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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

*Updated* Ooo, Sparkly Silver! [PYN]

6thOct 26, 2010 by princesskk
Wow, I can't believe I've finally got a pretty-sparkly on my profile! After 8 months, 59 games, 2 stars and an engagement, I've finally made it to silver.

I couldn't have done it without all of you. So here we go, my first PYN... PYN and I will tell you (as concisely as possible) how you have effected my tengaged experience, whether it be good or bad. If I don't know you, I'll try my best to say some off-the-wall comment.

Johnsmith32- I feel like I have seen you around, but am not 100% sure if we've played a game together. So, I'll just give you advice instead of how you're effected me: Always look both ways before crossing the street.

William- AMG my rookies friend!!! You were such a great and loyal ally and I totes want to play rookies with you again!!

Zach32- LOL you spammed me right after writing on this blog. I did plus your spam though!

Brookie- AMGGG Brookie! We are a failure at playing games together, but I still adore you. You and Gunnar are super-cute, and you have so much more to you than most people realize! <3

Thematrixyo- You, me, Holder, and that ridiculous castings. You were the only one to plus in there... that Ridley dude was nuts. Sorry about the 4th place, but ILY!

Jtotal/Jason- MY STARS ALLY! I will never forget blogging with you guys and the late-night calls. That stars was amazing, and a lot of it was thanks to you. You are awesome, and without you as an ally in my first-ever rookies, I wouldn't have loved it so much... so I guess a lot of my success is thanks to you!

Abro- LOL you crack me up. First off, it was thanks to you I got a top-blog with drunkey. Second of all, I just love being on a tribe with you, because your little sarcastic comments constantly make me laugh!

JE- I would SO never be a redhead on .es without you. Je you are one of the smartest people I have ever spoken to; I think you could run tengaged (watch out rando!). You're also an absolute sweetie, and I wish we got a chance to play more games together :(

Cuuum/Callie- I can't believe we never talked before survivor! Sorry about that 13th; I totes didn't do it. You are such a sweetie, but I should have known that anyone who Seb would love so much would be cool with me!!

Runner- AMGGG RUNNER I HATE YOU *pushes runner down stairs* LOL I loved fake-fighting with you through an entire rookies, and you were such a great and loyal ally. We have to play more games together; you are off-the-wall and constantly crack me up!

Holder- You're the greatest gift that I could have ever gotten <3 I love you and I'll save the rest for my vows :P

Kalyna- LOL my little castings buddy that kicked my ass with keys :( I don't talk to you anymore (except for seeing you in the Stars pollbox) and that's sad. We need to work on that :)

Nmh- I do not know you, so I will give you advice: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Sparks- I know that I've talked to you before, but I just cannot think of where... can you jog my memory? Then I can write some more!!

Nasmay- LOL you were in the game where I got my only placing below 3rd in old rookies, and I resented you for a long time over that. But since then, I think you saved me in Stars and I know you're friends with some of my friends, so you're cool with me :D

Ezza- My other new rookies friend! You're awesome and loyal and I'm so glad I met you through your lack of premade. I can't wait to play a bazillion more rookies with you (and lose to you in the end)!

Owee- I feel like we maybe had some issue recently, but tbh I can't remember what it was... probably over a rookies... but whatever it was, who cares? You have always been one of Holder and my biggest supporters, and I have always considered you a good friend. ILY

Bradd- LOL you're trying to take my man because he looks like he's packing LOL. You are such a sweetie and I wish we'd gotten to talk more than just the little bit we did in that castings.

Pinacolada/Alexa- AMGGGG I LOVE YOU. I would never have made it through stars without you. You are an awesome ally and an even better friend, and I freaking love love love you. EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE NOT FAIRRRRR

Jam- Awwww Jam!!! I haven't talked to you in a while, and games together haven't always gone well, but I still adore you and fight for you to stay in Stars every time! One of these days, it'll happen!

Bluesapphire- I know you say that I've been one of the biggest impacts on your tengaged career, but YOU have been such an impact on me. You have become such an amazing friend, and I admire what a wonderful woman and mother you are. Tengaged wouldn't be tengaged without Beth in it. I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me!!!  ILY

Quackerz- You have a cute name! I don't know you, but I will give you some advice... when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

(my dearest) Heatherbear- Well, it was just me, you, and Seb against the world, and was kind of pitiful, really. You were the only thing that kept my Stars experience a positive one (besides Seb)... I will never forget our post Stars giggling over Mac's pre-nom Queen Mac freakout. You truly became a friend, and ILY!

Fiona- What I know of you, I love! For whatever reason, we have yet to be in a game together (though I think I just joined your .es tribe, so at least we have that), but everything I know about you so far, I adore! We have to actually play a game together soon!

ZIMY- As I told Alexa and Jason, you guys were my Stars survival kit. I had such much fun on our calls, with the random Disney sing-alongs, and blog wars. You made that Stars unforgettable, and are such a good friend on top of all of that. ILY

Rdesch1/Ryan- Ryan, I gave you 10th in a rookies, then we became inseparable... and I miss those days. I miss how close you, Holder, and I were, because we had so much fun. Then we had some issues, but I think we're finally beginning to come full circle. We knew each other when we were both up-and-coming, but now we've both been in Stars a few times and we're the people that people actually know. ILY, and I'm glad we're getting back to where we used to be.

