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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Mana's 'FlashBacks' Day 6/30

Mar 22, 2015 by manalord
Today is simple: Best Gameplay ever.

This one is easy for me Cmack311 Big Brother 6.

I came into the game paried with Jackbritt13 and unlike most pairs we where not on good terms. During Jack's HoH regin during week 2 I was caught playing both sides, and Jack flipped out, making me the biggest target in the game. However because of me being safe due to his HOH i made it to the next week.

During week 3 I made a deal with HoH Zed55 that if he put me up as an intial nom and let me play for POV, that I would let him choose my nominations the next week. My plan worked as I became a nominee (supposdly as a Pawn) and then won the POV taking myself off the block.

Coming into week 4 I manged to win the HOH and backdoor power player #David in a crazy scheeme. At this point i was in the majority allaince with #Dolphins , GabCo , #Jonah , WrightNacho and #Jack against #Unicorn  and @Bokane.

Eventually i was nominated again by Unicorn and Jack wound up taking me off the block causing him to quit the game and putting me in the majority.

At this point i backstabbed Wright to keep my jury goat Jonah in the game, despite liking wright so much more.

This left me, midknightbro, Bokane, Jonah, some irrlevnet person and jack. the irrlevet person won Hoh and put me and jack up. I won my second POV and was a huge swing vote, and choose to take Jack out of the game.

At the final 5 I won HoH and manged to easily get rid of the irrlenvent person. by winning yet another veto.

This left it going into the final 4 seemingly Me, Jonah and Jeff vs Mike. Jonah won Hoh and nominated Jeff and Mike, sticking to our final 2, but he planned on backdooring me. I however made a strong bond with these boys, and decimated them in Veto winnig my 4th POV and then decided to shake the game up.

I figured Mike would not want to sit next to Jonah and formed a final 2 deal with him, thinking Jeff would take Jonah to the end. I backstabbed Jeff here which is to this day one of the hrdest descions i ever made since me and Jeff got really close in the last few weeks of the game.

At this point Jonah won round 1 of final hoh, and then I convinced Mike to throw part 2, while Jeff who i had voted out an hour and half before hand was helping me win part 2 (yeah i know right). In round 3 I manged to win the final hoh and took my partner in crime all game Jonah to the end.

Then i made my speech, acted humble and let Jonah sink his own ship as predicted. He had to have a 'my dick is the biggest you all need to suck it' attiudte as i predicted, and as i was not pathetic like the goats he usally sits next to the jury happily voted for me to squash his larger then life ego;. I won in a 6-2 vote!

I think I played so smart in this game, only being out of the majority twice (When Curtis left week 2 or 3 and when Jonah blindsided  Gabe  during the second double eviction {I tried to stop him but hes a nutcase}).

I was able to win lots of challenges and just play hard from start to finsh and had a blast playing, making it the best and most fun group game I have ever played.

(I would link to the group but i dont think it exsits anymore)

Honorable Mentions:
- CK's Survivor Thailand (Reason: I was Kim Spradlin)
-Janelle's Germany (Reason: I was Natalie White, excpet more badass)
-Mattkown's Paulu (Reason: Ran the game perfectly, lost due to BS)
-Suitman's St.Lucia (Reason: Best losing game I ever played maybe)
- Dyer's Greenland (Reason: Best trolling I ever did and still won 2 awards)

Day 1: Best Final Tribal Speech YOU ever Made- My speech to Lips in Bingo's 54321
Day 2: Most Sucessful Duo Partner: Realchance
Day 3: Favorite Blindside you made: Katie (Suitman's St.Lucia)
Day 4: Favotie Alliance you have been apart of: Koror 4 (Myself, Peaceout14 , 01gohan, and PatricaSigmond)
Day 5: Favorite/Best Rivarly you have had: Rhys ( Andthentherewasone)
Day 6: Best Game I ever Played: Cmack311's Big Brother 6




Sent by manalord,Mar 22, 2015
Sent by manalord,Mar 22, 2015
do best villian
Sent by Sackeshi,Mar 22, 2015
Do best blindside in a group game YOU have HOSTED =]
Sent by 49288,Mar 22, 2015
How do you remember all of these details? Lol
Sent by terose,Mar 22, 2015
Terose IDK i really have a good long term memory, just nor short term
Sent by manalord,Mar 22, 2015
manalord that's just crazy. I feel like I have a good memory and I can't remember group games and what happened to save me life. Lol
Sent by terose,Mar 23, 2015

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