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Same Sex Marriage passed in NY/Ignorant people.

1stJun 26, 2011 by bluedudeman
So yeah, I live in NY and same sex marriage passed! :)

No, I'm not gay myself but I totally support it, there's no reason for it not to be allowed.

Anyways, I hate ignorant people. My friends mom posted this on her facebook..

"sad day in the state of NY with the passing of same sex marriage.. somehow it does not represent the majority of people.... seems not much that these politicians do represent the people... something very wrong in goverment and getting worse."

comments were:

" unfortunately, more states will probably follow."

"Yes, I feel this will be a domino effect. Politicians are bending towards the PC, liberal, and celebrity agenda of gay rights. They have every right that we do...marriage is a privilege, a covenant between man, woman, and God Almighty."

"It's a sick world, unfortunately."

Not a sick world... can't we learn to accept???


If I were you, I'd post on my mom's friends wall:

There is a thing called Tyranny of the Majority -- and you're enabling it!
Sent by JMLeahy,Jun 26, 2011
Loves ny <3 why shouldn't gay people be allowed to get married
Sent by g1ng4,Jun 26, 2011
"It's a sick world, unfortunately."

that's sick to say it's sick :X
Sent by survivorfan12,Jun 26, 2011
i really don't see why people would think its wrong...
clearly a man marrying another man will cause the world to explode (sarcasm)
Sent by donaam,Jun 26, 2011
at the same time, you have to agree that the government does not listen to the majority of the people, and that's a fact.
Sent by V4Vendetta,Jun 26, 2011
Sent by JUM40BUM40,Jun 26, 2011
good for new york :D
Sent by smi9127,Jun 26, 2011
give me this facebook account, i will add them then fucking curse there ass out!
Sent by Shabootyquiqui3,Jun 26, 2011
Goof for NY
People like that make me sick
Sent by Cray,Jun 26, 2011
so sad how people are so unaccepting of others without even getting to know them. I guess we should just live in a world of clones and not accept any differences that make us better :)
Sent by Inkread,Jun 26, 2011
people don't really understand!   They need to wake up.  My brother is gay and I love him just the same.  It was hard at first because i didn't understand and was scared for him.   Now, he has a great partner, a good life and I'm so happy for him.
At first I thought what was is everyone going to say, we live in a small town, not a big city. And to top it off and I'm from the South...the bible belt.  But the more I thought about it the better it got...I come to realize that the only thing that matters in life is family, and my brother is my family.   So all is good and i don't care what anyone else thinks!  It's his life and he's happy, so it make me happy.
Sent by VanQueen,Jun 26, 2011
you tell your friends mom that she should be put in the stocks for three days for daring to say such a thing.  her stupid christian beliefs have no place in a world like this!
Sent by sammyforeverr94,Jun 26, 2011
BTW. Other states will not follow. New York is a very liberal state. Therefore a majority of the people are democratic thus as a group support the law. Whether or not a majority of people support it. The majority is democratic which is in charge there so that is why it passed.
Sent by sjsoccer88,Jun 26, 2011
Sent by Parawhore,Jun 26, 2011
Just because someone doesn't support gay rights doesn't mean they are christian >_> so stop assuming to the idiots in the comments that automatically go "WE HATE CHRISTIANS THEY ARE HOMOPHOBIC!" cause thats not true at all. k :)
Sent by Timster,Jun 26, 2011
Sent by MMMMM,Jun 26, 2011
"It's a sick world, unfortunately."
She's right, it's a sick world cause of people like her.
Sent by WillyEx,Jun 26, 2011
Can't we all just live and let live? Anyone that wants to judge or condemn others because they were born different but not abnormal should understand that they have brothers, sisters, cousins, co workers that they care about and they happen to be gay. Question: Who would choose to be gay? It is the most difficult trauma one can imagine. Stop Judging others and let's be kind to each other for a change, please? Like Whoopi once said "If you don't like gay marriage, DON'T MARRY A GAY PERSON."
Sent by WillyEx,Jun 26, 2011
^^ epic comment above
Sent by ILoveSleep,Jun 26, 2011
Sent by MikeRORO,Jun 26, 2011
Can't we all just live and let live? Anyone that wants to judge or condemn others because they were born different but not abnormal should understand that they have brothers, sisters, cousins, co workers that they care about and they happen to be gay. Question: Who would choose to be gay? It is the most difficult trauma one can imagine. Stop Judging others and let's be kind to each other for a change, please? Like Whoopi once said "If you don't like gay marriage, DON'T MARRY A GAY PERSON."
Sent by WillyEx,Jun 26, 2011

omg willy ifly 4 this comment soo true
Sent by Jdsolo24,Jun 26, 2011
I am proud of NY <3
Sent by Amanyaman,Jun 26, 2011
NY betta work <3 get it
Sent by ThinkingAboutYou,Jun 26, 2011
ikr! grats NY hopefully california will follow soon!
Sent by tinkerbutt,Jun 26, 2011
NY <333
Sent by RidersDX,Jun 26, 2011
People like this are just ignorant and clearly aren't interpreting the bible correctly. If they went to school, they should know how to read. Their is nothing religiously wrong with it at all. Their comments are NOT an example of freedom of speech, This is called discrimination.
Sent by switch_blade,Jun 26, 2011
Can I post hate on your mom's status?
Sent by Tykeal,Jun 27, 2011
Sent by RiDsTeR,Jun 27, 2011
wowww wtf is wrong with her. gays r the same as every1 else. they r just attracted 2 the same gender. how would she feel if she couldn't get married to the person she loved. She wouldn't like it. I think it's about time NY is allowing gay marriage.

