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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Celebrity Big Brother - Episode 2 (HOH)

Jan 6, 2024 by sauga420
image[The camera zooms in on the Celebrity Big Brother house, where the 12 celebrities are gathered in the backyard for the first competition.]

Julie Chen: (over the intercom) Houseguests, it's time for your first Head of Household competition! This competition is called "Star Seekers." The goal is to find and collect as many glow-in-the-dark stars hidden throughout the backyard. The houseguest with the most stars at the end will become the first Head of Household. On your marks, get set, go!

[The celebrities scatter across the backyard, frantically searching for the glowing stars. Madelaine Petsch, however, seems to be taking her time and not putting in much effort.]

Dixie D'Amelio: (whispering to China Anne McClain) Is Madelaine even trying?

China Anne McClain: (nodding) I don't think so. What's she up to?

[Cut to Ross Lynch, who is racing around, collecting stars with determination. He seems focused and competitive.]

Ross Lynch: (to himself) Gotta get those stars. Head of Household is within reach.

[After a few minutes, the competition concludes. The houseguests return to the living room, stars in hand.]

Julie Chen: (excitedly) Time's up, houseguests! Let's count those stars.

[The stars are counted, and Ross Lynch is revealed as the winner.]

Julie Chen: Congratulations, Ross Lynch! You are the first Head of Household of the season!

[Ross Lynch grins and accepts the key to the Head of Household suite. The other houseguests gather in the living room, some disappointed they didn't win.]

Rina Sawayama: (smiling) Congrats, Ross! Well deserved.

Mercedes Varnado: (nodding) Yeah, good job.

[Ross Lynch enters the Head of Household suite, and the camera follows him as he settles in.]

Ross Lynch: (smiling) This is surreal. I can't believe I'm in charge for the week!

[Back in the living room, Rina Sawayama and Mercedes Varnado share a quick glance.]

Rina Sawayama: (whispering) We missed out on being in power this week.

Mercedes Varnado: (nodding) It's okay. We'll have our chance.

[In the Head of Household suite, Ross Lynch is joined by Booboo Stewart and China Anne McClain.]

Ross Lynch: (grinning) This is where the magic happens. I'm thinking we form an alliance. What do you guys say?

China Anne McClain: (nodding) I'm in. Let's do it.

Booboo Stewart: (smiling) Alliance it is.

[Meanwhile, Mindy Kaling is in the kitchen talking strategy with Shane Dawson and Travis Kelce.]

Mindy Kaling: We need to be strategic about this. Ross is in power, and alliances are forming.

Shane Dawson: (nodding) Agreed. We need to stay on top of things.

Travis Kelce: (looking thoughtful) Let's keep our eyes and ears open. We don't want to be blindsided.

[The houseguests are chatting in various rooms, and Madelaine Petsch is seen trying to cozy up to Ross Lynch in the Head of Household suite.]

Madelaine Petsch: (smiling) Ross, can I just say how thrilled I am that you're the Head of Household? You're like, the perfect person for the job.

Ross Lynch: (grinning) Thanks, Madelaine. I appreciate that.

[Cut to the kitchen, where Booboo Stewart approaches Ross Lynch.]

Booboo Stewart: (whispering) Ross, we need to strategize. You're in a powerful position this week.

Ross Lynch: (nodding) Yeah, I've been thinking about it. I need to make the right moves.

Booboo Stewart: (suggesting) How about we go after a physical threat? Someone like Mercedes Varnado.

Ross Lynch: (considering) That could work. She's strong in competitions.

Booboo Stewart: (nodding) Exactly. It's all about securing our alliance.

[Later, in the Head of Household suite, Ross Lynch gathers his alliance, China Anne McClain and Booboo Stewart.]

Ross Lynch: I've been thinking about the nominations, and I'm leaning towards targeting a physical threat. Mercedes Varnado is on my radar.

China Anne McClain: (agreeing) That makes sense. We need to weaken the strong players.

Booboo Stewart: (nodding) I'm on board with that plan. Let's do it.

[The houseguests gather in the living room for the nomination ceremony. Ross Lynch stands at the front with the memory wall behind him.]

Ross Lynch: (addressing the house) As Head of Household, it's my responsibility to nominate two houseguests for eviction. This decision was not easy, but it's part of the game.

[Ross Lynch turns the keys in the nomination box, revealing the photos of the two nominated houseguests on the memory wall.]

Ross Lynch: The first houseguest I have nominated is...

[The camera cuts to Mercedes Varnado, who looks tense.]

Ross Lynch: Mercedes.

[Mercedes Varnado takes a deep breath, trying to hide her disappointment.]

Ross Lynch: The second houseguest I have nominated is...

[The camera cuts to Rina Sawayama, who looks anxious.]

Ross Lynch: Rina.

[Rina Sawayama looks visibly upset as her nomination is revealed. The rest of the houseguests exchange glances.]

Mercedes Varnado: (whispering to Rina) We'll get through this.

[Ross Lynch addresses the house once more.]

Ross Lynch: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

[The houseguests disperse, and the nominated houseguests, Mercedes Varnado and Rina Sawayama, share a supportive moment in the living room, preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.]



Yay ross
Sent by ikaw0ng,Jan 6, 2024
I think travis may go up if one of them gets saved because he is a threat with no connections to ross lynch
Sent by ikaw0ng,Jan 6, 2024

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