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Season 5 Confessionals

Topic » Season 5 Confessionals

3824 days 13 hours ago
From TheEclipse
Confessional: The Perfect Plan
Nov 30, 2013 22:27:29
to Laurenjade121
Well, here I am again. Writing another VERY long confessional.

So Chloe and I were talking (we control this game right now), and we were thinking we were going to need some extra safety, so we hatched the most beautiful plans ever.

Step 1: Making alliances.

So we have the following alliances:
1. Triple Threat (Me, Her, Chris)
2. Alliance #2 (Me, Her, Chris, Dylan, Q)
3. Alliance #3 (Me, Her, Chris, Jake, Mark)
4. Alliance #4 (Me, Her, Katherine)

Our plan: Make sure that we can get the extra protection, and at the same time, keep the alliances someone isolated from each other.

The alliances we've both made + our individual bonds with people = success.
3824 days 13 hours ago
From TheEclipse
Short Conf
Nov 30, 2013 23:00:55
to Laurenjade121
Everything is going well so far!
I'm in a better position than I ever have been before!
3824 days 13 hours ago
From mminervini219
Vote/Confessional: My All-Star Alliance
Dec 1, 2013 00:01:11
to Laurenjade121
Of course I get randomly chosen to play in veto when i want to throw it! Luckily Chloe was able to snag the win and follow her backdoor plan through. Looks like John will be the first star to fall. I have been working mainly with Chloe and Jake, and now Chloe has begun the workings of an alliance with Me, Chloe, Jake, and Joe. I think this is perfect since I already trust Jake, and have started to build trust with Chloe. I didnt get to talk to Joe much, but I had him in mind as a potential ally anyways. I love this group and I think we have lots of potential going forward. Chloe made some big moves this week so we may need to deflect some bullets, but with this alliance I can see us getting far. I have also gained Katherine's trust as well, making sure she knows ill be keeping her safe this week, so that can only help me down the road. I am super excited about this alliance and may even go for HOH this week if I am feeling confident with their backing.
3824 days 13 hours ago
From SilentSwordsman
Diary Room
Dec 1, 2013 00:08:50
to Laurenjade121
Well...I just typed a long as hell Diary Room, clicked send, and the shit decided to refresh and erase everything I wrote.

I am done with this room for today.
*pees all over your chair and walks out*
3824 days 13 hours ago
From Blondelle
Surviving Week 1
Dec 1, 2013 01:59:28
to Laurenjade121
As of now, everyone is focused on getting Season 2 & 3 out which is absolutely hilarious because I'm not apart of either of those! ^-^ I've got myself in quite a comfortable spot because:

1) I'm not nominated and I'm good friends with a challenge beast (Chloe)
2) Everyone is fixed on eliminating Chloe, Both Johns, & Season 2 & 3. I gladly don't fall into any of those categories (:
3) I want to be a bit more quiet for these first few weeks because in the last games I was almost evicted pre-jury. BUT being quiet does NOT mean I'm being a floater because I'm keeping my social game going with:

The Big 6 person Alliance
The Blondetourage
& The Bottom 3

I want to be the little sidekick in this war because there are TOO many threats against one another and we are all just baking in this house about to burn. Everyone can claw into one another, but I prefer to watch on the sidelines with the Viewers Lounge.

I want to try and prove that you can get far into this game WITHOUT winning competitions<3
3824 days 13 hours ago
From Blondelle
Dec 1, 2013 02:22:53
to Laurenjade121

Everyone just wants to make it to next week and no one is realizing that if you just RELAX AND EAT A COUPLE TWINKIES you won't be anybody's target!

Look at me for example, I only have about 4 alliances and even though that's too much for me already at least I'm not Chloe because we all know that girl has like 11.
Same goes for AJ....talking to him is like talking to a smelly con man. That guy will say anything to """""""""""be in an alliance"""""""""" (extra supreme air quotes)

If Chloe, AJ, Chris, John, and a bunch of horribly obvious idiots plan on making a million alliance then
Be. My. Guest.

But don't apologize to me when you nominate me, since you've kept your word to too many people and you broke it.

I prefer to be more mysterious this time around. I don't want people to know me very well, I just want them to know that I placed 3rd last season. Being ""socially-shushed"" is a great strategy. Your prime example:

Mark - WINNER of Platinum Big Brother 4 "Target Locked On"

Mark spoke to about 5 people the whole time and he stole the damn cake. Him and Mike did a FANTABULOUS job of wiping out the cast of last season. I was there last victim<3 I want to become the new Mike and try to get with Mark. Just like last season, he isn't talking to me, but I plan on changing that.