Sass- AMGGGG I love you! We became friends over my disaster of a survivor, and I literally count on you to make me laugh every day. Your over-the-top reactions in Nanachat sometimes make me question my sanity when I made you a mod... I am constantly trying to figure out who's missing from you kicking them the night before! You are one of my favorite people on tengaged, and as much as you talk about leaving, I hope you never really do!

Phenomanimal- Everything I know about you so far is really awesome, Matt... oh wait, your name isn't Matt ;) Although we haven't played a game together, I hope (as does Nana) that we do. I hope I get to know you better!

Realitynerd- I don't really know you (unless I do and I've forgotten which would make me feel so sad), so I'll give you a random piece of advice. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Merpear- I believe I only know you from a few seconds in a skype call, but you seem like a nice person. I don't know what else to say, so I'll offer advice: Confucious says: He who stand on toliet get high on pot.

Tolis- We started out as enemies in that super-competitive group game of soccer's, and bonded over a shared love of karaoke. I'm glad I got to know you outside of that game; you're a cool guy.

Seal- LOVES joint warnings from T_mod when we weren't even communicating with each other... we just recognized bullshit when we saw it. You see to be a straight-forward guy, and your blogs make me laugh.

Banjo- I'm so glad I've met you through our survivor tribe; you're funny and sweet. I love our tribe, and I love that we can laugh about being awkward outsiders together :D

RJ- You were my first true tengaged friend, and I can never repay you for that! You made me love this site. You are so funny and adorable, and I hate the fact that we don't talk much anymore. Can we change that?

Patrick- "Let's join a rookies! You join first!" and then you never joined. You crack me up, because you never fail to let everyone in Nanachat know just how damn good you are at games. LOL I wouldn't have you any other way... even the tinychatting to show us you doing your homework.

Kono- KONO, NO! hahaha Kono, you are one of the funniest people in Nana, because you always drop in with some funny comment right at a crucial moment. I can't wait to wear your Nanawear after I get my Nanashop.

Vatcheabs- I was in a rookies with you, but didn't really talk to you. I just know you from the video blogs in Stars; I'm surprised you didn't make finals... I thought that was very creative.

Turney- I feel like I know you from something, but I don't really remember, so I will offer you some advice. He who laughs last laughs best.

Adro- Adro, like Rj, you were one of my first friends on the site. I didn't have much time to spend in our recent castings, but I wish I had. We really need to join another game together; you are such a sweetie and I've missed you!

PrincessTP- My fellow princess! We've never played a game together, but have always shared a princess connection. You've always been supportive of me in Stars, and I appreciate that so much! You seem like such a sweet girl, and we should play a game!

Matty- Matty, you have always been so supportive of me in Stars, and I have tried my best to return the favor. I appreciate it so much. You are awesome. I haven't had much time to talk to you, I wish we could get to know each other better!

Viola- My group game buddy and Stars supporter! I love you! You were so loyal and always made me smile. We really need to do a better job of keeping in touch; you are awesome!

Lonlee- You could totes be a one-person survivor tribe. I met you under the most stressful circumstances, and it showed me what an amazing and strong person you are! I am so glad I've gotten to know you, and so proud of your Stars win.

Treytrey- If I'm not mistaken, I know you better from .es. I wish I had stayed longer, and then I looked and saw you left right after me. They HATED me lol. We need to do a .com game together soon!

Brandonator- BRANDONATOR, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? HAHA Brandon you are amazing. I love playing games with you, and know that no matter what, you always have my back... even if it leads to someone freaking out while saying that. LOVE U

Mysteriousness- I don't know you, so I will offer you some advice: Variety is the Spice of Life.

Shabootyquiqui3/Rogersroyal: I really don't know you that well, though I know we've played some .es castings together. So, I will give you advice: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Bblondee- I don't know you either, so I'm going to give you some advice. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Jesse- I'm so glad I got to know you through that recent rookies! You are so loyal and so sweet! I've enjoyed talking to you since then, and hope we can play another game together soon!

Danny- MY TUDORS BUDDY! Haha, I will never forget that blog. Every time I see your name, I instantly think of The Tudors. We need to talk about that sometime... no one else watches it on tengaged I don't think LOL

Dreambabe/Kelsey- When I first met you, I thought you were one of the most genuinely sweet people in the world. Turns out that I was right. You are such a sweet girl and so much fun to be in a game with; you always have a great attitude and I loved getting to play old rookies with you! We should join another one together again soon.

2008girl- I know who you are from Stars, but I don't think we've ever really spoken, so I will offer advice: A penny saved is a penny earned.

Ashy- I don't really think we've talked, so I will give you advice. Good things come to those who wait.

