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Survivor: Aruba - Finale

Topic » Survivor: Aruba - Finale

3653 days 10 hours ago
We'll now bring in the members of our jury.
Brendon voted out at the last tribal council.

Welcome to your Final Tribal Council. You have done what thirteen other people couldn't do; make it to the end. Tonight the power in this game shifts to the jury. Seven people that you had a hand in voting out now hold your fate in their hands.

They will decide who deserves the title of Sole Survivor. Your job tonight: convince them it is YOU who deserves it.

Here's how it works tonight. Finalists, need an opening statement before they can answer questions. Jury members can freely ask their questions before an opening statement is made, but the finalist cannot answer without one. Jury members may choose not to ask a question, and simply make a statement. Then, voting will take place for the winner.

You may begin.
3653 days 10 hours ago
Hello jury! Coming into this game I didn't know what to expect. I haven't played with any of you before so I didn't know how things were going to go. Right from the start I had an alliance with myself, Chris B and Morgan. I truly wanted that to be my final 3. I also got Will, and Mike. That was a solid group of 5. My goal was to keep us 5 in the game until the merge, so us 5 could dominate the game and stay loyal to eachother. Well the merge came, and what I wanted to happen didn't happen. I wanted Robby gone, yet Madison was voted out. Will flipped on me. So what happened to Will? I got Brendon on board with voting Will out, and will went home. Then Brendan flipped back for the next vote, and the vote tied. What did I do? Go to Brendan and convince him to flip back. He did. Then Brendon flipped back AGAIN and voted out my closest ally, Morgan. With final 6, I found an idol. I played it ofc because you never not play an idol, I wasn't going to risk going home. Robby went, then clair went. What I wanted to happen, happened. For this final immunity I truly thought I was going to go home if I didn't win. I didn't win, so what did I do? I went to brendon and told him mybash, Mybash wanted brendon. Then Mike and I decided to remain loyal and vote Brendon.

I don't care what these other two say, my game speaks for itself. I controlled the game, well my alliance in the game from start to finish. I told them what to do and they did it. When they didn't, they would go home. I found an idol, won 3 immunitys, and only had 1 vote, yes 1 vote cast against me all game and this was during the first tribal I attended where someone randomly voted for me.

When you look at outwit, outplay, outlast, I believe I've fulfilled all 3 requirements. I truly believe neither of the two sitting with me deserve this more then me.

I'm sorry if I offended any of you or hurt you in any way although I think I didn't. I will be looking forward to answering all and any questions with 100% honesty.

I also want to say thankyou to Chris B. and Mike for being with me in this game, I couldn't have done it without you both.
3653 days 10 hours ago
Jury, I want to start off by saying Thank You. I couldnt be here without your help. I want to talk before merge. I came in knowing only Morgan and Chris F. This meant i had to go to work with my social game. I formed a 4 way alliance between Myself, Clair (ironic), Will and Nick. I also had a deal with Chris F. THis gave me power in my tribe. I had 5 of 8 votes to control. Then the mix up happened. It was 6 of my tribe and robby. It pretty much seemed robby was going to go, but we voted out 2 people we couldnt trust in the game.

This lead up to Jury/Merge. Right when Merge starte i made sure that the original 5 from my tribe stayed together. But i knew that wasnt enough. I talked to Kevin to Morgan and to Brendon making sure they wouldnt vote me.

When madison went we had the power 5-4. However the others did not trust Will. I therefore told will peole were going to vote him, and even though i voted robby, will went home.

Then FInal 8 came. THis was intense. It was a tie, i didnt want to be apart of. I HAD TO CONVINCE SOMEONE TO SWITCH. SOmeone just put my name down, but i needed someone to switch. So i mailed robby and brendon, and 1 of them switched, meaning i convinced someone to switch., and kevin went.

The morgan vote was ridiculous, i dont know why we split votes, i wasnt for it. Not y choice.

The robby vote was my idea. Clair and Brendon were arguing and i thought it was an act. I mean literally the acting was worse than Mean Girls 2, like i wanted to vomit. To me i thought it was an idol that clair was going to play. Meaning clair would vote me. SO i devised the plan to vote robbby, it could flush out the idol and it at the least, would tie.

Then Clair going home was my desicion. I chose who went to the FInal 4. ANd i chose  brendon because Clair is likable and she pretty much would never vote with me.

Final 4 it was clear, i was on the chopping block, therefore  i voted Brendon he went home.

