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Kasey's Confessionals

Topic » Kasey's Confessionals

2513 days 6 hours ago
Soooo Ben wanted to make an alliance with like... okay this is so stupid imo... but basically the people who are nominated (him & Joey) and the person most likely to go up if veto is used (ahmir), (oh and Jax, who is pretty safe cuz he's on both sides) which... is mostly my fault since all my allies are people most likely to be targeted this week, but... oop. So I made the chat, named it the fatal five, and I really don't know. I hope veto is used cuz I'm most sketched out by Ahmir, but it's whatever. I think it's a loyal crew nonetheless... I'm hopeful. But someone from this group is 100000% getting out this week, and it's 10000000000000% not me!

Good week :-)
2512 days 4 hours ago
So Ben won veto and I'm SO nervous, oh my gosh, what if Luca puts me up?!

Oh wait...


Luca is messing with the wrong bitch, I don't care who goes home this week, cuz I'M safe and that's literally all that matters to me, like... it sounds mean but I seriously don't care about these people.... like it's 100% me in this game, and when like... everybody wants you out... you have to be selfish... like.. I'm not wasting my Hex on Joey.... sorry.

Ahmir is more likely than not the renom, so... he can go tbh. He had a good run. He made jury, But Joey and Ben are bigger targets than me, sooooooo... yeah!

I am here til single digits, Im progressing! And I'm LOVING it.
2510 days 6 hours ago
Idk how exactly a triple eviction works, but all I know is that I can NOT be nominated cuz if I can keep my Hex through a TRIPLE... I still have it for one more week I think? And that'd be HUGE... so Idk if there's an HOH or something but I need to assure I can survive this without being nominated cuz that'd be really good for me.
2510 days 2 hours ago
Honestly I can't believe I pulled that off
Like if Tom goes home that'd be perfect
But even if not... one of the 2 people talking smack bout me are going so
Bueno week
2510 days ago
Sooo I literally am Janelle I won the triple HOH snatched the key from someone who came at me by the name of Luca, and I disintegrated the power alliance trying to get me out, so actually I'm better than Janelle, Janelle is SHOOK by me... I'm not scared of the returning juror cuz if it's someone bad and they win HOH I'll Hex their ass and win the NEXT HOH if need be...

Right now for the first time in this game I feel empowered... I actually started from the bottom... now I'm here.

Either way Josh and Luca don't scare me... they're not good at comps anyways... sorry not sorry.
2508 days 4 hours ago
So Jacob returns which is good for me cuz he's all good with me... and that means Luca and Josh stay gone.... but like....... he's so intolerable to talk to... I really just wanted Joey to return so this sucks... I wish Joey could do it, but... could be worse... could be better though OBVIOUSLY... when Ben wins HOH it also sucks cuz I was really hoping someone bad would win HOH so I can end their lives with my Hex.. it's just like... the worst best case scenario imaginable... i just am gonna not talk to Ben this entire week and see if that gets me on the block... :)
2508 days 2 hours ago
Ben totally sketches me out and is sorta getting dictator like so.... idk if I like this or not... idk why he wants every comp wins but I hope someone like Clair wins so he can try me and I can Hex his entire HOH reign!

I believe if I Hex this he can't win next HOH? And I can end him!

But of course I'm not gonna randomly turn on him... for now if he's loyal to me, I'm loyal to him... we're a power couple and I love slaying with him, but... if he turns on me... he's dead to me... and he's been really shady! So.... if I have reasonable doubt to believe he's turned on me... he's dead.

I've already discussed making a move on him soon with Jax so... I think Ben's reign as King of the Castle is ending soon.
2508 days 2 hours ago
This is gonna seem like totally retarded and dumb but I'm sorta orchestrating this plot with Jax, cuz my Hex EXPIRES after this week... why not we USE Ben and have Jax sorta try to orchestrate a backdoor TO ME and like see how loyal Ben really is..... cuz if he tries it....
My Hex doesn't go to waste AND I expose a rat... even though it'd be basically like forcing a rat into a rat trap.. it'd basically be unnecessary manipulation for personal entertainment... I'm okay with manipulating someone for no reason.... I like it.

