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The galore's blog

Posts 957 posts

can some1 update me about what's going on is BB15 Jul 25, 2013
I haven't seen any episode this week due to my faulty internet....and they don't telecast it in guys please update me with this weeks info...
Points: 0 0 comments
when people falsely accuse you in a fasting Jul 19, 2013
I am so pissed right now....I know It's a game....I have no problem if an alliance get me out....but falsely accusing me of being racist and making those "fake copy-paste pms" just to get me out is like The worst thing to do....GOd how desperate some people get in this game...I wonder they will be framing people in real life too...
Points: 10 2 comments
let's help each other ;) Jul 19, 2013
As we all need T$ many of us blogs...hope to get pluses and you guys like my blog and leave the link of your blog in my comment...I will return the favour and then we all take some $ with us ;)
Points: 10 0 comments
Kaitlin You're so dumb girl #BB15 Jul 18, 2013
Jeremy is using you all the way...And you are crying for him ??
God !! Its a game !!!

How can u fall for a guy who u barely knew for 2 weeks !!!

I hope Jeremy goes....Aaryn can be kicked out next time :D
Points: 0 3 comments
I hate CBS !! Jul 18, 2013
I am so in love with BB15 !!
But CBS doesnt allow me to watch it because i live in India
This geographical location thing sucks to core !!
Points: 14 5 comments
Jeremy's ass was on fire Jul 16, 2013
During the 2nd week he was like totally defending kaitlin...and even told the moving alliance that if she goes then he will have a red flag for the alliance....
And now when Helen wins the HOH he is totally fine with Helen putting on the block...his excuse "I Am not in this show to get married"

Dude why didn't you think about that in the 2nd week...And you call yourself honest...kidding me ??
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