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Topic » #NTM7 - HOUSE

3120 days ago
*Sips wine as I await people starting to come after me like Linda is after ISIS*
3119 days 23 hours ago
literally no gives a fuck what you think
3119 days 23 hours ago
Let me address the whole house because honestly this shit is getting real old, real fast.

As judges it is our job to judge the photos based on the task, the style, the overall look and ability to step up to the next level.

Just because you are wearing clothing that connects well with the task given doesn't mean it is worthy of a high score.

This is not Project Runway dears. This is Next Top Model.

Meaning, we judge you on your abilities to model. That includes, but not limited to, your overall style, the look of the shot and the pose.

You can't present us some basic shit and expect us to give it a 10. We are expecting High Fashion, stunning shots.

Lindsey's shot while simple was something that was high fashion and truly stunning to look at. In addition, it suited the style of the continent she was assigned.

The fact that majority of you are even getting 8's is pretty generous. Fact is, you should really be getting lower scores but for myself I try to give points for the fact you put in the effort.

Sean is my lowest score at 8.5 and this is due to the fact that his shot felt more European than Asian. He looks great and the shot is nice, but the task was not fully executed.

Would you rather we give you a high score simply because you think you deserve it? I'm sorry, but I refuse to score you or anyone high just because you feel you deserve it.

Fact is, it's the top 10. Start acting like it. Get out of your diva attitudes, thank the judges for taking time out of their busy schedules to even give you scores, let alone feedback.

If it wasn't for us judges consistently dedicating our time to this show you wouldn't have this game to play. In fact you would be sitting around for days/weeks on end waiting for new judges - who probably have never judged before or biased - to review your shots.

So in closing, save your drama for your mama and be grateful you are even still in this competition out of over 20 other people.
3119 days 22 hours ago
High fashion Shots:

What you are saying is basic:

What's the difference between what is high fashion and what ur saying is basic? Cause I really don't see any.

High fashion is over the top makeup, clothes, and hairstyles like the following:

And you basically proved my point, the photoshoot forum gives us the genre of shot we need. So if were given simplicity but your expecting high fashion, well thats gonna clash cause simplicity and high fashion are 2 different kinds of shots. The forum in which the photoshoot rules are made tells us the kind of shot you are wanting.

The shots aren't all high fashion:
Boozes = Beauty shot
the uncanny = Fashion Shot
DB1994 = Natural shot
Lindsay = high fashion

Their is all these different shots but the task was to give you a sense of a countries fashion.

See where I'm going with this? You just said your expecting high fashion when like 90% of the shots posted are never high fashion. So really you just proved my point that the judges keep looking for the same thing over and over and never appreciate different kind of shots that are presented to them.

Yes it was also generous for you guys to give score to someone who didn't even post a photo and the fact she was getting scored above 5.0 is astounding, very generous indeed

and if you gave Sean a low score for not expressing a countries PROPER fashion why give Soo and Georgina such high scores? They did not express their countries fashion (Soo did express her fashion better then Georgina, Georgina just based her off of the weather in Africa and gave it a sexy style, In Africa you can see it is FULL with colour, their all about colour and more colour. Georgina is dull, dark, and colourless.)

I don't think I deserve a highscore, but at least a mediocre one since I did satisify the challenge and presented a current look that properly resembled my countries fashion, unlike people I have mentioned.

And thank you for giving time out of your busy schedules? You signed up for this! You don't see me saying "You should appreciate the fact that I even showed up to this challenge" Like I signed up for it, I'm not expecting to be fawned over and thanked just cause I clicked don a forum. But your feedback ranges from "Oh it was tough but you gave it a good shot" to "I didn't like your pose" how about (and judging my own photo for this challenge) "You fit the fashion of it fairly well. I would like a little bit larger picture next time, as it would help make it pop out more. Since we are going into the final 10 you gotta go for more elaborate shots, be a little more risky and creative if you can't find enough photos to properly fit the challenge, just be sure to explain how the photo fits, cause if you dont I might take it a different way"

From that feedback I know - Enlarge photos, better explain photos, and be more risky

But you should take drama as a very good sign in competitions like this, people who raise shit (and no im not singling myself out I have dealt with people who raise shit and have seen it in this game) are the ones who will do anything to stay in the competition. It means their grateful but they also want to keep fighting.