I have made moves. I made sure to talk with you, making moves, thinking 2 steps in front of me. I also did something else no one else did, i found the special idol. I was able to use this to take out a very powerful player. I also was always strategic and social, i was always mailing people and scheming and making moves. I basically sent home Robby, Kevin and Clair. Meaning i was the brains. I also won an immunity, proving some strength. I also was being targetted, that says something. YOu all were voting me for a reason. I was in a tie breaker and convinced someone to flip. I was Hayden to CIera. I was targetted in 3 votes, proving people wanted me out in this game. I was the Brains in us 3, Mike was the Beauty and Chris F was the Brawn. THANK YOU, AND VOTE FOR THE CHRIS THAT IS AMAZING <3

Id like to say good luck to Chris F and Mike cant believe we did this, and please no hard feelings, we signed up for a game, not How to Find a New Best Friend! Please vote me, IVe poured my soul into this.

Thank You.
3653 days 10 hours ago
Im so hungry, I want some food, its been 39 Days.
3653 days 9 hours ago
I'll post mine in 5 minutes
3653 days 9 hours ago
Look when I started this game from the get go I thought I would honestly be first person voted out. When the Barcenda tribe lost the first immunity and I had not participated in the challenge I was certain that I would be going home. Thankfully Sam had quit the game and gave me a second chance. From that point I knew I had to fend for myself and try do what I could to stay in this game. I know I lack a physical strength that some other players can rely on but I knew I could use my social skills to stay in the game and make the merge. I befriended Chris F knowing that he was in control of my tribe and created a secret alliance with him. I created fairly good relationships with most of the people on my tribe and tried to avoid all the chaos and conflict that arose during the game as I knew that those who play way to aggressive, normally get taken out later on. My goal was to stay true to my alliance but I really tried to just deflect any attention I received onto someone else as surviving till the next vote is what this game is about. I didn't try to make promises I couldn't keep and I basically let those around me who had bigger egos target one another and let myself move through this game avoiding all of the shots being fired. Spending the most time on exile out of anyone I was lucky to find a hidden immunity idol. Spending so much time on exile and still making it to this point in the game demonstrates my social ability. I really tried to play under the radar and although some may consider me a follower or someone who just floated in this game. I never made a decision that wasn't my own decision. There were many situations were I could have flipped or voted someone else out but it wouldn't have gotten me any further in this game. I am very happy and I believe as this game progressed I developed my own survivor qualities that I am proud of. I managed to pull of my first ever immunity win in any group game in an endurance challenge none the less. This shows that I was determined and I did work hard , as I wanted to show that I could do what the other did aswell.

Best of luck to the other guys, I think we all played a heck of a game, all very different styles but managed to stay together. Congrats guys
3653 days 9 hours ago
Tbh, if i had my way, and we were given time, i was voting mike lol
3653 days 9 hours ago
me at this
3653 days 9 hours ago
I wasnt going to vote mike out chris. Btw idk why you think you were controlling the game like LOL
3653 days 9 hours ago
There are many scenarios where u could vote someone out but u have to play the scenario u are given on that day
3653 days 9 hours ago
from my perspective this is how i saw you guys play
mike: likeable guy seems cool and id love to get to know him more but as far as i know you didnt really do much
Chris F i cant tell if you did anything or if you just claim you did cause idk if you noticed but i dont know if you made any moves or if you were in control cause you wernt out there enough
Chris B as far as i know you were the only guy i saw doing stuff because you were the only guy out there strategizing with me and from my view the other guys were just scared to go against you but tbh you kinda annoyed me -_-
idk who im gonna vote for ill think of some questions soon but for now you can just try to change my mind on how i view you
3653 days 9 hours ago
I'm going to work for a few hours so I will answer questions if there are any at that point
3653 days 8 hours ago
No I mean I wanted Mike out at first lol
3653 days 8 hours ago
Well Robby, I appreciate your view. I think we all signed up for a game meaning you signed up to be backstabbed and everything with it. So I respectfully say, you should take personal views out, and vote for the person you believe did the most.
3653 days 8 hours ago
Look robby firstly thankyou I appreciate that u do find me likeable as I personally found our conversations quiet funny. I relied on building social relationships that would be strong and therefore people wouldn't want me out.  I am not going to sit here and say I played hands down te beast game in survivor history and I am a god but I played we'll. I won an immunity, was honest which I believe is harder to do in this game.

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