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3054 days 19 hours ago
and it was your dumb move to take an inactive person to use them to take me out. You didn't play flawlessly like you're trying to make it seem. Where are your faults? We can all admit ours, why can't you?
3054 days 19 hours ago
I did win in a season that brought me back, but that season it was stated in the very beginning that there was Occultus Island. I used that twist. You had no idea you were coming back and you weren't going to come back had Michael not quit. It's not quite the same thing.

Ok so what, its still part of the twist, I mean its jurrasic world and there were extinction idols, so having someone fight to come back could been expected if thought hard about it, and Michael has nothing to do with this, WHO Is to say the twist only happen because of it thats absurd because it was never stated that was the reason why, and regardless is completely irrelevant.

Also, it isn't so strategic to take somebody who isn't active to the F4 if you wanted to use them to take somebody out. but you do you boo.

What the hell, yes it is strategic, I was confident enough that I was going to be able to beat you at F4 immunity challenge and take you out, that shows strategy to have a way to have the greater odds or winning look at how Boston Rob got his first win!.
3054 days 19 hours ago
I'm going to break my promise because you used profanity.

-The Tim blindside at the F7 (often the key vote in Survivor) was made of an alliance built by ME and containing both Aria and Sean. That was my vote.
3054 days 19 hours ago
Okay but that didn't happen lol I'm still here so your plan didn't work.
3054 days 19 hours ago
and it was your dumb move to take an inactive person to use them to take me out. You didn't play flawlessly like you're trying to make it seem. Where are your faults? We can all admit ours, why can't you?

Ok its not a flaw. For One most hosts make accommodations and waits to get all votes before reading it for the last round, no one was to think there was going to be an enforce self-vote due to a hidden time frame, which hold that wouldn't be acceptable as best communication method to getting these important votes out.

Regardless of that matter I think I answered that more so to direction of how boston rob got his first win in Phillipines and I believe that was redpemtion island too..
The finale that actually help me find this site LMAO.
3054 days 19 hours ago
3 min agosportygirl22
Okay but that didn't happen lol I'm still here so your plan didn't work.

Honestly you only here due to technicality and decisions made by the host, sure they won't admit to the inconsistencies that risen from this issue.

But from other games I participated in from different hosts and that perspective the most fair thing to do for the players that make F4 before finals is to accomodate all votes before reading them whether it is to be more clear about the time frame, making any accomadations to attaining their vote instead of the way it was handled.

IF this was a business setting where one did not concur that an important decision needed to be made at a certain time but management didnt inform them properly and overlook it, whose fault is it, sure both at fault but for an important decision that could of been extended and waited to addree that person's decision, thats at least how it should of been handled.
3054 days 19 hours ago
^Instead of not allowing him to make a decision, thats pretty much is what happen.
3054 days 19 hours ago
I too will wait until the jurors state their questions.
3054 days 18 hours ago
I have a feeling we're not getting talked to lol XD
3054 days 17 hours ago
Grats to the 3 of you. Out of respect to Mearl and Cory. Thank you for casting me. Now; I'm bitter as hell at all of you.

Aria - We contacted each other as soon as this game began; yet, I feel you never gave me a full chance this game to really work together other than the Robby vote. I feel you played a great strategic and physical game. However; Sean's and Chris's Social games feel superior. They used the minority to their advantage and did not step on everyone to make the FTC. I've never voted bitterly before; but, being I thought we were friends coming into this....I'm not entirely sure I can write your name down tonight. You never once treated me like a friend in this game. You treated me more-like a pawn. Can you justify the moves you made in this game without making it look like you were playing a game of chess?

Sean - I voted you and all of your allies out pre-merge. Then you came back and wreaked havoc on this cast. I truly feel your social game outshines you being voted out pre-merge; and that's coming from the person who led a charge against you. But, you are also sitting next to two very worthy players of crowning than yourself. You know; I'd like to write your name down. But, my questions may influence my vote tonight as I said I'd be fair. How does your story; make you a winner?

Chris - We never really got to talk; but, I think you and I play very similar game-play wise. I can admire the loyalty you had to your allies and the independence you show. However; at the Final 5....I do not think keeping me was in your best interest as I was really good at managing the Jury. Why vote to keep me; when I myself, feel that I should not have been included in the Finale?

Question for all 3 of you -

Once the merge hit - name 3 castaways you felt were a necessity to get out of the game for your game to advance.
3054 days 17 hours ago
Thanks for the question, glad to have something to do.

To answer your question about keeping you versus Eric, the way I read the game, Aria and Eric were a stone-tight duo. You and I had a few mails back and forth, and that made me feel like I had some sway with you, whereas Eric had never reaches out to me and seemed to be with Aria from my perception. Maybe Eric was just not making much of an impact with her either and was just quiet in general, but I'd rather risk going up against you in the finals than finishing fourth by keeping Eric. So that's where I was at: you were more of a threat than Eric, but I knew we could work together. And we voted together that night, so has Sean not switched, I would have made it here with you and Sean. 100%.