But what do I know right? I'm just a drama starting, uneducated, whiny player :/
3119 days 21 hours ago
If you look at the fact that I gave Barbara - who you just classified as "basic" - a 9.2 that's pretty good score wouldn't you say?

In addition, let me go ahead and show you the message the host sent all of the judges this week, which ultimately played a hand in the amount of high scores I give:

I had actually intended on scoring your 8.5 around a 9.2, but because of this message from the host I reconsidered how I was scoring.

And you're correct I did sign up for this. I love to judge competitions and have been doing so for many seasons. The reason I am always asked back is because I am fair and unbiased in my scoring.

However, if you would like someone to judge based on what you feel is deserving of a 10 then why don't you become a judge yourself? I'm positive you would receive the same amount of flack for your scoring as us current judges do :)
3119 days 20 hours ago
yes but Georgina (who like I said didn't fit the african style as african style is bright and colourful) got 9.2 as well. Like a horrible shot that fits what is being asked is 100 times better then a stunning shot that fails to hit the mark. If I was hiring someone and asked for something specific and they didn't deliver, I wouldn't be like "Well it's still pretty" I'd be like wtf is this, you didn't even listen to what I had to say.

With that said Lindsay does meet asian fashion, but Asian HIGH fashion is nowhere near what she posted. High fashion for asian people is very flowing, revealing, and makes their traditional clothes modern. So again on your not that you look for high fashion where she didn't fully meet the asian style of high fashion, the actual shoot wasn't by an asian designer/photographer he was immersion his own sense of fashion with that of asian culture, so Lindsey's picture is a hybrid of both asian culture and Willy's (the designer/photographer)

Like if you are having to be a hard judge at this time, hit the people who didn't fully come to the challenges requests. Like I said before study all the areas and then act like you are paying for this shot. Would you be happy and believe it fulfills the country (after studying each country) or would you be like this doesn't even relate.

Cause I have pointed out multiple people who didn't really represent their countries yet you don't address it, your marking based on how good the shot is and how well someone can bullshit that photo. And I know cause I have bullshitted my way through challenges and no one questioned me.

and I did not classify as basic, you did, I have been upping both Barbra and Xaio as the true winners of this challenge. As you said "You can't present us some basic shit and expect us to give it a 10. We are expecting High Fashion, stunning shots. " Since Barbra did neither a high fashion or stunnign shot she would classify, as in your words, as basic. But to me she did amazing, it is simple which makes that shot even more perfect. Cause to me this challenge wasn't about "oh make it glorified" it was "I want to see a countries fashion" The focus should be on the clothes, the clothes should be the first thing your eyes see when u look at that photo, you shouldn't be distracted by anything else.

And I feel that more people are more deserving of others because I have worked on photoshoots, I have been taught by the best, I have seen the process. That is why I am arguing so much cause people who aren't even completed this challenge but are getting by because their photoshoot is glamoured and over the top where others who are simple, original, and beautiful aren't being noticed, it's ridiculous. And again I am not saying my photoshoot is anything special, but it fits the challenge, some of the people who are going to be saying can not say the same about their shoots. But I would b happy to judge and give people who have different visions and artistic ways such as barbra a shot, Cause she got a 8.8 by 1 judge, which is truly sad.
3119 days 20 hours ago
And if you watch any shows like Face Off or Ink Master. When they give a task out someone could give them a beautiful finished product but be sent home over someone who has a horrible piece, because the person with a horrible pieced actually followed the challenge where the person who has a beautiful piece got sent home, it has happened before in competition shows
3119 days 20 hours ago
beautiful piece didn't*
3119 days 20 hours ago
And to the people who are saying that I'm just saying all this cause my ass is on the line no, Go back you will see I have bitched about peoples shots before in the past, its just now your taking notice cause I'll be likely taking home 9th.
3119 days 20 hours ago
Thanks! I do think I met the challenge completely, I went in looking for a photo that showed off the clothes. A simple pose and nothing flashy because I was asked to represent my countries fashion trend. European fashion does have a lot of avant garde, couture and high fashion looks but I took this as "What do most European women wear on a day to day basis.' Which is why I went with more of a chic casual look as apposed to something high fashion, because I can guarantee you that if you go to Asia, South America or any of the other countries in that matter you won't find over the top fashions. I do think Lindsay did represent Asian ready to wear fashion excellent though :)
3119 days 19 hours ago
Listen, this is a competition on a website that offers no real prize.

