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Best of BETA!

Topic » Best of BETA!

3349 days 22 hours ago
1) David Guetta- This is the song that catapulted me into the dance music scene and it's still groovy today
2) Keane- I absolutely adore this song and I do like Lily Allen's version as well but I prefer the original
3) Emeli Sande- Such an inspiring artist and this is my favourite song from her
4) Shontelle- This song was ruined for me by James Arthur's cover.
5) Miranda Lambert- My mate showed me this song and it's got me listening to country music.
6) The Killers- The only song from The Killers I actually like.
7) Imagine Dragons- I've got mixed feelings about this song so I would say this is average.
8) Enrique Igleasias- Oh I love him and this song is great
9) Kylie Minogue- Can't get this song outta my head is the more appropriate title. Still a gem despite the year released.
10) Christina Perri- A nice change of pace and I do love this song despite it's moody content it's powerfully produced
11) Britney Spears- Another song from my youth and it is a guilty pleasure of mine.
12) Little Mix- Absolutely adore Little Mix and to find my top 10 will be very difficult to find.
13) Demi Lovato- Another great song from a mediocre artist.
3349 days 16 hours ago
01) David Guetta – bouncy, repetitive, very repetitive, not a fan of hers, it was okay!
02) Keane – love this song, love keane, hope they come back someday, hate lily allens version, should never have been allowed!! It been done on xfactor a couple of times!!
03) Emeli Sande – cant stand her, hubby loves her, shes so nasally, its makes my teeth on edge!! You come from boston aqua? I went there just over a year ago, loved it!
04) Shontelle – nothing happening, still nothing happening, oh there it is!! It’s a bit standard!! Whats a CS240 test?
05) Miranda Lambert – it was a bit formulaic!
06) The Killers – I love the killers, this is a good track!! Brandon flowers needs to stay with them hes better in the band than solo, his latest single is a mess! and the killers are still going!
07) Imagine Dragons – I love imagine dragons, I like this too!
08) Enrique Iglesias – and it’s a film! Get on with it!!!! That ping pong its really annoying!! Prefer dad! Who is mike boggie?
09) Kylie Minogue – think I said this last time, mini bibs loved this song when she was little and would dance round the room to it!! Good song!
10) Christina Perri – this song was used twice in the regular contest and I still cant believe it was used in contest 22, its been around for song long!!
11) Britney Spears – not a Britney fan, it was okay!
12) Little Mix – this is dreadful! You are definitely not representing me!!
13) Demi Lovato – whispery, a bit annoying in my ear! Stop it!!!!!
3349 days 15 hours ago
Well, god, this is going to be a little repetitive considering I love most of these songs.

01) David Guetta - This would have been my first choice if I had submitted earlier. CONGRATS.
02) Keane - I've always appreciated this song even though it's pretty out of the norm for what I'm usually into.
03) Emeli Sande - It's no "Next To Me" but the feels of it are spot on.
04) Shontelle - Perfection.
05) Miranda Lambert - It's good, but not sure how it will stand up next to some of these classics.
06) The Killers - "What ever happened to The Killers anyway?" Brandon Flowers is too busy sending regular TSC entries. Nostalgia.
07) Imagine Dragons - I was probably the only person that didn't give this points (or gave it next to nothing) the first time it was used. I'll probably be that person again.
08) Enrique Iglesias - Read #5.
09) Kylie Minogue - More nostalgia.
10) Christina Perri - Pretty sure I said this last time, but it's something I really have to be in the mood for to get behind. This isn't one of those moods.
11) Britney Spears - Splooooooooooooooooooosh.
12) Little Mix - My woman anthem of 13-14.
13) Demi Lovato - "Probably Demi's best!" Easily Demi's best. Easily
3348 days 15 hours ago
David Guetta – This is an amazing song, as
it is Kelly at her best. She belts this out and the dance
beats are great. This should have won and I hope it does well :D

Keane – The problem is that I love so many of the cover versions…this just pales in comparison to Lily Allen’s haunting rendition of it. A great song is a great song I suppose. :p

Emeli Sande – I know this is the song that everyone loves, but I prefer others by her including mountains, my kind of love, heaven and read all about it. All of which would be hard to beat, this is just not in that category for me…I still like it though. :p

