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Posts 4857 posts

Fourth Jun 2, 2009
I came in fourth place in my Casting. Which would be nice except for the fact that I really expected to get higher. I was talking a lot on the final day and some people said nearly nothing, so I really don't get it. The algo is just a dickwad I guess. I was really excited to beat my record of fourth place, but, no. I guess I'm not allowed to D:
Still, though, I got fourth. So that's good, just a bit lower than what I expected at the end :3
Points: 42 10 comments
LSD May 27, 2009
imageSo there's this 1998 game that I really want to find a rom of online, once I stop being lazy... And get a Playstation emulator, too.
So, it's called LSD. It's based off of a decade-long dream diary that a worker at the company who created it kept for a decade. Apparently he was experimenting with psychedelics too. Hence the name of the game. There is no action. There are no points. There is no pause menu. There is no goal. You simply wander around extremely odd landscapes, and each time that you walk into a wall, you are teleported to another. If you see the same landscape twice, it won't necessarily be the same; the textures and colors in it will possibly change, for example. The longer you play, the more weird your "dream" gets.
I can't really describe it properly, it's too messed up; if you want to find YouTube videos of it, it really wouldn't be that hard to. It's an extremely disturbing game, but it seems really cool... It's like a train wreck you can't stop staring at, I guess. It's just incredibly weird... In the few videos I've watched, I've already seen seen suns with faces, 2-D sumo wrestlers, floating heads, flying elephants, girls in rainbow dresses, corpses without faces, the colorful inner workings of clocks, walls that stare at me... And so much more. It's amazing, it really is. I recommend going to YouTube and searching "LSD Dream Emulator" or something similar. ) if you want to read about it more.
So, discuss it if you want. Anyone here played it?
Points: 25 11 comments
Help me please <3 May 24, 2009
So I just bought Yellow. And now I'm almost entirely broke. Which sucks because I really want to be able to play in a game. So if you want to be nice, plus and comment on this. If you don't mind. I'll plus and comment on your blog in return if you wish. Or you can just do it to be nice. Whichever one, I don't care. As long as you plus and comment. <3
Points: 25 7 comments
If you could have three wishes May 24, 2009
imageWhat would they be?
NO WISHING FOR MORE WISHES, that's cheating.
Points: 35 11 comments
4th place May 24, 2009
I got 4th in a Castings. Which is good enough for me, since I knew that I wouldn't get any higher than fourth once I found out who I was in the finals with. It was a really fun game and I liked almost everybody in it. So. I don't mind that I didn't win. And also, I got higher than fifth, so I have enough Karma to get Yellow.
HOWEVER, I have almost enough T$. But not quite enough. I really want Yellow since White totally fails and probably makes me look like I'm a crappy new player who doesn't know crap about this game. But that is not the case, so. If you want to be really nice and help me, plus and comment, please. :3
Points: 22 4 comments
If you had to describe yourself in one word May 17, 2009
what would it be?
Points: 36 8 comments