soon enough.
3262 days 12 hours ago
Nina, you don't put someone up on the block who clearly kept you safe the week prior. If anyone is the "idiot" it is you. You say I wasn't the target, so then why put me up in the first place? Why give such a long nomination speech about why I deserve to be up on the block if I was just a pawn? Why try to continuously smear my name in the game if I was not the target? You can say whatever lines of BS you'd like, but at the end of the day I know you game and I know your intentions. You could have placed any of others up on the block next to Bates, yet you put me up? Dear, if that's not a sign that you intended to target me as a back up plan you are clearly the delusional one. You say it wasn't to build up your reputation as a player, yet your words and actions say otherwise.
3262 days 12 hours ago
Carly, what part of you were safe are you not getting? No, you're the idiot for not getting the concept of what a pawn actually is. I TOLD YOU WHY I PUT YOU UP; how many damn explanations do you need? Who cares about the nomination speech; those are meaningless anyway. I didn't try to smear your name until you tried to backdoor me. You don't know my game at all and you sure as hell don't know my intentions; you are the one telling a bunch of BS and you just can't handle the fact that I'm exposing all of your crap to the entire house right now. Look at you; you are so pissed off about one nomination....well guess one after this I am going to personally make sure you are nominated every single week I can get you up. No, you are the delusional paranoid idiot that has just dug her own grave. NOW I GET TO BE THE ONE TO PUT YOU IN IT.
3262 days 11 hours ago
You think this ends if you succeed in backdooring me? It doesn't. I am just as deadly to you inside the game as I am outside the game. You were not my target last week, but if you thought I was going to respond positively to you trying to backdoor me YOU ARE FUCKING DREAMING.
3262 days 11 hours ago
ina, I dont expect you to. If I was in your position I'd be fight just as hard. The difference is I don't take things like this game personally. If I did I wouldnt have half the friends I do have on here. If you want to be malicious to me outside of the game that is your business. I'm not going to stoop to that level just to enact some revenge. That's not how I operate on or off this site. And with that I'm done with this discussion. If you stay congrats and if you go I wish you well. Simple as that.
3262 days 11 hours ago
You obviously do take things personally otherwise you wouldn't be this pissed off about one nomination; one nomination that gave you the opportunity to fight for your place in this game. You already are stopping to that level. And that's not what I meant; I meant even if I am backdoored successfully I will STILL have influence in this game. And when you fail at backdooring me I will be the one to personally deliver the bullet to your skull. Either way you are dead in this game; it's only a matter of when; but I can promise you it won't be too long after me. If you think alienating yourself from the entire house is a good move; then you will be evicted right after me. These people aren't stupid; if you backdoor me; that will be the 2nd person in only 3 weeks that you've backdoored. You are house enemy number one and whether I get to lead these people or not; I can be extremely happy that I got to you and made you blow up your own game. It's over you ruined the game for both of us; you are a complete idiot who has no idea how this game is played.

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