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Kasey's Confessionals

Topic » Kasey's Confessionals

2520 days 10 hours ago
Oh... my... god... what an amazing turn of events!

I mean I don't trust Ben, but to betray me so soon... I have receipts, and I won't be a Will or Cody... I don't go down without a fight, so... come post veto, and I'm on the block... I'll be very aggressive and I'll throw them all under the bus so quick, cuz 3rd boot isn't cute... but... i don't think i have to worry about that yet...

But yeah... right from the start, when Cody got his revenge on AHMIR, I was shaking. I was DEAD, cuz... it was me who betrayed and threw Cody under the bus... but he doesn't need to know that if there's a battle back, so... all I can say is I'm dodging a target PHENOMENALLY, and if I keep laying low and pulling strings... This can be a fun season!

Plus I've been loving these comps, I hope no one is ever active so I can win more!
2520 days 10 hours ago
So... a lot of updates...

So... jack told me Luca told him that he thinks me, Jacob & Ben are running the game and that we always are strategizing and like basically controlling the show.. my immediate response is like.. that has to be more than just Luca for starters, cuz I've talked to Luca twice in my entire existence and neither related to this game, so... something was up there, cuz we obviously got a rat......

So then Ben, the HOH, comes up to me and has like a list of people who were saying we were running the show (that list pertaining of Luca, Jackson & Violet) and the thing is... I haven't spoken to any of them in my entire life, so... there's a rat somewhere in the mix... I'm assuming Jack told this to Ben, cuz he told me the exact same thing, so... obviously there's a rat.... I am getting shady vibes from Clair tbh, but I didn't say anything...

Now I told him there's a clear rat cuz I've spoken to everyone he named once overall, and... what he does is start a 7 person alliance to backdoor someone (Violet) and Jack and Ben think this is an amazing plan, but... I think it's really really dumb... alliances including more than half the house always has rats and snakes and flippers, ugh... I need this next temptation ngl, but... I think rn besides the outcast weirdos I'm in a good position... I have a few alliances and like blocks, but this new 7 person alliance is sorta them colliding, which could get messy, but for now...

Luca & Violet are my main targets tbh.
2520 days 10 hours ago
SOOOO......... half the cast came up to BEN and said "put Kasey up" and I'm... TRIGGERED....... what the fuck???????????? I have done nothing to anyone besides mind my own business and occasionally give pointers, but... apparently I'm in everyone's ear, Kay..... Jackson has talked to me and was someone who ratted me out. I've ignored Luca this entire time, he ratted me out... Violet I've talked to twice, bitch ratted me out... and this last one is amazing ngl... josh, someone I've made it a job of mine to PROTECT, went up to Ben and told him to backdoor me... THAT IS 4 PEOPLE AND I DONT EVEN KNOW IF THATS IT??? I've been nothing but kind to all of them, and they all want me out... and that's probably not it, theres probably an entire alliance...

I can't trust nobody no more, I'm probably getting pre jury... but not without a fight, that's for certain.
2520 days 9 hours ago
So... this temptation is VERY VERY important, cuz... if I don't get it... like 5 people have directly tried to get me on the block... it's gonna work eventually and I can't rely on comps to survive. I need a guarantee... so this temptation is quite literally do or die...

Short DR, but really that's all I have to say upon the matter.

If it's not the ring, it MIGHT BE a Hex, and i need that...
2519 days 12 hours ago
I didn't get the temptation which literally sucks, but there's one more... it's do or die.... maybe this one WASN'T the Hex and the next one is? It's revealed that there's one more, I'm shook and it's almost jury, so... it's urgent I get this next temptation, cuz odds are it's a big game changer, and... i didn't come here for pre-jury, I'm determined.

But I can't keep relying on temptations cuz... that hasn't worked for me so far.. my social game is basically screwed, but I do have allies I can hopefully rely on, so I need to work with the social game I already have to sorta... progress myself.

I just need to survive ONE MORE WEEK until I get to jury... and by then I think I might be able to... position myself better.

But I need to win next HOH to secure that.... people like Violet, Luca, either nom rn, or really anyone besides my alliance can NOT win HOH... I'll secure that.

My eyes are on the prize, I need to do this.
2519 days 8 hours ago
Veto isn't used which is an idealistic situation since I don't know if what I want to happen would happen... like Ben could've coward out and put me up cuz the house wanted to. I don't like those odds.

I'm thankful this is the first week of no backdooring, cuz I didn't want to take the chance...

And now... Jackson can go!
2518 days 12 hours ago
So.... I tell basically everyone "hey Luca can't win HOH"... so in response they go around chopping literally everyone's tree BUT Luca... and leaving people like Clair for example unharmed.... I might've aligned with utter imbeciles.. unless they're just throwing, I honestly have 0 clues at this point.