Will I feel bad? No. He doesn't have to backdoor me, but I'm using Jax to try and get him too... :-)
2508 days 2 hours ago
Sooooo unless I win Veto I'm like 100% getting backdoored this week.... because of my own plan... I know I plotted this and planned it.. a part of me didn't think Ben would go through with it, but he hasn't told me about Jax suggesting this yet, so I'm starting to believe it's actually happening... which I'm okay with kinda? Cuz I think when I Hex this I can pull off the next HOH win, and if not.. Jacob & Violet are my only real concerns for HOH... so I think I can further myself in the game if Ben does turn on me...

Rn it seems like my plan might be working.. problem is I don't know if I wanted it too :///

This was an awful idea yikes
2508 days 1 hour ago
Sooo I feel better now... Jacob self destructed and tried to get Ben to backdoor Jack so... overall I think the target is off me and back on Violet, and... it's a shame the Hex is going to waste but... things are going back on track and I'm safe at least, and even tho it'd be funny to backdoor myself just so I can use my Hex... for the sake of my game, i guess this is better LOL.

I'm playing boring, safe but well I feel.

Sorry, America, the Hex was probably given to the wrong person, but... at least now I can win!
2507 days 13 hours ago
As soon as Ben tells me "evict Clair" I'm like... why? She wants you out.. so if I can manage to flip the vote and keep Clair and have Tom go (someone who'd directly target ME) maybe I can have this like leverage over Clair and maybe even start something with her and Violet.

The votes could easily work out in my favor, but the risk is... Ben. He's a beast and Jacob is sheeping him... as soon as I cut off my ties with Ben, Jacob is this little lapdog that'll come like with devil horns coming after me... so it's a high risk idk kinda low reward tbh in getting rid of Tom.

Tom won't win any comps and even if I got rid of him, Clair isn't necessarily someone I can trust...

I can easily manage to get out Tom if I wanted too... the votes are there... it's just whether I want to or not.
2507 days 13 hours ago
Soooo JACOB comes up to me about saving Clair and for a second I'm like omg wow someone is on my level and strategizing like me!

I fucking hate that, and now I want Jacob out next,'fuck you Jacob stop stealing my fucking plans...

Idk what I want to do now I hate Jacob and this should've been my moment not his... disgusting.

But he's so stupid he's planning this in a skype chat with ahmir in it as if he's ever on skype like... I was trying to be sneaky with Jax and he just butchered that.

Hes one shady motherfucker too, like i legit thought he was sheeping Ben wtf happened.

All of this is wild tbh
2507 days 13 hours ago
So, I go to talk game with Clair personally after Jacob pretty much gives up and like... she's sorta just given up I sense, but I definitely think if I save her, she'd almost be indebted to me, don't ya think? I'm not her target, Ben is... but if she can't give me any guarantees, I can't save her, and she's sorta just not giving me anything that I want, and it's frustrating, truly....

I'll keep ya updated tho!
2507 days 13 hours ago
Ben comes to me and says apparently someone told him I was considering saving Clair? It had to be either Ahmir or Jacob cuz they're the only ones to talk to me about it sooooo I throw Jacob under the bus obviously... I find it funny too he said that "I was told to renom you" so it was basically like a threat... funny you can't win next HOH and you threaten me... okay.... okay then.

I'm ready to make a move on these imbeciles. I'm OVER it.
2507 days 4 hours ago
I've never struggled so hard with a vote in my literal existence.... Jacob is being shady as Hell...... Ben is shady... it should be an easy vote... Keep Clair.... but like.....  if I do that...
All my bridges with Jacob and Ben are totally burned, and I NOMINATED Violet so... I can't rely on her...
And that's Clair's best ally....

This is just so hard... I'm so conflicted, idk what to do :(

I also nominated Tom but he has 0 chance of winning any comp, so idc...

It's just so though...

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