The photos you submit are whatever you can find by your model on a search engine.

Thus, not every model is going to exactly execute the task presented as the real life model may have never taken a shot like that.

Furthermore, I take that into account when handing out my scores. It amazes me how I have continued to be gracious with my scoring, while others have not been as much, yet there are still complaints.

If you would like me to judge more critically and harshly I gladly will. I have no issue with that. I have merely tried to be a fair and more understanding judge given the fact this isn't a real life competition.

I could careless what you have done on past weeks. I focus solely on the photo shoot for the week. I don't care about how you performed on the challenges before hand as each week is new. It's up to you to bring your A game.

And as I've said before, this isn't Project Runway. This is Next Top Model. Thus, your modeling abilities are what we - or at least I - judge first. Everything else either enhances or ruins the shot.

Now I would love to see one of the other judges' comments on this matter as I feel they have had, as you would describe, questionable feedback and scores.
3119 days 19 hours ago
Hi guys I really hate to add my 2 cents into the middle of drama but I feel that I need to say something. I see both sides to your guys opinions and I agree and disagree with certain parts of your agreements.
Blat I agree with what you said about certain peoples photos (not naming names cause that adds drama lol) because I feel that tbh their photos suck and don't deserve the score they got BUT at the same time it's the judges opinion and what you might like in a photo they may hate and vice versa.
And Carly I can see why you think blat should be more appreciative to what he got and not be a "diva" BUT what I see is someone who is very passionate and wants to stay in the competition.
So what I suggest is that instead of bashing someone's photo we should say why you think you deserve a better score (or if you feel someone else deserves a better score) and say the reasons why and I think the judges would take your opinion much better so yeah that's all I'm going to say duces hope this helps
3119 days 19 hours ago
As I said and showed proof of earlier, I was going to give Alexander and others a bit higher scores to begin with.

However, the host specifically said to limit the number of 9's and 10's given unless we were really wowed by a photo.

Again, judging is a matter of opinion. Any competition with judges showcase a variety of opinions and ideas of what makes a good photo/performance/etc.

Thus, I get you're frustrations but as the same time we are asked to judge how we feel you did on the task and the shot as a whole.

I can assure you my judging will be a lot more critical and tougher these remaining weeks. So bring your A game and good luck to you all.
3119 days 18 hours ago
I'm not saying I deserve a better score. But I am being eliminated this week and I don't think it is fair because their are people getting high scores who didn't even seem to have bothered with even researching their given country.

1 persons explanation was literally "It is hot so you don't wear layers and have it opened" that is wrong both on a science level and on a cultural fashion level, yet she is getting away with it.

So yeah I don't think it is acceptable to eliminate ppeople who did the challenge compared to those who failed to follow the challenge and just posted a photo that kinda fit into it.

I'm not saying that since I favourite someone elses photo everyone else should. What I am saying is that we should be judged based on the challenge and how well we represented what we were told to do. If we just throw the challenge guidelines aside or barely follow them and post stunning shots and keep getting safe their should be no point in having a challenge we mind as well just make a forum each week in which people post whatever photo they want.

And I have complained about this before that some people just grab the first photo they see, post it, and somehow manage to stay safe.

Carly mentioned that she judges your modeling capabilities first and the rest just enhances or ruins the shot, like with that logic I could post anything and just as long as I look nice I would be okay. It should be judging how well they did the challenge and what was asked of them and then everything else enhances or ruins it.

Like it makes no sense how people whom never followed this challenges guidelines are making it with good to decent scores, well others who followed and gave the host exactly what he asked for are being given mediocre scores and told to do better.
3119 days 18 hours ago
And I know I'm not the only one that has raised hell that people who don't even fully meet the challenges rules slide on by.

Like the role of a judge is to enforce these rules. if the challenge called for simplicity and someone posted a high fashion look like yeah it could be a stunning, jaw dropping, holy fuck best photo I have ever seen shot. But it is not simplicity. Like be like yo, you did not follow the challenge the host asked for simplicity, this is high fashion this is over the top crazy, yes its stunning, but not what we wanted to see, and kick em on out of the competition.

Like I said a horrible shot that fits the challenge rules is 100 times better then a stunning shot that completely ignores the challenge.

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