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danny’s blog

Posts 6189 posts

Dark Green! PYN??? Jan 8, 2011
imageYay officially dark green...:) <3
Im moving up ya'll watch out!! HAHAHA

Put your name and Ill post what I think about you!
Points: 189 20 comments
WOW!!! Jan 8, 2011
Me && Dropkickmurphysfan--- 2 man alliance was soooo hard to beat in

Woot 14th && 13th holla!!

Such a huge threat since you know a two person alliance in a castings is sooooo scary! :O

whatever these newbies try at least...

Drop--- What an epic fail! <3
Points: 91 7 comments
14th in survivor: hate it Jan 6, 2011
imageI was a good competitor a couple high scores mostly average among our tribe... and I never once drank anything, and ate once. I gathered water and food for the tribe when I could... one stupid dond challenge and I go home because why again... oh yeah you all suck...
Ttyn. So annoyed right now:(
Points: 140 14 comments
I won a Rookies!!! Jan 2, 2011

First time to win a rookies!

Fun game&&

thanks Dinom

and the seven people who voted for me~ ILYall ...irl too!

Points: 183 17 comments
Dear 2010 Dec 31, 2010
imageWhat a year!!!
If you would have asked me Dec. 31, 2009 where I would be today December 31, 2010 @1030 pm... I would have said prolly at the bar drinking and having the time of my life. Im not at the bar, but I think that my life has gotten past that part of it.

Where do I start?

@ marcos- what a toxic place. Everyday, even when I was broke and had no hope of finding a job, I was happier then I was working there. Nothing against any of my co-workers, you had nothing to little to do with why I was unhappy, Im sure you all knew my frustrations and my pain towards where things were headed. That part of my life, thankfully, is over.

@being jobless & broke- FEB, MARCH, APRIL, MAY... hated it... 4 months that drug on. Honestly I dont know how I made it through some days. It sucked, I couldnt do anything unless someone would buy me a drink or whatever. To all the people who are unemployed-I know what its like, and it sucks. Honestly hope you can make it through and find the light at the end of the tunnel!

@ moving to Marshall- wow. I always wanted to get out of Toledo. It felt like a black hole to me. Someplace I would never really be happy. Sure I love each and everyone of my friends and love hanging out with them, but honestly what the fuck is there to do besides go to the bar and drink?  Marshall doesnt have alot, trust me. theres a 2 screen movie theater, a kmart, and a fountain. Oh and a Radio Shack. Anyways- its been such a change- Im not a "living in a forest/cornfield" type of guy. Like country music but the lifestyle-not my thing. But its alright, I mean work keeps me preoccupied & such, and if Im not there Im on the computer. Went out for a while but i just wasnt into it & some drama started up and NTY. Its nice and quite up here for real though-- some scary people come into work though.

@ Radio Shack- I love my job, like words cant describe how much I actually enjoy going to work day to day. I work in a small town where its harder to sell things, whereas if I were working in a million dollar Radio Shack like the one @ the mall in Toledo Id be making ALOT more money, but Ive kinda realized money isn't everything in life, I have enough money to get me by, and thats alot better then I could say last year.  I love that I can dictate my paycheck. I dont have someone telling me "You make 8.75 an hour" for the rest of your life. NTY. Instead its up to me to sell, and btw I'm a damn good seller, must be that charm I have :) Working on commission is fun IMO because it honestly makes me want to sell more so I make more. This past week was double SPIFF week on Contract phones. New contracts & upgrades bonus was doubled... One Evo on Tuesday gave me 80 dollars. 80 dollars! There's been lightweight drama with a former employee, but thats pretty much it. We all have fun, and get the job done. I cant describe how much I love it there and when my boss tells me how grateful she is for everything Ive done since I started only 6 months ago and how much Ive helped out, and shes proud of what Ive done- really made a tear come to my eye.   

"I think the moment that changed my life was looking into the Atlantic Ocean for the first time, thinking I was a kid again wanting to run in and swim away, but too scared cause the water was so cold and so wavy."

Why let fear dictate how you should live your life. Every moment of worrying is a moment wasted because your unwilling to let go of everything holding you back in your quest to find the real you.

And to my parents & step-dad thank you for everything youve done for me this past year. LOVE YOU ALL!


Points: 99 5 comments
Yay. Nov 7, 2009
Im moving up, LOL. I decided to buy orange. =)
Points: 4 2 comments