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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The Real Housewives of The 'Rant

Mar 3, 2022 by splozojames50
imageAs the title of this blog denotes/implies/foretells, a Real Housewife of [Redacted] came into the 'rant today. Not one of the relevant ones at ALL so not that serious but that point is a bit of foreshadowing in a sense. N ty ways she orders a gin martini with a gin that we didnt have after she didnt look at the spirits list and as i was opening it up she was all like "just make it with the best of the best of gins"

okay fine i ring up a 20 dorra gin for her DIRTY martini. they order food and while they are ordering i cannot get a word in because this lady is like the motor-est of motormouths i have possibly ever come across? like i seriously think she might have been on drugs because she would just speak in minute long run-on sentences at the speed of highly edited reality tv "that girl is annoying" montages but irl. foreshadowing foreshadowing foreshadowing.

she drinks her whole martini, orders another one, they finish their first course and onto the second. the second martini arrives and she takes a sip or two before i check in on them again. "what gin did you put in this martini?" i respond with monkey 47 and shes all like "it tastes FRUITY" with a million fluff words before asking me what kind of gin it is. Naturally, i have no idea, so i go "A classic london dry gin, little hints of citrus" just to bullshit with buzzwords. to which she responds with "citrus? with olives? not a good combination"

ok fair you got me there bitch i say ill get her another with a different gin. At this point the manager informed me this whole table is comped as per the GM so everything she doesnt like is free money for me.

She starts eating her steak and the cuntplaints cuntinue. she starts to tell me how CHEWY this steak is as she asks me for paper napkins to spit out the piece that is so impossible to swallow currently in her mouth. i bring them to her and she continues going all "every bite is chewy i cant even swallow one bite!" as im TRYING to be all like "im sorry maam anything else i can bring out that you would like better" she continues to cut me off before she iconically goes "this is so CHEWY. whats the name of this place Chewy Mc' Joes???!?" in a dead serious tone. at this point she has cut me off in the middle of me trying to get her something she would like at least 2-3 times so i just apologize, remove the steak from the table and then tell my manager that exact wording to which he responds with "haha thats a good one havent heard that on before" before NOT going to talk to them whatsover lol

5 minutes later the bitch is all "what else do you have, i havent even eaten dinner!" before asking for a pasta 10 minutes after the kitchen was closed. After immedietely asking for salt and olive oil and taking one bite they asked for the check "ASAP!". i told them it was already taken care of and the tipped me fitty dorra extra.

honestly she was kinda iconic and i would 100% go through that again for fitty dorra okay 'Rant Rant wall of text that nobody will probably read OVER. #RantRant


LMAO why did chewy mcjoes send me
Sent by Christian_,Mar 3, 2022
loved it thanks
Sent by AustinRules6969,Mar 3, 2022
austinrules6969 thank you please enjoy
Sent by splozojames50,Mar 3, 2022

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