The second question is tricky. The merge occured around the time groups shut down, so my head wasn't in it. To say I had three targets at the merge would be bullshit on my part. If my confessionals get shown in the Viewers Lounge, you'll see I was going with whatever I was told from 12-8th place. And I stand by that. The early merge players in Survivor are typically those who are threatening and playing too hard. So I sat back, and kept myself safe by being agreeable. So my answer for the three I wanted out would be whoever anybody else said, because I tried to be an ally first and a "manipulator" second. I hope you don't see this as a cop-out, but to say I had a master plan and a hit-list would be a lie. That wasn't the game I played.
3054 days 17 hours ago
Thank you Chris. Great answer for not having any targets in mind. If anything else comes to my mind. I'll be sure to ask. But, I know that Joel, Robby and Tim will all have their questions. So I'll wait to ask any further questions.
3054 days 16 hours ago
Sean - I voted you and all of your allies out pre-merge. Then you came back and wreaked havoc on this cast. I truly feel your social game outshines you being voted out pre-merge; and that's coming from the person who led a charge against you. But, you are also sitting next to two very worthy players of crowning than yourself. You know; I'd like to write your name down. But, my questions may influence my vote tonight as I said I'd be fair. How does your story; make you a winner?

Well appreciate the love you have for my social game. I would say my story makes me a winner because I overcame big odds to not only to make my  work my way back into the game but to also learn and recover from my mistakes. I was able to extinct my wrongs and played strong to be a strong predator and contender of the season. By doing so I maneuvered myself into positions in the game with almost everyone here that's on the jury. Only person I didn't get to really talk and work with was zach as he was my first victim to the vengeance I had.

My story is actually a quite victorious and brave story as I climb my way from the bottom to where I am now. In a game like this with the extinction and hidden immunity idols was also a big twist that I was able to unravel and spread paranoia within from my pre-merge to merge status of this game, I at least made some impacts with in just that as well and is why I feel my story is one story to root for and deserving to crown me as sole survivor.

I mean there's so many layers to my story but in reality I built and learn from my wrongs and did merely everything right to get myself to this level and part of the game. It wasn't an easy take but nevertheless it was an enjoyable one that I am glad to have been part of and was a game story quite different than I've experience than any other. So in and all I am honored and hopeful that the jury can see the true efforts I did and made in this game where my elements of mere extinction brought me to rise and shine from the pile.

^kinda reminds me of the reverent lol but maybe cuz I watch that the other night.
3054 days 16 hours ago
Once the merge hit - name 3 castaways you felt were a necessity to get out of the game for your game to advance

Well like you said the ones that I felt needed to go was definately you, zach, and for the 3rd is a little tricky but also felt Robby was a big threat too.

In reality I knew I can work with all as Robby and I were on ptero together but out of us members he had the best position in the game and felt he was a big threat that I could work with but also than found Aria and will who also saw just ideas. So it work out for me even if it look as a blindside to me, I wasn't all torn and maybe more surprise he left over me at that stage of the game.

As for you a zach that's a bit easier to see as I felt one of you two definately took the clues to the idol leaving only Joel and I with that curiousosity and paranoia that y'all were single handlely control this game!

Without these targets I don't think I would of been able to overcome and be in the position here on finals, so I actually thank you three for helping myself transpire and make the path I needed to get here.
3054 days 16 hours ago
Aria - We contacted each other as soon as this game began; yet, I feel you never gave me a full chance this game to really work together other than the Robby vote. I feel you played a great strategic and physical game. However; Sean's and Chris's Social games feel superior. They used the minority to their advantage and did not step on everyone to make the FTC. I've never voted bitterly before; but, being I thought we were friends coming into this....I'm not entirely sure I can write your name down tonight. You never once treated me like a friend in this game. You treated me more-like a pawn. Can you justify the moves you made in this game without making it look like you were playing a game of chess?

I am your friend, but when I'm in a game, I'm constantly in it and thinking about it. I never fully knew if you were going to try and get back at me and honestly it made me not trust you fully. You did nothing wrong, it was my own head telling me not to. I have that problem of being more in game mode than being a human being. As far as playing chess, yes I did play like a chess game. But I very much did have feelings and it's not as though I didn't care for you and Will and Robby. I really like you guys, and I never turned on Will at all, he was literally the only person I was 100% loyal to and didn't use as a chess piece, but we came to this game to win and not sing kumbaya together ya know? That's just how I play and if you don't like that then I can understand and get why you won't vote for me.

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