Vicious- Aww vicious, I miss you from our T.O.P. days when we would speak Spanish and annoy Holder. I really wish we talked more; can we change that? You are such a sweetie, and it's too bad that T.O.P. disappeared :(

Bella- Bella, we met through that 5 v 5 premade game, and unfortunately didn't start off on the best foot, but we've worked everything out and have been good friends since! You are always supportive of blogs of mine, and I do the same for you! I really wish we could play a game together instead of against each other, so let's make that happen.

Vessa- I had no problem with you until you kpelled in my survivor. Maybe you're a really nice person, but I haven't had a chance to see that side because of how you acted in there :(

Talldude- Group game partner of Ryan extraordinaire! You are a really cool guy and a joy to be a group game host for! We need to join another game together and catch up!

Sirgaga- One of my first friends on tengaged, you introduced me to my first rookies, where, although you got 9th, I got 2nd and started an addiction. I'm so, so glad we've reconnected lately, though we need to talk more! i really hope we can!!

Soccer- Aww, soccer, you are such a sweetie and an excellent group game host, though your game stirred up so much drama! We had rotten luck in that rookies we were in, but I think you are awesome and hope we can talk more soon!

Claud- I don't really know you, so I'll offer you advice: True happiness comes from within.

Bad- You are such an awesome ally, and I'm sad you had to go out of Fresh Meat the way you did both times. We used to talk often, but I don't hear from you much anymore... can we change that?


grats! :) inb4topblob
Sent by Johnsmith32,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by william3,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by zach32,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by zach32,Oct 26, 2010
omggg gratz!!

me :)
Sent by brookie_cookie,Oct 26, 2010
i carried you XD yw jk ILY
Sent by thematrixyo,Oct 26, 2010
jtotal <3
Sent by jtotalturtle,Oct 26, 2010
abro haha
Sent by Abrogate,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by je7467,Oct 26, 2010
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =]
Sent by cuuum,Oct 26, 2010
i cant belive u got 2nd i was lmao :)
Sent by thematrixyo,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by Runner430,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by Holder,Oct 26, 2010

Sent by _Kaly9012,Oct 26, 2010
I LOVE YOU! Congrats babe.
Sent by Holder,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by nmh95,Oct 26, 2010
Ooo, (Spark)ly Silver!
Sent by sparks75,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by sparks75,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by nasmay1,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by ezza7890,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by owee13,Oct 26, 2010
bradd x
Sent by bradd156,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by Pinacolada,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by jamhav2417,Oct 26, 2010
Grats! Ily Kels!
Sent by bluesapphire,Oct 26, 2010
Quack :D
Sent by Quackerz,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by heatherbear,Oct 26, 2010
grats <3
Sent by Fiona89,Oct 26, 2010
grats <3
Sent by ZIMY,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by rdesch1,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by Sass21,Oct 26, 2010
Phenomanimal irl

Sent by Phenomanimal,Oct 26, 2010
congrats :)
Sent by realitynerd,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by MerPear,Oct 26, 2010

Sent by TolisKalkas,Oct 26, 2010
Sent by Seal,Oct 26, 2010

Grats kels ^^
Sent by Banjo,Oct 26, 2010
Kelsey!!! Mee! Haha. It's been WAY TOO LONG :D
Sent by RJ18,Oct 26, 2010
Congrats :D +11

Sent by Patrick319,Oct 27, 2010
+11 Kels
Sent by konohavillage1,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by vatcheabs,Oct 27, 2010
congrats! +9
Sent by turney1805,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by adro,Oct 27, 2010
WD princess!
and Princess! haha :)
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Oct 27, 2010
congrats! :) matty
Sent by MattyBB9,Oct 27, 2010
Luves you!!
Sent by Viola,Oct 27, 2010
Love you Kels<3 Congrats!
Sent by lonlee,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by treytrey97,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by Brandonator,Oct 27, 2010
Mysteriousness. :)
Sent by Mysteriousness,Oct 27, 2010
me (rogersroyals)
Sent by Shabootyquiqui3,Oct 27, 2010
Grats Kels you're amazing! ILY

Sent by bigupboy,Oct 27, 2010
blonde :)
Sent by bbblondee,Oct 27, 2010
Congrats! :)
Sent by JesseM,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by danny,Oct 27, 2010
Congrats Kels!<3333
Sent by dreambabe01,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by 2008girl,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by ashy,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by vicious,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by Bella777,Oct 27, 2010
vessa :)
Sent by Vessa,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by talldude_1031,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by SirGaga,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by soccerguy0428,Oct 27, 2010
many congrats !!!
Sent by Claud,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by bad18life,Oct 27, 2010
Scheuer :)
Sent by Scheuerman14,Oct 27, 2010
you copied marieeve's ava.
Sent by jw90kim,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by GDrummer2314,Oct 27, 2010
loooooooowiss :)
Sent by Loowis,Oct 27, 2010
lol we've talked loads we even played like 1/2 games together:O...this makes me sad that im not memorable:( *cries IRL*
Sent by ashy,Oct 28, 2010
good job
Sent by Zed55,Oct 28, 2010

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