I also plan on chatting with Lynette more. Were in our """""alliance""""" Blondetourage and she seems quite sweet.

I feel like an idiot calling them "alliances" because there are SO many that there's no point in them being secretive! I should just hold up a sign that says:

3824 days 13 hours ago
From blatastic1234
No title
Dec 1, 2013 02:50:29
to Laurenjade121
imma just save u the trouble of reading all the different alliances and jut say im in a alliance with everyone except lemjam, janelle, and lynette XD
3824 days 13 hours ago
From jflora18
Dec 1, 2013 11:47:09
to Laurenjade121
These people are playing like they did last time. Joe made an alliance with me and now he is asking Q  Dylan and Chris for an alliance. Like hello your a third time player don't you think some people aren't into it? Hello? Dumbass. Like honestly somebody like him should be on the street asking for spare change instead of this. He is that pathetic.
3824 days 13 hours ago
From Qcumber
Attempt #2 Confessional
Dec 1, 2013 14:59:59
to Laurenjade121
Boo at my last one not going through ):

Anyway, these All-Stars are crazy. The whole lot of them are nuts, and I'll admit this first HoH week I felt discouraged, it all seemed too easy. Everybody had alliances with everybody else, how was I possibly going to cause chaos in the house. But there's a fire in me now, and I know how to turn this house upside down. I'll get to that in a moment.

But first, seriously. Everyone has alliance with everyone else, so I'm looking forward to seeing these people turn on each other, and get some blood on their hands. Ty and I don't win comps. Not this early. So I don't think we're going to be targeted too early on. I'm a little offended though, because these people don't seem to be afraid of me and that's a problem. They'll learn to be afraid, and they'll learn not to mess with Chaos.

So I decided that I was going to fully commit myself to AJ and be completely loyal to him. He has a hand in with a lot of the house guests I don't really associate much with. Through him, I can exercise a small bit of control over them where I normally wouldn't be able to. But I trust him as much as I trust Ty, and the three of us are the Agents of Chaos this year, or Chaos 2.0!

As for some of the other house guests: I know that Chloe has alliances and f2 deals with a lot of people, and she's not afraid to back stab, but I'm not afraid of her. I'll always be one step ahead in the end. Besides, she's good to have on my side right now, and I'll keep playing it off that she's my final two, but when the opportunity strikes to take her out, I won't miss my shot.

Joe E is basically playing the same game that I played in Season 3. How do I know this? He practically told me. His problem is, he either trusts me too much or he's got a big mouth. If it's the first one... then HELLO! He's smart! He should know better than to trust me with information because what do I do with it? I twist it, and I get others to turn on each other. Anyway, he's basically mimicking my game, which is flattering I assume. But it's scary because my game was AMAZING ;) I know how dangerous he'll be, but I also won't be outsmarted by my own strategy. I've devised a plan to take him out which includes AJs help. See, Joe E asked Chole, Chris, Dylan and myslef to be in a power alliance with him. I'm glad I was invited, but if anyone remembers... I tend to blow up big alliances, even when I'm a part of them. That's pure fun to me, because how boring is it if a big alliance makes it all the way to the end? So I thought that if Joe E is imitating my strategy, then he could easily be trying to re-do what Ty and I successfully did with the Breakfast Club versus the Brains Alliance in Season 3, which was get them to go after each other, and not us. So perhaps Joe E has another alliance in the game, and he'll pit them against the powerhouse alliance he's created. I can claim that the people voted in by tengaged have been asked into an alliance, and of course AJ will confirm it, not to mention, when Katherine's name was brought up, Joe E tried to get us to talk about other people instead. I don't care if it's true or not, but if I believe it's true, so will others, and through that I can get people to take Joe E out. Do I feel bad? Of course, but like I said, I know how dangerous that strategy is.

But for now, this powerhouse alliance will target the season four cast. They've kind of done a really good job at isolating themselves from the rest of the house, with the exception of a couple. So after the big alliance takes out a couple of season four cast, I'm going to put my plan in motion and try and get Joe E out of the game... because Chaos will always be stronger, smarter, and better than Havoc (do people really think I'm not going to be working with Ty, come on!)

