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Final Tribal Council (Greek Isles)

Topic » Final Tribal Council (Greek..

2530 days 4 hours ago
OK, I have no idea who I want to vote, I'll be totally honest here. I know I really should read all of these walls of text but oh my God it's five pages of text. If you could please, just make a tl;dr version of the point you're trying to make to the jurors. Please, and thank you.


Alright so to sum things up in a few sentences/bullet points.

1) I believe I had the largest target of the guys coming into the merge. I had voted Karma out pre-merge and failed and after the girls caught me lying I was uncredible. I was stilll not targeted at all until Ben gave me a vote at the final 4.

2) I had a lot of social connections that were real but I made sure to not try to lead that many people on. The bonds I made I truly think helped me get to where I am. I was able to play a middle man game while keeping my name off the block.

3) I won two endurance comps, requiring me to lose sleep just to ensure safety.

4) I had an idol that nobody in the game knew about, i never even needed it until I saved Sean at final 5 (i did not even need to use it for myself)

5) I could be wrong but i think im the only person who knew where everyone was voting each round and i am the only person to vote correctly every single merge vote minus the Scott vote.

6) even after people flipped on me/i flipped on people, i was still able to work with them. i lied to karma and the girls a few times but they still were willing to try and work something out. i lied to qaz at final 5 but he still kept me even though the smartest thing was to give me 4th place. then at final 3 he still kept me even though he would have had an easy win against ben. i think thats a testament to my gameplay.
2530 days 3 hours ago
Hey Lukas! I think I played a great game in general, and I used all the strategic, social and physical parts to get me here. I always was socializing with people, and if I felt I could trust them, I'd keep them, if not, my strategy would be for me to vote them off. I always made sure my position was top notch. Physically, I won 3 challenges, one in which people threw to me (the final one)

I'll do bullet points too.

1) coming into this game, I made deals with everyone I possibly could, I'd feel them out and make alliances, so all my bases would be covered. Doing that, everyone would always have my interests with there's and that says a lot for my social game, that I was aligned with 18/20 people of the cast day 1.

2) at the merge, every side wanted me and I was in a position where I pretty much decided which side took the numbers. I had more connections with the boys, so I went with them. Out of anyone in the game I had the most power and everyone wanted to go far with me.

3) after Scott got voted out, it was clear the numbers were stacked against me, but I was able to use my social strength, my strategic ability and the relationships I had built to flip the script right back on the girls.

4) I was targeted lots by the girls when they were trying to flip the numbers on me, but I always had many people turn that down. My name never was seriously considered as a target because when it was mentioned everyone in the game made sure it didn't happen, and I think that's a testament to my connections that I built.

5) I was able to hold onto an advantage till the final 6 where it last could be played, even though people knew about it.

6) I won three immunity challenges. Chris said he had to stay up late to win challenges, well last night for the finale I had to set an alarm for 2:30 AM and stayed up until 7 AM to secure my spot here. I'm dead right now because I got no sleep. Two of the immunity challenges, I crushed them. And the final immunity challenge, yes, the FINAL immunity challenge, I won because people gave up in the challenge to give it to me. Having people give you the very final immunity says more than a lot about my game.

7) I voted in the majority every time except for when crazy advantages were played. On the Scott vote, a triple vote was used, and on the Sean vote, an idol was played. I was always on the right side of the numbers.

8) I flipped on pretty much everyone on this game, yet never received a vote until the final 4. Even if I went against someone, they would still come back to me and my loyalty.

9) I had Chris's game in my hands on several occasions. I could've voted him out at the final 4 very easily, but I didn't. He gave immunity up to me at the final 3 and I could've voted him out, I didn't. He needed me to get here.

Physical: I tried not to win the first few challenges of the merge, I didn't want to have a target, and then when I felt the need to win immunities, i did. And even with all that, I had the most immunities this season.

Social: I was aligned with pretty much the entire cast, everyone wanted to vote with me, and I only got one vote this whole season and that was at the final 4. In the inside of my alliance, newz and Ben were taking me, Chris didn't have those type of loyalties. Outside of the alliance, I had deals with everyone, and if I flipped on them they'd come back to me.

Strategic: I had a major say in every vote. I had a huge role in deciding which group of people took control of this game the first merge boot, I flipped people back to my side after the Scott vote to regain control, I decided who went home at the final 4, and I was given immunity because people trusted me so much, so I could decide who was sitting next to me. I also didn't need idols to make moves, I used my social and strategic power.
2530 days 3 hours ago
Thank you guys, I'll take a moment to read these and vote. Good luck to the both of ya.
2530 days 3 hours ago
9) I had Chris's game in my hands on several occasions. I could've voted him out at the final 4 very easily, but I didn't. He gave immunity up to me at the final 3 and I could've voted him out, I didn't. He needed me to get here.


i would actually say its more incredible that i got you to save me twice after i lied to you at final 5 and turned sean against you. i dont think my game was in your hands as you did not take me out even when you absolutely should have. i think youre taking a bit too much credit my friend. i dont think either of us would be here without each other  so to say i needed you but you did not need just does not add up. i really think youre taking a bit too much credit and making me seem reliant  on you which quite frankly could not be further from the truth
2530 days 3 hours ago
i love you bro but im gonna call you out when i think youre being a bit over the top :P
2530 days 3 hours ago
Yeah, but did I not say I didn't care about the lie earlier? You're saying it's incredible that i saved you twice when you KNOW we were a final 2 regardless. Saving you was a no brainer, it's not like you did any convincing. You are saying your goal was for us to make it to the final 2 and that we are always would stick together, yet now you're saying it was incredible that I did that.

I love you bro but I'm gonna call you out on that, you can't go from saying we would always save each other no matter what to saying "wow, it's incredible you saved me".

I'm saying you needed me because when Ben won immunity, and the second you were voting Sean, he was voting you, and Sean was voting me, I got to decide MYSELF who went. I could've easily sent you home. And then you gave up final immunity to risk your spot here. If you're saying it's incredible that you took me here yet you gave immunity up is weird, cause that just means you're lying. If you think it would be stupid for me to do that you wouldn't have thrown final immunity.
2530 days 3 hours ago
i didnt say it was incredible until you said "you had my life in your hands"

i think you are exaggerating some things and im going to stand up for myself and explain how thats incorrect but its more impressive that i got you to not vote me out
2530 days 3 hours ago
im just saying if youre going to put my game down im going to retract and do it to you too. i didnt want the ftc to become like this and im hoping we can stop before it gets dirty but im not going to let you trash my game and take credit that is simply not there
2530 days 3 hours ago
i have not yet bashed you in my answers but each of your answers seems to somehow put me down. if you want to play like that then we can easily do that i really dont mind but id prefer for it to not get to that point
2530 days 3 hours ago
Sorry about the "life in your hands" comment, but at the final 3 I did have all the power. I can stop "bashing" you (I wouldn't call it bashing) I'm just stating some facts because you are saying some stuff that I feel I did too
2530 days 3 hours ago
the difference is i never took credit from you. you are really trying to put my game down (which is fair i suppose, its ftc but i was under the impression we were going to have a clean fight as we are friends)
2530 days 3 hours ago
im not mad and im gonna drop it, i wont be bashing your game unless you continue to do so for me. lets just have a clean fight and give the jury what they want
2530 days 3 hours ago
I agree, let's have a clean fight. I wasn't trying to play dirty or put your game down in any way.
2530 days ago
6/11 Votes
2529 days 20 hours ago
Hey dudes. I already know who I'm voting for so I'm just gonna chill

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