Shontelle – Diva…Queen…stunning…love this. I was going through a break-up when this was first released. My girlfriend broke my heart and I remember this coming on the radio the last time I saw her properly, so it has a special meaning to me. Oh, but this girlfriend is now sending me anonymous text messages and visited my university last year in the hopes of seeing me…eeekk. :p

Miranda Lambert – Not bad, I would not put this in the same category as the others. As country goes this isn’t bad, actually it is quite bouncy. Not going to be a song that I will go out of my to listen to again, but I’m enjoying it now. :p :)

The killers – A really strong entry by a strong band. Probably my favourite song by them. I was around 10/11 when this came out and I thought I was so cool dancing and singing to this. :p I am cool though… :p :) Loving thissssss :)

Imagine Dragons – Yawn. I’m over this song…I can’t get over radioactive though, which would have been a better entry in my opinion, I know it was not in the top 20 songs though. :p :) Fan boys would attack me badly for that opinion though. :p :)

Enrique Inglesias – What were we thinking…this song is in the best of Beta. :P Putting the annoying ping pong noise aside, it is one of his weaker tracks in my opinion. I love his recent song ‘Freak’ for example. :)

Kylie Minogue – Queeeeeeeeeen, Queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. :O :D This is Kylie at her best and the rule change ushered in this song and it really did deserve to win. Iconicccccccc :)

Christina Perri – Emotional, tear-jerker…. :’( The ballad of the contest and probably of this decade, I love this song so much, despite it being played to death in teenage vampire-esqe TV shows and things. :p Lovvvveeeeee

Britney Spears – Queen. Iconic song as well, 2003 was the best of times for her musically, as I love everytime as well. I can’t listen to this and not think of Jiggly Caliente lyp-syncing to it though, that probably isn’t a bad thing though. :p

Little Mix – Fierce. I love this song as well, I entered it in the best of 2014. :P :) This is their best song by far. I’m not quite sure I support them having men on leashes during the video though lol :p Up there in this contest…I’m worried about how low they might be in my points, considering there is about 5 or 6 outstanding songs.

Demi Lovato – Yeah…never been a massive fan of this song. Sam Bailey butchered it and that version sold more copies than this. :p I like that she hates Simon Cowell and insults him when she promotes her material on his own talent show. :p Middle of the road track if I’m being honest. :’(
3348 days 13 hours ago
It sucks I was not informed of this. I would have loved to be here for it.
3347 days 21 hours ago
01) David Guetta: kelly rowland can sing anything to me and i will still fawn over her. she looks so good in this video I am screaming.
02) Keane: awww this song is so cute. I love it.
03) Emeli Sande: yessssssssssssssssssssss. emeli sande makes me feel so much with her voice.
04) Shontelle: I AM SCREAMING
05) Miranda Lambert: no.
06) The Killers: good song, but no for this contes
07) Imagine Dragons: I h8 imagine dragons
08) Enrique Iglesias: did this win? like seriously
09) Kylie Minogue: good winer, but not best of beta worthy.
10) Christina Perri: another good song.
11) Britney Spears: ICONIC, probably one of the best songs of the 00s/ ever. By far, britney's best song.
12) Little Mix: good song, but not best of beta
13) Demi Lovato: yas demi sing it.
3347 days 21 hours ago
lmao my comments look illiterate. i swear Im smart, i go to upenn.
3347 days 14 hours ago
01) David Guetta - never liked this at all
02) Keane - pretty good song
03) Emeli Sande - kind of an average song but it's pretty good considering the disappointing line-up we are faced with
04) Shontelle - I guess this is alright!!!
05) Miranda Lambert - a fun song that'll probably stand out to me
06) The Killers - I'm not straight but I still like this I'm so #conflicted
07) Imagine Dragons - I have bad memories with this song but I still think it's pretty solid
08) Enrique Iglesias - reading bibbles' comments about mike boogie made me die
09) Kylie Minogue - overrated
10) Christina Perri - pretty good depending on my mood
11) Britney Spears - won even with a penalty and I remember this and was pissed about it but I still love this song… good thing it's an acceptable entry now
12) Little Mix - overrated little mix song
13) Demi Lovato - never was a fan of her slow songs
3346 days 2 hours ago
Wow.. This should be called "the best of Limegrass" lol