Last but not least, John J. Poor boy. I figured I could trust him a little this season, with t
3824 days 13 hours ago
From Blondelle
No title
Dec 1, 2013 16:12:57
to Laurenjade121
Basically everyone has an alliance with everyone but everybody wants to get rid of
"The Big Shots"

TBS = Chloe, Both Johns, Dylan, etc. (The People Who Are Good At Winning)

Whichever Big Shot isn't immune for whatever week is the time that I must target and eliminate them. I'm trying to let all of the Physical players go after the Physical player so that way no one will come after a girl like me who's Social.

People under estimate the power of gossip, flirtation, & mindless chattering.
3824 days 13 hours ago
From Blondelle
Too Easy
Dec 1, 2013 16:21:06
to Laurenjade121
Basically everyone has an alliance with everyone but everybody wants to get rid of
"The Big Shots"

TBS = Chloe, Both Johns, Dylan, etc. (The People Who Are Good At Winning)

Whichever Big Shot isn't immune for whatever week is the time that I must target and eliminate them. I'm trying to let all of the Physical players go after the Physical player so that way no one will come after a girl like me who's Social.

People under estimate the power of gossip, flirtation, & mindless chattering.

I just sent this^^^^^^ to all of my """"alliances"""" and they are all going to agree with me. Why? Because it's the truth. EVERYONE wants The Big Shots gone but no one is going to say it.
It's not hard to be a good social player. Just figure out want you want to say and Think Before You Speak.

Thank god there are no floaters in this house. Last year there were TOO MANY!


Goodness me....I think I have a cold......

*looks into the camera*

3824 days 13 hours ago
From SilentSwordsman
Diary Room
Dec 1, 2013 16:52:24
to Laurenjade121
I think it's about time for an update don't you think?

Right now, Joe and I, being a strategical "duo" that we are have placed ourselves in several different alliances to assure our safety.

Those alliances being...




I feel rather comfortable with each of these alliances, being the first HoH and all, I need to secure myself as much as possible. However the only problem is that, I can't cut bonds just yet. Meaning my own season may need to take a hit for the furthering of my own game.

Also, I have a little..."scout" you call it. His name is, Dylan. So I heard from him that several things lie in motion.

First I found out about an "America's Player" alliance between those who got voted in is existent. This could be detrimental to my game because 3/4 of the players that got voted in, my connections with them aren't..the strongest.

Secondly, Natasha proves just how big of a snake she is. If what Dylan told me is true, then she plans to make an alliance to get the competitors in the house pitted against one another..Well little Buxom Blondie, I would like to say that will not happen, so your dreams are crushed unfortunately. And another thing, I don't know if you're being fake to me or what, but acting like I'm a god over a veto win isn't a way to get in my good graces. x Eventually, I'll have to put you down :(((

Lastly, S3 John should be walking out the door unless something horrific happens. If things don't go my way though, I'm going to smite Thor's hammer upon the assholes of these dimwits.
3824 days 13 hours ago
From TheEclipse
Dec 1, 2013 17:24:04
to Laurenjade121
From the looks of it, it looks like everyone is aligned with everyone, but each alliance is isolated and no one knows where loyalties truly lie.

If Chloe and I's plan works, Lynette is probably going to get 13th.
3824 days 13 hours ago
From blatastic1234
private DR
Dec 1, 2013 17:40:00
to Laurenjade121
So Chaos alliance has a new member and it is AJ. Aj and Q seem really close which scares me cause I think that if Q had to chose between either I or AJ, she would pick AJ. If the opportunity presents itself I will get rid of him, but its to risky to campaign for him to go since Q is in a alliance with everybody.
3824 days 13 hours ago
From SilentSwordsman
Diary Room
Dec 1, 2013 17:46:46
to Laurenjade121
It is confirmed!

Natasha, hunny, the "Big Shots" are not going to be leaving unless I say so. You can be faker then barbies tits to me, but in the end, you'll be that toy all the kids throw in the trash. Meanwhile, I, will be the one who flips their weave and giggles at your demise.

We're not going to do your "dirty work" and as proven in the past, those who go against me will melt from my wrath. My bonds with people allow me to retrieve information from many sources, and in the Big Brother house, knowledge is power.

PS: Incase you want to knowww...

"Basically everyone has an alliance with everyone but everybody wants to get rid of
"The Big Shots"

TBS = Chloe, Both Johns, Dylan, etc. (The People Who Are Good At Winning)

Whichever Big Shot isn't immune for whatever week is the time that we have to target and eliminate them. We have to let all of the Physical players go after the Physical players so that way no one will come after us."

^^ Blondelle

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