It's frustrating though that's for certain.
2518 days 4 hours ago
These people are handing Clair... the HOH.... these people are so stupid... literally just so dumb... I'm getting pre jury cuz of imbeciles...

I need this temptation please god
2518 days 3 hours ago
I think literally God wanted me to get this temptation, like if I got any of the first 3 I'd have been screwed by an inferior temptation, so... Idc the curse of punishment, Im not leaving this week... how about that? God GAVE ME this Hex.... I deserve it. I earned it. Everyone wants me gone? Try it. I dare you.

For now I'm just telling Jack, but if I have to bluff it... I'm making jury. That's happening.

They can try it.
It won't work. I'll win the next HOH and make jury. I can't get pre jury... I literally can't.
2517 days 4 hours ago
So... this COULD be a good week, and I could be getting pretty lucky, cuz... it happens the only member of the alliance that's against me who I'm relatively okay with and I've talked to before and really got along with (cuz of #GirlPower) won HOH! So, I feel like I'm gonna be good this week.... and even better :
Me AND MY HEX can survive to jury!

Thank GOD for Clair, Jack told me she's nominating Ben & Joey (#BigMoves) and if Veto is used, there's so many even better options to take out than me, I could survive!
2516 days 2 hours ago
Ben winning veto is a terrible case scenario as I'm apart of the alliance being targeted but I feel like I MIGHT have a better relationship with Clair than Jacob does??? I hope. I'm not as big of a threat as Jacob is too, so... maybe I can be in the clear and onto jury... hopefully. :S

Short DR, there's just not much to say... I want to keep my Hex for at least another week, so I can have it -- IN JURY, so... I need
2515 days 4 hours ago
I'd like to thank not only Jesus, but God as well, cuz I survived ANOTHER WEEK unnominated and everyone wants me out, like they're like my biggest fans, but in the sense they're like obsessing over my every movement wanting me gone, but.. not this week, folks!

Now, 2 of my closest allies are nominated, but I can't even pretend to care, they needed to go sooner or later to get me to win, cuz they're strong physically and strategically, and I'm supposed to be the mastermind here!

I think overall Jacob is a bigger threat than me, but he's also a bigger TARGET than me, so I need to weigh both options, cuz I have a huge say in who goes home I feel cuz I think I influence a few other votes, so... it needs to be considered.

I just trust Joey more I feel, so I might want Jacob out, cuz either way people are also targeting Joey (see : most the evictee's revenge being casted for him) and Jacob is really sneaky, and if there's a battle back has a better chance than Joey to just win that, sooooo....

It's a process.
2514 days 3 hours ago
The hardest eviction so far was Jacob's and... apparently there's no signs of a battle back, but either way with Jordan's expulsion, we made jury! And I still have a hex... AND NO MORE EVICTEE'S REVENGE!

Big day for K-Hope that's all good for and with me!

But yeah... Jacob is a loss of a number but I do feel like I'm more with Joey on a personal level and a strategic level and I just like him more... yeah

My #1 is 100% Jack tho and I trust him with everything in this game cuz we're already basically like friends and I only know him cuz of this game, like I see myself being friends with him OUTSIDE of the game honestly..

But yeah I feel good going forward, Even If everyone wants me gone...

I hope I'm not playing it too personally and I'm going based off my feelings too much, I feel like evicting Jacob might've been too personal cuz I just really like Joey, so I feel like that might've been a mistake... I hope joey is a bigger target either way so I can keep my Hex another week!
2514 days 2 hours ago
It's seriously almost poetic as to how Luca wins HOH the week I have immunity... it's really just art... as much as I'd love just to Hex his ass, I don't even have to the BB God's decided to shine down on me and just give me immunity right before he wins HOH... I can't envision a better circumstance honestly...

He calls me names in separate skype chats, he dedicates his days in the house with attempts to get me out.. I can't envision a better circumstance than me winning staying this week, maybe Hexing next week (I think I only have it for another week or 2) and then winning HOH and ending his life... or maybe I'll just Hex this week and he can't play next HOH! It'd be splendid...

I'm excited!

Question tho : how much longer do I have my Hex? 2 or 3 more weeks? (Including this one)
2513 days 12 hours ago
So I wake up at 3:30 am to a text on my phone and I see "oh! Noms are posted!" So I check it out, and in his own illiterate way, Luca basically says "Kasey, i want you out, and you got lucky this time" obviously he can't properly formulate a sentence in consistent English, so it came out as a bunch of mumbles, but you can get his point.

Overall, I can't be too mad cuz I'm after him too, but I find it so funny he has to basically threaten me and say "I'm after you, Kasey", like... I know, dude, when you tell that to an alliance chat filled with 75% of the house, word gets out...

But, yeah, even If I get out in 2 weeks, that's 2 weeks I'll be fighting to further myself in the season, not 2 weeks I'll be fighting to get him out, while he's just going to be desperately begging for 3 weeks straight AT LEAST to get me out... it's really getting pathetic.

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