01) David Guetta - Never felt this.. This time neither..
02) Keane - Again.. Not a fan of this.. I like them tho..
03) Emeli Sande - I won with her and labrynth.. This is nice too!
04) Shontelle - As i already said.. I can't really like This..
05) Miranda Lambert - Slay it Mama!
06) The Killers - Not their best.. Not their best at all..
07) Imagine Dragons - I love This!
08) Enrique Iglesias - Nono..
09) Kylie Minogue - Slay it Mama!
10) Christina Perri - Love this!
11) Britney Spears - Slay it Mama !
12) Little Mix
13) Demi Lovato
3346 days 2 hours ago
But.. If we can't vote for ourselves.. How is limegrass gonna vote? Half This songs are his..
3346 days 2 hours ago
12) Little Mix - No..
13) Demi Lovato - Heard This too too too too too too too much
3344 days 23 hours ago
1) David Guetta - I probably made the joke last time of me thinking this was called 'Winner Takes Over'. Simple yet pretty effective and infectiously pleasant. Nothing more to add really...
2) Keane - I love the nostalgia in this. Been covered to death, but this will always the best!
3) Emeli Sande - She nails her ballads in my opinion. Silky smooth voice and I love the transitions in and out her falsetto.
4) Shontelle - Yeah, there aren't going to be many songs that I won't like. Would like a touch more passion in places maybe and the bridge is a bit meh, but this will most likely do well!
5) Miranda Lambert - I remember quite liking a cover on the UK voice lately. Usually, I hate country but I like it when it has a bit of bite and folky and rocky influences so this was pretty nice!
6) The Killers - I remember being annoyed I was beaten to submitting this. I may have even tried to submit it in the same week. Not my go-to in terms of its lyrics, but it's so catchy and The Killers can sing the phone book in my... book.
7) Imagine Dragons - I won with Radioactive! That's been played to death, and so has this but it's still pretty great! I don't remember liking much of their new stuff though, which is a shame
8) Enrique Iglesias - Classic cheesefest. Guilty pleasure territory but I don't think that's enough in a contest like this
9) Kylie Minogue - Another classic. The La Las have always been a tad annoying for me after a while. Pleasant, but is it pleasant enough?
10) Christina Perri - A tad on the soppy side, but I really like the tone to her voice. Instead when she gets a bit more passionate. Pleasant once more!
11) Britney Spears - Another guilty pleasure... No idea where it will place in my votes though
12) Little Mix - I remember being surprised as to how much I liked this last time. Yeah, pretty good!
13) Demi Lovato - Not the biggest Demi Lovato fan, but I like this. Full of emotion, gets a bit cliche at times but it's a pretty nice ending!
3344 days 19 hours ago
01) David Guetta        Slay a bit kelly! Go home David you're drunk
02) Keane        Classic for the genre… meh for me
03) Emeli Sande        Girl knows how to belt a ballad
04) Shontelle        girl workkkk just the actual impossibles annoy me… woops
05) Miranda Lambert        Slay a bit miranda queen!
06) The Killers        Let's be honest here… the killers are beta legends and will most likely win this unless people vote strategically.
07) Imagine Dragons        never been keen on the ID… so this is still just meh to me
08) Enrique Iglesias        I stand by my original comment that this is not his greatest.
09) Kylie Minogue        Slay mama dearest. I was disappointed when she didn't end up representing Australia in ESC.
10) Christina Perri        a solid ballad that has been over done in covers.
11) Britney Spears        remember the time I said this isn't the best britney song and I wasn't sorry about it… I stand by that claim.
12) Little Mix        This probably ranks top 5 for the album, but still not their best.
13) Demi Lovato        definitely not Demi's best Johnny… solid ballad that people cream over and I'm like… meh I wish it was better.
3344 days 14 hours ago
01) David Guetta I don't like him. never will
02) Keane probably one of my favorites
03) Emeli Sande yes EMELI
04) Shontelle CLASSSSSIC
05) Miranda Lambert COUNTRY IS GROSS
06) The Killers WOOOOOO. I love the killers tbh. and this song is one of the best to ever be in beta tbh.
07) Imagine Dragons eh.
08) Enrique Iglesias eh.
09) Kylie Minogue YASS 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
10) Christina Perri sad bitch
11) Britney Spears auto tune bitch
12) Little Mix fifth harmony wanna be bitch
13) Demi Lovato depression
3344 days 12 hours ago

Sorry for being lazy but I'm studying.
Congrats to Britney Spears - Toxic and Js21 on winning this best of the best contest!
Kylie would have won if Fern had submitted.

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