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Survivor: Aruba - Finale

Topic » Survivor: Aruba - Finale

3653 days 8 hours ago
from my perspective this is how i saw you guys play
mike: likeable guy seems cool and id love to get to know him more but as far as i know you didnt really do much
Chris F i cant tell if you did anything or if you just claim you did cause idk if you noticed but i dont know if you made any moves or if you were in control cause you wernt out there enough
Chris B as far as i know you were the only guy i saw doing stuff because you were the only guy out there strategizing with me and from my view the other guys were just scared to go against you but tbh you kinda annoyed me -_-
idk who im gonna vote for ill think of some questions soon but for now you can just try to change my mind on how i view you

I was strategizing with my alliance. I felt no need to strategize with you or talk to you as we were against eachother the entire time. Chris told me that he could get you to do what he wanted, so I was fine with that. I would tell Chris what to do with you, you would do it.

Also, no one was too afraid to go against mybash. Had I won immunity, I'll be completely honest, I would've voted out Chris. Mike didn't want to, and I wasn't going to push him too hard to change his mind, otherwise I might've been voted out.

Chris F i cant tell if you did anything or if you just claim you did cause idk if you noticed but i dont know if you made any moves or if you were in control cause you wernt out there enough

You don't know if I made any moves because I never talked to you and was very reserved with my game. I controlled my alliance, I told them what to do. It wasn't Chris' ideas to get out you and Clair, I wanted you out for the longest time. It was the perfect time to get you out, so I voted you out.

I don't know if you have noticed but I clearly played the game considering I only had 1 vote cast against me all game. I won 3 immunitys and still wasn't a target when I didn't have immunity. For the final vote I didn't get 1 vote cast against me.

You'll see when the season is over when the wiki is updated everything I've done. Of course Chris won't admit to it because you view him as playing the best game, but I can assure you he hasn't. He wanted Brendon gone all game because he didn't like Brendon. I kept chris in check and told him this isn't about not liking him. I wanted Brendon to stay, so he stayed.

Sorry this is long, but I'm fighting for votes and I want to win. I think I deserve to win, and I'm going to explain myself.
3653 days 8 hours ago
Hi guys! Congrats on making final tribal, y'all outplayed me and deserve to be here. I have questions for all of you. All of my questions are about something you problably didn't put much thought into but the right of passages you guys posted earlier.

Mike- You said it was me or you in that vote, but you and I both know that everything in survivor is not black and white, why didn't you come to me and figure out a plan to save us both?

Chris F- You said that I flipped, I want to know every detail of that flip because up until that tribal where I left, we voted together.

Chris B- You said you loved me like a brother, so why did you agree to vote me out considering I wasn't coming after you any time soon?

Again congrats guys I'm not bitter and let the best man win!
3653 days 8 hours ago
Chris B- You said you loved me like a brother, so why did you agree to vote me out considering I wasn't coming after you any time soon?

Will, I didn't vote you, I voted Robby. Even though I knew you were going I decided not to try and persuade people to keep you. I felt if I did that it would have made me people worry on how I played. I think that, me trying for you to stay, would have damaged my game In people thinking I'm too demanding
3653 days 8 hours ago
In response to Blueu @ Robby

I did make the moves to get out Robby and Clair and Kevin. And you clearly weren't willing to play as hard as I was. You said there was no point in talking to Robby. I did see a point. It could help me socially and strategically. And it shows here, I made an effort to Robby and it influences his vote. And sure I wanted Brendon gone, but never once did I put his name down. Till the end that is. Robby, I've simply fought my heart out. I've RECIEVED numerous votes, I was constAntly targeted for a reason, I was a threat, and now I'm still here.
3653 days 8 hours ago
Well congrats you three on making it to the finals. I wanted you guys out as soon as we hit the merge but no one would listen to me lol. But no matter what others say, you guys obviously played the best game otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are. I have no idea who I am voting for and my vote is def up for grabs.

Okay here are my statement/questions

Mike- You were definitely the quiet one of the three headed dragon. From the outside it seemed like you were riding the other two’s coattails to the finals. Idk if it was that you were making just as many decisions and were not as vocal, or if it was that you were actual just the third wheel. My question is why specifically should you win over Chris F and Chris B? Give me reasons why I should vote for you and not them. 

Chris F.- You obviously played a very well strategic game, but you did at least from my perspective played it as a bully. I think the threatening to ban Brendan if he didn’t vote with you was total bullshit. I don’t know you personally so I really can’t judge but just by observing this game and seeing some blogs, it portrays you as a dick. I mean the one time I tried to talk to you, you just brushed me off.  Why should I vote for you if you played such a nasty game?

Chris B.- You also from my perspective played a very well-played strategic game but also came off as some what of a bully. As ive seen in your final statements you have taken ALL the credit for why you three are in the final three. It doesn’t seem like you have any appreciation for your other two alliance members. My question is which two other people do you think deserved to make the final three (not the two who are next to you now)? Who played the best games but didn’t make it to the end. I wanna see you give some credit to some other people.

