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The caitlinrosie's blog

Posts 58 posts

Jewish New Year Sep 5, 2013
Happy Jewish New Year, Amanda! I hope you celebrate it by leaving the Big Brother house and partying with all the people you sent home in the Jury House!


Points: 20 2 comments
McCranda Is Over! (finally) Sep 3, 2013
So McCrae and Amanda are up. I know that things change due to the Veto, but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't looked it up. So there are no exact details in this!

Finally Amanda or McCrae is out of the house. I think Amanda will be moving into that jury house soon. Maybe McCrae will get his fire back and win this Season! McCrae is an excellent player, but he got cut-down by Amanda. If he stays, he needs to make a deal quick.

That's all for now!

Points: 73 12 comments
70th Game Aug 28, 2013
So a few of days ago, I played my 70th game on here. I can't believe I just hit 70! I'm even happier that I received first place on my 70th.

Thank you to all who I have played with. You all have shaped me into the excellent player I am today. :)

#Casting #Survivor #Rookies
Points: 9 4 comments
PYN For An Honest Opinion From Me Aug 25, 2013
I am really bored, so if you post your name, I'll write a thing about you. :)

#Casting #BB15 #Rookies
Points: 2 7 comments
Selfie :) Aug 22, 2013
imageI've become super obsessed with taking selfies lately! I thought I would share this one with you guys!

#Casting #Rookies
Points: 10 4 comments
Amanda Is Disgusting Aug 21, 2013
imageShe may be a good player, but she's gross! First off, she smokes. Secondly, she also hangs out in the HOH room, eating or shaving her bikini area. She thinks she owns the place or something. Who does she think she is? I really hope she doesn't make F4.

Anyways, I don't care what her game play is, she's still gross.

#BB15 #Casting #Amanda
Points: 21 0 comments