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Survivor: Sudan Discussion

Topic » Survivor: Sudan Discussion

3427 days 22 hours ago
Rich Miller (Zed55) Confessional:

So its Day 2 and I think I'm doing good job so far haha I've tried to take the advice of Rob C (wow a Cesternino mention in both confessionals) and establish some sort of relationship with everyone on the tribe and my only fear is that I could be seen as "playing too hard" and be voted out first. The only real alliance I've formed are with Bennett and Bryce and then one with Joe.

P.S.: I never know if I'm included all you want to know so if I'm ever forgetting something  just tell me

[Part 2]

Holy Crap! The plotting and scheming has already begun so here's a quick run down of what I know so far:

Alliance 1: Bennett , Byrce & I
Alliance 2: Joe, Nathan & Daniel

In the Middle : James (leaning toward Alliance 2) & Sterling (I'm trying to get towards Alliance 1)

Needless to say I could already be on the outs so here's hoping we win immunity tonight
3427 days 22 hours ago
Sean Vasilevsky (Ghoul) Confessional:

My first move was to mail every flipping person, so there isn't the excuse of me not being in contact with people as a reason to vote me out. Yax is my main wingman on my tribe, I'm friends with him and already spoke with him. I've extended feelers out to Gustavo/Survivorgame and it seems to have been well received.

My ultimate plan is to echo my strategy in Tuvalu, only bigger and more epic. I want to set up two core alliances on each side that take control. I can control/influence every vote up to the merge with this and then control the merge when the sides combine because I was the one who orchestrated the sides.

I know Joeker and I know Sterling, neither of them know each other, but I've set them up in an alliance. I'm hoping they can form a core over there and I can use them later down the road.

As far as alliances on my tribes go, here's what I've gleaned from conversatin. Me and Yax haven't spoken yet but I know we're tight. Me, him, and Sterling are an automatic threesome, and not the sexual kind (although push come to shove, I want to win this game and sometimes you have to get dirty to make it out alive). I've talked a lot to Joey (Eclipse) and me and him seem to have a good thing going. I think I trust him so I want to build an alliance with him. He brought up a foursome (again, not sexual but you never /know/) of me, himself, Yax, and Gustavo. I'd be cool with that because I've talked to Gustavo and he seems cool. I also feel like someone named Gustavo would make a good Survivor character.

The others I'm not as sure on. I've made an alliance with Survivorgame1 but don't trust him 100%. Nikki is supposedly close with him and seems nice, but undecided on my end. Tots is the one I haven't chatted to yet. Cole is my biggest threat to start. I've played with him like 3 times, and everytime he's eventually gunned for me. I outwitted him in all three of those games but eventually a blind sheep is going to burn down a building.

Sean, out
3427 days 22 hours ago
love these confessionals! all these alpha personalities are gonna make this season a shitshow
3427 days 22 hours ago
i hope ghoul LOSES
3427 days 22 hours ago
Challenge time. And Sean sent some more confessionals which I'll post now.
3427 days 22 hours ago
Sean Vasilevsky (Ghoul) Confessional:

General little buzz about my strategy here. Nothing too eventful has happened so far today, though the results of immunity could have a lot to do with how the day wraps up.

I've just continued to try and strengthen bonds. When you're just starting out a game it's imperative to get to know people. You don't need to be flinging yourself into alliances or humping people's leg (literally or figuratively), but you need to have your prescense felt in an obtrusive, positive way. I want everyone to sort of have a grasp that I am here and that I'm friendly.

That goes a long way in solidifying intial footing in the game. A lot of the time first boots either come down to an inactive or someone who just didn't mesh into a group (often because they didn't /insert/ themselves in the group). So I'm hoping to build enough rapport to keep myself afloat while developing more crucial bonds and setting myself up in the majority.

As far as that front goes, a four person alliance of myself-Eclipse-Yaxha-Gustavo has taken hold. I hinted at this unfolding last night but it's been pretty much ratified in mails. Do I trust any of them explicitly?-- No, but it's good to have a good group of four to move forward with.

Cole I've talked to, Survivorgame I've talked to and offered a personal alliance, Tots I've talked to, and I have added Avatar to Kik and have chatted there. So I think my name will be off the books for the first vote, unless prior reputation leaks into the process(looking at you Cole). If that transpires there's not much I can do other than plug along.