Again, congrats guys you obviously played the best games and I had time so I went hard on the questions lol
3653 days 8 hours ago
my votes still up in the air

to be honest i really liked mike and had he played a more strategic game i probably wouldve voted for him

but chris f i mean you made no effort to talk to me...i mean im not saying its good to make an alliance with everyone but atleast talk to me for goodness sake man! chris b talked to me so i can see he played the game and im sure you have but idk if you have! all i can see from where im standing is a good physical game and a terrible social game and thats all i can see where as for chris b i can see a good strategic game he was good at challenges and he made an effort to get to know the people that were gonna be voting for him to either win or lose
3653 days 8 hours ago
mike: in my opinion you were the most likeable out of the 3 but you also didnt really play the game much so give me some examples of moves you made they dont have to be big moves(the bigger the better though) that show you played the game

chris F and chris B: as kevin said you two  came off as bullies and not very likeable the only difference i see in you two is that chris b atleast made an attempt to meet his jury where as chris f acted all high and mighty like we dont deserve his time

chris f: why should I(not anyone else just me) vote for you:
chris b: besides talking to the jury unlike chris f what are some strategic moves that you've made that he hasnt
3653 days 7 hours ago

The night that it was either you or me. I was sent to exile so I couldn't approach you. We had a secret alliance and I wanted to stay working with you but being in exile I couldn't initiate a conversation with you. People told me that u were targeting me and that they were voting u so I had to just go with te flow cos I couldn't respond or message anyone. So for that I am sorry I want to remain friends after this game regardless if I get ur vote of not cos I like u
3653 days 7 hours ago
Chris B.- You also from my perspective played a very well-played strategic game but also came off as some what of a bully. As ive seen in your final statements you have taken ALL the credit for why you three are in the final three. It doesn’t seem like you have any appreciation for your other two alliance members. My question is which two other people do you think deserved to make the final three (not the two who are next to you now)? Who played the best games but didn’t make it to the end. I wanna see you give some credit to some other people.

I actually want to thank you. This was one question I was hoping to get. I felt like if I wasn't aggressive in this game, or came off aggressive, I would be walked over, and that's not something I want. If I had to pick to people to sit here, I would pick Clair, I know it's shocking but she was so likable and was always on the bottom and yet managed to make it to the final 5. The other person I would say Brendon. He played an amazing game. He had a good run on people, and I saw that and that's why I pushed for him to go, he was sneaky and if he was here over me id vote him. Thank you, for letting me show compassion , which I felt like I couldn't show as it could be deemed as a weakness. Thank you
3653 days 7 hours ago
chris b: besides talking to the jury unlike chris f what are some strategic moves that you've made that he hasnt

I made the move to get rid of you Robby, and I saved myself in the tiebreaker and I found the idol, giving me a spot in the final 4, and picking who went with me.

-I got you because I felt it was 3 vs 3. When Brendon said he was voting Clair I got worried. I mean I felt like they were putting on a show. So I thought Clair had an idol, and being Clairs enemy I was in trouble. So I had to think of something. So we voted you, since Brendon was immune and that made it a 3-3 vote at least, and an idol could have been used.

-In the tiebreaker, I approached you and Brendon to see if you could flip. There was no point in asking Clair she was getting me out. So I managed to make some very very convincing arguements and I got 1 of you to flip. To me that's insane. To convince someone who just voted you, to turn the cheek and vote out one of there own allies, it's insane

-Using my special idol was great, no one else was able to find it giving me an edge, and I got it on guess 1. This tool I saved too guarantee myself a spot in Final 4, and I never told anyone I had it. When choosing Clair or Brendon, I chose someone who I thought would lose final immunity and I also chose someone I could work with and I could beat easier in the end. If I took Clair there would have been 0 shot of me working with her.

Thank you again Robby, I hope I answered your question thouroughly
3653 days 7 hours ago
i just realized that chris f said that he would tell chris b to tell me what to do and i would do it...i didnt even do anything chris b told me to do except on the vote i got out and i did it mostly because brendan flipped and i knew(i guess thought would be a better word) clair was gonna go
3653 days 7 hours ago
and good answer :P and because i always like seeing and doing this question
why dont all 3 of you rate the members of the jury on a scale of 1-10 on social strategic and physical gameplay
3653 days 7 hours ago
Mike- You were definitely the quiet one of the three headed dragon. From the outside it seemed like you were riding the other two’s coattails to the finals. Idk if it was that you were making just as many decisions and were not as vocal, or if it was that you were actual just the third wheel. My question is why specifically should you win over Chris F and Chris B? Give me reasons why I should vote for you and not them. 

Firstly thankyou for the question moose,

I personally believe I was never riding their coattails. I initiated the alliance with chris f and to be honest I really didn't like chris b one bit, read all my confessionals. I wanted to be with these guys cos they were somewhat rude to the other players and believe they are seriously the best players ever to grace survivor. I should win over these two because firstly I stuck to my word on basically every instance, I never backstabbed people just for the sake of it. I was sent to exile island for 3 of the votes in the merge which demonstrates I must of had a good social game because I managed to stay in this game. I believe the fault in the other player's games is their ego and not understanding that not one person makes a decision, every single person makes a decision. Not just one player who thinks they are the best. I played an honest game. That I believe is harder then manipulating people, and lying. Being strategic shouldn't only encompasses being able to lie and blindside people. My strategy was exactly what I did in this game
3653 days 7 hours ago
Ok that's great if you were honest, but we signed up for survivor, I didn't sign up to play Suzy High Horse.
3653 days 7 hours ago
Madison - 1 (Never talked)
Will - 7
Kevin - 7
Morgan - 6
Robby - 8
Clair - 9
Brenelle - 10

Brenelle - 8
Clair - 7
Robby - 7
Will - 6
Morgan - 6
Kevin - 6
Madison - 1

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TTJ's Survivor Series (NOVEMBER 2016)

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