+12 btw
Sent by Xbac5,Jun 27, 2011
Yeah, but don't just assume, like Seal or whoever that was above me said.. Don't just assume just because someone doesn't support gay rights & gay marriage that they are Christian.

I'm a Christian, I love gay people, I have a gay best friend that I absolutely love without a doubt no matter who he marries, who he wants to have sex with, get in a relationship, etc. It doesn't matter to me. This isn't a religion issue about Christians thinking "being gay" is a sin, or a diesese.. this is discrimination and homophobia. Nothing to do with Religion or Christians alike.

Although, the U.S. is mainly, I think, based on Christianity.. 10 Commandments, Laws, Politics, Anthems, "One Nation Under God".. Only because it's the most dominant religion that's in the nation. And people do interpret the Bible as saying it's "sinful for man to lay with man, women with women." But that's all based on others views. Everyone is different.
Sent by ShayyBayy,Jun 27, 2011
I think its bullshit to disagree with this if you ask me it doesnt who ya have sex with male female other it doesnt matter because everyone is different and thats the bottom line
Sent by aerothunder,Jun 27, 2011
The below statement is SO WRONG!

"WE HATE CHRISTIANS THEY ARE HOMOPHOBIC!" Don't include the "We", maybe you should have said "I"

The is a false statement, because I'm a Christian and I don't hate gay people.  My whole family is Christian and doesn't hate gays.   Should don't judge other people because you don't know! Thanks
Sent by VanQueen,Jun 27, 2011
Plussed! I believe God intended for men and woman, not man and man or woman and woman. But I am not against gays. I think we should choose who to be with. Not let Society choose. I am straight, but one of my friends is bi, so obviously I'm not against it.
Sent by Gaiaphage,Jun 27, 2011
I'm also a Christian and I totally support Gay Marriage. I mean, it may be against my religion or whatever, but everyone deserves to get married to who they love. They should get to married to WHO they want. Not what society wants.
Sent by Florina,Jun 27, 2011
Sent by Timster,Jun 27, 2011
I just seriously don't understand why people think it's wrong in the first place - Yes, I do believe, SOMETIMES, religion does come into it - Catholicism inparticular - But as shown above, this isn't always the case. But I don't think anyone should allow their beliefs, whether they be for religious reasons or not, (if not for religious reasons, then that person is obviously just ignorant & selfish) they shouldn't believe that their beliefs are more important to those of other people. They could argue that there are a very small minority who could say murder is ok. My reply to that is that is that is a VERY, VERY small minority who would say that, and 2 men or women getting married together doesn't hurt anyone. If you don't agree with it, just don't do it yourself, you shouldn't feel the need to get involved with other people's lives or anything. Also, people's beliefs seem to be a lot stronger when it comes to being against gay rights/marriage. I really don't know why this is - insecurity?
Sent by Balls,Jun 27, 2011
You should have commented too and said something like
"It's a sad day today when ignorant people like you are disappointed that people other than you are upset over an increase in equality. If it was you being denied a basic right like marriage you'd want that right too. Why should sick, prejudice people like you be given the right to marry while there are much more respectable gay people out there denied of this right?"
Sent by FriedChicken,Jun 27, 2011
About the whole christian thing, You know how God knows everything, then why would he hate gay people if he already knew that people would be like that. you see what im saying here?
Sent by hydro945,Jun 27, 2011
I agree with the goal but not with the politicians that set them
and agreed NY is no different, if not better, with this new law :D
Sent by Fizzeray,Jun 27, 2011
yay this is amazing!!

+15 :D
Sent by Etienne,Jun 27, 2011
My opinion is this: Gays should be allowed to get married as long as churches reserve the right to refuse to marry anyone due to beliefs. Let's not upset God :/
Sent by soiyer,Jun 27, 2011
Sent by JDtn,Jun 27, 2011
^ lmao
Sent by Matthew24,Jun 27, 2011
Sent by Michelangelo,Jun 27, 2011
Negged it by accident sorry
My church in Iowa is thinking of hiring an internim pastor and he is gay and is not afraid to admit it and it's a christian church. (Ironically next to a baptist church)
Sent by Nintenfan3424,Jun 27, 2011
Also, to add to the argument, Christian, Republican teenager, supports Gay Marraige. Gasp!

I can see why people are apprehensive I mean, I go to a Conservative Baptist church and they're opposed to gay marraige not because they think it's weird or socially unacceptable, but simply because that's how they interpret the Bible. I, on the other hand, don't. It's all relative. While I do think everyone is entitled to their own opinions, to wish hate on someone just because of who they love is rediculous.
Sent by TehWinner,Jun 27, 2011
i am not gay at all but i support same sex marriage cuz i c no reason y if 2 people r in love y they cant get married whether its gays or lesbians. its honestly the same thing to me as if a straight couple gets married
Sent by yankeeman311,Jun 29, 2011
plus my cousin is gay and lives in ny so yea he was happy it passed
Sent by yankeeman311,Jun 29, 2011

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