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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Mama Zu's Find My New League Main Ep. 3

Jul 19, 2019 by Zuelke

if i call your name please step forward...
rakan and xayah.
twitch. 7 are the tops and bottoms of the week.  the rest of you are safe.

lux (defeat): week 1 i tried summon aery and won, and then i experimented with dark harvest in week 2 and flopped, and now in week 3 i gave aftershock a try and what occurred?  i still flopped.  like honestly ig it's my fault for trying to mix and match different runesets when the summon aery one worked perfectly fine but i just thought i could do even better since summon aery isnt even the recommended keystone on either of the two websites i use to find builds.

brand (victory): again, i cant help but compare, but brand feels naturally way more impactful as an AP support.  he just does so much damage.  my adc levonini was trying out varus for the first (or second?) time and i still snapped.  that says to me brand is probably the best support out of my whole lineup who is completely unreliant on the adc to do well.  even in the moments where i die, i can still drag a couple hoes down with me.  what a king.

sivir (defeat): i have to be honest, the only reason i even got/play this champion is bc i wanted the pizza delivery skin.  the skin is iconic, but the good qualities stop there.  call me crazy but i find her absurdly difficult to play for a champion who's supposedly a medium skill-floor champion.  i think the issue is i was using most of my abilities for waveclear instead of harass and i couldnt really set up any kills in my lane.  also i failed to bait my lane opponents to blow their skillshots on me, and even when i get ganked and successfully nullify a life-ending skillshot, i still somehow die.  i just cant figure out how to make her work.

fizz (victory): i got carried this game cuz me and my jg were feeding my midlaner really hard.  fortunately they were playing a full AD team comp so their lack of diversity eventually came to bite them in the ass and we snatched the w.

rakan (defeat): i first picked rakan so i was hoping my adc would squad up and play xayah but they picked vayne.  still, we did relatively well, we went even in a lot of fights which i think is good for a late game adc.  i also helped get some more picks midgame.  but the enemy xin zhao was so demonstrably fed that he was unstoppable. every teamfight he would dive straight into vayne and kill her despite all my peel and with knight's vow.  eventually our tryndamere got caught out and as i tried to save him i died, and the rest of our team fell like dominoes and we got aced and then they ended the game.  sad!

xayah (victory):  again, didnt get rakan as my support but i still fucking SNAPPEDT.  im pretty sure i only died once and that was to secure a third kill out of a team fight that i cleaned up with ease.  she used to feel intimidating bc her feathers were so difficult to line up proactively, but i kinda just let that anxiety go.  it turns out ppl will forget about ur feathers when u dont use it a lot and then u can just snag em.  she just feels so fluid to play when u get an early lead.

twitch (victory): yet again another late game adc that still feels quite impactful even in the early game.  pyke was setting up a lot of kills for me and we were snapping.  once he got his ult tho, i started trying to set up kills for him, but i would always die and he would either miss his ult or i wouldnt get them low enough to execute and have to back.  it was mostly just a lack of communication tho.  we still won despite our galio and master yi having a bit of a tussle!

alright, i have made my decision.

fizz, you're safe

brand, once again you smoked the competition this week...  you're safe.

xayah, this week you proved to be a bird of prey.  or should i say, a bird of SLAY?  condragulations, you are the winner of this week's challenge.

twitch, you're safe.

sivir, this week you delivered pizza after pizza, but your performance still left us feeling... mana-hungry.  i'm sorry my dear but you are up for elimination.

rakan, unlike your partner in crime, you faltered this week.  your lack of peel for the team was a bit guano.  i'm sorry my dear but you are also up for elimination.

lux, you started off strong, but ever since then you've struggled.  as the old adage goes, the brightest stars burn out first.  i hope in the coming weeks you prove me wrong.  you're safe.

two champions stand before me.  rakan, sivir, this is your last chance to impress me and save your nexus from explosion.  good luck and don't fuck it up.

lipsync: warriors

*rakan ults the judges' panel*

*sivir juggles pizza boxes*

i have made my decision.

rakan...shantay, you stay.  you may join the other champions.'re leaving this game without a tip, but i trust this won't be the last of your money-making ventures.  continue being the reigning queen of chaotic neutrals in league.  now, sashay away.

11 champions remain.

CHART: (if the link doesn't work, it's either because im editing the chart or i forgot to reactivate link sharing.  let me know if the link isn't working for you just in case it's the latter.)

who do you think will sashay away next?  who are you rooting for?  who do you predict will become my next league main?




Sent by SeongWoo,Jul 19, 2019
seongwoo my thoughts exactly.  like if i cant make one of the best adcs in the game work, then that in itself eliminates her from the running.  still love her skin and character tho.  i snap with her in aram
Sent by Zuelke,Jul 19, 2019
r u okay.... Sivir is literally so good rn and one of the best. Even in competitive play but go off mama
Sent by Dracarys,Jul 19, 2019
dracarys i needed a shocking elim okay!!  i just dont like playing her rly anyway
Sent by Zuelke,Jul 19, 2019

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