But anyway, first goal is to win immunity and start to batter away at Kasmalama's numbers and morale.

Sean, out


So doing some intel, it sounds like a four person alliance is being formed on the other side revolving around Joeker and Sterling. That makes me very happy because I laid out the groundwork for that to blossom. Sterling is supposedly bringing in Splozo and Joeker is roping in Nathan. That would give them four to mirror the four on my side. Obviously each side would need more pieces, but it's a good core.

I just giddy at the idea that I might have hands in both cookie jars. But I also know it opens my game up to assault. I'm extending my reach out farther than I've ever attempted to do before, and when you do that you open yourself up to leaks and holes. But I'm going all out and being aggressive in my deployment of strategy so it's one of those go big or go home type things. There won't be anything left on the table I didn't go for, in a strategic sense at least, when I'm either walking home with the check or crying into the lap of a counseler after falling short.

Vasilevsky, out (I'm going to use this as my signature sign off from now on)
3427 days 21 hours ago
3427 days 19 hours ago
Kassala confessionals first. Then we'll get to the #MoroboMess
3427 days 19 hours ago
Bennett Needham (coolnarwhal88) Confessional:

I didn't do a single thing that whole challenge. I think MAYBE I paddled once, but it was after we had moved on to phase three so it didn't even count. I'm glad to have a tribe that wins for me because I'm not willing to do all the boring stuff myself.

I am the assigned tribe motivator. It's a role that's in pretty high demand and I just can't see myself going anywhere for a while, because let's face it, what is Kassala without me? Someone's got to get everyone pumped up for another day on the field.

So yeah. I'm not going to bother immersing you in a steaming pile of boring alliance mumbo-jumbo, because it's all pretty worthless information seeing as we haven't even gone to Tribal yet. If anyone is telling you about alliances, it's best to just skim over it because it's all just going to read out like a bunch of puzzle pieces that don't even fit.

To sum it all up...everyone is in an alliance with everyone.

At first, I was actually kind of caught up in all the "who's with who" stuff, but after seven different tribe mates came up to me asking for me to join their alliance, I decided it's just all pretty pointless.

Lame confessional.
3427 days 19 hours ago
^ lol at that confessional. Bennett is hilarious.
3427 days 19 hours ago
Joe Wizznor (Joeker) Confessional:

So here I am in Sudan hoping I don't get blown up by all these warmongering fucks who are fighting over North and South. Anyway, I feel like I'm in a good position on my Kassala tribe as a lot of people want to work with me especially Fowler and Bennett. I also have good connections to people on Morobo specifically Ghoul and Cole. Luckily, my tribe won so I don't got to worry or make complicated decisions for now. Honestly, if we did, I'd split up the apparent duo of Daniel and Rich since Bennett told me they are said apparent duo.

I apologize for sounding like a fucking gamebot but its Day 1, I got nothing to really work with right now.
3427 days 19 hours ago
Rich Miller (Zed55) Confessional:

Holy Crap! I'm so happy we won the first immunity! Yes I'm happy we came together as a tribe and won but also because despite being unified there are 2 four person alliances that will have a clash the first time we go to tribal. Everything is rainbows and lollipops but not for long.
3427 days 19 hours ago
Sterling Berenjena (stering_butter) Confessional:

I know I legit just carried this tribe to a win, without me, we wouldnt of have had outside participation and organization to slay this challenge. I am so happy I got us to win because I did not want to go to tribal. James and I are kind of veterans and all of these people have us group in the center for their votes. It makes me nervous and wary of actually going to tribal. I hope someone does something or says something to make them a target over myself but I really do not want to have to be the one casting the deciding vote on this one.

It is also weird, I feel very out of place being a very flamboyant gay boy on a tribe of....IDK...they seem to be very chill and relaxed men. I hope I can fit in well LOL.
3427 days 19 hours ago
3427 days 19 hours ago
Joey Tortellini (TheEclipse) Confessional:

So, we lost today, which really sucks. I was hoping we'd win, because I don't really want to give anyone the axe just yet, but aw well.

I'm currently in the middle of two alliances, however I'll only talk about the one I plan to stick with, and that's Gustavo, Nikola, and Sean. I like them all, we work well together, and I think our chemistry will help us throughout the game.

Praying that nothing crazy happens this tribal, honestly. I don't want some huge blindside early, I just want to cut someone I feel will be dead weight to the tribe.

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